You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

454 lines
15 KiB

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2001
#include "kmfinstallerplugin.h"
// QT includes
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqmultilineedit.h>
#include <tqiconset.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
// Project includes
#include "../core/kmfconfig.h"
#include "../core/kmfdoc.h"
#include "../core/kmfprotocol.h"
#include "../core/kmfrulesetdoc.h"
#include "../core/kmftarget.h"
#include "../core/kmftargetconfig.h"
#include "../core/kmfnetwork.h"
#include "../core/kmfiptdoc.h"
#include "../core/kmferror.h"
#include "../core/kmferrorhandler.h"
#include "../core/kmfgenericdoc.h"
#include "../core/kmfpluginfactory.h"
#include "../core/kmfcompilerinterface.h"
#include "../core/kmfinstallerinterface.h"
#include "../core/kprocesswrapper.h"
#include "../core/xmlnames.h"
#include "../kmfwidgets/kmfmainwindow.h"
#include "../kmfwidgets/kmfprocout.h"
#include "../kmfwidgets/kmfselectactivetarget.h"
#include "linux/kmfiptinstaller.h"
namespace KMF {
KMFInstallerPlugin::KMFInstallerPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name )
: KMFPlugin( parent, name ) {
m_docType = -1;
KMFMainWindow* app = 0;
app = dynamic_cast<KMFMainWindow*>( parent );
if ( ! app ) {
KMessageBox::error( 0, "Oops wrong parent class found for kmfinstallerplugin!!!" );
m_doc = app->network()->currentDoc();
// m_installerPlugin = 0;
m_execWidget = 0;
m_actionStopFw = new KAction( i18n( "&Reset IPTables" ), "decrypted",
0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotStopFirewall() ), actionCollection(), "reset_iptables" );
m_actionRunFw = new KAction( i18n( "Run Fir&ewall" ), "encrypted",
0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotStartFirewall() ), actionCollection(), "run_firewall" );
m_actionPreviewScript = new KAction( i18n( "&Preview Script" ), "mime_txt",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowScript() ), actionCollection(), "preview_script" );
m_generateInstallPackage = new KAction( i18n( "&Generate Linux Installation Package" ), "fileexport",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotGenerateInstallerPackage() ), actionCollection(), "generate_install_package" );
m_actionShowConfig = new KAction( i18n( "Show &All Tables" ), "messagebox_info",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowConfig() ), actionCollection(), "show_ipt_config" );
m_actionShowFilter = new KAction( i18n( "Show &Filter Table" ), "messagebox_info",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowFilter() ), actionCollection(), "show_filter" );
m_actionShowNat = new KAction( i18n( "Show &Nat Table" ), "messagebox_info",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowNat() ), actionCollection(), "show_nat" );
m_actionShowMangle = new KAction( i18n( "Show &Mangle Table" ), "messagebox_info",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowMangle() ), actionCollection(), "show_mangle" );
m_actionMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "Show IPTables Configuration" ), "messagebox_info", this , "show_menu" );
m_actionMenu->insert( m_actionShowConfig );
m_actionMenu->insert( m_actionShowFilter );
m_actionMenu->insert( m_actionShowNat );
m_actionMenu->insert( m_actionShowMangle );
m_actionMenu->setDelayed( false );
m_actionMenu->setStickyMenu( true );
actionCollection() ->insert( m_actionMenu );
m_actionInstallFW = new KAction( i18n( "&Install Firewall" ), "down",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotInstallFW() ), actionCollection(), "install_firewall" );
m_actionUninstallFW = new KAction( i18n( "&Uninstall Firewall" ), "up",
0 , this, TQT_SLOT( slotUninstallFW() ), actionCollection(), "uninstall_firewall" );
setXMLFile( "kmfinstallerpluginui.rc" );
slotEnableActions( false );
connect( app,TQT_SIGNAL( sigEnableActions( bool ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotEnableActions(bool ) ) );
kdDebug() << "KMFInstallerPlugin: Finished Initialisationn " << endl;
KMFInstallerPlugin::~KMFInstallerPlugin() {}
bool KMFInstallerPlugin::isConfigValid() {
bool configValid = false;
if ( rulesetDoc() ) {
configValid = rulesetDoc()->target()->config()->isValid();
if ( ! configValid ) {
if( KMessageBox::questionYesNo ( 0,
i18n( "<qt><p>Do you want KMyFirewall to try to auto configure %1 settings</p></qt>" ).tqarg( rulesetDoc()->target()->toFriendlyString() ),
i18n( "Auto Configure Target" ), KStdGuiItem::yes(), KStdGuiItem::no() ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
KMFError* err = rulesetDoc()->target()->tryAutoConfiguration();
KMFErrorHandler* errH = new KMFErrorHandler( "Target Autoconfiguration" );
errH->showError( err );
if ( ! rulesetDoc()->target()->config()->isValid() ) {
KMessageBox::error( KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget(), i18n("<qt><p>Auto Confguration of: %1 could not determinate all needed setting. You'll need to configure the mmissing settings.</p></qt>").tqarg( rulesetDoc()->target()->toFriendlyString() ) );
} else {
KMessageBox::information( KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget(), i18n("<qt><p>Auto Confguration of: %1 finished successfully.</p></qt>").tqarg( rulesetDoc()->target()->toFriendlyString() ) );
configValid = rulesetDoc()->target()->config()->isValid();
delete errH;
delete err;
return configValid;
KMFProcOut* KMFInstallerPlugin::execWidget() {
if ( m_execWidget )
return m_execWidget;
kdDebug() << "Need to create new execWidget." << endl;
m_execWidget = new KMFProcOut( (KMFMainWindow*) parent(), "KMFProcOut" );
return m_execWidget;
void KMFInstallerPlugin::generateInstallerPackage( KMFTarget* tg ) {
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
if ( rulesetDoc() ) {
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = tg->installer();
if ( ! inst2 )
TQString remDir = rulesetDoc()->target()->getFishUrl();
remDir.append( "/tmp/" );
TQString path = remDir;
path.append( "kmfpackage.kmfpkg" );
KURL url( path );
KURL remDirUrl( remDir );
if ( url.fileName().isEmpty() )
if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() ) ) {
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();
TQString backUp;
backUp.append( url.url() );
backUp.append( "_backup_" );
backUp.append( now.toString( "dd.MM.yyyy.hh:mm:ss" ) );
KURL newUrl( backUp );
TQString backFileName = "kmfpackage.kmfpkg";
backUp.append( "_backup_" );
backUp.append( now.toString( "dd.MM.yyyy.hh:mm:ss" ) );
KIO::NetAccess::file_move( url, newUrl, 700, true, true, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() );
KIO::NetAccess::fish_execute( remDir, "chmod 400 /tmp/" + backFileName, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() );
inst2->generateInstallerPackage( tg, url );
KIO::NetAccess::fish_execute( remDir, "chmod 700 /tmp/kmfpackage.kmfpkg", KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() );
// ########## Slots for the Actions ###############
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowScript() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowScript()" << endl;
setOutputWidget( execWidget() );
TQString script = rulesetDoc()->compile();
kdDebug() << "\n\nCompiled Script: " << script << "\n\n" << endl;
execWidget()->setText( script, i18n("Show firewall script...") );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowConfig() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowConfig()" << endl;
cmdShowRunningConfig( "all" );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowFilter() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowFilter()" << endl;
cmdShowRunningConfig( Constants::FilterTable_Name );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowNat() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowNat()" << endl;
cmdShowRunningConfig( Constants::NatTable_Name );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowMangle() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotShowMangle()" << endl;
cmdShowRunningConfig( Constants::MangleTable_Name );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::cmdShowRunningConfig( const TQString& para ) {
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = rulesetDoc()->target()->installer();
if ( ! inst2 )
inst2->cmdShowRunningConfig( para );
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotStopFirewall() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotStopFirewall() " << endl;
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = rulesetDoc()->target()->installer();
if ( ! inst2 ) {
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotStartFirewall() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotStartFirewall()" << endl;
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
if ( rulesetDoc() ) {
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = rulesetDoc()->target()->installer();
if ( ! inst2 ) {
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotInstallFW() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotInstallFW()" << endl;
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = rulesetDoc()->target()->installer();
if ( ! inst2 ) {
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotUninstallFW() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotUninstallFW()" << endl;
if ( ! isConfigValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The curemnt target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = rulesetDoc()->target()->installer();
if ( ! inst2 ) {
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotGenerateInstallerPackage() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotGenerateInstallPackage()" << endl;
if ( rulesetDoc() ) {
KMFTarget* tg = KMFSelectActiveTarget::selectTarget( network(), i18n("<qt><p>Please select target from which the configuration should be exported into an installation package.</p></qt>") );
if ( ! tg ) {
if ( ! tg->config()->isValid() ) {
const TQString & msg = i18n( "The target configurations seems to be invalid" );
const TQString& cap = i18n("Invalid Configuration");
KMessageBox::error( 0, msg, cap );
KMFInstallerInterface *inst2 = tg->installer();
if ( ! inst2 )
TQString msg = i18n( "<qt><p>KMyFirewall will create a shell script (*.sh) for you that includes a compressed archieve containing the scripts needed to install the firewall scripts into the boot system of the target computer<br>To install the package make it executabe <b>(e.g. chmod +x mypackage.kmfpkg</b> call the script without any parameter <b>(./mypackage.kmfpkg)</b><br>For other options (e.g. uninstall, extracting etc.) please call the script using the --help parameter <b>(e.g. ./mypackage.kmfpkg --help)</b> to display a detailed option list.</p></qt>" );
TQString cap = i18n( "Generate Installation Package" );
KMessageBox::information( 0, msg, cap, "generate_intsllation_package_howto", 0 );
KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( ":", "*.kmfpkg|KMyFirewall Installer Package (*.kmfpkg)" );
if ( url.fileName().isEmpty() )
int answer = 0;
if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() ) ) {
answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n( "<qt>File <b>%1</b> already exists!</p>"
"<p><b>Overwrite the existing file?</b></p></qt>" ).tqarg( url.url() ) );
if ( answer == KMessageBox::No ) {
inst2->generateInstallerPackage( tg, url );
TQString remPath = url.protocol();
if ( url.isLocalFile() ) {
KProcess *proc = new KProcess();
*proc << "chmod";
*proc << "700" << url.path();
proc->start( KProcess::Block );
delete proc;
proc = 0;
kdDebug() << "Set perms for: " << url.path() << endl;
void KMFInstallerPlugin::slotEnableActions( bool ) {
// if ( on ) {
// m_actionStopFw->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionRunFw->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionPreviewScript->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionShowConfig->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionShowFilter->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionShowNat->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionShowMangle->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionMenu->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionInstallFW->setEnabled( true );
// m_actionUninstallFW->setEnabled( true );
// m_generateInstallPackage->setEnabled( true );
// } else {
// m_actionStopFw->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionRunFw->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionPreviewScript->setEnabled( false );
// /* m_actionShowConfig->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionShowFilter->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionShowNat->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionShowMangle->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionMenu->setEnabled( false );*/
// m_actionInstallFW->setEnabled( false );
// m_actionUninstallFW->setEnabled( false );
// m_generateInstallPackage->setEnabled( false );
// }
// It's usually safe to leave the factory code alone.. with the
// notable exception of the KAboutData data
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klocale.h>
KInstance* KMFInstallerPluginFactory::s_instance = 0L;
KMFInstallerPluginFactory::KMFInstallerPluginFactory( TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: KLibFactory( parent, name ) {
s_instance = new KInstance( "KMFInstallerPluginFactory" );
TQObject* KMFInstallerPluginFactory::createObject( TQObject* parent, const char* name,
const char*, const TQStringList & ) {
TQObject * obj = new KMFInstallerPlugin( parent, name );
emit objectCreated( obj );
return obj;
extern "C" {
void* init_libkmfinstallerplugin() {
return new KMFInstallerPluginFactory;
#include "kmfinstallerplugin.moc"