You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

303 lines
7.8 KiB

* *
* KNetLoad is copyright (c) 1999-2000, Markus Gustavsson *
* (c) 2002, Ben Burton *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "knetproc.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
// BSD-specific includes.
#ifdef Q_OS_BSD4
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#include <net/route.h>
// Solaris-specific includes.
#include <kstat.h>
#include <sys/sockio.h>
// Linux-specific includes.
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
#include <tqdir.h>
* Linux
* -----
* We assume /proc/net/dev is filled with lines of the following form:
* iface: bytesIn x x x x x x x bytesOut x x x x x x x
* We also assume that the first two lines of /proc/net/dev are headers
* that can be ignored.
* ---
* BSD code by Roland Riegel <>,
* Bill Wilson <>, Hajimu Umemoto <> and
* Anthony Mallet <>.
* Solaris
* -------
* Solaris code by Roland Riegel <>,
* Bill Wilson <> and Daisuke Yabuki <>.
* Other Operating Systems
* -----------------------
* Please, send in a patch!
* The KNetLoad maintainer is currently Ben Burton <>, or
* you could submit a patch through the KDE bug tracking system
* (
#define MAX_NET_DEV_LINE 512
const float KNetProc::megabyte = 1000000;
KNetProc::KNetProc() {
currIn = currOut = 0;
prevIn = prevOut = 0;
// OS-specific initialisation.
// ========== BSD-specific (begin) ==========
#ifdef Q_OS_BSD4
buf = 0;
alloc = 0;
// ========== BSD-specific (end) ==========
// ========== Linux-specific (begin) ==========
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
useSys = TQDir::home().exists("/sys/class/net");
// ========== Linux-specific (end) ==========
KNetProc::~KNetProc() {
// OS-specific cleaning up.
// ========== BSD-specific (begin) ==========
#ifdef Q_OS_BSD4
if (buf)
// ========== BSD-specific (end) ==========
void KNetProc::setDevice(const TQString &interface) {
// Actually set the device.
device = interface;
// Take an initial reading.
currIn = currOut = 0;
prevIn = prevOut = 0;
// Make the previous reading identical to the current reading to
// avoid a massive spike before the next reading is taken.
prevIn = currIn;
prevOut = currOut;
void KNetProc::readLoad() {
// The current readings must now become the previous readings.
prevIn = currIn;
prevOut = currOut;
// Take the new set of readings (i.e., update currIn and currOut).
// If no new readings are taken (e.g., the device could not be
// found), this code may return; otherwise it *must* fall through to
// the tidy-up block that follows this OS-specific code.
// OS-specific local variables.
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
if ( useSys )
#elif defined Q_OS_BSD4
#elif defined Q_OS_SOLARIS
// Tidy up.
if (currIn < prevIn)
prevIn = 0;
if (currOut < prevOut)
prevIn = 0;
// Linux specific function
void KNetProc::readLoadLinux26() {
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
static FILE* fd;
static unsigned int tmp;
static char *fn;
asprintf(&fn, "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_bytes", device.latin1());
if ( (fd = fopen(fn, "r")) == 0 )
fscanf(fd, "%u", &tmp);
currIn = tmp;
fn[strlen(fn)-8] = 't'; // "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_bytes"
if ( (fd = fopen(fn, "r")) == 0 )
fscanf(fd, "%u", &tmp);
currOut = tmp;
void KNetProc::readLoadLinux24() {
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
static FILE* fd;
static char line[MAX_NET_DEV_LINE];
static char* pos;
static char* iface;
static float junk;
if ((fd = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r")) == 0)
// Read the unwanted header lines.
fgets(line, MAX_NET_DEV_LINE, fd);
fgets(line, MAX_NET_DEV_LINE, fd);
// Read through the remaining lines until we find our device.
while (! feof(fd)) {
fgets(line, MAX_NET_DEV_LINE, fd);
// Find the interface name for this line.
for (iface = line; *iface == ' '; iface++)
; // (skip initial spaces)
for (pos = iface; *pos != ':' && *pos != 0; pos++)
; // (move to next ':' or end of string)
if (*pos == 0)
continue; // (was not ':')
*pos = 0;
// Now iface points to a null-terminated string containing the
// interface name for this particular line.
if (device != iface)
// This is the correct device!
// Read off the numbers of bytes.
sscanf(pos + 1, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &currIn, &junk,
&junk, &junk, &junk, &junk, &junk, &junk, &currOut);
// And we're done.
// Note that we might have finished the loop without ever finding
// our device.
// Solaris specific
void KNetProc::readLoadBSD4() {
#ifdef Q_OS_BSD4
static struct if_msghdr *ifm, *nextifm;
static struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
static char *lim, *next;
static size_t needed;
static char s[32];
static int mib[] = { CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, 0, NET_RT_IFLIST, 0 };
if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
if (alloc < needed) {
if (buf != NULL)
buf = (char *) malloc(needed);
if (buf == NULL)
alloc = needed;
if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
lim = buf + needed;
next = buf;
while (next < lim) {
ifm = (struct if_msghdr *) next;
if (ifm->ifm_type != RTM_IFINFO)
next += ifm->ifm_msglen;
while (next < lim) {
nextifm = (struct if_msghdr *) next;
if (nextifm->ifm_type != RTM_NEWADDR)
next += nextifm->ifm_msglen;
if (ifm->ifm_flags & IFF_UP) {
sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) (ifm + 1);
if (sdl->sdl_family != AF_LINK)
strncpy(s, sdl->sdl_data, sdl->sdl_nlen);
s[sdl->sdl_nlen] = 0;
if (device == s) {
currIn = ifm->ifm_data.ifi_ibytes;
currOut = ifm->ifm_data.ifi_obytes;
// BSD specific code
void KNetProc::readLoadSolaris() {
static kstat_ctl_t *kc;
static kstat_t *ksp;
static kstat_named_t *knp;
kc = kstat_open();
ksp = kstat_lookup(kc, 0, -1, device);
if (ksp && kstat_read(kc, ksp, 0) >= 0) {
if ((knp = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup(ksp, "rbytes")))
currIn = knp->value.ui32;
if ((knp = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup(ksp, "obytes")))
currOut = knp->value.ui32;