You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
3.8 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004 Christian Hubinger
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// C++ Implementation: kmfruleoptioneditiip
// Description:
// Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "kmfruleoptioneditstate.h"
// QT includes
#include <tqstring.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
// Project includes
#include "../../core/iptrule.h"
#include "../../core/kmfruleeditinterface.h"
#include "kmfruleeditorstate.h"
namespace KMF {
KMFRuleOptionEditState::KMFRuleOptionEditState(TQObject *parent, const char *name)
: KMFRuleOptionEditInterface(parent, name) {
kdDebug() <<"KMFRuleOptionEditState::KMFRuleOptionEditState(TQObject *parent, const char *name)" << endl;
kdDebug() << "Parent has Type: " << parent->className() << endl;
m_edit = new KMFRuleEditorState( 0 , "Edit", 0 );
connect( m_edit,TQT_SIGNAL(sigHideMe() ),
this,TQT_SLOT( slotShowOverview() ) );
KMFRuleOptionEditState::~KMFRuleOptionEditState() {}
void KMFRuleOptionEditState::slotShowOverview() {
if ( KMFRuleEditInterface* ruleedit = dynamic_cast<KMFRuleEditInterface*> ( parent() ) ) {
} else {
kdDebug() << "KMFRuleOptionEditState::slotShowOverview(): parent() not of type KMFRuleEditInterface" << endl;
const TQString& KMFRuleOptionEditState::optionEditName() const {
return *( new TQString( i18n("State Option") ) );
const TQString& KMFRuleOptionEditState::description() const {
return *( new TQString( i18n("This plugin manages the State options for iptables rules.") ) );
void KMFRuleOptionEditState::loadRule( IPTRule* rule ) {
if ( !rule ) {
kdDebug() << "KMFRuleOptionEditState::loadRule( IPTRule* rule ) - rule == 0" << endl;
m_edit->loadRule( rule );
m_rule = rule;
TQWidget* KMFRuleOptionEditState::editWidget() {
if ( ! m_edit ) {
kdDebug() << "KMFRuleOptionEditState::editWidget() - m_edit == 0" << endl;
return 0;
return m_edit;
// It's usually safe to leave the factory code alone.. with the
// notable exception of the TDEAboutData data
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klocale.h>
// TDEInstance* KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory::s_instance = 0L;
// TDEAboutData* KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory::s_about = 0L;
KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory::KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory( TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: KLibFactory( parent, name ) {
// s_instance = new TDEInstance( "KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory" );
TQObject* KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory::createObject( TQObject* parent, const char* name,
const char*, const TQStringList & ) {
TQObject * obj = new KMFRuleOptionEditState( parent, name );
emit objectCreated( obj );
return obj;
// TDEInstance* KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory::instance() {
// if ( !s_instance ) {
// s_instance = new TDEInstance( "KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory" );
// }
// return s_instance;
// }
extern "C" {
void* init_libkmfruleoptionedit_state() {
return new KMFRuleOptionEditStateFactory;
#include "kmfruleoptioneditstate.moc"