####### tdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
# just make sure, we don't ship the sqlite subdirectory with the tarball
SOURCEDIRS = libkgpgfile libkdchart kmymoney2 po doc developer-doc
EXTRA_DIST = AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL README TODO ChangeLog.original configure.in.in configure.in.bot README.Fileformats stamp-h1 subdirs inst-apps 23011-qt-sqlite3-0.2.tar.gz
noinst_HEADERS = kdecompat.h
####### tdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############
# not a GNU package. You can remove this line, if
# have all needed files, that a GNU package needs
KDE_OPTIONS = noautodist
$(top_srcdir)/configure.in : configure .in .in $( top_srcdir ) /subdirs
cd $( top_srcdir) && $( MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common configure.in ;
$(top_srcdir)/subdirs :
cd $( top_srcdir) && $( MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common subdirs
ADDITIONAL_CHECKS = ` ls *.m4 | grep -v acinclude\. m4 | grep -v aclocal\. m4`
$(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 : $( top_srcdir ) /admin /acinclude .m 4.in $( top_srcdir ) /admin /libtool .m 4.in
@cd $( top_srcdir) && cat admin/acinclude.m4.in admin/libtool.m4.in > acinclude.m4
@for i in $( ADDITIONAL_CHECKS) ; do \
cat $$ i >> acinclude.m4; \
distclean-local :
if test "x@SQLITE3@" != "x" ; then \
rm -rf @SQLITE3@; \
DISTCLEANFILES = kmymoney2.kdevses kmymoney2-*.tar.gz
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = subdirs configure.in acinclude.m4 configure.files
.PHONY : check -vpath -environment
check-vpath-environment :
@if test " x $( top_srcdir) x " != " x $( top_builddir) x " ; then \
echo "Packaging messages does not work in VPATH environment!" ; \
exit 1; \
fi ;
# we use our own version of extractrc if not otherwise specified
export EXTRACTRC ?= $( PWD) /admin/extractrc
generate-messages : check -vpath -environment
find . -name rc.cpp -exec rm { } \;
$( MAKE) -C $( top_srcdir) -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages XGETTEXT = $( XGETTEXT)
find . -name rc.cpp -exec rm { } \;
@if test ` grep '"_: ' po/kmymoney2.pot | grep -v TRANSLATORS | wc -l` -eq 0; then echo -e " It seems that context i18n's are not translated correctly.\n' $( XGETTEXT) ' has been used for translation. " ; exit 1; fi ;
package-messages :
$( MAKE) generate-messages
$( MAKE) merge-messages
merge-messages : check -vpath -environment
$( MAKE) -C $( top_srcdir) /po merge
fullcheck :
DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = "--enable-ofxbanking --enable-ofxplugin" $( MAKE) distcheck
# The following line adds the required admin files
EXTRA_DIST += admin/Makefile.common admin/cvs.sh admin/detect-autoconf.pl admin/acinclude.m4.in admin/conf.change.pl admin/config.pl admin/libtool.m4.in admin/configure.in.min admin/configure.in.bot.end admin/am_edit admin/debianrules admin/fixuifiles admin/extractrc