You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
9.9 KiB

begin : 01-January-2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Kamil Dobkowski
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
const double QSCLegend::frmSpace = 10.0;
const double QSCLegend::rowSpace = 5.0;
const double QSCLegend::colSpace = 8.0;
QSCLegend::QSCLegend( QSAxes *parentAxes, QObject *parent )
:QSCObject( parent )
m_pos.set( 0.9, 0.1, 0.0 );
m_axis.set( QSAxes::normCoord, QSAxes::normCoord, QSAxes::normCoord );
m_align = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight;
m_columns = 1;
m_shadow_pos.x = 3;
m_shadow_pos.y = 3;
m_shadow_fill.color = QSGColor( 0, 0, 0 ); = QSGFill::Solid; = QSGFill::Solid;
m_fill.color = QSGColor( 255, 255, 255 ); = QSGLine::Solid;
void QSCLegend::setBox( const QSRectf& rect, QSDrv *drv )
// moved on canvas by d pixels ( we ingnore size )
QSRectf r = rect.normalize();
QSPt2f d = r.pos - box( drv ).pos;
QSPt3f cpos = mixedToCanvas( m_pos, m_axis.x, m_axis.y, m_axis.z, drv->dpi );
cpos.x += d.x;
cpos.y += d.y;
m_pos = canvasToMixed( cpos, m_axis.x, m_axis.y, m_axis.z, drv->dpi );
QSRectf QSCLegend::box( QSDrv *drv )
QSRectf r;
do_everything( drv, r, get_height(drv), false );
return r;
void QSCLegend::draw( QSDrv *drv, bool, bool )
QSRectf r;
double height = get_height(drv);
do_everything( drv, r, height, false );
// draw frame
double x1 = r.pos.x;
double y1 = r.pos.y;
double x2 = r.pos.x+r.size.x;
double y2 = r.pos.y+r.size.y;
double sdx = drv->toPixels(m_shadow_pos.x);
double sdy = drv->toPixels(m_shadow_pos.y);
if ( != QSGFill::Transparent ) {
drv->setLine( QSGLine::invisibleLine );
drv->setFill( m_shadow_fill );
drv->drawRect( QSPt2f(x1+sdx,y1+sdy),
QSPt2f(x2+sdx,y2+sdy) );
if ( != QSGFill::Transparent || != QSGLine::Invisible ) {
drv->setFill( m_fill );
drv->setLine( m_frame );
drv->drawRect( QSPt2f(x1,y1),
QSPt2f(x2,y2) );
// draw legend items
do_everything( drv, r, height, true );
emit sigDrawEnds( this );
void QSCLegend::do_everything( QSDrv *drv, QSRectf& rect, double average_height, bool draw )
int plots = parentAxes() ? parentAxes()->plotCount() : 0;
double fspace = drv->toPixels(frmSpace);
double rspace = drv->toPixels(rowSpace);
double cspace = drv->toPixels(colSpace);
drv->setFont( m_font );
double max_col_width = 0.0;
QSPt2f cpos;
if ( draw ) {
cpos.x = rect.pos.x;
cpos.y = rect.pos.y;
} else {
QSPt3f cpos3 = mixedToCanvas( m_pos, m_axis.x, m_axis.y, m_axis.z, drv->dpi );
cpos.set( cpos3.x, cpos3.y );
QSPt2f size( 0.0, 0.0 );
QSPt2f curr_pos( 0.0, 0.0 );
QSPt2f marg( fspace, fspace );
for ( int i=plots-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
if ( parentAxes()->plot(i)->legendItemVisible() ) {
drv->setFont( m_font );
QSPt2f curr_size = parentAxes()->plot(i)->legendItemSize(drv);
if ( draw ) {
drv->setFont( m_font );
QSPt2f item_pos = cpos+marg+curr_pos;
parentAxes()->plot(i)->drawLegendItem( QSPt2f(item_pos.x,item_pos.y), drv );
size.set( QMAX(size.x,curr_pos.x+curr_size.x),
QMAX(size.y,curr_pos.y+curr_size.y) );
curr_pos.y += curr_size.y + rspace;
max_col_width = QMAX( max_col_width, curr_size.x );
if ( curr_pos.y > average_height ) {
curr_pos.y = 0.0;
curr_pos.x += max_col_width + cspace;
max_col_width = 0.0;
size = size + marg + marg;
if ( !draw ) {
rect = QSRectf(cpos.x,cpos.y,size.x,size.y);
if ( m_align & AlignVCenter ) rect.pos.y -= rect.size.y/2.0;
if ( m_align & AlignHCenter ) rect.pos.x -= rect.size.x/2.0;
if ( m_align & AlignBottom ) rect.pos.y -= rect.size.y;
if ( m_align & AlignRight ) rect.pos.x -= rect.size.x;
double QSCLegend::get_height( QSDrv *drv )
double total_height = 0.0;
int plots = parentAxes() ? parentAxes()->plotCount() : 0;
// fixed values are given when dpi is 72
double rspace = drv->toPixels(rowSpace);
// sets default font
for ( int i=0; i<plots; i++ )
if ( parentAxes()->plot(i)->legendItemVisible() ) {
drv->setFont( m_font );
total_height += parentAxes()->plot(i)->legendItemSize(drv).y + rspace;
return (double )total_height / m_columns;
QString QSCLegend::name()
return tr("Legend: ") + (m_parent_axes ? m_parent_axes->title() : QString::null);
void QSCLegend::setColumns( int columns )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_columns, columns );
void QSCLegend::setAlign( int align )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_align, align );
void QSCLegend::setPos( const QSPt3f& pos )
void QSCLegend::setPosX( double value )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_pos.x, value );
void QSCLegend::setPosY( double value )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_pos.y, value );
void QSCLegend::setPosZ( double value )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_pos.z, value );
void QSCLegend::setCoord( const QSPt3& coordSystem )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_axis, coordSystem );
void QSCLegend::setCoordX( int coordSystem )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_axis.x, coordSystem );
void QSCLegend::setCoordY( int coordSystem )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_axis.y, coordSystem );
void QSCLegend::setCoordZ( int coordSystem )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_axis.z, coordSystem );
void QSCLegend::setFont( const QSGFont& font )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_font, font );
void QSCLegend::setFontProperty( const QString& data )
QSGFont new_font = toQSGFont(data);
setFont( new_font );
void QSCLegend::setFill( const QSGFill& fill )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_fill, fill );
void QSCLegend::setFillProperty( const QString &data )
QSGFill new_fill = toQSGFill(data);
setFill( new_fill );
void QSCLegend::setFrame( const QSGLine& line )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_frame, line );
void QSCLegend::setFrameProperty( const QString& data )
QSGLine new_line = toQSGLine(data);
setFrame( new_line );
void QSCLegend::setShadowFill( const QSGFill& fill )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_shadow_fill, fill );
void QSCLegend::setShadowFillProperty( const QString& data )
QSGFill new_shadow_fill = toQSGFill(data);
setShadowFill( new_shadow_fill );
void QSCLegend::setShadowPos( const QSPt2& shift )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_shadow_pos, shift );
void QSCLegend::setShadowPosX( int value )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_shadow_pos.x, value );
void QSCLegend::setShadowPosY( int value )
SET_COBJECT_PROPERTY( m_shadow_pos.y, value );
void QSCLegend::loadStateFromStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory )
QSCObject::loadStateFromStream( stream, factory );
void QSCLegend::saveStateToStream( QDataStream& stream, QSObjectFactory *factory )
QSCObject::saveStateToStream( stream, factory );