You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1262 lines
40 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This file is based on the old file:
The old file was copyrighted by
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <>
Copyright (c) 2000 ID-PRO Deutschland GmbH. All rights reserved.
Contact: Wolf-Michael Bolle <>
The old file was licensed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2.
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qiodevice.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <kfilterdev.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
#include <KoPageLayout.h>
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <KoPictureKey.h>
#include <KWEFStructures.h>
#include <KWEFUtil.h>
#include <KWEFBaseWorker.h>
#include <KWEFKWordLeader.h>
#include <abiwordexport.h>
#include <abiwordexport.moc>
class ABIWORDExportFactory : KGenericFactory<ABIWORDExport, KoFilter>
ABIWORDExportFactory(void) : KGenericFactory<ABIWORDExport, KoFilter> ("kwordabiwordexport")
virtual void setupTranslations( void )
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "kofficefilters" );
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libabiwordexport, ABIWORDExportFactory() )
class StyleMap : public QMap<QString,LayoutData>
StyleMap(void) {}
~StyleMap(void) {}
class AbiWordWorker : public KWEFBaseWorker
virtual ~AbiWordWorker(void) { delete m_streamOut; delete m_ioDevice; }
virtual bool doOpenFile(const QString& filenameOut, const QString& to);
virtual bool doCloseFile(void); // Close file in normal conditions
virtual bool doOpenDocument(void);
virtual bool doCloseDocument(void);
virtual bool doFullParagraph(const QString& paraText, const LayoutData& layout,
const ValueListFormatData& paraFormatDataList);
virtual bool doOpenTextFrameSet(void); // AbiWord's <section>
virtual bool doCloseTextFrameSet(void); // AbiWord's </section>
virtual bool doFullPaperFormat(const int format,
const double width, const double height, const int orientation); // Calc AbiWord's <papersize>
virtual bool doFullPaperBorders (const double top, const double left,
const double bottom, const double right); // Like KWord's <PAPERBORDERS>
virtual bool doCloseHead(void); // Write <papersize>
virtual bool doOpenStyles(void); // AbiWord's <styles>
virtual bool doCloseStyles(void); // AbiWord's </styles>
virtual bool doFullDefineStyle(LayoutData& layout); // AbiWord's <s></s>
virtual bool doOpenSpellCheckIgnoreList (void); // AbiWord's <ignorewords>
virtual bool doCloseSpellCheckIgnoreList (void); // AbiWord's </ignorewords>
virtual bool doFullSpellCheckIgnoreWord (const QString& ignoreword); // AbiWord's <iw>
virtual bool doFullDocumentInfo(const KWEFDocumentInfo& docInfo); // AbiWord's <metadata>
void processParagraphData (const QString& paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const ValueListFormatData& paraFormatDataList);
void processNormalText ( const QString& paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const FormatData& formatData);
void processVariable ( const QString& paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const FormatData& formatData);
void processAnchor ( const QString& paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const FormatData& formatData);
QString textFormatToAbiProps(const TextFormatting& formatOrigin,
const TextFormatting& formatData, const bool force) const;
QString layoutToCss(const LayoutData& layoutOrigin,
const LayoutData& layout, const bool force) const;
QString escapeAbiWordText(const QString& strText) const;
bool makeTable(const FrameAnchor& anchor);
bool makePicture(const FrameAnchor& anchor);
void writeAbiProps(const TextFormatting& formatLayout, const TextFormatting& format);
void writePictureData(const QString& koStoreName, const QString& keyName);
QString transformToTextDate(const QDateTime& dt);
QIODevice* m_ioDevice;
QTextStream* m_streamOut;
QString m_pagesize; // Buffer for the <pagesize> tag
QMap<QString,KoPictureKey> m_mapPictureData;
StyleMap m_styleMap;
double m_paperBorderTop,m_paperBorderLeft,m_paperBorderBottom,m_paperBorderRight;
bool m_inIgnoreWords; // true if <ignorewords> has been written
KWEFDocumentInfo m_docInfo; // document information
AbiWordWorker::AbiWordWorker(void) : m_ioDevice(NULL), m_streamOut(NULL),
QString AbiWordWorker::escapeAbiWordText(const QString& strText) const
// Escape quotes (needed in attributes)
// Escape apostrophs (allowed by XML)
return KWEFUtil::EscapeSgmlText(NULL,strText,true,true);
bool AbiWordWorker::doOpenFile(const QString& filenameOut, const QString& )
kdDebug(30506) << "Opening file: " << filenameOut
<< " (in AbiWordWorker::doOpenFile)" << endl;
//Find the last extension
QString strExt;
const int result=filenameOut.findRev('.');
if (result>=0)
QString strMimeType; // Mime type of the compressor
if ((strExt==".gz")||(strExt==".GZ") //in case of .abw.gz (logical extension)
||(strExt==".zabw")||(strExt==".ZABW")) //in case of .zabw (extension used prioritary with AbiWord)
// Compressed with gzip
else if ((strExt==".bz2")||(strExt==".BZ2") //in case of .abw.bz2 (logical extension)
||(strExt==".bzabw")||(strExt==".BZABW")) //in case of .bzabw (extension used prioritary with AbiWord)
// Compressed with bzip2
// No compression
kdDebug(30506) << "Compression: " << strMimeType << endl;
m_ioDevice = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(filenameOut,strMimeType);
if (!m_ioDevice)
kdError(30506) << "No output file! Aborting!" << endl;
return false;
if ( !m_ioDevice->open (IO_WriteOnly) )
kdError(30506) << "Unable to open output file! Aborting!" << endl;
return false;
m_streamOut=new QTextStream(m_ioDevice);
// We only export in UTF-8 (are there AbiWord ports that cannot read UTF-8? Be careful SVG uses UTF-8 too!)
m_streamOut->setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseFile(void)
delete m_streamOut;
if (m_ioDevice)
return (m_ioDevice);
bool AbiWordWorker::doOpenDocument(void)
kdDebug(30506)<< "AbiWordWorker::doOpenDocument" << endl;
// Make the file header
// First the XML header in UTF-8 version
// (AbiWord and QT handle UTF-8 well, so we stay with this encoding!)
*m_streamOut << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
// NOTE: AbiWord CVS 2002-02-?? has a new DOCTYPE
*m_streamOut << "<!DOCTYPE abiword PUBLIC \"-//ABISOURCE//DTD AWML 1.0 Strict//EN\"";
*m_streamOut << " \"\">\n";
// First magic: "<abiword"
*m_streamOut << "<abiword";
// AbiWord CVS 2002-02-23 defines a default namespace.
*m_streamOut << " xmlns=\"\"";
// As we do not use xmlns:awml, do we need to define it?
// *m_streamOut << " xmlns:awml=\"\"";
*m_streamOut << " xmlns:xlink=\"\"";
// AbiWord CVS 2002-02-22 defines other namespaces, which we are not using.
// AbiWord CVS 2002-12-23 has no fileformat attribute anymore
// ### TODO: add document language and document direction of writing.
*m_streamOut << " xml:space=\"preserve\" version=\"1.1.2\" template=\"false\" styles=\"unlocked\">\n";
// Second magic: "<!-- This file is an AbiWord document."
// TODO/FIXME: write as much spaces as AbiWord does for the following line.
*m_streamOut << "<!-- This file is an AbiWord document. -->\n";
// We have chosen NOT to have the full comment header that AbiWord files normally have.
// ### TODO: perhaps we should add the comment: do not edit the file
*m_streamOut << "\n";
return true;
void AbiWordWorker::writePictureData(const QString& koStoreName, const QString& keyName)
kdDebug(30506) << "AbiWordWorker::writeImageData" << endl;
QByteArray image;
QString strExtension(koStoreName.lower());
const int result=koStoreName.findRev(".");
if (result>=0)
bool isImageLoaded=false;
if (strExtension=="png")
// All other picture types must be converted to PNG
// (yes, even JPEG, SVG or WMF!)
if (isImageLoaded)
*m_streamOut << "<d name=\"" << keyName << "\""
<< " base64=\"yes\""
<< " mime=\"image/png\">\n";
QCString base64=KCodecs::base64Encode(image,true);
*m_streamOut << base64 << "\n"; // QCString is taken as Latin1 by QTextStream
*m_streamOut << "</d>\n";
kdWarning(30506) << "Unable to load picture: " << koStoreName << endl;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseDocument(void)
// Before writing the <data> element,
// we must be sure that we have data and that we can retrieve it.
if (m_kwordLeader && !m_mapPictureData.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << "<data>\n";
QMap<QString,KoPictureKey>::ConstIterator it;
QMap<QString,KoPictureKey>::ConstIterator end(m_mapPictureData.end());
// all images first
for (it=m_mapPictureData.begin(); it!=end; ++it)
// Warning: do not mix up KWord's key and the iterator's key!
*m_streamOut << "</data>\n";
*m_streamOut << "</abiword>\n"; //Close the file for XML
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doOpenTextFrameSet(void)
*m_streamOut << "<section props=\"";
*m_streamOut << "page-margin-top: ";
*m_streamOut << m_paperBorderTop;
*m_streamOut << "pt; ";
*m_streamOut << "page-margin-left: ";
*m_streamOut << m_paperBorderLeft;
*m_streamOut << "pt; ";
*m_streamOut << "page-margin-bottom: ";
*m_streamOut << m_paperBorderBottom;
*m_streamOut << "pt; ";
*m_streamOut << "page-margin-right: ";
*m_streamOut << m_paperBorderRight;
*m_streamOut << "pt"; // Last one, so no semi-comma
*m_streamOut << "\">\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseTextFrameSet(void)
*m_streamOut << "</section>\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doOpenStyles(void)
*m_streamOut << "<styles>\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseStyles(void)
*m_streamOut << "</styles>\n";
return true;
QString AbiWordWorker::textFormatToAbiProps(const TextFormatting& formatOrigin,
const TextFormatting& formatData, const bool force) const
// TODO: rename variable formatData
QString strElement; // TODO: rename this variable
// Font name
QString fontName = formatData.fontName;
if ( !fontName.isEmpty()
&& (force || (formatOrigin.fontName!=formatData.fontName)))
strElement+="font-family: ";
strElement+= escapeAbiWordText(fontName); // TODO: add alternative font names
strElement+="; ";
if (force || (formatOrigin.italic!=formatData.italic))
// Font style
strElement+="font-style: ";
if ( formatData.italic )
strElement+="; ";
if (force || ((formatOrigin.weight>=75)!=(formatData.weight>=75)))
strElement+="font-weight: ";
if ( formatData.weight >= 75 )
strElement+="; ";
if (force || (formatOrigin.fontSize!=formatData.fontSize))
const int size=formatData.fontSize;
if (size>0)
// We use absolute font sizes.
strElement+="font-size: ";
strElement+="pt; ";
if (force || (formatOrigin.fgColor!=formatData.fgColor))
if ( formatData.fgColor.isValid() )
// Give colour
strElement+="color: ";
// No leading # (unlike CSS2)
// We must have two hex digits for each colour channel!
const int;
strElement += QString::number((red&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(red&0x0f,16);
const int;
strElement += QString::number((green&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(green&0x0f,16);
const int;
strElement += QString::number((blue&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(blue&0x0f,16);
strElement+="; ";
if (force || (formatOrigin.bgColor!=formatData.bgColor))
if ( formatData.bgColor.isValid() )
// Give background colour
strElement+="bgcolor: ";
// No leading # (unlike CSS2)
// We must have two hex digits for each colour channel!
const int;
strElement += QString::number((red&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(red&0x0f,16);
const int;
strElement += QString::number((green&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(green&0x0f,16);
const int;
strElement += QString::number((blue&0xf0)>>4,16);
strElement += QString::number(blue&0x0f,16);
strElement+="; ";
if (force || (formatOrigin.underline!=formatData.underline)
|| (formatOrigin.strikeout!=formatData.strikeout))
strElement+="text-decoration: ";
if ( formatData.underline )
else if ( formatData.strikeout )
strElement+="; ";
return strElement;
bool AbiWordWorker::makeTable(const FrameAnchor& anchor)
#if 0
*m_streamOut << "</p>\n"; // Close previous paragraph ### TODO: do it correctly like for HTML
*m_streamOut << "<table>\n";
QValueList<TableCell>::ConstIterator itCell;
for (itCell=anchor.table.cellList.begin();
itCell!=anchor.table.cellList.end(); itCell++)
#if 0
// ### TODO: rowspan, colspan
// AbiWord seems to work by attaching to the cell borders
*m_streamOut << "<cell props=\"";
*m_streamOut << "left-attach:" << (*itCell).col << "; ";
*m_streamOut << "right-attach:" << (*itCell).col + 1 << "; ";
*m_streamOut << "top-attach:" << (*itCell).row << "; ";
*m_streamOut << "bot-attach:" << (*itCell).row + 1;
*m_streamOut << "\">\n";
if (!doFullAllParagraphs(*(*itCell).paraList))
return false;
#if 0
*m_streamOut << "</cell>\n";
#if 0
*m_streamOut << "</table>\n";
*m_streamOut << "<p>\n"; // Re-open the "previous" paragraph ### TODO: do it correctly like for HTML
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::makePicture(const FrameAnchor& anchor)
kdDebug(30506) << "New image/clipart: " << anchor.picture.koStoreName
<< " , " << anchor.picture.key.toString() << endl;
const double height=anchor.frame.bottom -;
const double width =anchor.frame.right - anchor.frame.left;
// TODO: we are only using the filename, not the rest of the key
// TODO: (bad if there are two images of the same name, but of a different key)
*m_streamOut << "<image dataid=\"" << anchor.picture.key.filename() << "\"";
*m_streamOut << " props= \"height:" << height << "pt;width:" << width << "pt\"";
*m_streamOut << "/>"; // NO end of line!
// TODO: other props for image
return true;
void AbiWordWorker::writeAbiProps (const TextFormatting& formatLayout, const TextFormatting& format)
QString abiprops=textFormatToAbiProps(formatLayout,format,false);
// Erase the last semi-comma (as in CSS2, semi-commas only separate instructions and do not terminate them)
const int result=abiprops.findRev(";");
if (result>=0)
// Remove the last semi-comma and the space thereafter
if (!abiprops.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << " props=\"" << abiprops << "\"";
void AbiWordWorker::processNormalText ( const QString &paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const FormatData& formatData)
// Retrieve text and escape it
QString partialText=escapeAbiWordText(paraText.mid(formatData.pos,formatData.len));
// Replace line feeds by line breaks
int pos;
while ((pos=partialText.find(QChar(10)))>-1)
if (formatData.text.missing)
// It's just normal text, so we do not need a <c> element!
*m_streamOut << partialText;
{ // Text with properties, so use a <c> element!
*m_streamOut << "<c";
*m_streamOut << ">" << partialText << "</c>";
void AbiWordWorker::processVariable ( const QString&,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const FormatData& formatData)
if (0==formatData.variable.m_type)
// As AbiWord's field is inflexible, we cannot make the date custom
*m_streamOut << "<field type=\"date_ntdfl\"";
*m_streamOut << "/>";
else if (2==formatData.variable.m_type)
// As AbiWord's field is inflexible, we cannot make the time custom
*m_streamOut << "<field type=\"time\"";
*m_streamOut << "/>";
else if (4==formatData.variable.m_type)
// As AbiWord's field is inflexible, we cannot make the time custom
QString strFieldType;
if (formatData.variable.isPageNumber())
else if (formatData.variable.isPageCount())
if (strFieldType.isEmpty())
// Unknown subtype, therefore write out the result
*m_streamOut << formatData.variable.m_text;
*m_streamOut << "<field type=\"" << strFieldType <<"\"";
*m_streamOut << "/>";
else if (9==formatData.variable.m_type)
// A link
*m_streamOut << "<a xlink:href=\""
<< escapeAbiWordText(formatData.variable.getHrefName())
<< "\"><c"; // In AbiWord, an anchor <a> has always a <c> child
*m_streamOut << ">"
<< escapeAbiWordText(formatData.variable.getLinkName())
<< "</c></a>";
#if 0
else if (11==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
// Footnote
QString value = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnoteValue();
bool automatic = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnoteAuto();
QValueList<ParaData> *paraList = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnotePara();
if( paraList )
QString fstr;
QValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator it;
for (it=paraList->begin();it!=paraList->end();it++)
fstr += ProcessParagraphData( (*it).text, (*it).layout,(*it).formattingList);
str += "{\\super ";
str += automatic ? "\\chftn " : value;
str += "{\\footnote ";
str += "{\\super ";
str += automatic ? "\\chftn " : value;
str += fstr;
str += " }";
str += " }";
str += " }";
// Generic variable
*m_streamOut << formatData.variable.m_text;
void AbiWordWorker::processAnchor ( const QString&,
const TextFormatting& /*formatLayout*/, //TODO
const FormatData& formatData)
// We have an image or a table
if ( (2==formatData.frameAnchor.type) // <IMAGE> or <PICTURE>
|| (5==formatData.frameAnchor.type) ) // <CLIPART>
else if (6==formatData.frameAnchor.type)
kdWarning(30506) << "Unsupported anchor type: "
<< formatData.frameAnchor.type << endl;
void AbiWordWorker::processParagraphData ( const QString &paraText,
const TextFormatting& formatLayout,
const ValueListFormatData &paraFormatDataList)
if ( paraText.length () > 0 )
ValueListFormatData::ConstIterator paraFormatDataIt;
for ( paraFormatDataIt = paraFormatDataList.begin ();
paraFormatDataIt != paraFormatDataList.end ();
paraFormatDataIt++ )
if (1==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
processNormalText(paraText, formatLayout, (*paraFormatDataIt));
else if (4==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
processVariable(paraText, formatLayout, (*paraFormatDataIt));
else if (6==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
processAnchor(paraText, formatLayout, (*paraFormatDataIt));
QString AbiWordWorker::layoutToCss(const LayoutData& layoutOrigin,
const LayoutData& layout, const bool force) const
QString props;
if (force || (layoutOrigin.alignment!=layout.alignment))
// Check if the current alignment is a valid one for AbiWord.
if ((layout.alignment == "left") || (layout.alignment == "right")
|| (layout.alignment == "center") || (layout.alignment == "justify"))
props += "text-align:";
props += layout.alignment;
props += "; ";
else if (layout.alignment == "auto")
// We assume a left alignment as AbiWord is not really bi-di (and this filter even less.)
props += "text-align:left; ";
kdWarning(30506) << "Unknown alignment: " << layout.alignment << endl;
// TODO/FIXME: what if all tabulators must be erased?
#if 0
if (!layout.tabulator.isEmpty()
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.tabulator!=layout.tabulator)))
props += "tabstops:";
props += layout.tabulator;
props += "; ";
if (!layout.tabulatorList.isEmpty()
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.tabulatorList!=layout.tabulatorList) ))
props += "tabstops:";
bool first=true;
TabulatorList::ConstIterator it;
TabulatorList::ConstIterator end(layout.tabulatorList.end());
for (it=layout.tabulatorList.begin();it!=end;++it)
if (first)
props += ",";
props += QString::number((*it).m_ptpos);
props += "pt";
switch ((*it).m_type)
case 0: props += "/L"; break;
case 1: props += "/C"; break;
case 2: props += "/R"; break;
case 3: props += "/D"; break;
default: props += "/L";
props += "0"; // No filling
props += "; ";
if ((layout.indentLeft>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.indentLeft!=layout.indentLeft)))
props += QString("margin-left:%1pt; ").arg(layout.indentLeft);
if ((layout.indentRight>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.indentRight!=layout.indentRight)))
props += QString("margin-right:%1pt; ").arg(layout.indentRight);
if (force || (layoutOrigin.indentLeft!=layout.indentLeft))
props += "text-indent: ";
props += QString::number(layout.indentFirst);
props += "pt; ";
if ((layout.marginBottom>=0.0)
&& ( force || ( layoutOrigin.marginBottom != layout.marginBottom ) ) )
props += QString("margin-bottom:%1pt; ").arg(layout.marginBottom);
if ((layout.marginTop>=0.0)
&& ( force || ( layoutOrigin.marginTop != layout.marginTop ) ) )
props += QString("margin-top:%1pt; ").arg(layout.marginTop);
if (force
|| ( layoutOrigin.lineSpacingType != layout.lineSpacingType )
|| ( layoutOrigin.lineSpacing != layout.lineSpacing ) )
switch ( layout.lineSpacingType )
case LayoutData::LS_CUSTOM:
// We have a custom line spacing (in points). However AbiWord cannot do it, so transform in "at-least"
props += "line-height=:";
props += QString::number( layout.lineSpacing ); // ### TODO: rounding?
props += "pt+; ";
case LayoutData::LS_SINGLE:
props += "line-height:1.0; "; // One
case LayoutData::LS_ONEANDHALF:
props += "line-height:1.5; "; // One-and-half
case LayoutData::LS_DOUBLE:
props += "line-height:2.0; "; // Two
case LayoutData::LS_MULTIPLE:
props += "line-height:";
props += QString::number( layout.lineSpacing ); // ### TODO: rounding?
props += "; ";
case LayoutData::LS_FIXED:
// We have a fixed line height (in points)
props += "line-height:";
props += QString::number( layout.lineSpacing ); // ### TODO: rounding?
props += "pt; ";
case LayoutData::LS_ATLEAST:
// We have an "at-least" line height (in points)
props += "line-height=:";
props += QString::number( layout.lineSpacing ); // ### TODO: rounding?
props += "pt+; "; // The + makes the difference
kdWarning(30506) << "Unsupported lineSpacingType: " << layout.lineSpacingType << " (Ignoring!)" << endl;
// Add all AbiWord properties collected in the <FORMAT> element
props += textFormatToAbiProps(layoutOrigin.formatData.text,layout.formatData.text,force);
return props;
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullParagraph(const QString& paraText, const LayoutData& layout,
const ValueListFormatData& paraFormatDataList)
QString style=layout.styleName;
const LayoutData& styleLayout=m_styleMap[style];
QString props=layoutToCss(styleLayout,layout,false);
*m_streamOut << "<p";
if (!style.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << " style=\"" << EscapeXmlText(style,true,true) << "\"";
if (!props.isEmpty())
// Find the last semi-comma
// Note: as in CSS2, semi-commas only separates instructions (like in PASCAL) and do not terminate them (like in C)
const int result=props.findRev(";");
if (result>=0)
// Remove the last semi-comma and the space thereafter
*m_streamOut << " props=\"" << props << "\"";
*m_streamOut << ">"; //Warning: No trailing white space or else it's in the text!!!
// Before processing the text, test if we have a page break
if (layout.pageBreakBefore)
// We have a page break before the paragraph
*m_streamOut << "<pbr/>";
processParagraphData(paraText, layout.formatData.text, paraFormatDataList);
// Before closing the paragraph, test if we have a page break
if (layout.pageBreakAfter)
// We have a page break after the paragraph
*m_streamOut << "<pbr/>";
*m_streamOut << "</p>\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullDefineStyle(LayoutData& layout)
//Register style in the style map
*m_streamOut << "<s";
// TODO: cook the style name to the standard style names in AbiWord
*m_streamOut << " name=\"" << EscapeXmlText(layout.styleName,true,true) << "\"";
*m_streamOut << " followedby=\"" << EscapeXmlText(layout.styleFollowing,true,true) << "\"";
if ( (layout.counter.numbering == CounterData::NUM_CHAPTER)
&& (layout.counter.depth<10) )
*m_streamOut << " level=\"";
*m_streamOut << QString::number(layout.counter.depth+1,10);
*m_streamOut << "\"";
QString abiprops=layoutToCss(layout,layout,true);
const int result=abiprops.findRev(";");
if (result>=0)
// Remove the last semi-comma and the space thereafter
*m_streamOut << " props=\"" << abiprops << "\"";
*m_streamOut << "/>\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullPaperFormat(const int format,
const double width, const double height, const int orientation)
QString outputText = "<pagesize ";
switch (format)
// ISO A formats
case PG_DIN_A0: // ISO A0
case PG_DIN_A1: // ISO A1
case PG_DIN_A2: // ISO A2
case PG_DIN_A3: // ISO A3
case PG_DIN_A4: // ISO A4
case PG_DIN_A5: // ISO A5
case PG_DIN_A6: // ISO A6
// ISO B formats
case PG_DIN_B0: // ISO B0
case PG_DIN_B1: // ISO B1
case PG_DIN_B2: // ISO B2
case PG_DIN_B3: // ISO B3
case PG_DIN_B4: // ISO B4
case PG_DIN_B5: // ISO B5
case PG_DIN_B6: // ISO B6
// American formats
case PG_US_LETTER: // US Letter
case PG_US_LEGAL: // US Legal
QString pagetype=KoPageFormat::formatString(KoFormat(format));
QString strWidth, strHeight, strUnits;
KWEFUtil::GetNativePaperFormat(format, strWidth, strHeight, strUnits);
outputText+="\" width=\"";
outputText+="\" height=\"";
outputText+="\" units=\"";
outputText+="\" ";
case PG_US_EXECUTIVE: // US Executive (does not exists in AbiWord!)
// FIXME/TODO: AbiWord (CVS 2001-04-25) seems not to like custom formats, so avoid them for now!
#if 0
outputText += "pagetype=\"Custom\" width=\"7.5\" height=\"10.0\" units=\"inch\" ";
// As replacement, use the slightly bigger "letter" format.
outputText += "pagetype=\"Letter\" width=\"8.5\" height=\"11.0\" units=\"inch\" ";
// Other format not supported yet by AbiWord CVS 2001-04-25)
case PG_DIN_A7: // ISO A7
case PG_DIN_A8: // ISO A8
case PG_DIN_A9: // ISO A9
case PG_DIN_B10: // ISO B10
// Other formats
case PG_SCREEN: // Screen
case PG_CUSTOM: // Custom
// FIXME/TODO: AbiWord (CVS 2001-04-25) seems not to like custom formats, so avoid them for now!
if ((width<=1.0) || (height<=1.0) || true)
// Height or width is ridiculous, so assume A4 format
outputText += "pagetype=\"A4\" width=\"21.0\" height=\"29.7\" units=\"cm\" ";
{ // We prefer to use inches, as to limit rounding errors (page size is in points!)
outputText += QString("pagetype=\"Custom\" width=\"%1\" height=\"%2\" units=\"inch\" ").arg(width/72.0).arg(height/72.0);
outputText += "orientation=\"";
if (1==orientation)
outputText += "landscape";
outputText += "portrait";
outputText += "\" ";
outputText += "page-scale=\"1.0\"/>\n"; // KWord has no page scale, so assume 100%
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullPaperBorders (const double top, const double left,
const double bottom, const double right)
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseHead(void)
if (!m_pagesize.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << m_pagesize;
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doOpenSpellCheckIgnoreList (void)
kdDebug(30506) << "AbiWordWorker::doOpenSpellCheckIgnoreList" << endl;
m_inIgnoreWords=false; // reset
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doCloseSpellCheckIgnoreList (void)
kdDebug(30506) << "AbiWordWorker::doCloseSpellCheckIgnoreList" << endl;
if (m_inIgnoreWords)
*m_streamOut << "</ignorewords>\n";
return true;
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullSpellCheckIgnoreWord (const QString& ignoreword)
kdDebug(30506) << "AbiWordWorker::doFullSpellCheckIgnoreWord: " << ignoreword << endl;
if (!m_inIgnoreWords)
*m_streamOut << "<ignorewords>\n";
*m_streamOut << " <iw>" << ignoreword << "</iw>\n";
return true;
// Similar to QDateTime::toString, but guaranteed *not* to be translated
QString AbiWordWorker::transformToTextDate(const QDateTime& dt)
if (dt.isValid())
QString result;
const QDate date(;
const char* dayName[7] = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
const int dow = date.dayOfWeek() - 1;
if ((dow<0) || (dow>6))
result += "Mon"; // Unknown day, rename it Monday.
result += dayName[dow];
result += ' ';
const char* monthName[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
const int month = date.month() - 1;
if ((month<0) || (month>11))
result += "Jan"; // Unknown month, rename it January
result += monthName[month];
result += ' ';
QString temp;
temp = "00";
temp += QString::number(, 10);
result += temp.right(2);
result += ' ';
const QTime time(dt.time());
temp = "00";
temp += QString::number(time.hour(), 10);
result += temp.right(2);
result += ':';
temp = "00";
temp += QString::number(time.minute(), 10);
result += temp.right(2);
result += ':';
temp = "00";
temp += QString::number(time.second(), 10);
result += temp.right(2);
result += ' ';
temp = "0000";
temp += QString::number(date.year(), 10);
result += temp.right(4);
return result;
// Invalid, so give back 1970-01-01
return "Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970";
bool AbiWordWorker::doFullDocumentInfo(const KWEFDocumentInfo& docInfo)
*m_streamOut << "<metadata>\n";
// First all Dublin Core data
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"dc.format\">application/x-abiword</m>\n";
if (!m_docInfo.title.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"dc.title\">" << escapeAbiWordText(m_docInfo.title) << "</m>\n";
if (!m_docInfo.abstract.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"dc.description\">" << escapeAbiWordText(m_docInfo.abstract) << "</m>\n";
if ( !m_docInfo.keywords.isEmpty() )
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"abiword.keywords\">" << escapeAbiWordText(m_docInfo.keywords) << "</m>\n";
if ( !m_docInfo.subject.isEmpty() )
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"dc.subject\">" << escapeAbiWordText(m_docInfo.subject) << "</m>\n";
// Say who we are (with the CVS revision number) in case we have a bug in our filter output!
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"abiword.generator\">KWord Export Filter";
QString strVersion("$Revision: 508787 $");
// Remove the dollar signs
// (We don't want that the version number changes if the AbiWord file is itself put in a CVS storage.)
*m_streamOut << strVersion.mid(10).remove('$');
*m_streamOut << "</m>\n";
QDateTime now (QDateTime::currentDateTime(Qt::UTC)); // current time in UTC
*m_streamOut << "<m key=\"abiword.date_last_changed\">"
<< escapeAbiWordText(transformToTextDate(now))
<< "</m>\n";
*m_streamOut << "</metadata>\n";
return true;
// ==========================================================================================
ABIWORDExport::ABIWORDExport(KoFilter */*parent*/, const char */*name*/, const QStringList &) :
KoFilter() {
KoFilter::ConversionStatus ABIWORDExport::convert( const QCString& from, const QCString& to )
if ( to != "application/x-abiword" || from != "application/x-kword" )
return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
// We need KimageIO's help in AbiWordWorker::convertUnknownImage
AbiWordWorker* worker=new AbiWordWorker();
if (!worker)
kdError(30506) << "Cannot create Worker! Aborting!" << endl;
return KoFilter::StupidError;
KWEFKWordLeader* leader=new KWEFKWordLeader(worker);
if (!leader)
kdError(30506) << "Cannot create Worker! Aborting!" << endl;
delete worker;
return KoFilter::StupidError;
KoFilter::ConversionStatus result=leader->convert(m_chain,from,to);
delete leader;
delete worker;
return result;