/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KDChart library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/?page=products for
** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
#ifndef __KDFRAME_H__
#define __KDFRAME_H__
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqpen.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <KDFrameProfileSection.h>
/** \file KDFrame.h
\brief Header of the KDFrame class providing highly configurable rectangular frame drawing.
\ifnot v200
This class is work in progress, at present only single line frame borders
and (scaled/streched) background pictures are available.
See KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame() to learn how to use them.
A frame may consist of an (optional) border and/or an (optional) background.
The border may consist of up to four edges and/or up to four border corners.
\note Each of the edges and each of the corners may use their own user-definable profile.
The frame corners ( see types defined in \c CornerStyle ) are set up via setCorner()
Some commonly used frame profiles (e.g. raised box, sunken panel) are predefined in \c SimpleFrame, see setSimpleFrame().
To learn how to specify your frame profiles have a look at example code given with setProfile()
\brief The main class of KDFrame.
KDFrame is made for highly configurable rectangular frame drawing.
A frame may consist of an (optional) border and/or an (optional) background.
\ifndef v200
This class is work in progress, at present only single line frame borders
and (scaled/streched) background pictures are available.
See KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame() to learn how to use them.
The border may consist of up to four edges and/or up to four border corners.
\note Each of the edges and each of the corners may use their own user-definable profile.
The frame corners ( see types defined in CornerStyle ) are set up via setCorner()
Some commonly used frame profiles (e.g. raised box, sunken panel) are predefined in SimpleFrame, see setSimpleFrame().
To learn how to specify your frame profiles have a look at example code given with setProfile()
class KDCHART_EXPORT KDFrame : public TQObject
Q_ENUMS( BackPixmapMode )
Q_ENUMS( SimpleFrame )
Q_ENUMS( ProfileName )
Q_ENUMS( CornerName )
Q_ENUMS( CornerStyle )
Q_ENUMS( KDFramePaintSteps )
These are ways how to display a pixmap that might
be painted into the inner area.
\Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use a background
pixmap but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
enum BackPixmapMode { PixCentered, PixScaled, PixStretched };
public slots:
Converts the specified background pixmap mode enum to a string
\param type the background pixmap mode to convert
\return the string representation of the background pixmap mode enum
static TQString backPixmapModeToString( BackPixmapMode type ) {
switch( type ) {
case PixCentered:
return "Centered";
case PixScaled:
return "Scaled";
case PixStretched:
return "Stretched";
return "Stretched";
Converts the specified string to a background pixmap mode enum value.
\param string the string to convert
\return the background pixmap mode enum value
static BackPixmapMode stringToBackPixmapMode( const TQString& string ) {
if( string == "Centered" )
return PixCentered;
else if( string == "Scaled" )
return PixScaled;
else if( string == "Stretched" )
return PixStretched;
return PixStretched;
These simple frames are pre-defined for your convenience
\li \c FrameFlat a flat rectangular frame
\li \c FrameElegance a flat frame consisting of three lines
\li \c FrameBoxRaized a raised box
\li \c FrameBoxSunken a sunken box
\li \c FramePanelRaized a raised panel
\li \c FramePanelSunken a sunken panel
\li \c FrameSemicircular a raised box with round edges
\ifnot v200
All pre-defined frames have normal corners.
All pre-defined frames have normal corners but
of course you may specify differently looking corners by
calling setCorners() (or setCorner(), resp.) after having
called setSimpleFrame()
\sa setSimpleFrame
enum SimpleFrame { FrameFlat, FrameElegance,
FrameBoxRaized, FrameBoxSunken,
FramePanelRaized, FramePanelSunken,
FrameSemicircular };
public slots:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Select a pre-defined frame.
This methode is provided for convenience, the same results can be obtained by calling
addProfileSection multiple times specifying the appropriate parameters and finally
setting the corners to \c CornerNormal
\note When using FrameElegance the midLineWidth value will be ignored since
in this special case the lineValue will indicate the <b>total width</b> of the frame.
FrameElegance frames look best when lineWidth is 16 or the multiple of 16.
\Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use a background
pixmap but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
See setProfile for a short example using this method.
\param frame one of the values defined for enum \c SimpleFrame
\param lineWidth for FrameFlat and FrameElegance: the complete frame width;
for frames with 2-line edges (FramePanelRaized, FramePanelSunken): the width of each of the lines;
for frames with 3-line edges (FrameBoxRaized, FrameBoxSunken, FrameSemicircular): the width of the outer and the
width of the inner line.
\param midLineWidth only used for frames with 3-line edges: the width
of the middle line.
\param pen the basic pen to be used for this frame's lines
\param background the brush to be used for the frame's background or TQBrush() if the background is not to be filled by a brush
\param backPixmap if not zero points to a pixmap to be used for the background
\param backPixmapMode determines how the size pixmap is adjusted to the frame size,
see \c BackPixmapMode for the possible values.
\sa SimpleFrame, BackPixmapMode, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile, setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth
void setSimpleFrame( SimpleFrame frame,
int lineWidth,
int midLineWidth,
TQPen pen,
TQBrush background = TQBrush(),
const TQPixmap* backPixmap = 0,
BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Names of the four frame edges
\li \c ProfileTop
\li \c ProfileRight
\li \c ProfileBottom
\li \c ProfileLeft
\sa setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile
enum ProfileName { ProfileTop, ProfileRight,
ProfileBottom, ProfileLeft };
public slots:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Add another section to one of the frames profiles.
\note The sections will be drawn in the order in which they were added to the profile
beginning at the outside and ending with the inner section of the frame
See setProfile for a short example using this method.
\sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile
void clearProfile( ProfileName name );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Add another section to one of the frames profiles.
\note The sections will be drawn in the order in which they were added to the profile
beginning at the outside and ending with the inner section of the frame.
Adding a gap between two sections can be done by specifying a <b>TQPen( TQt::NoPen )</b>.
See setProfile for a short example using this method.
\sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, setProfile, profile
void addProfileSection( ProfileName name,
int wid,
TQPen pen,
KDFrameProfileSection::Direction dir = KDFrameProfileSection::DirPlain, // PENDING(blackie) possible enum problem
KDFrameProfileSection::Curvature curv = KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Specify one of the frames profiles by copying another KDFrameProfile.
Use this function if a profile shall look the same as another one.
// instantiate a frame around an inner rectangle 50/20, 250/20
KDFrame myFrame( 50,20, 250,120 );
// select a very simple rectangular frame with normal corners, black border, white background
myFrame.setSimpleFrame( KDFrame::FrameFlat, 1, 0, TQPen( TQt::Black ), TQBrush( TQt::White ) );
// make the top profile look more nice
myFrame.clearProfile( KDFrame::ProfileTop );
myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 2, TQPen( TQt::Black ),
KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 5, TQPen( TQt::NoPen ),
KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 1, TQPen( TQt::Black ),
KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
// copy the top profile settings into the bottom profile
myFrame.setProfile( KDFrame::ProfileBottom,
myFrame.profile( KDFrame::ProfileTop ) );
\sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, profile
void setProfile( ProfileName name, const KDFrameProfile& profile );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Return one of the frames profiles.
\sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, setProfile
const KDFrameProfile& profile( ProfileName name ) const;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Names of the frame corners:
\li \c CornerTopLeft
\li \c CornerTopRight
\li \c CornerBottomLeft
\li \c CornerBottomRight
\sa setCorners, setCorner, setSunPos, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, sunPos
enum CornerName { CornerTopLeft,
CornerUNKNOWN };
public slots:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Converts the specified corner name enum to a string representation.
\param type the corner name to convert
\return the string representation of the corner name enum
static TQString cornerNameToString( CornerName type ) {
switch( type ) {
case CornerTopLeft:
return "TopLeft";
case CornerTopRight:
return "TopRight";
case CornerBottomLeft:
return "BottomLeft";
case CornerBottomRight:
return "BottomRight";
case CornerUNKNOWN:
return "UNKNOWN";
return "UNKNOWN";
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Converts the specified string to a corner name enum value.
\param string the string to convert
\return the corner name enum value
static CornerName stringToCornerName( const TQString& string ) {
if( string == "TopLeft" )
return CornerTopLeft;
else if( string == "TopRight" )
return CornerTopRight;
else if( string == "BottomLeft" )
return CornerBottomLeft;
else if( string == "BottomRight" )
return CornerBottomRight;
else if( string == "UNKNOWN" )
return CornerUNKNOWN;
return CornerUNKNOWN;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Look of the frame corners:
\li \c CornerNormal a square angle corner.
\li \c CornerRound a quarter of a circle.
\li \c CornerOblique corner cut-off by 45 degrees.
\sa setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth
enum CornerStyle { CornerNormal,
CornerOblique };
public slots:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Converts the specified corner style enum to a string representation.
\param type the corner style enum to convert
\return the string representation of the corner style enum
static TQString cornerStyleToString( CornerStyle type ) {
switch( type ) {
case CornerNormal:
return "Normal";
case CornerRound:
return "Round";
case CornerOblique:
return "Oblique";
return "Normal";
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Converts the specified string to a corner stylye enum value.
\param string the string to convert
\return the corner style enum value
static CornerStyle stringToCornerStyle( const TQString& string ) {
if( string == "Normal" )
return CornerNormal;
else if( string == "Round" )
return CornerRound;
else if( string == "Oblique" )
return CornerOblique;
return CornerNormal;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Helper class storing settings for one corner of the frame.
To set/retrieve information stored in this class please use
the appropriate methods of the KDFrame class.
\sa setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, cornerProfile, CornerName, CornerStyle
class KDCHART_EXPORT KDFrameCorner
friend class KDFrame;
KDFrameCorner( CornerStyle style = CornerNormal,
int width = 0,
KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
: _style( style ),
_width( width )
if( profile )
_profile = *profile;
Destructor. Only defined to have it virtual.
virtual ~KDFrameCorner();
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame corner for use
in a DOM document.
\param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
\param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
\param elementName the name of the new node
\param corner the corner to be represented
static void createFrameCornerNode( TQDomDocument& document,
TQDomNode& parent,
const TQString& elementName,
const KDFrameCorner& corner );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
corner and fills a KDFrameCorner object with the data.
\param element the DOM element to read from
\param corner the frame corner object to read the data into
static bool readFrameCornerNode( const TQDomElement& element,
KDFrameCorner& corner );
void setAll( CornerStyle style,
int width,
KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
_style = style;
_width = width;
if( profile )
_profile = *profile;
CornerStyle style() const
return _style;
int width() const
return _width;
const KDFrameProfile& profile() const
return _profile;
CornerStyle _style;
int _width;
KDFrameProfile _profile;
public slots:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Specify the look and the width and (optionally) the profile
of one of the frame corners.
\sa setCorners, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
void setCorner( CornerName name,
CornerStyle style,
int width,
KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
switch( name ) {
case CornerTopLeft: _cornerTL.setAll( style, width, profile );
case CornerTopRight: _cornerTR.setAll( style, width, profile );
case CornerBottomLeft: _cornerBL.setAll( style, width, profile );
case CornerBottomRight: _cornerBR.setAll( style, width, profile );
case CornerUNKNOWN:
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Specify the look and the width and (optionally) the profile
of all of the frame corners.
\sa setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
void setCorners( CornerStyle style,
int width,
KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
_cornerTL.setAll( style, width, profile );
_cornerTR.setAll( style, width, profile );
_cornerBL.setAll( style, width, profile );
_cornerBR.setAll( style, width, profile );
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Returns the look of one of the frame corners.
\sa setCorners, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
CornerStyle cornerStyle( CornerName name ) const
switch( name ) {
case CornerTopLeft: return _cornerTL.style();
case CornerTopRight: return _cornerTR.style();
case CornerBottomLeft: return _cornerBL.style();
case CornerBottomRight: return _cornerBR.style();
case CornerUNKNOWN:
default: return CornerNormal;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Returns the width of one of the frame corners.
\sa setCorners, cornerStyle, CornerName, CornerStyle
int cornerWidth( CornerName name ) const
switch( name ) {
case CornerTopLeft: return _cornerTL.width();
case CornerTopRight: return _cornerTR.width();
case CornerBottomLeft: return _cornerBL.width();
case CornerBottomRight: return _cornerBR.width();
case CornerUNKNOWN:
default: return 0;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Returns the profile of one of the frame corners.
\sa setCorners, cornerStyle, CornerName, CornerStyle
const KDFrameProfile& cornerProfile( CornerName name ) const
switch( name ) {
case CornerUNKNOWN:
case CornerTopLeft: return _cornerTL.profile();
case CornerTopRight: return _cornerTR.profile();
case CornerBottomLeft: return _cornerBL.profile();
case CornerBottomRight: return _cornerBR.profile();
default: return _cornerTL.profile();
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Specifies the position of the sun, normally this is the upper left corner.
\sa sunPos
void setSunPos( CornerName sunPos )
_sunPos = sunPos;
\ifnot v200
\deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
Returns the position of the sun.
\sa setSunPos
CornerName sunPos() const
return _sunPos;
Specifies the brush to be used to fill the inner area of this frame,
calling this methode without passing in a parameter re-sets the background brush
to \c TQBrush( \cTQt::NoBrush \c).
\Note To have a 'tiled' background image just use a brush
holding this pixmap - for other ways to show background
images please use setBackPixmap.
\sa setBackPixmap, background
void setBackground( TQBrush background = TQBrush( TQt::NoBrush ) )
_background = background;
Specifies a pixmap to be used to fill the inner area of this frame,
calling this methode without passing in a parameter removes the background pixmap.
\Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use setBackPixmap
but use setBackground specifying a brush holding the pixmap.
\sa setBackground, background
void setBackPixmap( const TQPixmap* backPixmap = 0,
BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched )
_backPixmap = backPixmap ? *backPixmap : TQPixmap();
_backPixmapMode = backPixmapMode;
Returns the brush that is used to fill the inner area of this frame,
or a TQBrush( \cNoBrush \c) if no background is to be drawn.
\param backPixmap receives the pixmap used for drawing the background or
a null pixmap, test this by calling backPixmap.isNull()
\Note If a 'tiled' background image is shown the respective pixmap
may be found by calling the <b>brush's</b> pixmap() function.
\sa setBackground, setBackPixmap
const TQBrush& background( const TQPixmap*& backPixmap,
BackPixmapMode& backPixmapMode ) const
backPixmap = &_backPixmap;
backPixmapMode = _backPixmapMode;
return _background;
Specifies the position and the size of area that is surrounded by the frame.
\note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
depends from the frame profile width(s).
\sa innerRect, setCorners, setSimpleFrame, setProfile
void setInnerRect( TQRect innerRect )
_innerRect = innerRect;
Returns the position and the size of the frame.
\note The rectangle returns to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
depends from the frame profile width.
\sa setInnerRect, setProfile
TQRect innerRect() const
return _innerRect;
Paint methode drawing the background (if any) of the frame.
\note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
start it with \c PaintBackground (or with \c PaintAll, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
virtual void paintBackground( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& innerRect ) const;
Paint methode drawing the edges (if any) of the frame.
\note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
start it with \c PaintEdges (or with \c PaintAll, \c PaintBorder, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
virtual void paintEdges( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& innerRect ) const;
Paint methode drawing the corners (if any) of the frame.
\note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
start it with \c PaintCorners (or with \c PaintAll, \c PaintBorder, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
virtual void paintCorners( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& innerRect ) const;
The different steps taken to paint the frame:
first paint the background then the edges then the corners.
By choosing \c PaintAll all the parts of the frame will be drawn.
\li \c PaintBackground -- first paints the brush, then paints the pixmap if any
\li \c PaintEdges
\li \c PaintCorners
\li \c PaintBorder -- paint the edges and the corners but not the background
\li \c PaintAll
\sa paint
enum KDFramePaintSteps { PaintBackground, PaintEdges, PaintCorners, PaintBorder, PaintAll };
public slots:
Paint methode actually drawing the frame.
This method must be called from inside the \c paint() methode of your widget.
In order not to override the inner contents of the frame you normally would
first call <b>paint( painter, PaintBackground );</b> then do all the inside
drawing and finally call <b>paint( painter, PaintBorder );</b>. In case the
inner contents <b>are</b> allowed to (partially) override the frame border
you could do the following: First call <b>paint( painter, PaintBackground );</b>
immediately followed by <b>paint( painter, PaintEdges );</b> then do all your
inside work and finally draw <b>paint( painter, PaintCorners );</b>.
\param painter The TQPainter to be used for drawing.
\param steps The part of the frame to be drawn, use KDFrame::PaintAll to draw the entire frame and the background,
use KDFrame::PaintBackground to draw only the background, use KDFrame::PaintEdges to draw just the edges,
use KDFrame::PaintCorners to draw only the corners.
\param innerRect The area inside the frame. Use this parameter to temporarily override the \c innerRect set by
the constructor of KDFrame or by setInnerRect(). This approach can be usefull if you want to draw several
frames that differ only regarding to their position and size but share the same edges/corners/background settings.
In this case you could decide to instantiate only one KDFrame set up the desired settings and just call
its paint() methode several time - giving it the appropriate innerRect for each frame. This would result in
less memory usage since you could use that single KDFrame object as kind of a shared ressource.
virtual void paint( TQPainter* painter,
KDFramePaintSteps steps = PaintAll,
TQRect innerRect = TQRect(0,0,0,0) ) const;
Remove all settings and specify no border, no edges, no background.
void clearAll()
_background = TQBrush();
_backPixmap = TQPixmap();
_backPixmapMode = PixStretched;
_shadowWidth = 0;
_sunPos = CornerTopLeft;
_innerRect = TQRect( 0,0, 0,0 );
_cornerTL.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
_cornerTR.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
_cornerBL.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
_cornerBR.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
Default Constructor. Defines default values.
The constructor does *not* have a \c parent parameter since drawing
of the frame is not done transparently but by (one or more) explicit
calls of the frames paint() methode. See explanation given there
to learn about the why and how of this...
\note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
depends from the frame profile width.
\Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not specify a backPixmap
but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
\sa rect, setInnerRect, setProfile
KDFrame( TQRect innerRect = TQRect(0,0,0,0),
SimpleFrame frame = FrameFlat,
int lineWidth = 1,
int midLineWidth = 0,
TQPen pen = TQPen(), // solid black line with 0 width
TQBrush background = TQBrush(), // no brush
const TQPixmap* backPixmap = 0, // no pixmap
BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched,
int shadowWidth = 0,
CornerName sunPos = CornerTopLeft )
_profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
_innerRect = innerRect;
setSimpleFrame( frame,
backPixmapMode );
_shadowWidth = shadowWidth;
_sunPos = sunPos;
Constructor. Set up a frame by copying settings of another frame.
The constructor does *not* have a \c parent parameter since drawing
of the frame is not done transparently but by (one or more) explicit
calls of the frames paint() methode. See explanation given there
to learn about the why and how of this...
\note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
depends from the frame profile width.
\sa rect, setInnerRect, setProfile
KDFrame( TQRect innerRect,
const KDFrame& R,
CornerName sunPos = CornerUNKNOWN )
deepCopy( *this, R );
if( innerRect.isValid() )
_innerRect = innerRect;
if( CornerUNKNOWN != sunPos )
_sunPos = sunPos;
_profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
KDFrame( const KDFrame& ) : TQObject(0) {}
KDFrame& operator=( const KDFrame& ){return *this;}
Destructor. Only defined to have it virtual.
virtual ~KDFrame();
Kopierroutine, aufgerufen im Copy-C'tor und im Zuweisungs-Operator
static void deepCopy( KDFrame& D, const KDFrame& R )
D._shadowWidth = R._shadowWidth;
D._sunPos = R._sunPos;
D._background = R._background;
D._backPixmap = R._backPixmap;
D._backPixmapMode = R._backPixmapMode;
D._innerRect = R._innerRect;
D._topProfile = R._topProfile;
D._rightProfile = R._rightProfile;
D._bottomProfile = R._bottomProfile;
D._leftProfile = R._leftProfile;
D._cornerTL = R._cornerTL;
D._cornerTR = R._cornerTR;
D._cornerBL = R._cornerBL;
D._cornerBR = R._cornerBR;
D._profileSections= R._profileSections;
D._profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
R.setProfileSectionsAutoDelete( false );
friend TQTextStream& operator<<( TQTextStream& s, const KDFrame& p );
friend TQTextStream& operator>>( TQTextStream& s, KDFrame& p );
Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame for use
in a DOM document.
\param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
\param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
\param elementName the name of the new node
\param frame the frame to be represented
static void createFrameNode( TQDomDocument& document, TQDomNode& parent,
const TQString& elementName,
const KDFrame& frame );
Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame profile for use
in a DOM document.
\param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
\param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
\param elementName the name of the new node
\param profile the profile to be represented
static void createFrameProfileNode( TQDomDocument& document,
TQDomNode& parent,
const TQString& elementName,
KDFrameProfile profile );
Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
object and fills a KDFrame object with the data.
\param element the DOM element to read from
\param frame the frame object to read the data into
static bool readFrameNode( const TQDomElement& element,
KDFrame& frame );
Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
profile and fills a KDFrameProfile object with the data.
\param element the DOM element to read from
\param profile the frame profile object to read the data into
static bool readFrameProfileNode( const TQDomElement& element,
KDFrameProfile& profile );
This signal is emitted when any of the frame parameters has changed.
void changed();
void setProfileSectionsAutoDelete( bool on ) const
((KDFrame*)this)->_profileSections.setAutoDelete( on );
Stores the width of the shadow.
int _shadowWidth;
Stores the position of the sun.
CornerName _sunPos;
Stores the brush to be used to fill the inner area.
TQBrush _background;
Stores the pixmap to be painted into the inner area.
TQPixmap _backPixmap;
Stores the way how to display the pixmap that is
to be painted into the inner area.
BackPixmapMode _backPixmapMode;
Stores the position and size of the frame.
TQRect _innerRect;
Stores all currently used profile settings for a controlled deletion.
\note The other pointer lists (like _topProfile or _rightProfile)
do NOT delete the objects that belong to their pointers,
but all sections will be deleted via this extra _profileSections list:
this allows for using the same KDFrameProfileSection* to be used
by several lists - typically done for simple frames where all 4 sides
are composed the same way.
KDFrameProfile _profileSections;
Stores the profile settings for the top side of the frame.
KDFrameProfile _topProfile;
Stores the profile settings for the right side of the frame.
KDFrameProfile _rightProfile;
Stores the profile settings for the bottom side of the frame.
KDFrameProfile _bottomProfile;
Stores the profile settings for the left side of the frame.
KDFrameProfile _leftProfile;
Stores the settings for the top left corner of the frame.
KDFrameCorner _cornerTL;
Stores the settings for the top right corner of the frame.
KDFrameCorner _cornerTR;
Stores the settings for the bottom left corner of the frame.
KDFrameCorner _cornerBL;
Stores the settings for the bottom right corner of the frame.
KDFrameCorner _cornerBR;
Writes the KDFrame object p as an XML document to the text stream s.
\param s the text stream to write to
\param p the KDFrame object to write
\return the text stream after the write operation
TQTextStream& operator<<( TQTextStream& s, const KDFrame& p );
Reads the an XML document from the text stream s into the
KDFrame object p
\param s the text stream to read from
\param p the KDFrame object to read into
\return the text stream after the read operation
TQTextStream& operator>>( TQTextStream& s, KDFrame& p );