You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
8.5 KiB

begin : Sat Mar 11 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Kamil Dobkowski
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "widgets/qsconsole.h"
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qaction.h>
class QLabel;
class QDockWindow;
class QPrinter;
class QToolbar;
class QTabWidget;
class QTextEdit;
class QSData;
class KSWorkbook;
class KSWorkspace;
class KSSimpleContainer;
class KSSimpleConsole;
*@author Kamil Dobkowski
class KMatplotShell : public QMainWindow {
KMatplotShell( const char *name=0 );
virtual ~KMatplotShell();
KSWorkbook *workbook() { return m_workbook; }
void refreshSettings();
virtual bool openFile( const QString& filename );
virtual bool saveFile( const QString& filename );
virtual bool mergeFile( const QString& filename );
KSSimpleContainer *objectContainer() const { return m_object_container; }
KSSimpleContainer *propertyContainer() const { return m_property_container; }
QDockWindow *bottomDock() const { return m_bottom_dock; }
QDockWindow *sideDock() const { return m_side_dock; }
void disableCustomActions();
QAction *m_maximize_windows;
QAction *m_minimize_windows;
QAction *m_close_window;
QAction *m_close_all_windows;
QAction *m_restore_windows;
QAction *m_hide_window;
QAction *m_show_window;
QAction *m_new_worksheet_win;
QAction *m_new_page_view_win;
QAction *m_new_edit_data_win;
QAction *m_tile_windows;
QAction *m_cascade_windows;
QAction* m_cut;
QAction* m_copy;
QAction* m_copy_all;
QAction* m_paste;
QAction* m_delete;
QAction *m_datasets;
QAction *m_object_menu;
QActionGroup *m_zoom;
QAction *m_zoom_50;
QAction *m_zoom_75;
QAction *m_zoom_100;
QAction *m_zoom_150;
QAction *m_zoom_200;
QAction *m_grid;
QAction *m_ioinfo;
QAction *m_new_legend;
QAction *m_wizard;
QAction *m_new_axes2d;
QAction *m_new_axes3d;
QAction *m_new_curve;
QAction *m_new_image;
QAction *m_new_contour;
QAction *m_new_ngcontour;
QAction *m_new_surface;
QAction *m_new_figure;
QAction *m_new_xaxis;
QAction *m_new_yaxis;
QAction *m_new_zaxis;
QAction *m_new_vaxis;
QAction *m_cut_dataset;
QAction *m_copy_dataset;
QAction *m_copy_all_dataset;
QAction *m_paste_dataset;
QAction *m_delete_dataset;
QAction *m_raise_dataset;
QAction *m_lower_dataset;
QAction *m_bring_dataset_to_front;
QAction *m_send_dataset_to_back;
QAction *m_new_sheet;
QAction *m_rename_sheet;
QAction *m_new_matrix;
QAction *m_new_string;
QAction *m_new_formula;
QAction *m_new_reference;
QAction *m_import_octave;
QAction *m_export_octave;
QAction *m_detach;
QAction *m_transpose;
QAction *m_cut_sheet;
QAction *m_copy_sheet;
QAction *m_copy_all_sheet;
QAction *m_paste_sheet;
QAction *m_delete_sheet;
QAction *m_new_page;
QAction *m_rename_page;
QAction *m_delete_page;
QAction *m_page_to_front;
QAction *m_page_to_back;
QAction *m_raise_page;
QAction *m_lower_page;
QAction *m_export_picture;
QAction *m_bring_to_front;
QAction *m_send_to_back;
QAction *m_raise;
QAction *m_lower;
QAction *m_group;
QAction *m_ungroup;
QActionGroup *m_tools;
QAction *m_tool_zoom;
QAction *m_tool_locate;
QAction *m_tool_select;
QAction *m_tool_label;
QAction *m_tool_arrow;
QAction *m_tool_rect;
QAction *m_hide_sliders;
QAction *m_apply_button;
QAction *m_hide_rulers;
QAction *m_x11_backstoring;
QAction *m_show_full_page;
public slots:
void doAction( QAction *action );
void slotShowHelpMessage( const QString& message );
void slotShowOutputMessage( const QString& message );
void slotDataObjectSelected( QSData *data );
void slotNew();
void slotOpen();
void slotMerge();
void slotSave();
void slotSaveAs();
void slotPrinterSetup();
bool slotPrint();
void clearAll();
void slotUndo();
void slotRedo();
void slotCut();
void slotCopy();
void slotCopyAll();
void slotPaste();
void slotDelete();
void slotExampleSimple();
void slotExampleContour();
void slotExamplePath3d();
void slotExampleSurface();
void slotExampleShell();
void slotAbout();
void toggleToolBar();
void slotConfigure();
void slotNewWorksheetWin();
void slotNewPageViewWin();
void slotNewEditDataWin();
void slotMaximizeWindows();
void slotMinimizeWindows();
void slotRestoreWindows();
void slotHideWindow();
void slotShowWindow();
void slotCloseWindow();
void slotCloseAllWindows();
void slotTileWindows();
void slotCascadeWindows();
void slotNewPage();
void slotPageZoom( QAction* );
void slotTool( QAction* );
void create_actions();
void create_dock_areas();
void load_example( const QString& filename );
virtual bool queryExit();
virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e );
QPrinter *m_printer;
KSWorkbook *m_workbook;
QDockWindow *m_bottom_dock;
QDockWindow *m_side_dock;
QDockWindow *m_help_dock;
QTabWidget *m_side_tab;
QTabWidget *m_bottom_tab;
KSSimpleContainer *m_property_container;
KSSimpleContainer *m_object_container;
KSSimpleContainer *m_help_container;
QLabel *m_help_message;
QTextEdit *m_output_message;
KSSimpleConsole *m_console;
KSWorkspace *m_workspace;
QSData *m_curr_data_object;
QToolBar *m_file_toolbar;
QToolBar *m_edit_toolbar;
QToolBar *m_view_toolbar;
QToolBar *m_tool_toolbar;
QString m_curr_file;
QString m_open_path;
QString m_save_path;
bool m_auto_apply;
bool m_modified;
QActionGroup *m_toolbars;
QAction *m_show_side_dock;
QAction *m_show_help_dock;
QAction *m_show_bottom_dock;
QAction *m_show_file_toolbar;
QAction *m_show_edit_toolbar;
QAction *m_show_view_toolbar;
QAction *m_show_tool_toolbar;
QAction *m_new;
QAction *m_open;
QAction *m_merge;
QAction *m_save;
QAction *m_save_as;
QAction *m_print;
QAction *m_printer_setup;
QAction *m_exit;
QAction* m_undo;
QAction* m_redo;
QAction *m_configure;
QAction *m_example_simple;
QAction *m_example_contour;
QAction *m_example_3dpath;
QAction *m_example_surface;
QAction *m_example_shell;
QAction *m_about;
private slots:
void slot_set_dirty();
void slot_new_undo();
void slot_new_redo();
void slot_show_error( const QString& messsage );
void slot_dock_visiblity_changed( bool visible );
void slot_show_toolbars();
class KSSimpleAction : public QAction
KSSimpleAction ( KMatplotShell *shell, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = FALSE );
KSSimpleAction ( KMatplotShell *shell, const QString & text, const QIconSet & icon, const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = FALSE );
KSSimpleAction ( KMatplotShell *shell, const QString & text, const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = FALSE );
virtual ~KSSimpleAction();
protected slots:
void slot_activated();
KMatplotShell *m_shell;
class KSSimpleContainer : public QFrame
KSSimpleContainer( QWidget *widget, int w, int h, int margin=0 );
virtual ~KSSimpleContainer();
void setWidget( QWidget *widget );
QWidget *widget() const { return m_widget; }
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *event );
QWidget *m_widget;
QSize m_size;
int m_margin;
class KSSimpleConsole : public QSConsole
KSSimpleConsole( KMatplotShell *shell );
virtual ~KSSimpleConsole();
virtual void appendText( const QString& message );
KMatplotShell *m_shell;