You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
6.1 KiB

begin : Thu Apr 24 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Christian Hubinger
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "netfilterobject.h"
// KDE includes
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
// project includes
#include "kmfdoc.h"
#include "kmftarget.h"
#include "kmfnethost.h"
#include "kmfnetzone.h"
#include "kmfprotocol.h"
#include "iptrule.h"
#include "iptable.h"
#include "iptchain.h"
#include "iptruleoption.h"
#include "kmfundoengine.h"
#include "xmlnames.h"
namespace KMF {
//########### static stuff
TQMap<TQUuid, NetfilterObject*>* NetfilterObject::m_uuid_dict = new TQMap<TQUuid, NetfilterObject*>;
NetfilterObject* NetfilterObject::findObject( const TQUuid& uuid ) {
TQMap<TQUuid, NetfilterObject*>::iterator it = getUuidObjectDict()->find( uuid );
if ( it != getUuidObjectDict()->end() ) {
return (*it);
return 0;
int NetfilterObject::objectCount( int type ) {
if ( type == -1 ) {
return m_uuid_dict->count();
int count = 0;
TQMap<TQUuid, NetfilterObject*>::Iterator it;
for ( it = m_uuid_dict->begin(); it != m_uuid_dict->end(); ++it ) {
if ( &&>type() == type ) {
return count;
//########### end static stuff
NetfilterObject::NetfilterObject( NetfilterObject *parent, const char* name ) : TQObject( parent, name ) {
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject::( NetfilterObject *parent " << name << " )" << endl;
m_uuid = TQUuid::createUuid();
m_parent = parent;
m_name = i18n( "Untitled" );
m_desc = i18n( "No Description Available" );
m_uuid_dict->insert( uuid(), this, true );
// kdDebug() << "Created NetfilterObject: " << uuid() << endl;
NetfilterObject::~NetfilterObject() {
m_uuid_dict->remove( m_uuid );
if ( m_uuid_dict->contains( m_uuid ) ) {
kdDebug() << "Could not delete object from NetfilterObject::m_uuid_dict" << endl;
void NetfilterObject::setUuid( const TQUuid& newUuid ) {
if ( newUuid.isNull() ) {
TQUuid toSetUuid = newUuid;
while ( m_uuid != toSetUuid && m_uuid_dict->contains( toSetUuid ) ) {
kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject::setUuid( " << toSetUuid << ") new uuid allready in use! Generating new!" << endl;
toSetUuid = TQUuid::createUuid();
m_uuid_dict->remove( m_uuid );
if ( m_uuid_dict->contains( m_uuid ) ) {
kdDebug() << "Could not delete object from NetfilterObject::m_uuid_dict" << endl;
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject: " << uuid() << "->setUuid " << toSetUuid << endl;
m_uuid = toSetUuid;
m_uuid_dict->insert( m_uuid, this, true );
void NetfilterObject::setParent( NetfilterObject *parent ) {
if ( ! parent || parent == m_parent ) {
m_parent = parent;
bool NetfilterObject::isChildOf( const TQUuid& id ) {
if ( ! m_parent ) {
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject: " << name() << ":" << uuid() << " ->isChildOf( " << id << " ) - No More Parent return: false" << endl;
return false;
if ( m_parent->uuid() == id ) {
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject: " << name() << ":" << uuid() << " ->isChildOf( " << id << " ) - Parent Matched return: true" << endl;
return true;
return m_parent->isChildOf( id );
int NetfilterObject::getLevel() {
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject::getLevel()" << endl;
int lev = 0;
getLevel( lev );
return lev;
void NetfilterObject::getLevel( int& currlevel ) {
// kdDebug() << "NetfilterObject::getLevel( int *currlevel )" << endl;
if ( m_parent ) {
m_parent->getLevel( currlevel );
const TQString& NetfilterObject::name() {
// kdDebug() << "const TQString& NetfilterObject::name()" << endl;
return m_name;
void NetfilterObject::setName( const TQString& name ) {
//kdDebug() << "const TQString& NetfilterObject::setName( const TQString& " << name << " )" << endl;
if ( name.isNull() || name == m_name ) {
m_name = name;
const TQString& NetfilterObject::description() {
return m_desc;
void NetfilterObject::setDescription( const TQString& desc ) {
if ( desc.isNull() ) {
if ( desc == m_desc ) {
m_desc = desc;
const TQString& NetfilterObject::getXMLSniplet() {
// kdDebug() << "const TQString& NetfilterObject::getXMLsniplet()" << endl;
TQDomDocument tmp_doc = getDOMTree();
const TQString& xml = tmp_doc.toString();
// kdDebug() << "Creted XML:\n" << xml << "\n" << endl;
return *( new TQString( xml ) );
void NetfilterObject::loadUuid( TQDomNode& node, TQStringList& errors ) {
if ( ! node.toElement().hasAttribute( XML::Uuid_Attribute ) ) {
errors.append( KMFError::getAsString( KMFError::WARNING, i18n( "No uuid saved in node %1" ).tqarg( node.nodeName () ) ) );
// if ( KMFUndoEngine::instance()->preserveObjectUuid() ) {
const TQString& newUuid = node.toElement().attribute( XML::Uuid_Attribute );
if ( newUuid.isEmpty() ) {
errors.append( KMFError::getAsString( KMFError::WARNING, i18n( "No uuid saved in node %1" ).tqarg( node.nodeName () ) ) );
// KMFUndoEngine::instance()->log( i18n( "Overwrite my uuid: %1 with %2" ).tqarg( uuid().toString() ).tqarg( newUuid ), KMFError::OK, this );
setUuid( newUuid );
// }
void NetfilterObject::saveUuid( TQDomNode& node ) {
node.toElement().setAttribute( XML::Uuid_Attribute, uuid().toString() );
void NetfilterObject::changed() {
// kdDebug() << "void NetfilterObject::changed() : m_object_id " << uuid() << endl;
KMFUndoEngine::instance()->changed( uuid() );