You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
4.4 KiB

begin : Sun Jun 25 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Kamil Dobkowski
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "octave-common.h"
DEFUN_DLD (kplot, args, ,
" usage: kplot(Y)\n"
" kplot(X,Y)\n"
" kplot(X,Y, ...)\n"
" If the first argument is a vector and the second is a matrix, the\n"
" the vector is plotted versus the columns (or rows) of the matrix.\n"
" (using whichever combination matches, with columns tried first.)\n"
" If the first argument is a matrix and the second is a vector, the\n"
" the columns (or rows) of the matrix are plotted versus the vector.\n"
" (using whichever combination matches, with columns tried first.)\n"
" If both arguments are vectors, the elements of y are plotted versus\n"
" the elements of x.\n"
" If both arguments are matrices, the columns of y are plotted versus\n"
" the columns of x. In this case, both matrices must have the same\n"
" number of rows and columns and no attempt is made to transpose the\n"
" arguments to make the number of rows match.\n"
" If only one argument is given, it is taken as the set of y\n"
" coordinates and the x coordinates are taken to be the indices of the\n"
" elements, starting with 0.\n"
" See also: ksetapp, ksetaxes, kadd, kremove, kremoveall, kaddaxes, kremoveaxes, kimage, kcontour, kmesh, ksetmatrix"
octave_value_list result(1, octave_value(-1.0));
int nargin = args.length();
int socket_fd = plot_connect( appNumber(), NULL, NULL );
if ( socket_fd == -1 && errno < sys_nerr && errno >= 0 ) {
error( sys_errlist[errno] );
return result;
int dataset_number = -1;
//plot_remove_all_datasets( socket_fd, axesNumber() );
// Get the next pair of matrices from args
int snum = 0; // series number
for( int i=0; i<nargin; i+=2 ) {
Matrix x;
Matrix y;
if ( i+1 < nargin ) {
x = args(i+0).matrix_value();
y = args(i+1).matrix_value();
} else {
x = Matrix(); // empty
y = args(i).matrix_value();
* Y = Y.TRANSPOSE() - not working
// normalize to column vectors ( if are row vectors )
if ( x.cols() > 1 && x.rows() == 1 ) { Matrix temp = x.transpose(); x = Matrix(); x = temp; }
if ( y.cols() > 1 && y.rows() == 1 ) { Matrix temp = y.transpose(); y = Matrix(); y = temp; }
// fit vectors to rows or columns
if ( x.cols() == 1 && y.rows() != x.rows() ) { Matrix temp = y.transpose(); y = Matrix(); y = temp; }
if ( y.cols() == 1 && y.rows() != x.rows() ) { Matrix temp = x.transpose(); x = Matrix(); x = temp; }
if ( x.cols() > 0 && x.rows() != y.rows() ) {
error(" matrix dimensions must match " );
plot_disconnect( socket_fd );
return result;
// Send to application all series contained in this pair
int series = x.cols()>y.cols() ? x.cols() : y.cols();
for ( int s=0; s<series; s++ ) {
ColumnVector xvector;
ColumnVector yvector;
dataset_number = plot_add_dataset( socket_fd, axesNumber(), PlotCurve );
if ( x.cols() > 0 ) xvector = (s<x.cols())?x.column(s):x.column(0);
if ( y.cols() > 0 ) yvector = (s<y.cols())?y.column(s):y.column(0);
if ( x.cols() > 0 ) setMatrix( socket_fd, dataset_number, 0, Matrix(xvector) );
if ( y.cols() > 0 ) setMatrix( socket_fd, dataset_number, 1, Matrix(yvector) );
snum ++;
// Disconnect
plot_disconnect( socket_fd );
return octave_value_list( 1, octave_value((double )dataset_number) );