You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
6.6 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef KexiDBComboBox_H
#define KexiDBComboBox_H
#include "kexidbutils.h"
#include "kexidbautofield.h"
#include <widget/tableview/kexicomboboxbase.h>
//! @short Combo box widget for Kexi forms
/*! This widget is implemented on top of KexiDBAutoField,
so as it uses KexiDBAutoField's ability of embedding subwidgets,
it can display not only a line edit but also text edit or image box
(more can be added in the future).
A drop-down button is added to mimic native combo box widget's functionality.
public KexiDBAutoField, public KexiComboBoxBase
TQ_PROPERTY( bool editable READ isEditable WRITE setEditable )
//properties from KexiDBAutoField that should not be visible:
TQ_OVERRIDE(TQColor paletteBackgroundColor READ paletteBackgroundColor WRITE setPaletteBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true RESET unsetPalette)
TQ_OVERRIDE(TQColor foregroundLabelColor DESIGNABLE false)
TQ_OVERRIDE(TQColor backgroundLabelColor DESIGNABLE false)
TQ_OVERRIDE(bool autoCaption DESIGNABLE false)
KexiDBComboBox(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0, bool designMode = true);
virtual ~KexiDBComboBox();
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase: form has no 'related data' model (only the full database model)
virtual KexiTableViewColumn *column() const { return 0; }
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual KexiDB::Field *field() const { return KexiDBAutoField::field(); }
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual TQVariant origValue() const { return m_origValue; }
void setEditable(bool set);
bool isEditable() const;
virtual void setLabelPosition(LabelPosition position);
virtual TQVariant value() { return KexiComboBoxBase::value(); }
virtual TQVariant visibleValue();
//! Reimpemented because to avoid taking value from the internal editor (index is taken from the popup instead)
virtual bool valueChanged();
virtual TQSize tqsizeHint() const;
//! Reimplemented after KexiDBAutoField: jsut sets \a cinfo without initializing a subwidget.
//! Initialization is performed by \ref setVisibleColumnInfo().
virtual void setColumnInfo(KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* cinfo);
/*! Used internally to set visible database column information.
Reimplemented: performs initialization of the subwidget. */
virtual void setVisibleColumnInfo(KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* cinfo);
/*! \return visible database column information for this item.
Reimplemented. */
virtual KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* visibleColumnInfo() const;
const TQColor & paletteBackgroundColor() const { return KexiDBAutoField::paletteBackgroundColor(); }
//! Reimplemented to also set 'this' widget's background color, not only subwidget's.
virtual void setPaletteBackgroundColor( const TQColor & color );
/*! Undoes changes made to this item - just resets the widget to original value.
Reimplemented after KexiFormDataItemInterface to also revert the visible value
(i.e. text) to the original state. */
virtual void undoChanges();
public slots:
void slotRowAccepted(KexiTableItem *item, int row);
void slotItemSelected(KexiTableItem* item) { KexiComboBoxBase::slotItemSelected(item); }
protected slots:
void slotInternalEditorValueChanged(const TQVariant& v)
{ KexiComboBoxBase::slotInternalEditorValueChanged(v); }
TQRect buttonGeometry() const;
virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * );
virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );
void mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );
virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e );
//! \return internal editor's tqgeometry
TQRect editorGeometry() const;
//! Creates editor. Reimplemented, because if the combo box is not editable,
//! editor should not be created.
virtual void createEditor();
/*! Reimplemented */
virtual void styleChange( TQStyle& oldStyle );
/*! Reimplemented */
virtual void fontChange( const TQFont & oldFont );
virtual bool subwidgetStretchRequired(KexiDBAutoField* autoField) const;
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual TQWidget *internalEditor() const { return /*WidgetWithSubpropertiesInterface*/m_subwidget; }
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase. Does nothing if the widget is not editable.
virtual void moveCursorToEndInInternalEditor();
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase. Does nothing if the widget is not editable.
virtual void selectAllInInternalEditor();
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual void setValueInInternalEditor(const TQVariant& value);
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual TQVariant valueFromInternalEditor();
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual void editRequested();
//! Implemented for KexiComboBoxBase
virtual void acceptRequested();
//! Implement this to return a position \a pos mapped from parent (e.g. viewport)
//! to global coordinates. TQPoint(-1, -1) should be returned if this cannot be computed.
virtual TQPoint mapFromParentToGlobal(const TQPoint& pos) const;
//! Implement this to return a hint for popup width.
virtual int popupWidthHint() const;
virtual void setValueInternal(const TQVariant& add, bool removeOld);
//! Implemented to handle visible value instead of index
virtual void setVisibleValueInternal(const TQVariant& value);
bool handleMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
bool handleKeyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *ke);
//! Implemented for KexiDataItemInterface
virtual void beforeSignalValueChanged();
virtual KexiComboBoxPopup *popup() const;
virtual void setPopup(KexiComboBoxPopup *popup);
/*! Called by top-level form on key press event.
Used for Key_Escape to if the popup is visible,
so the key press won't be consumed to perform "cancel editing".
Also used for grabbing page down/up keys. */
virtual bool keyPressed(TQKeyEvent *ke);
class Private;
Private * const d;