You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
4.6 KiB

// C++ Interface: kmfnetzone
// Description:
// Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2003
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "netfilterobject.h"
// QT includes
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tquuid.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kdemacros.h>
// Project includes
#include "ipaddress.h"
namespace KMF {
class KMFGenericDoc;
class KMFProtocol;
class KMFProtocolUsage;
class KMFError;
class KMFCheckInput;
class IPAddress;
class KMFNetHost;
class KMFTarget;
class KMFNetwork;
//############ KMFNetZone #############
class KDE_EXPORT KMFNetZone : public NetfilterObject {
KMFNetZone( NetfilterObject *parent, const char* objectname, const TQString& name );
virtual ~KMFNetZone();
virtual int type();
virtual void clear();
IPAddress* address() const {
return m_address;
int operator==( const KMFNetZone& );
bool isSameZone( KMFNetZone* );
IPAddress* mask() const {
IPAddress *addr = new IPAddress();
addr->setAddress( IPAddress::calcNetworkMaskFromLength( m_maskLen ).toString() );
return addr;
int maskLength() const {
return m_maskLen;
KMFGenericDoc* doc() const;
KMFNetwork* network() const;
KMFNetZone* zone() const;
KMFNetZone* rootZone();
int getZoneType() const {
return m_zoneType;
const TQString& guiName() const {
return m_guiName;
virtual const TQString& name();
const TQString& generateName( const TQString& );
void setGuiName( const TQString& );
void setNetwork( KMFNetwork* );
void setZone( const IPAddress& , int );
void setParentZone( KMFNetZone* );
bool isRootZone();
void setMaskLength( int );
const TQDomDocument& getDOMTree();
virtual void loadXML(const TQDomDocument&, TQStringList& errors );
virtual void loadXML( TQDomNode, TQStringList& errors );
KMFNetZone* addZone( const TQString& , KMFError* );
void delZone( KMFNetZone*, bool desructive = true );
KMFProtocolUsage* addProtocolUsage( const TQUuid& uuid, const TQDomDocument& xml );
void delProtocolUsage( KMFProtocolUsage*, bool desructive = true );
KMFNetHost* addNetHost( const TQString& name, const TQDomDocument& xml );
KMFTarget* addTarget( const TQString& name, const TQDomDocument& xml );
KMFTarget* findTargetByName( const TQString& name, bool fromRoot = true );
KMFNetHost* findNetHostByName( const TQString& name, bool fromRoot = true );
KMFNetZone* findNetZoneByName( const TQString& name, bool fromRoot = true );
void delHost( KMFTarget*, bool desructive = true );
TQPtrList<KMFProtocolUsage>& protocols() const;
TQPtrList<KMFNetZone>& zones() const;
TQPtrList<KMFTarget>& hosts() const;
KMFProtocolUsage* findProtocolUsageByProtocolUuid( const TQUuid& uuid ) const;
bool protocolInherited( const TQUuid& uuid ) const;
KMFTarget* placeHostInZone( KMFTarget* host );
KMFNetZone* placeZoneInZone( KMFNetZone* zone );
void refreshNetworkTree();
bool readOnly() const {
return m_readOnly;
void setReadOnly( bool );
TQString toString();
enum { ROOT, NODE } Type;
void getAllTargets( KMFNetZone* zone, TQPtrList<KMFTarget>* list );
protected slots:
void slotOnProtocolUsageDeleted( TQObject* protocol );
private: // Methods
KMFTarget* findTargetByName_internal( const TQString& name );
KMFNetZone* findNetZoneByName_internal( const TQString& name );
TQString zoneInfo();
void getAllZones( KMFNetZone* zone, TQPtrList<KMFNetZone>* list );
void getAllHosts( KMFNetZone* zone, TQPtrList<KMFTarget>* list );
private: // Data
TQGuardedPtr<KMFGenericDoc> m_doc;
TQGuardedPtr<KMFNetZone> m_zone;
TQGuardedPtr<KMFNetwork> m_network;
IPAddress* m_address;
TQPtrList<KMFProtocolUsage> m_protocols;
TQPtrList<KMFNetZone> m_zones;
TQPtrList<KMFTarget> m_hosts;
KMFError *m_err;
int m_zoneType;
int m_maskLen;
// bool m_deadEnd;
TQString m_guiName;
bool m_readOnly;