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begin : 01-January-2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Kamil Dobkowski
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef QSAXES3D_H
#define QSAXES3D_H
#include <config.h>
* \brief Ordinary XYZ axes
* @author Kamil Dobkowski
class QSAxes3D : public QSAxes
Q_PROPERTY( bool openGL READ openGL WRITE setOpenGL )
Q_PROPERTY( bool glTransparency READ glTransparency WRITE glSetTransparency )
Q_PROPERTY( int glGlobalTransparency READ glGlobalTransparency WRITE glSetGlobalTransparency )
Q_PROPERTY( bool glShadeWalls READ glShadeWalls WRITE glSetShadeWalls )
Q_PROPERTY( bool glMeshAutoStroke READ glMeshAutoStroke WRITE glSetMeshAutoStroke )
Q_PROPERTY( int glAutoStrokeLightness READ glAutoStrokeLightness WRITE glSetAutoStrokeLightness )
Q_PROPERTY( double xEdgeLength READ xEdgeLength WRITE setXEdgeLength )
Q_PROPERTY( double yEdgeLength READ yEdgeLength WRITE setYEdgeLength )
Q_PROPERTY( double zEdgeLength READ zEdgeLength WRITE setZEdgeLength )
Q_PROPERTY( double xyWallThickness READ xyWallThickness WRITE setXYWallThickness )
Q_PROPERTY( double xzWallThickness READ xzWallThickness WRITE setXZWallThickness )
Q_PROPERTY( double yzWallThickness READ yzWallThickness WRITE setYZWallThickness )
Q_PROPERTY( int azimuth READ azimuth WRITE setAzimuth )
Q_PROPERTY( int elevation READ elevation WRITE setElevation )
Q_PROPERTY( int distance READ distance WRITE setDistance )
Q_PROPERTY( int focusDistance READ focusDistance WRITE setFocusDistance )
Q_PROPERTY( int lightAzimuth READ lightAzimuth WRITE setLightAzimuth )
Q_PROPERTY( int lightElevation READ lightElevation WRITE setLightElevation )
Q_PROPERTY( int directLight READ directLight WRITE setDirectLight )
Q_PROPERTY( int ambientLight READ ambientLight WRITE setAmbientLight )
Q_PROPERTY( bool perspective READ perspective WRITE setPerspective )
Q_PROPERTY( bool autoscale READ autoscale WRITE setAutoscale )
Q_PROPERTY( bool light READ light WRITE setLight )
* Constructor.
QSAxes3D(QObject* parent=0, const char * name=0);
* Destructor.
virtual ~QSAxes3D();
* Reimplemented from @ref QSPlot::stop .
void stop();
void setOpenGL( bool enabled );
* OpenGL
bool openGL() const { return m_gl.enabled; }
void glSetTransparency( bool enabled );
* Range <0,255>
void glSetGlobalTransparency( int value );
void glSetShadeWalls( bool enabled );
void glSetMeshAutoStroke( bool enable );
void glSetAutoStrokeLightness( int value );
bool glTransparency() const { return m_gl.transparency; }
bool glShadeWalls() const { return m_gl.shadewalls; }
int glGlobalTransparency() const { return m_gl.globaltr; }
bool glMeshAutoStroke() const { return m_gl.autostroke; }
int glAutoStrokeLightness() const { return m_gl.autostrokel; }
* Sets lenghts of the edges of the axis cube.
void setEdgeLength( double xEdge, double yEdge, double zEdge );
* Sets lenght of the x edge.
void setXEdgeLength( double lenght );
* Sets lenght of the x edge.
void setYEdgeLength( double lenght );
* Sets lenght of the x edge.
void setZEdgeLength( double lenght );
* Returns the lenght of the x edge.
double xEdgeLength() const { return m_view.xEdge; }
* Returns the lenght of the y edge.
double yEdgeLength() const { return m_view.yEdge; }
* Returns the lenght of the z edge.
double zEdgeLength() const { return m_view.zEdge; }
* Sets a thickness of the axis walls.
void setWallThickness( double xy, double xz, double yz );
* Sets a thickness of the xy wall.
void setXYWallThickness( double thickness );
* Sets a thickness of the xz wall.
void setXZWallThickness( double thickness );
* Sets a thickness of the yz wall.
void setYZWallThickness( double thickness );
* Returns a thickness of the xy wall.
double xyWallThickness() const { return m_view.xyThick; }
* Returns a thickness of the xz wall.
double xzWallThickness() const { return m_view.xzThick; }
* Returns a thickness of the yz wall.
double yzWallThickness() const { return m_view.yzThick; }
* Returns the current azimuth.
int azimuth() const { return m_view.azimuth; }
* Returns the current elevation.
int elevation() const { return m_view.elevation; }
* Returns the current distance.
int distance() const { return m_view.distance; }
* Returns the current focus distance.
int focusDistance() const { return m_view.focus; }
* Returns the current light source direction
int lightAzimuth() const { return m_view.lightAzimuth; }
* Returns the current light source direction.
int lightElevation() const { return m_view.lightElevation; }
* Returns the current intensity of the directed light source .
int directLight() const { return m_view.directLight; }
* Returns the current intensity of the ambient light source .
int ambientLight() const { return m_view.ambientLight; }
* Enables/disables the perspective projection.
void setPerspective( bool enabled );
* Enables/disables the autoscale. If the autoscale is turned on,
* the graph size is fitted to the widget area ( when 'distance' is zero ).
* The graph size may change, when it is turned in the 3d space, to
* fit exactly to the widget.
void setAutoscale( bool enabled );
* Enables/disables the light source.
void setLight( bool enabled );
* Returns the current light setting.
bool light() const { return m_view.lighted; }
* Returns the current perspective setting.
bool perspective() const { return m_view.perspective; }
* Returns the current autoscale setting.
bool autoscale() const { return m_view.autoscale; }
* Sets all fonts, fills and lines to their default values.
void defaultSettings();
* Returns transformation.
const QSProjection3D *p3D() const { return &t; }
* Reimplemented
virtual void initMappings( QSDrv *drv );
* From mixed type coordinates to canvas. You can't mix world, data coordinates with other types,
* ( you can mix world and data of course ). Z can't be normCoordinate.
virtual QSPt3f mixedToCanvas( const QSPt3f& pos, CoordinateSystem in_coords[3], double dpi, QSAxis *xAxis, QSAxis *yAxis, QSAxis *zAxis ) const;
* From canvas to mixed coordinates. You can't mix world, data coordinates with other types
* ( you can mix world and data of course ). Z can't be normCoordinate.
virtual QSPt3f canvasToMixed( const QSPt3f& pos, CoordinateSystem out_coords[3], double dpi, QSAxis *xAxis, QSAxis *yAxis, QSAxis *zAxis ) const;
* Reimplemented
virtual void paintPlot( QPainter *p, double dpi=72.0, bool blocking=true, bool transparent=true );
* Reimplemented
virtual void drawPlot( QSDrv *drv, bool blocking=true, bool transparent=true );
* Reimpemented
virtual void paintSkeleton( QPainter *p, double dpi=72.0, bool reallyFast=false );
* Just see QSGraphicalData::setFill() .
enum FillElement {
* Just see QSGraphicalData::setLine().
enum LineElement { BoxLine = 0,
virtual void loadStateFromStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory );
virtual void saveStateToStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory );
public slots:
* Sets the viewpoint position. Azimuth must be in the range < 0 deg, 359 deg >.
void setAzimuth( int angle );
* Sets the viewpoint position. Elevation must be in the range <-90 deg, 90 deg>
void setElevation( int angle );
* Sets the distance from the viewpoint to the screen.
* Value must be in the range < -50, 50 >. This means graph
* has its size in the range from 0% (-50), to 200 % (50).
* Zero ( 100% ) is default.
void setDistance( int d );
* Sets the distance from the screen to the focus point.
* Value must be in the range < -50, 50 >. This means
* almost the same as 'distance()' for -50 and
* almost INF for (50). Default is 0.
* @see QSPlot3D::setPerspective
void setFocusDistance( int d );
* Sets the direction of the light source.
* Value must be in the range <0, 359> deg.
* Light source is always directed to the center of the axis box.
* @see QSPlot3D::setLight
void setLightAzimuth( int azimuth );
* Sets the direction of the light source.
* Value is in the range < -90, 90 deg >.
* @see QSPlot3D::setLight
void setLightElevation( int elevation );
* Sets the intensity of the directed light source.
* Value must be in the range <-50, 50>
* @see QSPlot3D::setLight
void setDirectLight( int lightness );
* Sets the intensity of the ambient light source.
* Value has to be in the range <-50, 50>
void setAmbientLight( int lightness );
virtual void axisRangesCalculated();
virtual void allocRuntimeData();
virtual void freeRuntimeData();
virtual void drawAxis( QSAxis *axis );
virtual void drawGrid( QSAxis *axis, bool major );
// drawing parameters
struct view_t {
int azimuth;
int elevation;
int distance;
int focus;
int lightAzimuth;
int lightElevation;
int directLight;
int ambientLight;
bool lighted;
bool perspective;
bool autoscale;
double xEdge;
double yEdge;
double zEdge;
double xyThick;
double xzThick;
double yzThick;
} m_view;
struct gl_t {
bool enabled;
bool transparency;
bool autostroke;
bool shadewalls;
int autostrokel;
int globaltr;
} m_gl;
QSProjection3D t;
QSDrv::CNormals m_cnormals;
QSDrv::CColors m_ccolors;
QSDrv::COrdering m_corder;
class qsaxes3d_runtime_data;
qsaxes3d_runtime_data *d;
bool m_is_graphics_active;
void init_3dtr();
void draw_arrow();
void draw_box();
void draw_grid( QSAxis *axis, bool major, QSPt3f p[4], QSPt3f norm[5] );
void draw_line( QSPt3f p1, QSPt3f p2, QSPt3f *normals = NULL );
void get_side_wall( const QSPt3f& p1, const QSPt3f& p2, int side_nr, QSPt3f result_pts[4], QSPt3f result_norm[5] );
void get_axis_wall( int wall_nr, QSPt3f *p1, QSPt3f *p2, bool *visible );
void get_axis_lengths( double *xaxis_scale, double *yaxis_scale, double *zaxis_scale );
void get_cube_min_max( QSPt3f* min, QSPt3f *max );
int get_label_align( const QSPt3f& p1, const QSPt3f& p2, int axis );
bool visible( const QSPt3f& p, const QSPt3f& norm );
double opposite_side( double value );
QSPt3f thickness( int wall_nr );
bool point_on_side( const QSPt3f& p, int side );
* \example demo3d.cpp
* Example of how to use QSAxes2D