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<book lang="&language;">
<title>The &chalk; Handbook</title>
<holder>Boudewijn Rempt</holder>
<holder>Casper Boemann</holder>
<holder>Cyrille Berger</holder>
<holder>Sander Koning</holder>
<!-- Date and version information of the documentation -->
<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
&chalk; is part of the &koffice; package. &chalk; is a photo retouching, image
editing application, but above all, a paint application that will allow you to
create original art on your computer as if you were working with paint and
brushes, pencils, pen and ink &mdash; or, at least, it will one day. We are
continually working on extending &chalk; and making it better in every respect.
<keyword>image manipulation</keyword>