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255 lines
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// C++ Implementation: kmfiptablescompiler
// Description:
// Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2003
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "kmfiptablescompiler.h"
// QT includes
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqmultilineedit.h>
#include <tqtabwidget.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
// Project includes
#include "../../version.h"
#include "../../core/xmlnames.h"
#include "../../core/kmfrulesetdoc.h"
#include "../../core/kmfgenericdoc.h"
#include "../../core/kmfiptdoc.h"
#include "../../core/kmferror.h"
#include "../../core/kmferrorhandler.h"
#include "../../core/kmfconfig.h"
#include "../../core/kmftarget.h"
#include "../../kmfwidgets/kmflistview.h"
#include "../../kmfwidgets/kmfselectactivetarget.h"
#include "kmfiptablesscriptgenerator.h"
#include "kmfiptablesdocumentconverter.h"
namespace KMF {
KMFIPTablesCompiler::KMFIPTablesCompiler( TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : KMFPlugin( parent, name ) {
m_osName = "linux";
m_osGUIName = "Linux";
m_backendName = "iptables";
m_backendGUIName = "IPTables";
m_errorHandler = new KMFErrorHandler( "KMFIPTablesCompiler" );
m_iptWidget = 0;
new KAction( i18n( "&Export as IPTables (Linux) Script" ), "fileexport",
0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotExportIPT() ), actionCollection(), "compile_iptables" );
if ( genericDoc() ) {
new KAction( i18n( "&Convert to IPTables Document and View" ), "fileexport",
0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotConvertToIPTDoc() ), actionCollection(), "convert_to_iptdoc" );
setXMLFile( "kmfiptablescompiler.rc" );
kdDebug() << "KMFIPTablesCompiler: Finished initialisation." << endl;
KMFIPTablesCompiler::~KMFIPTablesCompiler() {}
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::osName(){
return m_osName;
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::osGUIName(){
return m_osGUIName;
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::backendName(){
return m_backendName;
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::backendGUIName(){
return m_backendGUIName;
void KMFIPTablesCompiler::compile() {
kdDebug() << "void KMFIPTablesCompiler::compile()" << endl;
void KMFIPTablesCompiler::slotExportIPT() {
kdDebug() << "KMFIPTablesCompiler::slotExportIPT()" << endl;
KMFTarget* tg = KMFSelectActiveTarget::selectTarget( network(), i18n("<qt><p>Please select target from which the configuration should be exported as iptables script.</p></qt>") );
if ( ! tg ) {
KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( ":", "*.sh|Shell Script (*.sh)" );
TQString filename = url.fileName();
if ( url.fileName().isEmpty() )
return ;
int answer = 0;
while ( answer != 3 ) {
if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() ) ) {
if ( answer == 4 ) {
return ;
} else {
answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n( "<qt>File <b>%1</b> already exists!</p>"
"<p><b>Overwrite the existing file?</b></p></qt>" ).tqarg( url.url() ) );
} else {
answer = 3;
TQString extension = filename.right( 3 );
if ( extension != ".sh" )
filename.append( ".sh" );
url.setFileName( filename );
KTempFile tempfile;
m_err = tg->rulesetDoc()->createFirewallScript( );
if ( m_errorHandler->showError( m_err ) ) {
if ( KIO::NetAccess::upload(, url, KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() ) ) {
// statusBar() ->message( i18n( "Wrote file: " ) + url.fileName() , 5000 );
} else {
kdDebug() << "Couldn't upload file!!!" << << endl;
KMessageBox::detailedError( 0, i18n( "<qt><p>Saving file: <b>%1</b> Failed.</p></qt>" ).tqarg( url.url() ),
i18n( "<qt><p>If you are working with remotely stored files "
"make sure that the target host and the directory is reachable. "
"</p></qt>" ) );
// void KMFIPTablesCompiler::slotShowIPTScript() {
// // TQString s = compile( genericDoc() );
// TQMultiLineEdit* ed = new TQMultiLineEdit( 0, "edit" );
// if ( genericDoc() ) {
// ed->setText( compile( genericDoc() ) );
// } else if ( iptablesDoc() ) {
// ed->setText( compile( iptablesDoc() ) );
// }
// setOutputWidget( ed );
// showOutput();
// }
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::compile( KMFGenericDoc* doc ) {
kdDebug() << "const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::compile( KMFGenericDoc* doc )" << endl;
//kdDebug() << "Doc XLM:\n" << m_genericDoc->getXMLSniplet() << endl;
KMFIPTablesDocumentConverter *converter = new KMFIPTablesDocumentConverter();
m_iptdoc = converter->compileToIPTDoc( doc );
delete converter;
if ( m_iptdoc ) {
TQString ret = m_iptdoc->compile();
return *( new TQString( ret ) );
} else {
return *( new TQString( "ERROR: Couldn't compile document - may be wrong type " ) );
const TQString& KMFIPTablesCompiler::compile( KMFIPTDoc* doc ) {
KMFIPTablesScriptGenerator *generator = new KMFIPTablesScriptGenerator();
TQString script = generator->compile( doc );
delete generator;
return *(new TQString( script ) );
void KMFIPTablesCompiler::slotConvertToIPTDoc() {
if ( ! doc() ) {
kdDebug() << "No document Available to compile" << endl;
KMFIPTablesDocumentConverter *converter = new KMFIPTablesDocumentConverter();
m_iptdoc = converter->compileToIPTDoc( genericDoc() );
delete converter;
if ( ! m_iptWidget ) {
m_iptWidget = new TQTabWidget( 0 , TQTABWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING );
m_iptViewFilter = new KMFListView( 0, "view" );
m_iptViewNat = new KMFListView( 0, "view" );
m_iptViewMangle = new KMFListView( 0, "view" );
m_iptWidget ->addTab( m_iptViewFilter, "Filter" );
m_iptWidget ->addTab( m_iptViewNat, "Nat" );
m_iptWidget ->addTab( m_iptViewMangle, "Mangle" );
m_iptViewFilter ->setEnabled( true );
m_iptViewFilter->slotLoadNode( m_iptdoc->table( Constants::FilterTable_Name ) );
m_iptViewNat ->setEnabled( true );
m_iptViewNat->slotLoadNode( m_iptdoc->table( Constants::NatTable_Name ) );
m_iptViewMangle ->setEnabled( true );
m_iptViewMangle->slotLoadNode( m_iptdoc->table( Constants::MangleTable_Name ) );
m_iptWidget->setMinimumSize( 800, 600 );
// It's usually safe to leave the factory code alone.. with the
// notable exception of the KAboutData data
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klocale.h>
// KInstance* KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory::s_instance = 0L;
// KAboutData* KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory::s_about = 0L;
KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory::KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory( TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: KLibFactory( parent, name ) {
// s_instance = new KInstance( "KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory" );
TQObject* KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory::createObject( TQObject* parent, const char* name,
const char*, const TQStringList & ) {
TQObject * obj = new KMFIPTablesCompiler( parent, name );
emit objectCreated( obj );
return obj;
// KInstance* KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory::instance() {
// if ( !s_instance ) {
// s_instance = new KInstance( "KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory" );
// }
// return s_instance;
// }
extern "C" {
void* init_libkmfcompiler_ipt() {
return new KMFIPTablesCompilerFactory;
#include "kmfiptablescompiler.moc"