You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

396 lines
14 KiB

mymoneyqifreader.h - description
begin : Mon Jan 27 2003
copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Michael Edwardes
email :
Javier Campos Morales <>
Felix Rodriguez <>
John C <>
Thomas Baumgart <>
Kevin Tambascio <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Headers
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Headers
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kurl.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Headers
#include "mymoneyqifprofile.h"
#include "../mymoney/mymoneyaccount.h"
#include "../mymoney/mymoneytransaction.h"
class MyMoneyFileTransaction;
* @author Thomas Baumgart
class MyMoneyQifReader : public TQObject
friend class Private;
typedef enum {
EntryUnknown = 0,
} QifEntryTypeE;
struct qSplit
TQString m_strCategoryName;
TQString m_strMemo;
TQString m_amount;
* This method is used to store the filename into the object.
* The file should exist. If it does and an external filter
* program is specified with the current selected profile,
* the file is send through this filter and the result
* is stored in the m_tempFile file.
* @param url URL of the file to be imported
void setURL(const KURL& url);
* This method is used to store the name of the profile into the object.
* The selected profile will be loaded if it exists. If an external
* filter program is specified with the current selected profile,
* the file is send through this filter and the result
* is stored in the m_tempFile file.
* @param name TQString reference to the name of the profile
void setProfile(const TQString& name);
* This method actually starts the import of data from the selected file
* into the MyMoney engine.
* This method also starts the user defined import filter program
* defined in the TQIF profile. If none is defined, the file is read
* as is (actually the UNIX command 'cat -' is used as the filter).
* If data from the filter program is available, the slot
* slotReceivedDataFromFilter() will be called.
* Make sure to connect the signal importFinished() to detect when
* the import actually ended. Call the method finishImport() to clean
* things up and get the overall result of the import.
* @retval true the import was started successfully
* @retval false the import could not be started.
bool startImport(void);
* This method must be called once the signal importFinished() has
* been emitted. It will clean up the reader state and determines
* the actual return code of the import.
* @retval true Import was successful.
* @retval false Import failed because the filter program terminated
* abnormally or the user aborted the import process.
bool finishImport(void);
void setCategoryMapping(bool map);
const MyMoneyAccount& account() const { return m_account; };
void setProgressCallback(void(*callback)(int, int, const TQString&));
* This method is used to update the progress information. It
* checks if an appropriate function is known and calls it.
* For a parameter description see KMyMoneyView::progressCallback().
void signalProgress(int current, int total, const TQString& = "");
* This method scans a transaction contained in
* a TQIF file formatted as an account record. This
* format is used by MS-Money. If the specific data
* is not found, then the data in the entry is treated
* as a transaction. In this case, the user will be asked to
* specify the account to which the transactions should be imported.
* The entry data is found in m_qifEntry.
* @param accountType see MyMoneyAccount() for details. Defaults to MyMoneyAccount::Checkings
void processMSAccountEntry(const MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE accountType = MyMoneyAccount::Checkings);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as a payee record specified by Quicken
void processPayeeEntry(void);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as an account record specified
* by Quicken. In case @p resetAccountId is @p true (the default), the
* global account id will be reset.
* The id of the account will be returned.
TQString processAccountEntry(bool resetAccountId = true);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as a category record specified
* by Quicken.
void processCategoryEntry(void);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as a transaction record specified
* by Quicken.
void processTransactionEntry(void);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as an investment transaction
* record specified by Quicken.
void processInvestmentTransactionEntry(void);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as a price record specified
* by Quicken.
void processPriceEntry(void);
* This method scans the m_qifEntry object as a security record specified
* by Quicken.
void processSecurityEntry(void);
* This method processes the lines previously collected in
* the member variable m_qifEntry. If further information
* by the user is required to process the entry it will
* be collected.
void processQifEntry(void);
* This method process a line starting with an exclamation mark
void processQifSpecial(const TQString& _line);
* This method is used to get the account id of the split for
* a transaction from the text found in the TQIF $ or L record.
* If an account with the name is not found, the user is asked
* if it should be created.
* @param name name of account as found in the TQIF file
* @param value value found in the T record
* @param value2 value found in the $ record for splitted transactions
* @return id of the account for the split. If no name is specified
* or the account was not found and not created the
* return value will be "".
TQString checkCategory(const TQString& name, const MyMoneyMoney value, const MyMoneyMoney value2);
* This method extracts the line beginning with the letter @p id
* from the lines contained in the TQStringList object @p m_qifEntry.
* An empty TQString is returned, if the line is not found.
* @param id TQChar containing the letter to be found
* @param cnt return cnt'th of occurance of id in lines. cnt defaults to 1.
* @return TQString with the remainder of the line or empty if
* @p id is not found in @p lines
const TQString extractLine(const TQChar id, int cnt = 1);
* This method examines each line in the TQStringList object @p m_qifEntry,
* searching for split entries, which it extracts into a struct qSplit and
* stores all splits found in @p listqSplits .
void extractSplits(TQValueList<qSplit>& listqSplits) const;
enum SelectCreateMode {
Create = 0,
* This method is used to find an account using the account's name
* stored in @p account in the current MyMoneyFile object. If it does not
* exist, the user has the chance to create it or to skip processing
* of this account.
* If an account has been selected, account will be set to contain it's data.
* If the skip operation was requested, account will be empty.
* Depending on @p mode the bahaviour of this method is slightly different.
* The following table shows the dependencies:
* @code
* case mode operation
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* account with same name exists Create returns immediately
* m_account contains data
* of existing account
* account does not exist Create immediately calls dialog
* to create account
* account with same name exists Select User will be asked if
* he wants to use the existing
* account or create a new one
* account does not exist Select User will be asked to
* select a different account
* or create a new one
* @endcode
* @param mode Is either Create or Select depending on the above table
* @param account Reference to MyMoneyAccount object
void selectOrCreateAccount(const SelectCreateMode mode, MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyMoney& openingBalance = MyMoneyMoney());
* This method looks up the @p searchname account by name and returns its id
* if it was found. If it was not found, it creates a new income account using
* @p searchname as a name, and returns the id if the newly created account
* @param searchname The name of the account to find or create
* @return TQString id of the found or created account
static const TQString findOrCreateIncomeAccount(const TQString& searchname);
* This method looks up the @p searchname account by name and returns its id
* if it was found. If it was not found, it creates a new expense account using
* @p searchname as a name, and returns the id if the newly created account
* @param searchname The name of the account to find or create
* @return TQString id of the found or created account
static const TQString findOrCreateExpenseAccount(const TQString& searchname);
* This method returns the account id for a given account @a name. In
* case @a name references an investment account and @a useBrokerage is @a true
* (the default), the id of the corresponding brokerage account will be
* returned. In case an account is not existant, it will be created.
TQString transferAccount(TQString name, bool useBrokerage = true);
// void processQifLine(void);
void createOpeningBalance(MyMoneyAccount::_accountTypeE accType = MyMoneyAccount::Checkings);
* This signal will be emitted when the import is finished.
void importFinished(void);
private slots:
void slotSendDataToFilter(void);
void slotReceivedDataFromFilter(KProcess* /* proc */, char *buff, int len);
void slotReceivedErrorFromFilter(KProcess* /* proc */, char *buff, int len);
// void slotReceivedDataFromFilter(void);
// void slotReceivedErrorFromFilter(void);
void slotProcessData(void);
* This slot is used to be informed about the end of the filtering process.
* It emits the signal importFinished()
void slotImportFinished(void);
/// \internal d-pointer class.
class Private;
/// \internal d-pointer instance.
Private* const d;
KProcess m_filter;
TQString m_filename;
KURL m_url;
MyMoneyQifProfile m_qifProfile;
MyMoneyAccount m_account;
unsigned long m_transactionsSkipped;
unsigned long m_transactionsProcessed;
TQStringList m_dontAskAgain;
TQMap<TQString, TQString> m_accountTranslation;
TQMap<TQString, TQString> m_investmentMap;
TQFile *m_file;
char m_buffer[1024];
TQCString m_lineBuffer;
TQStringList m_qifEntry;
int m_extractedLine;
TQString m_qifLine;
TQStringList m_qifLines;
QifEntryTypeE m_entryType;
bool m_skipAccount;
bool m_processingData;
bool m_userAbort;
bool m_autoCreatePayee;
unsigned long m_pos;
unsigned m_linenumber;
bool m_warnedInvestment;
bool m_warnedSecurity;
bool m_warnedPrice;
TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> m_transactionCache;
TQValueList<TQByteArray> m_data;
void (*m_progressCallback)(int, int, const TQString&);
MyMoneyFileTransaction* m_ft;