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begin : Wed Jun 07 2006
copyright : (C) 2006 by Thomas Baumgart
email : Thomas Baumgart <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqwidgetlist.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyscheduled.h>
#include <kmymoney/transactioneditorcontainer.h>
#include <kmymoney/register.h>
class KCurrencyExchange;
class KMyMoneyCategory;
class TransactionEditor : public TQObject
TransactionEditor() {}
TransactionEditor(TransactionEditorContainer* regForm, KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* item, const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, const TQDate& lastPostDate);
virtual ~TransactionEditor();
* This method is used as a helper because virtual methods cannot be
* called within a constructor. Thus setup() should be called immediately
* after a TransactionEditor() object or one of its derivatives is
* constructed. The parameter @a account identifies the account that
* is currently opened in the calling ledger view.
* This account will not be included in category sets. The default is
* no account so all will be shown. I have no idea anymore, what I
* tried to say with the first sentence above. :( Maybe this is crap.
* @param tabOrderWidgets TQWidgetList which will be filled with the pointers
* to the editWidgets in their tab order
* @param account account that is currently shown in the calling ledger view
* @param action default action (defaults to ActionNone).
void setup(TQWidgetList& tabOrderWidgets, const MyMoneyAccount& account = MyMoneyAccount(), KMyMoneyRegister::Action action = KMyMoneyRegister::ActionNone);
* Enter the transactions into the ledger. In case of a newly created
* transaction @a newId contains the assigned id. In case @a askForSchedule
* is true (the default), the user will be asked if he wants to enter new
* transactions with a post date in the future into the ledger or rather
* create a schedule for them. In case @a suppressBalanceWarnings is @p false
* (the default) a warning will be displayed when the balance crosses the minimum
* or maximum balance settings for the account.
virtual bool enterTransactions(TQString& newId, bool askForSchedule = true, bool suppressBalanceWarnings = false);
* This method creates a transaction based on the contents of the current widgets,
* the splits in m_split in single selection mode or an existing transaction/split
* and the contents of the widgets in multi selection mode.
* The split referencing the current account is returned as the first split in the
* transaction's split list.
* @param t reference to created transaction
* @param torig the original transaction
* @param sorig the original split
* @param skipPriceDialog if @p true the user will not be requested for price information
* (defaults to @p false)
* @return @p false if aborted by user, @p true otherwise
* @note Usually not used directly. If unsure, use enterTransactions() instead.
virtual bool createTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneyTransaction& torig, const MyMoneySplit& sorig, bool skipPriceDialog = false) = 0;
* This method returns information about the completeness of the data
* entered. This can be used to control the availability of the
* 'Enter transaction' action.
* @retval true if entering the transaction into the engine
* @retval false if not enough information is present to enter the
* transaction into the engine
* @param reason will be filled with a string about the reason why the
* completeness is not reached. Empty if the return value
* is @c true.
* @sa transactionDataSufficient()
virtual bool isComplete(TQString& reason) const = 0;
* This method returns information if the editor is started with multiple transactions
* being selected or not.
* @retval false only a single transaction was selected when the editor was started
* @retval true multiple transactions were selected when the editor was started
virtual bool isMultiSelection(void) const { return m_transactions.count() > 1; }
virtual bool fixTransactionCommodity(const MyMoneyAccount& account);
virtual bool canAssignNumber(void) const;
virtual void assignNextNumber(void);
* Returns a pointer to the widget that should receive
* the focus after the editor has been started.
virtual TQWidget* firstWidget(void) const = 0;
* Returns a pointer to a widget by name
TQWidget* haveWidget(const TQString& name) const;
void setTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneySplit& s);
bool eventFilter(TQObject* o, TQEvent* e);
const MyMoneyAccount& account(void) const { return m_account; }
void clearFinalWidgets(void);
void addFinalWidget(const TQWidget*);
public slots:
void slotReloadEditWidgets(void);
* The default implementation returns TQDialog::Rejected
virtual int slotEditSplits(void);
* Modify the account which the transaction should be based on. The
* initial value for the account is passed during setup().
* @param id of the account to be used
void slotUpdateAccount(const TQString& id);
virtual void createEditWidgets(void) = 0;
virtual void setupFinalWidgets(void) = 0;
virtual void loadEditWidgets(KMyMoneyRegister::Action action = KMyMoneyRegister::ActionNone) = 0;
void setupCategoryWidget(KMyMoneyCategory* category, const TQValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits, TQString& categoryId, const char* splitEditSlot, bool allowObjectCreation = true);
* This method sets the precision of the value widgets to reflect
* the account in m_account. If m_account has no id, the precision
* defaults to 2.
void setupPrecision(void);
protected slots:
virtual void slotUpdateButtonState(void);
virtual void slotUpdateAccount(void);
virtual void slotNumberChanged(const TQString&);
* This signal is sent out by the destructor to inform other entities
* that editing has been finished. The parameter @a t contains the list
* of transactions that were processed.
void finishEdit(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& t);
* This signal is sent out whenever enough data is present to enter the
* transaction into the ledger. This signal can be used to control the
* KAction which implements entering the transaction.
* @sa isComplete()
* @param state @a true if enough data is present, @a false otherwise.
void transactionDataSufficient(bool state);
* This signal is sent out, when a new payee needs to be created
* @sa KMyMoneyCombo::createItem()
* @param txt The name of the payee to be created
* @param id A connected slot should store the id of the created object in this variable
void createPayee(const TQString& txt, TQString& id);
* This signal is sent out, when a new category needs to be created
* Depending on the setting of either a payment or deposit, the parent
* account will be preset to Expense or Income.
* @param account reference to account info. Will be filled by called slot
* @param parent reference to parent account
void createCategory(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent);
* This signal is sent out, when a new security (e.g. stock )needs to be created
* @a Parent should be the investment account under which the security account
* will be created.
* @param account reference to account info. Will be filled by called slot
* @param parent reference to parent account
void createSecurity(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent);
* Signal is emitted, if any of the widgets enters (@a state equals @a true)
* or leaves (@a state equals @a false) object creation mode.
* @param state Enter (@a true) or leave (@a false) object creation
void objectCreation(bool state);
void statusMsg(const TQString& txt);
void statusProgress(int cnt, int base);
* This signal is sent out for each newly added transaction
* @param date the post date of the newly created transaction
void lastPostDateUsed(const TQDate& date);
* This signal is sent out, if the user decides to schedule the transaction @a t
* rather then adding it to the ledger right away.
void scheduleTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, MyMoneySchedule::occurenceE occurence);
* This signal is sent out, if the user double clicks the number field
void assignNumber(void);
* This signal is sent out, if the user has pressed the ESC key.
void escapePressed(void);
* This signal is sent out, if the user has pressed the Return or Enter
* key and asks to end editing the transaction
void returnPressed(void);
* This signal is sent out, if any of the balance warning levels
* for @p account has been reached. @p msg contains the message text.
* @p parent points to the parent widget to be used for the warning message box.
void balanceWarning(TQWidget* parent, const MyMoneyAccount& account, const TQString& msg);
TQValueList<MyMoneySplit> m_splits;
KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions m_transactions;
TQValueList<const TQWidget*> m_finalEditWidgets;
TransactionEditorContainer* m_regForm;
KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* m_item;
KMyMoneyRegister::TQWidgetContainer m_editWidgets;
MyMoneyAccount m_account;
MyMoneyTransaction m_transaction;
MyMoneySplit m_split;
TQDate m_lastPostDate;
TQMap<TQString, MyMoneyMoney> m_priceInfo;
KMyMoneyRegister::Action m_initialAction;
bool m_openEditSplits;
class StdTransactionEditor : public TransactionEditor
StdTransactionEditor(TransactionEditorContainer* regForm, KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* item, const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, const TQDate& lastPostDate);
bool isComplete(TQString& reason) const;
TQWidget* firstWidget(void) const;
bool eventFilter(TQObject* o, TQEvent* e);
* This method creates a transaction based on the contents of the current widgets,
* the splits in m_split in single selection mode or an existing transaction/split
* and the contents of the widgets in multi selection mode.
* The split referencing the current account is returned as the first split in the
* transaction's split list.
* @param t reference to created transaction
* @param torig the original transaction
* @param sorig the original split
* @param skipPriceDialog if @p true the user will not be requested for price information
* (defaults to @p false)
* @return @p false if aborted by user, @p true otherwise
* @note Usually not used directly. If unsure, use enterTransactions() instead.
bool createTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneyTransaction& torig, const MyMoneySplit& sorig, bool skipPriceDialog = false);
public slots:
int slotEditSplits(void);
void slotUpdateAmount(const TQString&);
protected slots:
void slotReloadEditWidgets(void);
void slotUpdatePayment(const TQString&);
void slotUpdateDeposit(const TQString&);
void slotUpdateCategory(const TQString&);
void slotUpdatePayee(const TQString&);
void slotUpdateCashFlow(KMyMoneyRegister::CashFlowDirection);
void slotCreateCategory(const TQString&, TQString&);
void slotUpdateAction(int action);
void slotUpdateAccount(const TQString& id);
* This method creates all necessary widgets for this transaction editor.
* All signals will be connected to the relevant slots.
void createEditWidgets(void);
* This method (re-)loads the widgets with the transaction information
* contained in @a m_transaction and @a m_split.
* @param action preset the edit wigdets for @a action if no transaction
* is present
void loadEditWidgets(KMyMoneyRegister::Action action = KMyMoneyRegister::ActionNone);
void setupCategoryWidget(TQString&);
void updateAmount(const MyMoneyMoney& value);
bool isTransfer(const TQString& accId1, const TQString& accId2) const;
void checkPayeeInSplit(MyMoneySplit& s, const TQString& payeeId);
* This method fills the editor widgets with the last transaction
* that can be found for payee @a payeeId in the account @a m_account.
void autoFill(const TQString& payeeId);
* Extracts the amount of the transaction from the widgets depending
* if form or register based input method is used.
* Returns if an amount has been found in @a update.
* @param update pointer to update information flag
* @return amount of transaction (deposit positive, payment negative)
MyMoneyMoney amountFromWidget(bool* update = 0) const;
* Create or update a VAT split
void updateVAT(bool amountChanged = true);
MyMoneyMoney removeVatSplit(void);
* This method adds a VAT split to transaction @a tr if necessary.
* @param tr transaction that the split should be added to
* @param amount Amount to be used for the calculation. Depending upon the
* setting of the resp. category, this value is treated as
* either gross or net value.
* @retval false VAT split has not been added
* @retval true VAT split has been added
bool addVatSplit(MyMoneyTransaction& tr, const MyMoneyMoney& amount);
void setupFinalWidgets(void);
* This method returns the sum of all splits of transaction @a t that
* reference account m_account.
MyMoneyMoney shares(const MyMoneyTransaction& t) const;
MyMoneyMoney m_shares;
bool m_inUpdateVat;