You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

345 lines
8.0 KiB

This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001 Ewald Snel <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Tomasz Grobelny <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "rtfimport_dom.h"
* Escape the special XML characters and be careful to catch any unallowed control character
QString CheckAndEscapeXmlText(const QString& strText)
QString strReturn(strText);
QChar ch;
for (uint i=0; i<strReturn.length(); i++)
ch = strReturn[i];
const int test = ch.unicode();
// The i+= is for the additional characters
if (test == 38) { strReturn.replace(i, 1, "&amp;"); i+=4; } // &
else if (test == 60) { strReturn.replace(i, 1, "&lt;"); i+=3; } // <
else if (test == 62) { strReturn.replace(i, 1, "&gt;"); i+=3; } // >
else if (test == 34) { strReturn.replace(i, 1, "&quot;"); i+=5; } // "
else if (test == 39) { strReturn.replace(i, 1, "&apos;"); i+=5; } // '
else if (test >= 32) continue; // Normal character (from space on)
else if ((test == 9) || (test == 10) || (test == 13) ) continue; // Allowed control characters: TAB, LF, CR
// An unallowed control character:
// - could be a bug in the RTF file
// - could be not supported encoding.
// In any case, we must replace this character.
kdDebug(30515) << "Control character in XML stream: " << test << endl;
strReturn.replace(i, 1, '?'); // Replacement character
return strReturn;
* Creates a new document.
* @param doctype the document type (tag)
DomNode::DomNode( const char *doctype )
documentLevel = 1;
hasChildren = false;
hasAttributes = false;
str += "<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE " ;
str += doctype;
str += " >\n<";
str += doctype;
* Creates a new document node (no memory allocation).
* @param level the document depth of the node
void DomNode::clear( int level )
str = QString::null;
documentLevel = level;
hasChildren = true;
hasAttributes = false;
* Adds a new node.
* @param name the name of the new node (tag)
void DomNode::addNode( const char *name )
closeTag( true );
str += " <";
str += name;
hasChildren = false;
* Adds a text node.
* @param text the text to write into the document node
void DomNode::addTextNode( const char *text, QTextCodec* codec )
closeTag( false );
if (!codec)
kdError(30515) << "No QTextCodec available!" << endl;
str += CheckAndEscapeXmlText(codec->toUnicode(text));
* Add border to existing frameset (see KWord DTD).
void DomNode::addBorder( int id, const QColor &color, int style, double width )
char attr[16];
sprintf( attr, "%cRed", id );
setAttribute( attr, );
sprintf( attr, "%cGreen", id );
setAttribute( attr, );
sprintf( attr, "%cBlue", id );
setAttribute( attr, );
sprintf( attr, "%cStyle", id );
setAttribute( attr, style );
sprintf( attr, "%cWidth", id );
setAttribute( attr, width );
* Add color attributes to document node.
* @param color the color
void DomNode::addColor( const QColor &color )
setAttribute( "red", );
setAttribute( "green", );
setAttribute( "blue", );
* Add rectangle attributes to document node.
void DomNode::addRect( int left, int top, int right, int bottom )
setAttribute( "left", .05*left );
setAttribute( "top", .05*top );
setAttribute( "right", .05*right );
setAttribute( "bottom", .05*bottom );
* Add pixmap or clipart key.
* @param dt date/time
* @param filename the filename of the image
* @param name the relative path to the image in the store (optional)
void DomNode::addKey( const QDateTime& dt, const QString& filename, const QString& name )
const QDate date ( );
const QTime time ( dt.time() );
addNode( "KEY" );
setAttribute( "filename", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(filename) );
setAttribute( "year", date.year() );
setAttribute( "month", date.month() );
setAttribute( "day", );
setAttribute( "hour", time.hour() );
setAttribute( "minute", time.minute() );
setAttribute( "second", time.second() );
setAttribute( "msec", time.msec() );
if (!name.isEmpty())
setAttribute( "name", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(name) );
closeNode( "KEY" );
* Add frameset to document (see KWord DTD).
void DomNode::addFrameSet( const char *name, int frameType, int frameInfo )
addNode( "FRAMESET" );
setAttribute( "name", name );
setAttribute( "frameType", frameType );
setAttribute( "frameInfo", frameInfo );
setAttribute( "removable", 0 );
setAttribute( "visible", 1 );
* Add frame to existing frameset (see KWord DTD).
void DomNode::addFrame( int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
int autoCreateNewFrame, int newFrameBehaviour,
int sheetSide )
addNode( "FRAME" );
addRect( left, top, right, bottom );
setAttribute( "runaround", 1 );
setAttribute( "runaroundGap", 2 );
setAttribute( "autoCreateNewFrame", autoCreateNewFrame );
setAttribute( "newFrameBehaviour", newFrameBehaviour );
setAttribute( "sheetSide", sheetSide );
* Sets a new attribute to a string value.
void DomNode::setAttribute( const QString& attribute, const QString& value )
str += ' ';
str += attribute;
str += '=';
str += '"';
str += CheckAndEscapeXmlText( value );
str += '"';
hasAttributes = true;
* Sets a new attribute to an integer value.
void DomNode::setAttribute( const char *attribute, int value )
char strvalue[32];
sprintf( strvalue, "%d", value );
setAttribute( attribute, (const char *)strvalue );
* Sets a new attribute to a double value.
void DomNode::setAttribute( const char *attribute, double value )
char strvalue[32];
sprintf( strvalue, "%f", value );
setAttribute( attribute, (const char *)strvalue );
* Closes a document node.
* @param name the node (tag) to close
void DomNode::closeNode( const char *name )
if (!hasChildren)
str += '/';
str += "</";
str += name;
str += ">\n";
for (int i=documentLevel-1; i>0; i--)
str += ' ';
hasChildren = true;
* Closes the current XML tag (if open).
* @param nl add a newline
void DomNode::closeTag( bool nl )
if (!hasChildren)
str += '>';
if (nl)
str += '\n';
for (int i=documentLevel-1; i>0; i--)
str += ' ';
hasChildren = true;
hasAttributes = false;
* Appends a child node.
* @param child the node to append to this document node
void DomNode::appendNode( const DomNode &child )
const QString childStr ( child.toString() );
closeTag( (childStr.length() >= 2 && (childStr[0] == '<' || childStr[1] == '<')) );
str += childStr;
* Appends XML text to node
void DomNode::append( const QString& _str)
str += _str;
void DomNode::append( const QCString& cstr)
str += QString::fromUtf8(cstr);
void DomNode::append( const char ch)
str += ch;
* Returns true if node is empty.
bool DomNode::isEmpty( void ) const
return str.isEmpty();
* Returns the data of the document node.
QString DomNode::toString( void ) const
return str;