copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Michael Edwardes
email : mte@users.sourceforge.net
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "config.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes
#include <tqwidget.h>
class TQVBox;
class TQFile;
class TQVBoxLayout;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kjanuswidget.h>
#include <kurl.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyaccount.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyinstitution.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneytransaction.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyscheduled.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneysecurity.h>
#include <kmymoney/selectedtransaction.h>
class KHomeView;
class KAccountsView;
class KCategoriesView;
class KInstitutionsView;
class KPayeesView;
class KBudgetView;
class KScheduledView;
class KGlobalLedgerView;
class IMyMoneyStorageFormat;
class MyMoneyTransaction;
class KInvestmentView;
class KReportsView;
class KMyMoneyViewBase;
class MyMoneyReport;
class TransactionEditor;
class KForecastView;
* This class represents the view of the MyMoneyFile which contains
* Banks/Accounts/Transactions, Recurring transactions (or Bills & Deposits)
* and scripts (yet to be implemented). Each different aspect of the file
* is represented by a tab within the view.
* @author Michael Edwardes 2001 Copyright 2000-2001
* @short Handles the view of the MyMoneyFile.
class KMyMoneyView : public KJanusWidget
enum viewID {
HomeView = 0,
// file actions for plugin
enum fileActions {
preOpen, postOpen, preSave, postSave, preClose, postClose
enum menuID {
AccountNew = 1,
typedef enum storageTypeE { // not used but keep for future implementation
Memory = 0,
} _storageType;
KHomeView *m_homeView;
KAccountsView *m_accountsView;
KInstitutionsView *m_institutionsView;
KCategoriesView *m_categoriesView;
KPayeesView *m_payeesView;
KBudgetView *m_budgetView;
KScheduledView *m_scheduledView;
KGlobalLedgerView *m_ledgerView;
KInvestmentView *m_investmentView;
KReportsView* m_reportsView;
KForecastView* m_forecastView;
TQVBox* m_homeViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_accountsViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_institutionsViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_categoriesViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_payeesViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_budgetViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_scheduleViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_ledgerViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_investmentViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_reportsViewFrame;
TQVBox* m_forecastViewFrame;
bool m_inConstructor;
bool m_fileOpen;
int m_fmode;
// bool m_bankRightClick;
// MyMoneyInstitution m_accountsInstitution;
// Keep a note of the file type
typedef enum _fileTypeE {
KmmBinary = 0, // native, binary
KmmXML, // native, XML
KmmDb, // SQL database
/* insert new native file types above this line */
/* and non-native types below */
GncXML // Gnucash XML
fileTypeE m_fileType;
void addTitleBar(TQWidget* parent, const TQString& title);
void ungetString(TQIODevice *qfile, char * buf, int len);
* This method creates the currency @p curr if it does not exist and
* @p create is @p true. If the currency already exists, it checks
* if the name is equal. If it is not, the name of the object in the
* engine is updated to the name passed with @p curr.
* @param curr MyMoneySecurity to be checked
* @param create If true and currency does not exist it will be created
If false currency will not be created even if it does not exist
void loadDefaultCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& curr, const bool create);
void loadAncientCurrency(const TQString& id, const TQString& name, const TQString& sym, const TQDate& date, const MyMoneyMoney& rate, const TQString& newId, const int partsPerUnit = 100, const int smallestCashFraction = 100, const int smallestAccountFraction = 0);
* if no base currency is defined, start the dialog and force it to be set
void selectBaseCurrency(void);
* This method attaches an empty storage object to the MyMoneyFile
* object. It calls removeStorage() to remove a possibly attached
* storage object.
void newStorage(storageTypeE = Memory);
* This method removes an attached storage from the MyMoneyFile
* object.
void removeStorage(void);
void viewAccountList(const TQString& selectAccount); // Show the accounts view
static void progressCallback(int current, int total, const TQString&);
void fixFile_0(void);
void fixFile_1(void);
void fixFile_2(void);
void fixLoanAccount_0(MyMoneyAccount acc);
void fixTransactions_0(void);
void fixSchedule_0(MyMoneySchedule sched);
void fixDuplicateAccounts_0(MyMoneyTransaction& t);
void createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule s, MyMoneyAccount& a);
void checkAccountName(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const TQString& name) const;
* The constructor for KMyMoneyView. Just creates all the tabs for the
* different aspects of the MyMoneyFile.
KMyMoneyView(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
* Destructor
* Makes sure that a MyMoneyFile is open and has been created succesfully.
* @return Whether the file is open and initialised
bool fileOpen(void);
* Closes the open MyMoneyFile and frees all the allocated memory, I hope !
void closeFile(void);
* Calls MyMoneyFile::readAllData which reads a MyMoneyFile into appropriate
* data structures in memory. The return result is examined to make sure no
* errors occured whilst parsing.
* @param url The URL to read from.
* If no protocol is specified, file:// is assumed.
* @return Whether the read was successfull.
bool readFile(const KURL& url);
* Saves the data into permanent storage using the XML format.
* @param url The URL to save into.
* If no protocol is specified, file:// is assumed.
* @param keyList TQString containing a comma separated list of keys
* to be used for encryption. If @p keyList is empty,
* the file will be saved unencrypted (the default)
* @retval false save operation failed
* @retval true save operation was successful
bool saveFile(const KURL& url, const TQString& keyList = TQString());
* Saves the data into permanent storage on a new or empty SQL database.
* @param url The pseudo of tyhe database
* @retval false save operation failed
* @retval true save operation was successful
//const bool saveDatabase(const KURL& url); This no longer relevant
* Saves the data into permanent storage on a new or empty SQL database.
* @param url The pseudo URL of the database
* @retval false save operation failed
* @retval true save operation was successful
bool saveAsDatabase(const KURL& url);
* Call this to find out if the currently open file is native KMM
* @retval true file is native
* @retval false file is foreign
bool isNativeFile() { return (m_fileOpen && (m_fileType < MaxNativeFileType)); }
* Call this to find out if the currently open file is a sql database
* @retval true file is database
* @retval false file is serial
bool isDatabase()
{ return (m_fileOpen && ((m_fileType == KmmDb))); }
* Call this to see if the MyMoneyFile contains any unsaved data.
* @retval true if any data has been modified but not saved
* @retval false otherwise
bool dirty(void);
* Close the currently opened file and create an empty new file.
* @see MyMoneyFile
void newFile(void);
* Moves the view up from transaction to Bank/Account view.
void viewUp(void);
* This method allows to set the enable state of all views (except home view)
* The argument @p state controls the availability.
* @param state Controls whether views are disabled @p (0), enabled @p (1) or
* enabled/disabled according to an open file @p (-1). The latter
* is the default.
void enableViews(int state = -1);
KMyMoneyViewBase* addPage(const TQString& title, const TQString& icon = TQString());
void addWidget(TQWidget* w);
virtual bool showPage(int index);
* check if the current view allows to create a transaction
* @param list list of selected transactions
* @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text
* which explains why the modify function is not available (in case
* of returning @c false)
* @retval true Yes, view allows to create a transaction (tooltip is not changed)
* @retval false No, view cannot to create a transaction (tooltip is updated with message)
bool canCreateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, TQString& tooltip) const;
* check if the current view allows to modify (edit/delete) the selected transactions
* @param list list of selected transactions
* @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text
* which explains why the modify function is not available (in case
* of returning @c false)
* @retval true Yes, view allows to edit/delete transactions (tooltip is not changed)
* @retval false No, view cannot edit/delete transactions (tooltip is updated with message)
bool canModifyTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, TQString& tooltip) const;
bool canDuplicateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, TQString& tooltip) const;
* check if the current view allows to edit the selected transactions
* @param list list of selected transactions
* @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text
* which explains why the edit function is not available (in case
* of returning @c false)
* @retval true Yes, view allows to enter/edit transactions
* @retval false No, view cannot enter/edit transactions
bool canEditTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, TQString& tooltip) const;
* check if the current view allows to print something
* @retval true Yes, view allows to print
* @retval false No, view cannot print
bool canPrint(void);
TransactionEditor* startEdit(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions&);
bool createNewTransaction(void);
* Used to start reconciliation of account @a account. It switches the
* ledger view into reconciliation mode and updates the view.
* @param account account which should be reconciled
* @param reconciliationDate the statement date
* @param endingBalance the ending balance entered for this account
* @retval true Reconciliation started
* @retval false Account cannot be reconciled
bool startReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const TQDate& reconciliationDate, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance);
* Used to finish reconciliation of account @a account. It switches the
* ledger view to normal mode and updates the view.
* @param account account which should be reconciled
void finishReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& account);
* This method preloads all known currencies into the engine.
void loadDefaultCurrencies(void);
void loadAncientCurrencies(void);
void showTitleBar(bool show);
public slots:
* This slot writes information about the page passed as argument @p widget
* in the kmymoney2.rc file so that in can be selected automatically when
* the application is started again.
* @param widget pointer to page widget
void slotRememberPage(TQWidget* widget);
* Brings up a dialog to change the list(s) settings and saves them into the
* class KMyMoneySettings (a singleton).
* @see KListSettingsDlg
* Refreshs all views. Used e.g. after settings have been changed or
* data has been loaded from external sources (TQIF import).
void slotRefreshViews();
* Called, whenever the ledger view should pop up and a specific
* transaction in an account should be shown. If @p transaction
* is empty, the last transaction should be selected
* @param acc The ID of the account to be shown
* @param transaction The ID of the transaction to be selected
void slotLedgerSelected(const TQString& acc, const TQString& transaction = TQString());
* Called, whenever the payees view should pop up and a specific
* transaction in an account should be shown.
* @param payeeId The ID of the payee to be shown
* @param accountId The ID of the account to be shown
* @param transactionId The ID of the transaction to be selected
void slotPayeeSelected(const TQString& payeeId, const TQString& accountId, const TQString& transactionId);
* Called, whenever the schedule view should pop up and a specific
* schedule should be shown.
* @param schedule The ID of the schedule to be shown
void slotScheduleSelected(const TQString& schedule);
* Called, whenever the report view should pop up and a specific
* report should be shown.
* @param reportid The ID of the report to be shown
void slotShowReport(const TQString& reportid);
* Same as the above, but the caller passes in an actual report
* definition to be shown.
* @param report The report to be shown
void slotShowReport(const MyMoneyReport& report);
* This slot prints the current view.
void slotPrintView(void);
* This slot switches the view to present the home page
void slotShowHomePage(void) { showPage(0); }
protected slots:
* Called when the user changes the detail
* setting of the transaction register
* @param detailed if true, the register is shown with all details
void slotShowTransactionDetail(bool detailed);
* eventually replace this with KMyMoney2App::slotCurrencySetBase(void).
* it contains the same code
* @deprecated
void slotSetBaseCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& baseCurrency);
* This method is called from readFile to open a database file which
* is to be processed in 'proper' database mode, i.e. in-place updates
* @param dbaseURL pseudo-KURL representation of database
* @retval true Database opened successfully
* @retval false Could not open or read database
bool openDatabase (const KURL& dbaseURL);
* This method is used after a file or database has been
* read into storage, and performs various initialization tasks
* @retval true all went okay
* @retval false an exception occurred during this process
bool initializeStorage();
* This method is used by saveFile() to store the data
* either directly in the destination file if it is on
* the local file system or in a temporary file when
* the final destination is reached over a network
* protocol (e.g. FTP)
* @param qf pointer to TQFile representing the opened file
* @param writer pointer to the formatter
* @param plaintext whether to override any compression & encryption settings
* @param keyList TQString containing a comma separated list of keys to be used for encryption
* If @p keyList is empty, the file will be saved unencrypted
* @note This method will close the file when it is written.
void saveToLocalFile(TQFile* qf, IMyMoneyStorageFormat* writer, bool plaintext=false, const TQString& keyList = TQString());
* Internal method used by slotAccountNew() and slotAccountCategory().
void accountNew(const bool createCategory);
* This signal is emitted whenever a view is selected.
* The parameter @p view is identified as one of KMyMoneyView::viewID.
void viewActivated(int view);
void accountSelectedForContextMenu(const MyMoneyAccount& acc);
void viewStateChanged(bool enabled);
* This signal is emitted to inform the kmmFile plugin when various file actions
* occur. The Action parameter distinguishes between them.
void kmmFilePlugin (unsigned int action);
* Signal is emitted when reconciliation starts or ends. In case of end,
* @a account is MyMoneyAccount()
* @param account account for which reconciliation starts or MyMoneyAccount()
* if reconciliation ends.
* @param reconciliationDate the statement date
* @param endingBalance collected ending balance when reconciliation starts
* 0 otherwise
void reconciliationStarts(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const TQDate& reconciliationDate, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance);
* This class is an abstract base class that all specific views
* should be based on.
class KMyMoneyViewBase : public TQWidget
KMyMoneyViewBase(TQWidget* parent, const char *name, const TQString& title);
virtual ~KMyMoneyViewBase();
void setTitle(const TQString& title);
TQVBoxLayout* layout(void) const;
void addWidget(TQWidget* w);
* This method is used to edit the currently selected transactions
* The default implementation returns @p false which signals to the caller, that
* the view was not capable to edit the transactions.
* @retval false view was not capable to edit transactions
* @retval true view was capable to edit the transactions and did so
bool editTransactions(const TQValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>& transactions) const { Q_UNUSED(transactions) return false; }
/// \internal d-pointer class.
class Private;
/// \internal d-pointer instance.
Private* const d;