You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

508 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 Robert Hogan <robert at roberthogan dot net>
#include "schedule.h"
#include "klamav.h"
#include "datepicker.h"
#include "ktview.h"
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
//#include <qlistviewitem.h>
#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kstdguiitem.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
Schedule::Schedule( TQWidget* parent, TQStringList filepattern, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
: TQDialog( parent, name, modal, fl )
setCaption( i18n( "Schedule Scan" ) );
cthost = new CTHost();
// const CTHost& cth(*cthost);
// for each user
// CTCronIterator i = const_cast<CTHost&>(cth).cron.begin();
// CTCron* ctcron((CTCron*)*i);
_filepattern = filepattern;
//bool isRTL = TQApplication::reverseLayout();
TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(),
KDialog::spacingHint(), "vbox");
TQGroupBox *group = new TQGroupBox("Schedule Scan of Selected Folders", this);
TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout( group, 6, 6, KDialog::spacingHint(),
KDialog::spacingHint(), "layout");
layout->addRowSpacing(0, group->fontMetrics().height());
layout->setColStretch(0, 1);
layout->setColStretch(1, 1);
check_combo = new TQComboBox(false, group);
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("When I log in to TDE"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every day at "));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every day at the current time"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every week from now on at the current time"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every week from now on at"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every week from a specific date at"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every month from now on at the current time"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every month from now on at"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Every month from a specific date at"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Once only on a specific date at the current time"));
check_combo->insertItem( i18n("Once only on a specific date at"));
connect( check_combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,
SLOT(slotQueryDatePicker(int)) );
hour = new HMSTimeWidget( group );
hour->setValidator(new KStrictIntValidator(0, 23, hour));
layout->addWidget(hour, 1, 1);
TQLabel *dots1 = new TQLabel(":", group);
dots1->setMinimumWidth( 7 );
dots1->setAlignment( TQLabel::AlignCenter );
layout->addWidget(dots1, 1, 2);
minute = new HMSTimeWidget( group );
minute->setValidator(new KStrictIntValidator(0, 59, minute));
layout->addWidget(minute, 1, 3);
TQPushButton* add = new TQPushButton ("Add", group);
connect( add, SIGNAL(clicked()),
SLOT(slotScheduleScan()) );
TQPushButton* del = new TQPushButton ("Delete", group);
connect( del, SIGNAL(clicked()),
SLOT(slotDelete()) );
//schedulebox = new TQListView(group);
schedulebox = new KTView(group);
TQFontMetrics rb_fm(schedulebox->fontMetrics());
/* //kdDebug() << ((schedulebox->width())/2) << endl;
schedulebox->addColumn( "Paths to Scan",(group->width()));
schedulebox->addColumn( "When to Scan",(group->width()));
schedulebox->setSelectionMode( TQListView::Extended );
layout->addMultiCellWidget(schedulebox, 2, 4,0,6);
TQHBoxLayout *h5 = new TQHBoxLayout( vbox, KDialog::spacingHint() );
h5->addStretch( 1 );
// OK
KPushButton *pbOk = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::ok(), this, "pbOk");
h5->addWidget( pbOk);
// Cancel
// KPushButton *pbCancel = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this, "pbCancel");
// h5->addWidget( pbCancel);
connect(pbOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotOK()));
/* connect(pbCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCancel()));*/
delete cthost;
void Schedule::slotQueryDatePicker(int)
if (check_combo->currentText().contains(i18n("specific date")) ){
DatePicker *_calendar;
_calendar = new DatePicker(this, TQDateTime::currentDateTime().date());
int x = this->width() - (this->width()/2);
int y = this->height() - (this->height()/2);
connect( _calendar, SIGNAL(signalSelectedDate(TQDate)),this,
SLOT(slotAddDateToCombo(TQDate)) );
void Schedule::slotAddDateToCombo(TQDate newdate)
_date = newdate;
//kdDebug() << newdate.toString() << endl;
TQString newstring = check_combo->currentText().replace("a specific date",newdate.toString());
DCOPClient* client = TDEApplication::dcopClient();
void Schedule::slotScheduleScan()
/* cthost = new CTHost();*/
/* const CTHost& cth(*cthost);
// // for each user
CTCronIterator i = const_cast<CTHost&>(cth).cron.begin();
CTCron* ctcron((CTCron*)*i); */
//delete cttask;
TQString command = check_combo->currentText();
cttask = new CTTask ("", "", TRUE);
cttask->user = "";
if (command.contains(i18n("When I log in to TDE")) ){
TQString startupcommand = createStartupScript();
cttask->comment = (const char *)i18n("KlamAV Scheduled Scan at TDE Login of %1").arg(_filepattern.join(" ")).local8Bit();
cttask->command = (const char *)TQString("%1").arg(startupcommand).local8Bit();
cttask->enabled = FALSE;
cttask->comment = (const char *)i18n("KlamAV Scheduled Scan of %1").arg(_filepattern.join(" ")).local8Bit();
cttask->command = (const char *)TQString("%1 '%2'").arg(createScanScript()).arg(_filepattern.join("' '")).local8Bit();
cttask->enabled = TRUE;
cttask->silent = FALSE;
int curhour = (TQTime::currentTime()).hour();
unsigned int curmin = (TQTime::currentTime()).minute();
int shour = TQString(hour->text()).toInt();
unsigned int smin = TQString(minute->text()).toInt();
int sdatedayofweek = _date.dayOfWeek();
int todaydayofweek = TQDate::currentDate().dayOfWeek();
if (command.contains(i18n("at the current time")) ){
cttask->hour.set(curhour, TRUE);
cttask->minute.set(curmin, TRUE);
cttask->hour.set(shour, TRUE);
cttask->minute.set(smin, TRUE);
if (command.contains(i18n("Every week")) ){
if (command.contains(i18n("from now on") ))
cttask->dayOfWeek.set(todaydayofweek, TRUE);
cttask->dayOfWeek.set(sdatedayofweek, TRUE);
for (int dm = 1; dm <= 31; dm++)
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(dm, true);
for (int mo = 1; mo <= 12; mo++)
cttask->month.set(mo, true);
}else if (command.contains(i18n("Every month")) ){
if (command.contains(i18n("from now on") ))
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(TQDate::currentDate().day(), TRUE);
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(, TRUE);
for (int dw = 1; dw <= 7; dw++)
cttask->dayOfWeek.set(dw, true);
for (int mo = 1; mo <= 12; mo++)
cttask->month.set(mo, true);
}else if (command.contains(i18n("Every day")) ){
for (int dw = 1; dw <= 7; dw++)
cttask->dayOfWeek.set(dw, true);
for (int dm = 1; dm <= 31; dm++)
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(dm, true);
for (int mo = 1; mo <= 12; mo++)
cttask->month.set(mo, true);
}else if (command.contains(i18n("Once only")) ){
cttask->month.set(_date.month(), TRUE);
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(, TRUE);
cttask->month.set(1, TRUE);
cttask->dayOfMonth.set(1, TRUE);
cttask->dayOfWeek.set(1, true);
cttask->hour.set(0, TRUE);
cttask->minute.set(0, TRUE);
TQString description = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(cttask->describe().c_str());
CTCron* ctcron(schedulebox->getCTCron());
if (cttask->dirty())
//new KTListTask(this, ctcron, cttask); // TQt will clean up
delete cttask;
//TQListViewItem* tm = new TQListViewItem( schedulebox, _filepattern, description);
/* if (cthost->isError())
KMessageBox::error(this, cthost->errorMessage());
//kdDebug() << "finished crontab" << endl;
delete cthost;*/
void Schedule::slotDelete()
//kdDebug() << schedulebox->currentItem()->text(1) << endl;
TQFile file(schedulebox->currentItem()->text(1).section(" ",0,0).stripWhiteSpace());
void Schedule::slotOK()
void Schedule::slotCancel()
TQString Schedule::createScanScript()
TQString path = getenv("HOME");
path += "/.klamav";
TQDir klamavdir(path);
if (!klamavdir.exists() && !klamavdir.mkdir(path))
return TQString("Error");
TQTime now = TQTime::currentTime();
TQDate today = TQDate::currentDate();
TQString timestring = TQString("%1%2")
TQFile file( TQString("%1/").arg(path) );
if ( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &file );
TQString tdedir = getenv("TDEDIR");
ts << "#!/bin/bash" << "\n";
ts << "export HOSTNAME=`hostname`" << "\n";
ts << TQString("export PATH=%1").arg(TQString(getenv("PATH"))) << "\n";
/* The following inspired by */
ts << "if [ -z \"$DISPLAY\" ]; then" << "\n";
ts << " for d in /tmp/.X11-unix/X*" << "\n";
ts << " do" << "\n";
ts << " export DISPLAY=$(echo $d|sed \"s!/tmp/.X11-unix/X!:!\")" << "\n";
ts << " done" << "\n";
ts << "fi" << "\n";
ts << "export DCOPSERVER=`cat ${HOME}/.DCOPserver_${HOSTNAME}_${DISPLAY} | grep local`" << "\n";
ts << "# Execution starts here" << "\n";
ts << "if [ \"$1\" = \"\" ]; then" << "\n";
ts << " exit 1" << "\n";
ts << "fi" << "\n";
ts << "until [ -z \"$1\" ] # Until all parameters used up..." << "\n";
ts << "do" << "\n";
ts << " if [ \"${URL}\" = \"\" ]; then" << "\n";
ts << " URL=$1" << "\n";
ts << " SCANTHIS=$1" << "\n";
ts << " else" << "\n";
ts << " URL=${URL}'*'$1" << "\n";
ts << " SCANTHIS=${SCANTHIS}' '$1" << "\n";
ts << " fi" << "\n";
ts << " shift" << "\n";
ts << "done" << "\n";
ts << "DCOPEXEC=`which dcop`" << "\n";
ts << "KLAMAVEXEC=`which klamav`" << "\n";
ts << "if ${DCOPEXEC} `${DCOPEXEC}|grep klamav|head -1` DCOPKlamscan scanURLs \"${URL}\"; then" << "\n";
ts << " exit 0" << "\n";
ts << "else" << "\n";
ts << " ${KLAMAVEXEC} --scanthis ${SCANTHIS}" << "\n";
ts << "fi" << "\n";
chmod(, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IEXEC );
return TQString("Error");
TQString Schedule::createStartupScript()
TQString path = TDEGlobalSettings::autostartPath();
TQDir startupdir(path);
if (!startupdir.exists())
return TQString("Error");
TQTime now = TQTime::currentTime();
TQDate today = TQDate::currentDate();
TQString timestring = TQString("%1%2")
TQFile file( TQString("%1klamav_%2.desktop").arg(path).arg(timestring ));
if ( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &file );
ts << "[Desktop Entry]" << "\n";
ts << "Encoding=UTF-8" << "\n";
ts << "Name=Klamav" << "\n";
ts << TQString("Exec=klamav %i %m -caption \"%c\" --scanthis '%1'").arg(_filepattern.join("' '")) << "\n";
ts << "Icon=klamav" << "\n";
ts << "Type=Application" << "\n";
ts << "DocPath=klamav/klamav.html" << "\n";
ts << "Comment=An Anti-Virus Manager" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[cs]=Aplikace typu KPart" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[da]=Et TDE KPart program" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[de]=Ein TDE-Programm" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[el]=Μια εφαρμογή TDE KPart" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[eo]=TDEa Parto-aplikaĵo" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[es]=Una aplicación KPart para TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[et]=TDE KPart rakendus" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[fi]=TDE KPart sovellus" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[fr]=Une Application KPart pour TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[he]=TDE לש KPart םושיי" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[hu]=Egy TDE KPart tesztalkalmazás" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[is]=TDE KPart forrit" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[it]=Un'applicazione \"part\" di TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[ja]=TDE KPart アプリケーション" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[ko]=TDE용 KPart 응용 프로그램" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[lv]=TDE KPart Aplikācija" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[nl]=een TDE KPart-applicatie" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[no_NY]=Eit TDE KPart-program" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[pt]=Uma aplicação KPart" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[pt_BR]=Uma aplicação KPart do TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[ro]=O aplicaţie KPart pentru TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[ru]=Приложение KPart TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[sk]=TDE KPart aplikácia" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[sl]=Program za TDE KPart" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[sr]=TDE KPart aplikacija" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[sv]=Ett TDE KPart-program" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[tr]=TDE Kpart Uygulaması" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[uk]=Програма KPart для TDE" << "\n";
ts << "Comment[zh_CN.GB2312]=TDE KPart程序" << "\n";
ts << "Terminal=0" << "\n";
chmod(, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IEXEC );
return TQString("Error");
HMSTimeWidget::HMSTimeWidget(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) :
KIntSpinBox(parent, name)
TQString HMSTimeWidget::mapValueToText(int value)
TQString s = TQString::number(value);
if( value < 10 ) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
TQValidator::State KStrictIntValidator::validate( TQString & input, int & d ) const
if( input.isEmpty() )
return Valid;
State st = TQIntValidator::validate( input, d );
if( st == Intermediate )
return Invalid;
return st;
const CTHost& Schedule::getCTHost() const
return *cthost;
#include "schedule.moc"