You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
22 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Kevin Gilbert *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#include <ntqbuttongroup.h>
#include <ntqcheckbox.h>
#include <ntqlayout.h>
#include <ntqlineedit.h>
#include <ntqpushbutton.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include "knmap.h"
#include "loggingoptions.h"
#include "whatsthis.h"
// constructor
// ===========
LoggingOptions::LoggingOptions( TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: TQWidget( parent, name )
{ createLayout( );
// createLayout
// ============
void LoggingOptions::createLayout( )
{ TQGridLayout* gridLayout = new TQGridLayout( this );
TDEIconLoader* iconLoader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader( );
TQIconSet fileOpenIconSet = iconLoader->loadIconSet( "document-open", TDEIcon::Small );
m_baseFileNameButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "base file name button" );
m_grepableLogButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "grepable log button" );
m_normalLogButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "normal log button" );
m_resumeButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "resume button" );
m_scriptKiddieButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "script kiddie button" );
m_stylesheetButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "stylesheet button" );
m_xmlLogButton = new TQPushButton( fileOpenIconSet, NULL, this, "xml log button" );
m_appendOutputCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Append output (--append_output)" ), this, "append output checkbox" );
m_baseFileNameCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Base file name (-oA <name>) " ), this, "base name checkbox" );
m_grepableLogCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "grep'able log file (-oG <file>) " ), this, "grepable log checkbox" );
m_normalLogCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Normal log file (-oN <file>) " ), this, "normal log checkbox" );
m_noStylesheetCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "No XSL stylesheet (--no_stylesheet)" ), this, "no stylesheet checkbox" );
m_resumeCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Resume file (--resume <file>) " ), this, "resume checkbox" );
m_scriptKiddieCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Script kiddie log file (-oS <file>) " ), this, "script kiddie checkbox" );
m_stylesheetCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "XSL stylesheet (--stylesheet <file>) " ), this, "stylesheet checkbox" );
m_xmlLogCheckBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "XML log file (-oX <file>) " ), this, "xml log checkbox" );
m_baseFileNameLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "base file name line edit" );
m_grepableLogLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "grepable log line edit" );
m_normalLogLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "normal log line edit" );
m_resumeLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "resume line edit" );
m_scriptKiddieLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "script kiddie line edit" );
m_stylesheetLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "stylesheet line edit" );
m_xmlLogLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "xml log line edit" );
byte row = 1;
gridLayout->addWidget( m_appendOutputCheckBox, row++, 1 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_noStylesheetCheckBox, row++, 1 );
byte rowBlock1 = row;
row = 1;
gridLayout->addWidget( m_baseFileNameCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_baseFileNameLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_baseFileNameButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_grepableLogCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_grepableLogLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_grepableLogButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_normalLogCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_normalLogLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_normalLogButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_resumeCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_resumeLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_resumeButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_scriptKiddieLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_scriptKiddieButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_xmlLogCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_xmlLogLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_xmlLogButton, row++, 5 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_stylesheetCheckBox, row, 3 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_stylesheetLineEdit, row, 4 );
gridLayout->addWidget( m_stylesheetButton, row++, 5 );
byte rowBlock2 = row;
gridLayout->setColStretch( 0, 5 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 2, 5 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 4, 10 );
gridLayout->setColStretch( 6, 5 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( 0, 10 );
gridLayout->setRowStretch( _max_( rowBlock1, rowBlock2 ), 10 );
// finaliseInitialisation
// ======================
void LoggingOptions::finaliseInitialisation( )
{ WhatsThis* whatsThis = new WhatsThis( this );
connect( m_baseFileNameButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotBaseFileNameButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_baseFileNameCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotBaseFileNameCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_grepableLogButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotGrepableLogButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_grepableLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotGrepableLogCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_normalLogButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotNormalLogButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_normalLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotNormalLogCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_noStylesheetCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotNoStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_resumeButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotResumeButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_resumeCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotResumeCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_scriptKiddieButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotScriptKiddieButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotScriptKiddieCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_stylesheetButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotStylesheetButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_stylesheetCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( whatsThis, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotWhatsThisClicked( )));
connect( m_xmlLogButton, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotXMLLogButtonClicked( )));
connect( m_xmlLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( slotXMLLogCheckBoxClicked( )));
connect( m_appendOutputCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_baseFileNameCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_baseFileNameLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_grepableLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_grepableLogLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_normalLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_normalLogLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_resumeCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_resumeLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_scriptKiddieLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_stylesheetCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_stylesheetLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_xmlLogCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
connect( m_xmlLogLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), SIGNAL( optionsDirty( )));
// getOptions
// ==========
bool LoggingOptions::getOptions( )
{ bool baseFileNameState = m_baseFileNameCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString baseFileNameValue = m_baseFileNameLineEdit->text( );
bool grepableLogState = m_grepableLogCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString grepableLogValue = m_grepableLogLineEdit->text( );
bool normalLogState = m_normalLogCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString normalLogValue = m_normalLogLineEdit->text( );
bool resumeState = m_resumeCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString resumeValue = m_resumeLineEdit->text( );
bool scriptKiddieState = m_scriptKiddieCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString scriptKiddieValue = m_scriptKiddieLineEdit->text( );
bool stylesheetState = m_stylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString stylesheetValue = m_stylesheetLineEdit->text( );
bool xmlLogState = m_xmlLogCheckBox->isChecked( );
TQString xmlLogValue = m_xmlLogLineEdit->text( );
if( baseFileNameState && baseFileNameValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Base file name not specified" ), i18n( "Base file name error" ));
return false;
if( grepableLogState && grepableLogValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "grep'able log file name not specified" ), i18n( "grep'able log file name error" ));
return false;
if( normalLogState && normalLogValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Normal log file name not specified" ), i18n( "Normal log file name error" ));
return false;
if( resumeState && scriptKiddieValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Resume file name not specified" ), i18n( "Resume file name error" ));
return false;
if( scriptKiddieState && scriptKiddieValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Script kiddie log file name not specified" ), i18n( "Script kiddie log file name error" ));
return false;
if( stylesheetState && stylesheetValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "XSL stylesheet file name not specified" ), i18n( "XSL stylesheet file name error" ));
return false;
if( xmlLogState && xmlLogValue.isEmpty( ))
{ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "XML log file name not specified" ), i18n( "XML log file name error" ));
return false;
m_appendOutputState = m_appendOutputCheckBox->isChecked( );
m_baseFileNameState = baseFileNameState;
m_baseFileNameValue = baseFileNameValue;
m_grepableLogState = grepableLogState;
m_grepableLogValue = grepableLogValue;
m_normalLogState = normalLogState;
m_normalLogValue = normalLogValue;
m_noStylesheetState = m_noStylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( );
m_resumeValue = resumeValue;
m_scriptKiddieState = scriptKiddieState;
m_scriptKiddieValue = scriptKiddieValue;
m_stylesheetState = stylesheetState;
m_stylesheetValue = stylesheetValue;
m_xmlLogState = xmlLogState;
m_xmlLogValue = xmlLogValue;
return true;
// readProfile
// ===========
void LoggingOptions::readProfile( TDEConfig* config )
{ m_appendOutputState = config->readBoolEntry( "appendOutputState" );
m_baseFileNameState = config->readBoolEntry( "baseFileNameState" );
m_baseFileNameValue = config->readEntry( "baseFileNameValue" );
m_grepableLogState = config->readBoolEntry( "grepableLogState" );
m_grepableLogValue = config->readEntry( "grepableLogValue" );
m_normalLogState = config->readBoolEntry( "normalLogState" );
m_normalLogValue = config->readEntry( "normalLogValue" );
m_noStylesheetState = config->readBoolEntry( "noStylesheetState" );
m_resumeState = config->readBoolEntry( "resumeState" );
m_resumeValue = config->readEntry( "resumeValue" );
m_scriptKiddieState = config->readBoolEntry( "scriptKiddieState" );
m_scriptKiddieValue = config->readEntry( "scriptKiddieValue" );
m_stylesheetState = config->readBoolEntry( "stylesheetState" );
m_stylesheetValue = config->readEntry( "stylesheetValue" );
m_xmlLogState = config->readBoolEntry( "xmlLogState" );
m_xmlLogValue = config->readEntry( "xmlLogValue" );
// saveProfile
// ===========
void LoggingOptions::saveProfile( TDEConfig* config )
{ config->writeEntry( "appendOutputState", m_appendOutputState );
config->writeEntry( "baseFileNameState", m_baseFileNameState );
config->writeEntry( "baseFileNameValue", m_baseFileNameValue );
config->writeEntry( "grepableLogState", m_grepableLogState );
config->writeEntry( "grepableLogValue", m_grepableLogValue );
config->writeEntry( "normalLogState", m_normalLogState );
config->writeEntry( "normalLogValue", m_normalLogValue );
config->writeEntry( "noStylesheetState", m_noStylesheetState );
config->writeEntry( "resumeState", m_resumeState );
config->writeEntry( "resumeValue", m_resumeValue );
config->writeEntry( "scriptKiddieState", m_scriptKiddieState );
config->writeEntry( "scriptKiddieValue", m_scriptKiddieValue );
config->writeEntry( "stylesheetState", m_stylesheetState );
config->writeEntry( "stylesheetValue", m_stylesheetValue );
config->writeEntry( "xmlLogState", m_xmlLogState );
config->writeEntry( "xmlLogValue", m_xmlLogValue );
// setInitialValues
// ================
void LoggingOptions::setInitialValues( )
{ m_appendOutputCheckBox->setChecked( m_appendOutputState );
m_baseFileNameCheckBox->setChecked( m_baseFileNameState );
m_baseFileNameLineEdit->setText( m_baseFileNameValue );
m_grepableLogCheckBox->setChecked( m_grepableLogState );
m_grepableLogLineEdit->setText( m_grepableLogValue );
m_normalLogCheckBox->setChecked( m_normalLogState );
m_normalLogLineEdit->setText( m_normalLogValue );
m_noStylesheetCheckBox->setChecked( m_noStylesheetState );
m_resumeCheckBox->setChecked( m_resumeState );
m_resumeLineEdit->setText( m_resumeValue );
m_scriptKiddieCheckBox->setChecked( m_scriptKiddieState );
m_scriptKiddieLineEdit->setText( m_scriptKiddieValue );
m_stylesheetCheckBox->setChecked( m_stylesheetState );
m_stylesheetLineEdit->setText( m_stylesheetValue );
m_xmlLogCheckBox->setChecked( m_xmlLogState );
m_xmlLogLineEdit->setText( m_xmlLogValue );
slotBaseFileNameCheckBoxClicked( );
slotGrepableLogCheckBoxClicked( );
slotNormalLogCheckBoxClicked( );
slotResumeCheckBoxClicked( );
slotScriptKiddieCheckBoxClicked( );
slotStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( );
slotXMLLogCheckBoxClicked( );
// slotBaseFileNameButtonClicked
// =============================
void LoggingOptions::slotBaseFileNameButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "Base file name", m_baseFileNameValue, m_baseFileNameLineEdit, false );
// slotBaseFileNameCheckBoxClicked
// ===============================
void LoggingOptions::slotBaseFileNameCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_baseFileNameButton->setEnabled( m_baseFileNameCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_baseFileNameLineEdit->setEnabled( m_baseFileNameCheckBox->isChecked( ));
// slotGrepableLogButtonClicked
// ============================
void LoggingOptions::slotGrepableLogButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "grep'able log file", m_grepableLogValue, m_grepableLogLineEdit, true );
// slotGrepableLogCheckBoxClicked
// ==============================
void LoggingOptions::slotGrepableLogCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_grepableLogButton->setEnabled( m_grepableLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_grepableLogLineEdit->setEnabled( m_grepableLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
// slotNormalLogButtonClicked
// ==========================
void LoggingOptions::slotNormalLogButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "Normal log file", m_normalLogValue, m_normalLogLineEdit, true );
// slotNormalLogCheckBoxClicked
// ============================
void LoggingOptions::slotNormalLogCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_normalLogButton->setEnabled( m_normalLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_normalLogLineEdit->setEnabled( m_normalLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
// slotNoStylesheetCheckBoxClicked
// ===============================
void LoggingOptions::slotNoStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( )
{ if( m_noStylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( ))
{ m_stylesheetCheckBox->setChecked( false );
slotStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( );
// slotResumeButtonClicked
// =======================
void LoggingOptions::slotResumeButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "Resume file", m_resumeValue, m_resumeLineEdit, false );
// slotResumeCheckBoxClicked
// =========================
void LoggingOptions::slotResumeCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_resumeButton->setEnabled( m_resumeCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_resumeLineEdit->setEnabled( m_resumeCheckBox->isChecked( ));
// slotScriptKiddieButtonClicked
// =============================
void LoggingOptions::slotScriptKiddieButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "Script kiddie log file", m_scriptKiddieValue, m_scriptKiddieLineEdit, true );
// slotScriptKiddieCheckBoxClicked
// ===============================
void LoggingOptions::slotScriptKiddieCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_scriptKiddieButton->setEnabled( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_scriptKiddieLineEdit->setEnabled( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox->isChecked( ));
// slotStylesheetButtonClicked
// ===========================
void LoggingOptions::slotStylesheetButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "Stylesheet file", m_stylesheetValue, m_stylesheetLineEdit, false );
// slotStylesheetCheckBoxClicked
// =============================
void LoggingOptions::slotStylesheetCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_stylesheetButton->setEnabled( m_stylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_stylesheetLineEdit->setEnabled( m_stylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( ));
if( m_stylesheetCheckBox->isChecked( ))
m_noStylesheetCheckBox->setChecked( false );
// slotWhatsThisClicked
// ====================
void LoggingOptions::slotWhatsThisClicked( )
{ if( m_appendOutputCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--append_output" ));
else if( m_baseFileNameButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oA" ));
else if( m_baseFileNameCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oA" ));
else if( m_baseFileNameLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oA" ));
else if( m_grepableLogButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oG" ));
else if( m_grepableLogCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oG" ));
else if( m_grepableLogLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oG" ));
else if( m_normalLogButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oN" ));
else if( m_normalLogCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oN" ));
else if( m_normalLogLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oN" ));
else if( m_noStylesheetCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--no_stylesheet" ));
else if( m_resumeButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--resume" ));
else if( m_resumeCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--resume" ));
else if( m_resumeLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--resume" ));
else if( m_scriptKiddieButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oS" ));
else if( m_scriptKiddieCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oS" ));
else if( m_scriptKiddieLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oS" ));
else if( m_stylesheetButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--stylesheet" ));
else if( m_stylesheetCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--stylesheet" ));
else if( m_stylesheetLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "--stylesheet" ));
else if( m_xmlLogButton->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oX" ));
else if( m_xmlLogCheckBox->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oX" ));
else if( m_xmlLogLineEdit->hasMouse( )) emit( displayHelp( "-oX" ));
else emit( displayUnknown( ));
// slotXMLLogButtonClicked
// =======================
void LoggingOptions::slotXMLLogButtonClicked( )
{ Knmap::getFilePath( "XML log file", m_xmlLogValue, m_xmlLogLineEdit, true );
// slotXMLLogCheckBoxClicked
// =========================
void LoggingOptions::slotXMLLogCheckBoxClicked( )
{ m_xmlLogButton->setEnabled( m_xmlLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
m_xmlLogLineEdit->setEnabled( m_xmlLogCheckBox->isChecked( ));
#include "loggingoptions.moc"