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* pythoninterpreter.cpp
* This file is part of the KDE project
* copyright (C)2004-2005 by Sebastian Sauer (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "pythoninterpreter.h"
#include "pythonscript.h"
#include "pythonmodule.h"
#include "pythonsecurity.h"
//#include "pythonextension.h"
#include "../api/variant.h"
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
extern "C"
* Exported and loadable function as entry point to use
* the \a PythonInterpreter.
* The krosspython library the \a PythonInterpreter is part
* will be loaded dynamicly at runtime from e.g.
* \a Kross::Api::Manager::getInterpreter and this exported
* function will be used to return an instance of the
* \a PythonInterpreter implementation.
void* krossinterpreter(Kross::Api::InterpreterInfo* info)
try {
return new Kross::Python::PythonInterpreter(info);
catch(Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr e) {
Kross::krosswarning("krossinterpreter(Kross::Api::InterpreterInfo* info): Unhandled exception.");
return 0;
using namespace Kross::Python;
namespace Kross { namespace Python {
/// \internal
class PythonInterpreterPrivate
/// The __main__ python module.
PythonModule* mainmodule;
/// The \a PythonSecurity python module to wrap the RestrictedPython functionality.
PythonSecurity* security;
PythonInterpreter::PythonInterpreter(Kross::Api::InterpreterInfo* info)
: Kross::Api::Interpreter(info)
, d(new PythonInterpreterPrivate())
// Initialize the python interpreter.
// Set name of the program.
// Set arguments.
//char* comm[0];
const char* comm = const_cast<char*>("kross"); // name.
PySys_SetArgv(1, comm);
// In the python sys.path are all module-directories are
// listed in.
TQString path;
// First import the sys-module to remember it's sys.path
// list in our path TQString.
Py::Module sysmod( PyImport_ImportModule("sys"), true );
Py::Dict sysmoddict = sysmod.getDict();
Py::Object syspath = sysmoddict.getItem("path");
if(syspath.isList()) {
Py::List syspathlist = syspath;
for(Py::List::iterator it = syspathlist.begin(); it != syspathlist.end(); ++it)
if( (*it).isString() )
path.append( TQString(Py::String(*it).as_string().c_str()) + PYPATHDELIMITER );
path = Py_GetPath();
// Determinate additional module-paths we like to add.
// First add the global Kross modules-path.
TQStringList krossdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kross/python");
for(TQStringList::Iterator krossit = krossdirs.begin(); krossit != krossdirs.end(); ++krossit)
path.append(*krossit + PYPATHDELIMITER);
// Then add the application modules-path.
TQStringList appdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("appdata", "kross/python");
for(TQStringList::Iterator appit = appdirs.begin(); appit != appdirs.end(); ++appit)
path.append(*appit + PYPATHDELIMITER);
// Set the extended sys.path.
PySys_SetPath( (char*) path.latin1() );
krossdebug(TQString("Python ProgramName: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramName()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python ProgramFullPath: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramFullPath()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python Version: %1").arg(Py_GetVersion()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python Platform: %1").arg(Py_GetPlatform()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python Prefix: %1").arg(Py_GetPrefix()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python ExecPrefix: %1").arg(Py_GetExecPrefix()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python Path: %1").arg(Py_GetPath()));
krossdebug(TQString("Python System Path: %1").arg(path));
// Initialize the main module.
d->mainmodule = new PythonModule(this);
// The main dictonary.
Py::Dict moduledict = d->mainmodule->getDict();
//TODO moduledict["KrossPythonVersion"] = Py::Int(KROSS_PYTHON_VERSION);
// Prepare the interpreter.
TQString s =
"import sys\n"
// Dirty hack to get sys.argv defined. Needed for e.g. TKinter.
"sys.argv = ['']\n"
// On the try to read something from stdin always return an empty
// string. That way such reads don't block our script.
"import cStringIO\n"
"sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()\n"
// Class to redirect something. We use this class e.g. to redirect
// <stdout> and <stderr> to a c++ event.
"class Redirect:\n"
" def __init__(self, target):\n"
" = target\n"
" def write(self, s):\n"
// Wrap builtin __import__ method. All import requests are
// first redirected to our PythonModule.import method and
// if the call returns None, then we call the original
// python import mechanism.
"import __builtin__\n"
"import __main__\n"
"class Importer:\n"
" def __init__(self):\n"
" self.realImporter = __builtin__.__import__\n"
" __builtin__.__import__ = self._import\n"
" def _import(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=[]):\n"
" mod = __main__._import(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
" if mod != None: return mod\n"
" return self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
PyObject* pyrun = PyRun_String(s.latin1(), Py_file_input, moduledict.ptr(), moduledict.ptr());
if(! pyrun) {
Py::Object errobj = Py::value(Py::Exception()); // get last error
throw Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr( new Kross::Api::Exception(TQString("Failed to prepare the __main__ module: %1").arg(errobj.as_string().c_str())) );
Py_XDECREF(pyrun); // free the reference.
// Initialize the RestrictedPython module.
d->security = new PythonSecurity(this);
// Free the zope security module.
delete d->security; d->security = 0;
// Free the main module.
delete d->mainmodule; d->mainmodule = 0;
// Finalize the python interpreter.
// Delete the private d-pointer.
delete d;
void PythonInterpreter::initialize()
// Initialize python.
/* Not needed cause we use the >= Python 2.3 GIL-mechanism.
PyThreadState* d->globalthreadstate, d->threadstate;
// First we have to initialize threading if python supports it.
// The main thread. We don't use it later.
d->globalthreadstate = PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
d->globalthreadstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
// We use an own sub-interpreter for each thread.
d->threadstate = Py_NewInterpreter();
// Note that this application has multiple threads.
// It maintains a separate interp (sub-interpreter) for each thread.
// Work done, release the lock.
void PythonInterpreter::finalize()
/* Not needed cause we use the >= Python 2.3 GIL-mechanism.
// Lock threads.
// Free the used thread.
// Set back to rememberd main thread.
// Work done, unlock.
// Finalize python.
Kross::Api::Script* PythonInterpreter::createScript(Kross::Api::ScriptContainer* scriptcontainer)
return new PythonScript(this, scriptcontainer);
PythonModule* PythonInterpreter::mainModule()
return d->mainmodule;
PythonSecurity* PythonInterpreter::securityModule()
return d->security;