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312 lines
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// C++ Implementation: $MODULE$
// Description:
// Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2003
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kmfprotocol.h"
// QT includes
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <klibloader.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kfileitem.h>
// project includes
#include "../version.h"
#include "xmlnames.h"
#include "kmfundoengine.h"
#include "kmferror.h"
#include "kmferrorhandler.h"
#include "kmfgenericdoc.h"
#include "kmfnetzone.h"
#include "kmfnethost.h"
#include "kmfprotocolcategory.h"
#include "kmfprotocolusage.h"
namespace KMF {
KMFProtocol::KMFProtocol( KMFProtocolCategory* protCat, const char* name ) : NetfilterObject( protCat, name ) {
// kdDebug() << "KMFProtocol::KMFProtocol( NetfilterObject* parent, const char* name )" << endl;
m_category = protCat;
m_customProtocol = true;
/* m_udpPorts = new QValueList<int>;
m_tcpPorts = new QValueList<int>;*/
KMFProtocol::~KMFProtocol() {
kdDebug() << "KMFProtocol::~KMFProtocol()" << endl;
int KMFProtocol::type() {
// kdDebug() << "KMFProtocol::type()" << endl;
return NetfilterObject::PROTOCOL;
void KMFProtocol::clear() {
void KMFProtocol::setCategory( KMFProtocolCategory* protCat ) {
m_category = protCat;
const QString& KMFProtocol::tcpPortsList() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::tcpPortsList()" << endl;
kdDebug() << "Contains: " << tcpPorts().size() << " ports" << endl;
QStringList *l = new QStringList();
QValueList<int>::iterator it;
for ( it = tcpPorts().begin(); it != tcpPorts().end(); ++it ) {
QString s = "";
s.setNum( *it );
*l << s;
return *(new QString( l->join(",") ) );
const QString& KMFProtocol::udpPortsList() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::udpPortsList()" << endl;
kdDebug() << "Contains: " << m_udpPorts.size() << " ports" << endl;
QStringList *l = new QStringList();
QValueList<int>::iterator it;
for ( it = m_udpPorts.begin(); it != m_udpPorts.end(); ++it ) {
QString s = "";
s.setNum( *it );
*l << s;
return *(new QString( l->join(",") ) );
void KMFProtocol::addPort( const QString& port, int protocol ) {
// kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::addPort( const QString& )" << endl;
if ( protocol == UDP && udpPorts().contains( port.toInt() ) == 0 ) {
kdDebug() << " + + + Register UDP Port:" << port << endl;
udpPorts().append( port.toInt() );
qHeapSort( udpPorts() );
if ( protocol == TCP && tcpPorts().contains( port.toInt() ) == 0 ) {
kdDebug() << " + + + Register TCP Port:" << port << endl;
tcpPorts().append( port.toInt() );
qHeapSort( tcpPorts() );
kdDebug() << "WARNING: ignoring duplicate port entry: " << port << " in protocol: " << name() << endl;
void KMFProtocol::delPort( const QString& port, int protocol ) {
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::delPort( const QString& )" << endl;
if ( protocol == UDP && udpPorts().contains( port.toInt() ) > 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "KMFProtocol: " << name() << " Unregister UDP Port:" << port << endl;
udpPorts().remove( udpPorts().find( port.toInt() ) );
qHeapSort( udpPorts() );
} else if ( protocol == TCP && tcpPorts().contains( port.toInt() ) > 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "KMFProtocol: " << name() << " Unregister TCP Port:" << port << endl;
tcpPorts().remove( tcpPorts().find( port.toInt() ) );
qHeapSort( tcpPorts() );
} else {
kdDebug() << "WARNING: no entry found to remove port: " << port << " from protocol: " << name() << endl;
void KMFProtocol::setCustomProtocol( bool onoff ){
// kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::setCustomProtocol( bool )" << endl;
if( onoff != m_customProtocol ) {
m_customProtocol = onoff;
bool KMFProtocol::isEquivalent( KMFProtocol *other ){
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::isEquivalent( KMFProtocol& other )" << endl;
kdDebug() << "Comparing: " << name() << " with: " << other->name() << endl;
if ( tcpPorts().size() != other->tcpPorts().size() ) {
kdDebug() << "Have different TCP port count." << endl;
return false;
QValueList<int>::iterator itTcp;
for( itTcp = tcpPorts().begin(); itTcp != tcpPorts().end(); ++itTcp ) {
if ( other->tcpPorts().contains( *itTcp ) == 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "TCP port " << *itTcp << " not found in other protocol." << endl;
return false;
if ( udpPorts().size() != other->udpPorts().size() ) {
kdDebug() << "Have different UDP port count." << endl;
return false;
QValueList<int>::iterator itUdp;
for( itUdp = udpPorts().begin(); itUdp != udpPorts().end(); ++itUdp ) {
if ( other->udpPorts().contains( *itUdp ) == 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "UDP port " << *itUdp << " not found in other protocol." << endl;
return false;
kdDebug() << "Protocol: " << name() << " is Equivalent to protocol: " << other->name() << endl;
return true;
bool KMFProtocol::replaceTCPPort( int oldPort, int newPort ){
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::replaceTCPPort( int " << oldPort << ", int " << newPort << " )" << endl;
if ( tcpPorts().contains( newPort ) > 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "WARNING: ignoring duplicate port entry: " << newPort << " in protocol: " << name() << endl;
return false;
int index = tcpPorts().findIndex( oldPort );
kdDebug() << "Found Port at: " << index << endl;
if ( index == -1 ) {
kdDebug() << "WARNING: port entry: " << oldPort << "not found in protocol: " << name() << endl;
return false;
*tcpPorts().at( index ) = newPort;
qHeapSort( tcpPorts() );
return true;
bool KMFProtocol::replaceUDPPort( int oldPort, int newPort ){
kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::replaceUDPPort( int " << oldPort << ", int " << newPort << " )" << endl;
if ( m_udpPorts.contains( newPort ) > 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "WARNING: ignoring duplicate port entry: " << newPort << " in protocol: " << name() << endl;
return false;
int index = udpPorts().findIndex( oldPort );
kdDebug() << "Found Port at: " << index << endl;
if ( index == -1 ) {
kdDebug() << "WARNING: port entry: " << oldPort << "not found in protocol: " << name() << endl;
return false;
*udpPorts().at( index ) = newPort;
qHeapSort( m_udpPorts );
return true;
KMFProtocolUsage *KMFProtocol::createUsage() {
KMFProtocolUsage *use = new KMFProtocolUsage( this, "KMFProtocolUsage" );
use->setProtocol( this );
m_usages.append( use );
return use;
const QDomDocument& KMFProtocol::getDOMTree() {
// kdDebug() << "const QDomDocument& KMFProtocol::getDOMTree()" << endl;
QDomDocument doc;
QDomElement root = doc.createElement( XML::Protocol_Element );
NetfilterObject::saveUuid( root );
root.setAttribute( XML::Name_Attribute, name() );
root.setAttribute( XML::Description_Attribute, description() );
QValueList<int>::iterator it;
kdDebug() << "Serializte ports: " << udpPortsList() << endl;
for ( it = udpPorts().begin(); it != udpPorts().end(); ++it ) {
QDomElement port = doc.createElement( XML::Port_Element );
root.appendChild( port );
port.setAttribute( XML::Num_Attribute,*it);
port.setAttribute( XML::Protocol_Attribute , XML::UDP_Value );
kdDebug() << "Serializte ports: " << tcpPortsList() << endl;
for ( it = tcpPorts().begin(); it != tcpPorts().end(); ++it ) {
QDomElement port = doc.createElement( XML::Port_Element );
root.appendChild( port );
port.setAttribute( XML::Num_Attribute,*it);
port.setAttribute( XML::Protocol_Attribute ,XML::TCP_Value );
doc.appendChild( root );
return *( new QDomDocument( doc ) );
void KMFProtocol::loadXML( const QDomDocument& doc, QStringList& errors ) {
// kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::loadXML( const QDomDocument& )" << endl;
QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
loadXML( root, errors );
void KMFProtocol::loadXML( QDomNode root, QStringList& errors ) {
// kdDebug() << "void KMFProtocol::loadXML( QDomNode root )" << endl;
// Protocols use Fixed Guids
NetfilterObject::loadUuid( root, errors );
QString name = "";
QString logging = "";
QString desc = "";
QString limit = "";
QString io = "";
name = root.toElement().attribute( XML::Name_Attribute );
desc = root.toElement().attribute( XML::Description_Attribute );
setDescription( *( new QString( desc ) ) );
setName( *(new QString( name ) ) );
QDomNode curr = root.firstChild();
while ( !curr.isNull() ) {
if ( curr.isElement() && curr.nodeName() == XML::Port_Element ) {
QString port = curr.toElement().attribute( XML::Num_Attribute );
QString protocol = curr.toElement().attribute( XML::Protocol_Attribute );
if ( protocol == XML::UDP_Value ) {
addPort( port, UDP );
if ( protocol == XML::TCP_Value ) {
addPort( port, TCP );
curr = curr.nextSibling();