<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<string>Choose Import Type Dialog</string>
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<string>Please choose the type of import you wish to perform. A simple explanation
of the import type is available at the bottom of the screen and is updated when
you select an item from the choice box.
Once you have chosen an import type please press the OK button.</string>
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<string>Choose import type:</string>
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<string>Some descripton</string>
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">
<property stdset="1">