You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

464 lines
12 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Kevin Gilbert *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "htmlwidget.h"
#include "indexwidget.h"
#include "knmap.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "scannamedialog.h"
#include "scanstack.h"
#include "scanwidget.h"
// constructor
// ===========
MainWidget::MainWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: QSplitter( parent, name ),
m_dirty( false ),
m_wrapText( false )
{ m_scanStack = new ScanStack( this, "scan stack" );
m_htmlWidget = new HTMLWidget( &m_stylesheetURLs, this, "html widget" );
m_indexWidget = new IndexWidget( m_scanStack, this, "index widget" );
moveToFirst( m_indexWidget );
m_scanStack->appendHTMLWidget( m_htmlWidget );
setOpaqueResize( true );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotFinaliseInitialisation( )));
connect( m_htmlWidget,
SIGNAL( errorLoadingLocalManPage( const QString& )),
SLOT( slotErrorLoadingLocalManPage( const QString& )));
connect( m_indexWidget,
SIGNAL( visibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* )),
SLOT( slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* )));
// createScan
// ==========
ScanWidget* MainWidget::createScan( const QString& scanName, const bool useTargetHost, const QString& profileName )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = new ScanWidget( scanName, useTargetHost, this, "scan widget" );
m_scanStack->appendAndRaiseWidget( scanWidget );
m_scanStack->wrapText( m_wrapText );
if( profileName == QString::null )
scanWidget->readSettings( );
scanWidget->setProfileName( profileName );
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( displayHelp( const QString& )),
SLOT( slotDisplayHelp( const QString& )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )),
SLOT( slotOptionsDirty( )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( outputAvailable( const bool, const bool )),
SIGNAL( outputAvailable( const bool, const bool )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( scanRename( const QString& )),
SLOT( slotScanRename( const QString& )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( scanStarted( )),
SLOT( slotScanStarted( )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( scanStopped( ScanWidget* )),
SLOT( slotScanStopped( ScanWidget* )));
connect( scanWidget,
SIGNAL( statusBarText( const QString& )),
SIGNAL( statusBarText( const QString& )));
return scanWidget;
// loadManPage
// ===========
void MainWidget::loadManPage( )
{ m_htmlWidget->loadManPage( m_useLocalManPage );
// readSettings
// ============
void MainWidget::readSettings( )
{ m_htmlWidget->readSettings( );
KConfig* config = kapp->config( );
config->setGroup( "General" );
m_stylesheetURLs = config->readListEntry( "stylesheetURLs" );
m_useLocalManPage = config->readBoolEntry( "useLocalManPage", false );
m_wrapText = config->readBoolEntry( "wrapText", false );
QValueList<int> splitterSizes = config->readIntListEntry( "splitterSizes" );
setSizes( splitterSizes );
QStringList scanNames = config->readListEntry( "scanNames" );
if( !scanNames.count( ))
scanNames.append( "default" );
QString visibleScanName = config->readEntry( "visibleScan", QString::null );
ScanWidget* visibleScanWidget = NULL;
for( QStringList::Iterator it = scanNames.begin( ); it != scanNames.end(); ++it )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = createScan( *it, false, QString::null );
if( visibleScanName == scanWidget->scanName( ))
visibleScanWidget = scanWidget;
if( visibleScanWidget == NULL )
{ visibleScanWidget = m_scanStack->firstScanWidget( );
if( visibleScanWidget == NULL )
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Internal error - no ScanWidget to display!" ), i18n( "Internal error" ));
kapp->quit( );
m_scanStack->raiseWidget( visibleScanWidget );
// saveAllDirtyProfiles
// ====================
void MainWidget::saveAllDirtyProfiles( )
{ ushort i;
for( m_scanStack->resetScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->moreScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->nextScanWidget( i ))
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->currentScanWidget( i );
if( scanWidget->isDirty( ))
scanWidget->profileSave( );
// saveSettings
// ============
void MainWidget::saveSettings( )
{ m_htmlWidget->saveSettings( );
ushort i;
QStringList scanNames;
for( m_scanStack->resetScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->moreScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->nextScanWidget( i ))
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->currentScanWidget( i );
scanNames.append( scanWidget->scanName( ));
scanWidget->saveSettings( );
QValueList<int> splitterSizes = sizes( );
KConfig* config = kapp->config( );
config->setGroup( "General" );
config->writeEntry( "scanNames", scanNames );
config->writeEntry( "splitterSizes", splitterSizes );
config->writeEntry( "stylesheetURLs", m_stylesheetURLs );
config->writeEntry( "useLocalManPage", m_useLocalManPage );
config->writeEntry( "visibleScan", m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->scanName( ));
config->writeEntry( "wrapText", m_wrapText );
// setCaption
// ==========
void MainWidget::setCaption( ScanWidget* scanWidget )
{ QString profileName = scanWidget->profileName( );
profileName = profileName.right( profileName.length( ) - strlen( PROFILE_PREFIX ));
emit( setCaption( scanWidget->scanName( ) + " : " + profileName ));
// slotDisplayHelp
// ===============
void MainWidget::slotDisplayHelp( const QString& anchor )
{ slotShowManPage( );
m_htmlWidget->gotoAnchor( anchor );
// slotErrorLoadingLocalManPage
// ============================
void MainWidget::slotErrorLoadingLocalManPage( const QString& errorText )
{ KMessageBox::sorry( this, errorText + "\nLoading the Knmap version.", "Couldn't load local nmap 'man' page" );
slotSwitchManPages( );
// slotFileSave
// ============
void MainWidget::slotFileSave( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->fileSave( );
// slotFileSaveAs
// ==============
void MainWidget::slotFileSaveAs( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->fileSaveAs( );
// slotFinaliseInitialisation
// ==========================
void MainWidget::slotFinaliseInitialisation( )
{ m_indexWidget->ensureCurrentVisible( );
slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( m_scanStack->visibleWidget( ));
loadManPage( );
emit( setManPageActionStuff( m_useLocalManPage ));
// slotOptionsDirty
// ================
void MainWidget::slotOptionsDirty( )
{ m_dirty = false;
ushort i;
for( m_scanStack->resetScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->moreScanWidgets( i ); m_scanStack->nextScanWidget( i ))
m_dirty |= m_scanStack->currentScanWidget( i )->isDirty( );
// slotProfileCopy
// ===============
void MainWidget::slotProfileCopy( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->profileCopy( );
// slotProfileDelete
// =================
void MainWidget::slotProfileDelete( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->profileDelete( );
// slotProfileLoad
// ===============
void MainWidget::slotProfileLoad( )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
scanWidget->profileLoad( );
setCaption( scanWidget );
// slotProfileRename
// =================
void MainWidget::slotProfileRename( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->profileRename( );
// slotProfileSave
// ===============
void MainWidget::slotProfileSave( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->profileSave( );
// slotProfileSaveAs
// =================
void MainWidget::slotProfileSaveAs( )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
scanWidget->profileSaveAs( );
setCaption( scanWidget );
// slotScanClose
// =============
void MainWidget::slotScanClose( )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
scanWidget->profileAskAndSave( );
m_scanStack->removeScanWidget( scanWidget );
m_indexWidget->updateContents( );
slotOptionsDirty( );
// slotScanDuplicate
// =================
void MainWidget::slotScanDuplicate( )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
scanWidget = createScan( scanWidget->scanName( ), scanWidget->useTargetHost( ), scanWidget->profileName( ));
slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget );
// slotScanNew
// ===========
void MainWidget::slotScanNew( )
{ ScanNameDialog dlg( NULL, this, "scan name dlg" );
if( dlg.exec( ) != QDialog::Accepted )
QString scanName;
bool useTargetHost;
if( dlg.useHostName( ))
useTargetHost = true;
{ scanName = dlg.scanName( );
useTargetHost = false;
ScanWidget* scanWidget = createScan( scanName, useTargetHost, DEFAULT_PROFILE );
slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget );
// slotScanRename
// ==============
void MainWidget::slotScanRename( )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
ScanNameDialog dlg( scanWidget, this, "scan name dlg" );
if( dlg.exec( ) != QDialog::Accepted )
if( dlg.useHostName( ))
{ slotScanRename( DEFAULT_SCAN_NAME );
scanWidget->useTargetHost( true );
{ slotScanRename( dlg.scanName( ));
scanWidget->useTargetHost( false );
// slotScanRename
// ==============
void MainWidget::slotScanRename( const QString& scanName )
{ ScanWidget* scanWidget = m_scanStack->visibleWidget( );
scanWidget->renameScan( scanName );
m_indexWidget->updateContents( );
setCaption( scanWidget );
// slotShowManPage
// ===============
void MainWidget::slotShowManPage( )
{ m_scanStack->raiseWidget( m_htmlWidget );
// slotSetStylesheet
// =================
void MainWidget::slotSetStylesheet( )
{ m_htmlWidget->setStylesheet( );
// slotSwitchManPages
// ==================
void MainWidget::slotSwitchManPages( )
{ m_useLocalManPage = !m_useLocalManPage;
loadManPage( );
emit( setManPageActionStuff( m_useLocalManPage ));
// slotUseTargetHost
// =================
void MainWidget::slotUseTargetHost( )
{ m_scanStack->visibleWidget( )->useTargetHost( true );
// slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged
// ============================
void MainWidget::slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* scanWidget )
{ scanWidget->updateStatusBarText( );
setCaption( scanWidget );
m_indexWidget->updateContents( );
emit( visibleScanWidgetChanged( scanWidget ));
// slotWrapText
// ============
void MainWidget::slotWrapText( )
{ m_wrapText = !m_wrapText;
m_scanStack->wrapText( m_wrapText );
// slotZoomCustom
// ==============
void MainWidget::slotZoomCustom( )
{ bool ok;
int zoom = KInputDialog::getInteger( i18n( "Zoom percentage" ),
i18n( QString( "Enter zoom %'age (%1% - %2%)").arg( ZOOM_MIN_FACTOR ).arg( ZOOM_MAX_FACTOR)),
int( m_htmlWidget->zoomFactor( )),
"zoom" );
if( ok )
m_htmlWidget->zoomFactor( zoom );
// slotZoomIn
// ==========
void MainWidget::slotZoomIn( )
{ m_htmlWidget->zoomIn( );
// slotZoomOut
// ===========
void MainWidget::slotZoomOut( )
{ m_htmlWidget->zoomOut( );