You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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22 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KDChart library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for
** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include "KDChartGlobal.h"
#include "KDChartEnums.h"
class KDChartParams;
Use this to specify that the axis label limits
are to be calculated automatically.
\sa setAxisValues
#define KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT TQVariant( 140319.64 )
// If you edit the above, also edit KD Chart.cpp
Use this to specify that the step-width from one label
to the other shall be calculated automatically.
\sa setAxisValues
Use this to specify that an automatically computed amount of
axis labels are to be skipped if there is not enough space
for displaying all of them.
This is usefull in case you have lots of entries in one dataset.
\sa setAxisValues
Use this to specify that date/time format to be used for
displaying the axis labels is to be determined automatically.
Use this to specify that the number of digits to be shown
on the axis labels behind the comma is to be calculated
\sa setAxisValues
Use this to reset the grid colour to its default value
for re-doing changes made by calling \c setAxisGridColor().
\sa setAxisGridColor
#define KDCHART_DEFAULT_AXIS_GRID_COLOR TQColor( 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0 )
Use this to specify that the width of the axis grid lines
shall be equal to the width of the axis line.
\sa setAxisGridLineWidth
Use this to specify that the zero-line shall NOT be omitted
in case all of the data are grouped far away from zero.
\sa setAxisValues
Use this to prevent \c setAxisValues from changing the current
setting of _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan.
\sa setAxisValues
/** \file KDChartAxisParams.h
\brief Provide access to the chart axis parameters.
Use the KDChartAxisParams class to modify parameters of one axis each.
class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartAxisParams : public TQObject
// Neede by TQSA
Q_ENUMS( Qt::PenStyle )
enum AxisType { AxisTypeUnknown,
AxisUP };
public slots: // PENDING(blackie) Go through this file and reorder, so all slots are in one section
void setAxisType( AxisType axisType );
AxisType axisType() const { return _axisType; }
static TQString axisTypeToString( AxisType type );
static AxisType stringToAxisType( const TQString& type );
// Attention: In case you extent AxisPos, make sure to also
// increase MAX_AXES and AxisPosEND.
enum AxisPos { AxisPosSTART = 0,
AxisPosBottom = 0,
AxisPosSagittal = 0, // <-- for POLAR charts
AxisPosSaggital = 0, // <-- wrong spelling kept for backward compatibility
AxisPosLeft = 1,
AxisPosCircular = 1, // <-- for POLAR charts
AxisPosLowerRightEdge = 2,
AxisPosTop = 3,
AxisPosRight = 4,
AxisPosLowerLeftEdge = 5,
// diese Markierung muss jeweils mitgepflegt werden,
// wenn AxisPos erweitert werden sollte.
AxisPosAdditionalsSTART = 6,
AxisPosBottom2 = 6,
AxisPosLeft2 = 7,
AxisPosLowerRightEdge2 = 8,
AxisPosTop2 = 9,
AxisPosRight2 = 10,
AxisPosLowerLeftEdge2 = 11,
// auch diese Markierung muss jeweils mitgepflegt werden,
// wenn AxisPos erweitert werden sollte.
AxisPosEND = 11 };
public slots:
static AxisPos basicAxisPos( uint pos );
void setAxisVisible( bool axisVisible );
bool axisVisible() const;
enum AxisAreaMode { AxisAreaModeFixedSize,
AxisAreaModeMinMaxSize };
public slots:
void setAxisAreaMode( AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode );
AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode() const;
static TQString axisAreaModeToString( AxisAreaMode mode );
static AxisAreaMode stringToAxisAreaMode( const TQString& type );
void setAxisAreaMin( int axisAreaMin );
//Returns the axis area minimum width (or height, resp.).
int axisAreaMin() const { return _axisAreaMin; }
void setAxisUseAvailableSpace( int axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom,
int axisUseAvailableSpaceTo );
int axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom() const { return _axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom; }
int axisUseAvailableSpaceTo() const { return _axisUseAvailableSpaceTo; }
void setAxisAreaMax( int axisAreaMax );
int axisAreaMax() const { return _axisAreaMax; }
void setAxisArea( AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode,
int axisAreaMin,
int axisAreaMax );
enum AxisCalcMode { AxisCalcLinear, AxisCalcLogarithmic };
public slots:
void setAxisCalcMode( AxisCalcMode axisCalcMode );
AxisCalcMode axisCalcMode() const { return _axisCalcMode; }
static TQString axisCalcModeToString( AxisCalcMode mode );
static AxisCalcMode stringToAxisCalcMode( const TQString& type );
void setIsometricReferenceAxis( uint isoRefAxis );
uint isometricReferenceAxis() const { return _axisIsoRefAxis; }
void setAxisTrueAreaSize( int axisTrueAreaSize ) { _axisTrueAreaSize = axisTrueAreaSize; }
int axisTrueAreaSize() const { return _axisTrueAreaSize; }
void setAxisTrueAreaRect( const TQRect& axisTrueAreaRect ) { _axisTrueAreaRect = axisTrueAreaRect; }
TQRect axisTrueAreaRect() const { return _axisTrueAreaRect; }
void setAxisLineVisible( bool axisLineVisible );
bool axisLineVisible() const { return _axisLineVisible; }
void setAxisLineWidth( int axisLineWidth );
int axisLineWidth() const { return _axisLineWidth; }
void setAxisTrueLineWidth( int axisTrueLineWidth ) { _axisTrueLineWidth = axisTrueLineWidth; }
int axisTrueLineWidth() const { return _axisTrueLineWidth; }
void setAxisLineColor( TQColor axisLineColor );
TQColor axisLineColor() const { return _axisLineColor; }
// main grid:
void setAxisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters( bool axisShowFractValDelim );
bool axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters() const { return _axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters; }
void setAxisShowGrid( bool axisShowGrid );
bool axisShowGrid() const { return _axisShowGrid; }
void setAxisGridStyle( Qt::PenStyle axisGridStyle );
Qt::PenStyle axisGridStyle() const { return _axisGridStyle; }
void setAxisGridColor( TQColor axisGridColor );
TQColor axisGridColor() const { return _axisGridColor; }
void setAxisGridLineWidth( int axisGridLineWidth );
int axisGridLineWidth() const { return _axisGridLineWidth; }
// sub grid:
void setAxisShowSubDelimiters( bool axisShowSubDelimiters );
bool axisShowSubDelimiters() const { return _axisShowSubDelimiters; }
void setAxisGridSubStyle( Qt::PenStyle axisGridSubStyle );
Qt::PenStyle axisGridSubStyle() const { return _axisGridSubStyle; }
void setAxisGridSubColor( TQColor axisGridSubColor );
TQColor axisGridSubColor() const { return _axisGridSubColor; }
void setAxisGridSubLineWidth( int axisGridSubLineWidth );
int axisGridSubLineWidth() const { return _axisGridSubLineWidth; }
void setAxisZeroLineColor( TQColor axisZeroLineColor );
TQColor axisZeroLineColor() const { return _axisZeroLineColor; }
void setAxisLabelsVisible( bool axisLabelsVisible );
bool axisLabelsVisible() const { return _axisLabelsVisible; }
void setAxisLabelsTouchEdges( bool axisLabelsTouchEdges );
bool axisLabelsTouchEdges() const { return _axisLabelsTouchEdges; }
void setAxisLabelsFont( TQFont axisLabelsFont, bool useFontSize );
TQFont axisLabelsFont() const { return _axisLabelsFont; }
void setAxisLabelsFontUseRelSize( bool axisLabelsFontUseRelSize );
bool axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontUseRelSize; }
void setAxisLabelsFontRelSize( int axisLabelsFontRelSize );
int axisLabelsFontRelSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontRelSize; }
void setAxisLabelsFontMinSize( int axisLabelsFontMinSize ) { _axisLabelsFontMinSize = axisLabelsFontMinSize; }
int axisLabelsFontMinSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontMinSize; }
void setAxisLabelsDontShrinkFont( bool labelsDontShrinkFont ) { _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont = labelsDontShrinkFont; }
bool axisLabelsDontShrinkFont() const { return _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont; }
void setAxisLabelsDontAutoRotate( bool labelsDontAutoRotate ) { _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate = labelsDontAutoRotate; }
bool axisLabelsDontAutoRotate() const { return _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate; }
void setAxisLabelsRotation( int rotation ) { _axisLabelsRotation = rotation; }
int axisLabelsRotation() const { return _axisLabelsRotation; }
void setAxisLabelsColor( TQColor axisLabelsColor );
TQColor axisLabelsColor() const { return _axisLabelsColor; }
void setAxisLabelsCalc( int divPow10 = 0,
int digitsBehindComma = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS );
int axisLabelsDivPow10() const { return _axisLabelsDivPow10; }
int axisLabelsDigitsBehindComma() const { return _axisDigitsBehindComma; }
void setAxisLabelsRadix( const TQString& decimalPoint,
const TQString& thousandsPoint );
TQString axisLabelsDecimalPoint() const { return _axisLabelsDecimalPoint; }
TQString axisLabelsThousandsPoint() const { return _axisLabelsThousandsPoint; }
void setAxisLabelsNotation( KDChartEnums::NumberNotation notation );
KDChartEnums::NumberNotation axisLabelsNotation() const { return _axisLabelsNotation; }
void setAxisLabelsFormat( const TQString& prefix = "",
const TQString& postfix = "",
const int& totalLen = 0,
const TQChar& padFill = ' ',
const bool& blockAlign = true );
TQString axisLabelsPrefix() const { return _axisLabelsPrefix; }
TQString axisLabelsPostfix() const { return _axisLabelsPostfix; }
int axisLabelsTotalLen() const { return _axisLabelsTotalLen; }
TQChar axisLabelsPadFill() const { return _axisLabelsPadFill; }
bool axisLabelsBlockAlign() const { return _axisLabelsBlockAlign; }
enum LabelsFromDataRow { LabelsFromDataRowYes,
LabelsFromDataRowGuess };
public slots:
static TQString labelsFromDataRowToString( LabelsFromDataRow mode );
static LabelsFromDataRow stringToLabelsFromDataRow( const TQString& type );
enum ValueScale { ValueScaleNumerical = 0, // have gaps here to allow specifying of additional scaling steps in between
ValueScaleSecond = 20,
ValueScaleMinute = 30,
ValueScaleHour = 40,
ValueScaleDay = 50,
ValueScaleWeek = 60,
ValueScaleMonth = 70,
ValueScaleQuarter = 80,
ValueScaleYear = 90 };
public slots:
void setAxisValues( bool axisSteadyValueCalc = true,
const TQVariant& axisValueStart = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT,
const TQVariant& axisValueEnd = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT,
int axisDigitsBehindComma = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS,
LabelsFromDataRow takeLabelsFromDataRow = LabelsFromDataRowNo,
int labelTextsDataRow = 0,
TQStringList* axisLabelStringList = 0,
TQStringList* axisShortLabelsStringList = 0,
ValueScale axisValueDeltaScale = ValueScaleNumerical );
void setAxisValueStartIsExact( bool isExactValue=true ) { _axisValueStartIsExact = isExactValue; }
bool axisValueStartIsExact() const { return _axisValueStartIsExact; }
void setAxisValueStart( const TQVariant& axisValueStart ) { _axisValueStart = axisValueStart; }
TQVariant axisValueStart() const { return _axisValueStart; }
void setAxisValueEnd( const TQVariant& axisValueEnd ) {_axisValueEnd = axisValueEnd; }
TQVariant axisValueEnd() const { return _axisValueEnd; }
void setAxisValueDelta( const double axisValueDelta,
ValueScale scale = ValueScaleNumerical );
double axisValueDelta() const { return _axisValueDelta; }
ValueScale axisValueDeltaScale() const { return _axisValueDeltaScale; }
void setAxisValueLeaveOut( const int leaveOut ) { _axisValueLeaveOut = leaveOut; }
int axisValueLeaveOut() const { return _axisValueLeaveOut; }
void setAxisValuesDecreasing( bool valuesDecreasing = true )
_axisValuesDecreasing = valuesDecreasing;
bool axisValuesDecreasing() const { return _axisValuesDecreasing; }
void setTrueAxisDeltaPixels( double nDeltaPixels ) { _trueAxisDeltaPixels = nDeltaPixels; }
double trueAxisDeltaPixels() const { return _trueAxisDeltaPixels; }
void setTrueAxisLowHighDelta( double nLow, double nHigh, double nDelta );
double trueAxisLow() const { return _trueLow; }
double trueAxisHigh() const { return _trueHigh; }
double trueAxisDelta() const { return _trueDelta; }
void setTrueAxisDtLowHighDeltaScale( TQDateTime dtLow, TQDateTime dtHigh,
ValueScale dtDeltaScale );
void setTrueAxisDtLow( TQDateTime dtLow ) { _trueDtLow = dtLow; }
void setTrueAxisDtHigh( TQDateTime dtHigh ) { _trueDtHigh = dtHigh; }
void setTrueAxisDtScale( ValueScale scale ) { _trueDtDeltaScale = scale; }
TQDateTime trueAxisDtLow() const { return _trueDtLow; }
TQDateTime trueAxisDtHigh() const { return _trueDtHigh; }
ValueScale trueAxisDtDeltaScale() const { return _trueDtDeltaScale; }
void setAxisZeroLineStart( double x, double y );
double axisZeroLineStartX() const { return _axisZeroLineStartX; }
double axisZeroLineStartY() const { return _axisZeroLineStartY; }
void setAxisDtLowPos( double x, double y );
double axisDtLowPosX() const { return _axisDtLowPosX; }
double axisDtLowPosY() const { return _axisDtLowPosY; }
void setAxisDtHighPos( double x, double y );
double axisDtHighPosX() const { return _axisDtHighPosX; }
double axisDtHighPosY() const { return _axisDtHighPosY; }
void setAxisDigitsBehindComma( const int digits ) { _axisDigitsBehindComma = digits; }
int axisDigitsBehindComma() const { return _axisDigitsBehindComma; }
void setAxisLabelsDateTimeFormat( const TQString& format ) { _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat = format; }
TQString axisLabelsDateTimeFormat() const { return _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat; }
void setAxisMaxEmptyInnerSpan( const int maxEmpty ) { _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan = maxEmpty; }
int axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan() const { return _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan; }
void setLabelTextsFormDataRow( int row, LabelsFromDataRow mode );
LabelsFromDataRow axisLabelTextsFormDataRow() const { return _takeLabelsFromDataRow; }
int labelTextsDataRow() const { return _labelTextsDataRow; }
void setAxisLabelStringLists( TQStringList* axisLabelStringList,
TQStringList* axisShortLabelStringList,
const TQString& valueStart = TQString(),
const TQString& valueEnd = TQString() );
TQStringList axisLabelStringList() const { return _axisLabelStringList; }
uint axisLabelStringCount() const { return _axisLabelStringList.count(); }
TQStringList axisShortLabelsStringList() const { return _axisShortLabelsStringList; }
uint axisShortLabelsStringCount() const { return _axisShortLabelsStringList.count(); }
const TQStringList* axisLabelTexts() const { return _axisLabelTextsDirty ? 0 : &_axisLabelTexts; }
void setAxisLabelTexts( const TQStringList* axisLabelTexts );
void setAxisLabelTextsDirty( bool axisLabelTextsDirty ) { _axisLabelTextsDirty = axisLabelTextsDirty; }
bool axisLabelTextsDirty() const { return _axisLabelTextsDirty; }
void setAxisFirstLabelText( const TQString& axisFirstLabelText = TQString() );
void setAxisLastLabelText( const TQString& axisLastLabelText = TQString() );
TQString axisFirstLabelText() const { return _axisFirstLabelText; }
TQString axisLastLabelText() const { return _axisLastLabelText; }
bool hasAxisFirstLabelText() const { return !_axisFirstLabelText.isNull(); }
bool hasAxisLastLabelText() const { return !_axisLastLabelText.isNull(); }
void setAxisSteadyValueCalc( bool axisSteadyValueCalc ) { _axisSteadyValueCalc = axisSteadyValueCalc; }
bool axisSteadyValueCalc() const { return _axisSteadyValueCalc; }
virtual ~KDChartAxisParams();
KDChartAxisParams& operator=( const KDChartAxisParams& R );
static void deepCopy( KDChartAxisParams& D, const KDChartAxisParams& R );
friend TQTextStream& operator<<( TQTextStream& s, const KDChartParams& p );
friend TQTextStream& operator>>( TQTextStream& s, KDChartParams& p );
friend class KDChartParams;
// emitted when any of the chart axis parameters have changed.
void changed();
AxisType _axisType;
bool _axisVisible;
bool _axisLabelsTouchEdges;
AxisAreaMode _axisAreaMode;
int _axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom;
int _axisUseAvailableSpaceTo;
int _axisAreaMin;
int _axisAreaMax;
AxisCalcMode _axisCalcMode;
uint _axisIsoRefAxis;
int _axisTrueAreaSize;
TQRect _axisTrueAreaRect;
bool _axisLineVisible;
int _axisLineWidth;
int _axisTrueLineWidth;
TQColor _axisLineColor;
bool _axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters;
bool _axisShowGrid;
TQColor _axisGridColor;
int _axisGridLineWidth;
Qt::PenStyle _axisGridStyle;
bool _axisShowSubDelimiters;
TQColor _axisGridSubColor;
int _axisGridSubLineWidth;
Qt::PenStyle _axisGridSubStyle;
TQColor _axisZeroLineColor;
bool _axisLabelsVisible;
TQFont _axisLabelsFont;
bool _axisLabelsFontUseRelSize;
int _axisLabelsFontRelSize;
int _axisLabelsFontMinSize;
bool _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont;
bool _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate;
int _axisLabelsRotation;
TQColor _axisLabelsColor;
bool _axisSteadyValueCalc;
bool _axisValueStartIsExact;
TQVariant _axisValueStart;
TQVariant _axisValueEnd;
double _axisValueDelta;
ValueScale _axisValueDeltaScale;
int _axisValueLeaveOut;
bool _axisValuesDecreasing;
double _trueAxisDeltaPixels;
double _trueLow;
double _trueHigh;
double _trueDelta;
TQDateTime _trueDtLow;
TQDateTime _trueDtHigh;
ValueScale _trueDtDeltaScale;
double _axisZeroLineStartX;
double _axisZeroLineStartY;
double _axisDtLowPosX;
double _axisDtLowPosY;
double _axisDtHighPosX;
double _axisDtHighPosY;
int _axisDigitsBehindComma;
TQString _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat;
int _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan;
LabelsFromDataRow _takeLabelsFromDataRow;
int _labelTextsDataRow;
TQStringList _axisLabelStringList;
TQStringList _axisShortLabelsStringList;
TQStringList _axisLabelTexts;
bool _axisLabelTextsDirty;
TQString _axisFirstLabelText;
TQString _axisLastLabelText;
int _axisLabelsDivPow10;
TQString _axisLabelsDecimalPoint;
TQString _axisLabelsThousandsPoint;
KDChartEnums::NumberNotation _axisLabelsNotation;
TQString _axisLabelsPrefix;
TQString _axisLabelsPostfix;
int _axisLabelsTotalLen;
TQChar _axisLabelsPadFill;
bool _axisLabelsBlockAlign;