You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

930 lines
31 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "kword13formatone.h"
#include "kword13formatother.h"
#include "kword13layout.h"
#include "kword13frameset.h"
#include "kword13picture.h"
#include "kword13document.h"
#include "kword13parser.h"
KWord13StackItem::KWord13StackItem() : elementType( KWord13TypeUnknown ), m_currentFrameset( 0 )
KWord13Parser::KWord13Parser( KWord13Document* kwordDocument )
: m_kwordDocument(kwordDocument), m_currentParagraph( 0 ),
m_currentLayout( 0 ), m_currentFormat( 0 )
parserStack.setAutoDelete( true );
KWord13StackItem* bottom = new KWord13StackItem;
bottom->elementType = KWord13TypeBottom;
parserStack.push( bottom ); //Security item (not to empty the stack)
KWord13Parser::~KWord13Parser( void )
delete m_currentParagraph;
delete m_currentLayout;
delete m_currentFormat;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementFormatOneProperty( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem)
// ### TODO: check status
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeLayoutFormatOne )
if ( ! m_currentLayout )
kdError(30520) << "No current LAYOUT for storing FORMAT property: " << name << endl;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
TQString attrName ( name );
attrName += ':';
attrName += attributes.qName( i );
m_currentLayout->m_format.m_properties[ attrName ] = attributes.value( i );
kdDebug(30520) << "Format Property (for LAYOUT): " << attrName << " = " << attributes.value( i ) << endl;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeEmpty;
return true;
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeFormat )
if ( ! m_currentFormat )
kdError(30520) << "No current FORMAT for storing FORMAT property: " << name << endl;
return false;
KWord13FormatOneData* data = m_currentFormat->getFormatOneData();
if ( ! data )
kdError(30520) << "Current FORMAT cannot store FORMAT text property: " << name << endl;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
TQString attrName ( name );
attrName += ':';
attrName += attributes.qName( i );
data->m_properties[ attrName ] = attributes.value( i );
kdDebug(30520) << "Format Property (for FORMATS): " << attrName << " = " << attributes.value( i ) << endl;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeEmpty;
return true;
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeIgnore )
return true;
kdError(30520) << "Wrong tqparents for FORMAT property: " << name << endl;
return false;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementLayoutProperty( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem)
// ### TODO: check status
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeIgnore )
return true;
else if ( m_currentLayout )
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
TQString attrName ( name );
attrName += ':';
attrName += attributes.qName( i );
m_currentLayout->m_layoutProperties[ attrName ] = attributes.value( i );
kdDebug(30520) << "Layout Property: " << attrName << " = " << attributes.value( i ) << endl;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeEmpty;
return true;
kdError(30520) << "No current tqlayout for storing property: " << name << endl;
return false;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementName( const TQString&, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
if ( stackItem->elementType != KWord13TypeLayout )
// We have something else than a LAYOU/STYLE, so ignore for now.
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
return true;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeEmpty;
if ( m_currentLayout )
m_currentLayout->m_name = attributes.value( "value" );
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementFormat( const TQString&, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
// ### TODO: check tqparent?
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeIgnore )
return true;
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeLayout )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeLayoutFormatOne;
return true; // Everything is done directly on the tqlayout
else if ( stackItem->elementType != KWord13TypeFormatsPlural )
kdError(30520) << "<FORMAT> is child neither of <FORMATS> nor of <LAYOUT> nor of <STYLE>! Aborting!" << endl;
return false; // Assume parsing error!
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeFormat;
if ( m_currentFormat )
kdWarning(30520) << "Current format already defined!" << endl;
delete m_currentFormat;
m_currentFormat = 0;
bool ok = false;
const int id = attributes.value( "id" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( id == 1 && ok ) // Normal text
KWord13FormatOne* one = new KWord13FormatOne;
const int len = attributes.value( "len" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
one->m_length = len;
m_currentFormat = one;
else if ( id == 4 && ok ) // Variable
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeVariable;
m_currentFormat = new KWord13FormatFour;
else if ( id == 6 && ok ) // Anchor
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeAnchor;
m_currentFormat = new KWord13FormatSix;
// ### TODO: provisory
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
m_currentFormat = new KWord13Format;
if ( ok )
m_currentFormat->m_id = id;
const int pos = attributes.value( "pos" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
m_currentFormat->m_pos = pos;
kdWarning(30520) << "Cannot set position of <FORMAT>: " << attributes.value( "pos" ) << endl;
return false; // Assume parse error!
kdDebug(30520) << "<FORMAT id=\"" << id << "\" pos=\"" << pos << "\" len=\"" << attributes.value( "len" ) << "\">" << endl;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementLayout( const TQString&, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
// ### TODO: check tqparent?
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeIgnore )
return true;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeLayout;
if ( m_currentFormat )
kdWarning(30520) << "Current format defined! (Layout)" << endl;
delete m_currentFormat;
m_currentFormat = 0;
if ( m_currentLayout )
// Delete an eventually already existing paragraph (should not happen)
kdWarning(30520) << "Current tqlayout already defined!" << endl;
delete m_currentLayout;
m_currentLayout = new KWord13Layout;
m_currentLayout->m_outline = ( attributes.value( "outline" ) == "true" );
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementParagraph( const TQString&, const TQXmlAttributes&, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeUnknownFrameset )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
return true;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeParagraph;
if ( m_currentParagraph )
// Delete an eventually already existing paragraph (should not happen)
kdWarning(30520) << "Current paragraph already defined!" << endl;
delete m_currentParagraph;
m_currentParagraph = new KWord13Paragraph;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementFrame( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeFrameset || stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypePictureFrameset )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeEmpty;
if ( stackItem->m_currentFrameset )
const int num = ++stackItem->m_currentFrameset->m_numFrames;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
TQString attrName ( name );
attrName += ':';
attrName += TQString::number( num );
attrName += ':';
attrName += attributes.qName( i );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset->m_frameData[ attrName ] = attributes.value( i );
kdDebug(30520) << "FrameData: " << attrName << " = " << attributes.value( i ) << endl;
kdError(30520) << "Data of <FRAMESET> not found" << endl;
return false;
else if ( stackItem->elementType != KWord13TypeUnknownFrameset )
kdError(30520) << "<FRAME> not child of <FRAMESET>" << endl;
return false;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementFrameset( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
const TQString frameTypeStr( attributes.value( "frameType" ) );
const TQString frameInfoStr( attributes.value( "frameInfo" ) );
if ( frameTypeStr.isEmpty() || frameInfoStr.isEmpty() )
kdError(30520) << "<FRAMESET> without frameType or frameInfo attribute!" << endl;
return false;
const int frameType = frameTypeStr.toInt();
const int frameInfo = frameInfoStr.toInt();
if ( frameType == 1 )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeFrameset;
KWordTextFrameset* frameset = new KWordTextFrameset( frameType, frameInfo, attributes.value( "name" ) );
// Normal text frame (in or outside a table)
if ( ( !frameInfo ) && attributes.value( "grpMgr" ).isEmpty() )
m_kwordDocument->m_normalTextFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_normalTextFramesetList.current();
else if ( !frameInfo )
// We just store the frameset in the frameset table list
// Grouping the framesets by table will be done after the parsing, not now.
m_kwordDocument->m_tableFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_tableFramesetList.current();
else if ( frameInfo >= 1 && frameInfo <= 6 )
m_kwordDocument->m_headerFooterFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_headerFooterFramesetList.current();
else if ( frameInfo == 7 )
m_kwordDocument->m_footEndNoteFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_footEndNoteFramesetList.current();
kdError(30520) << "Unknown text frameset!" << endl;
m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.current();
else if ( ( frameType == 2 ) // picture or image
|| ( frameType == 5 ) ) // ciipart
if ( !frameInfo )
kdWarning(30520) << "Unknown FrameInfo for pictures: " << frameInfo << endl;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypePictureFrameset;
KWord13PictureFrameset* frameset = new KWord13PictureFrameset( frameType, frameInfo, attributes.value( "name" ) );
m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.current();
// ### frameType == 6 : horizontal line (however KWord did not save it correctly)
// ### frameType == 4 : formula
// ### frametype == 3 : embedded (but only in <SETTINGS>)
// Frame of unknown/unsupported type
kdWarning(30520) << "Unknown/unsupported <FRAMESET> type! Type: " << frameTypeStr << " Info: " << frameInfoStr << endl;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeUnknownFrameset;
KWord13Frameset* frameset = new KWord13Frameset( frameType, frameInfo, attributes.value( "name" ) );
m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.append( frameset );
stackItem->m_currentFrameset = m_kwordDocument->m_otherFramesetList.current();
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementDocumentAttributes( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem,
const KWord13StackItemType& allowedParentType, const KWord13StackItemType& newType )
if ( parserStack.current()->elementType == allowedParentType )
stackItem->elementType = newType;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
TQString attrName ( name );
attrName += ':';
attrName += attributes.qName( i );
m_kwordDocument->m_documentProperties[ attrName ] = attributes.value( i );
kdDebug(30520) << "DocAttr: " << attrName << " = " << attributes.value( i ) << endl;
return true;
kdError(30520) << "Wrong tqparent!" << endl;
return false;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementKey( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
const TQString key( calculatePictureKey( attributes.value( "filename" ),
attributes.value( "year" ), attributes.value( "month" ), attributes.value( "day" ),
attributes.value( "hour" ), attributes.value( "minute" ), attributes.value( "second" ),
attributes.value( "msec" ) ) );
kdDebug(30520) << "Picture key: " << key << endl;
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypePicturesPlural )
KWord13Picture* pic = new KWord13Picture;
pic->m_storeName = attributes.value( "name" );
if ( pic->m_storeName.isEmpty() )
kdError(30520) << "Picture defined without store name! Aborting!" << endl;
return false; // Assume parse error
// ### TODO: catch duplicate keys (should not happen but who knows?)
m_kwordDocument->m_pictureDict.insert( key, pic );
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypePicture )
// ### TODO: error messages?
if ( stackItem->m_currentFrameset )
stackItem->m_currentFrameset->setKey( key );
// Neither child of <PICTURES>, <PIXMAPS>, <CLIPARTS>
// nor of <PICTURE>, <IMAGE>, <CLIPART>
// ### TODO: parse error?
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElementAnchor( const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes, KWord13StackItem *stackItem )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeAnchor )
const TQString anchorType ( attributes.value( "type" ) );
if ( anchorType == "grpMgr" )
kdWarning(30520) << "Anchor of type grpMgr! Not tested!" << endl; // ### TODO
else if ( anchorType != "frameset" )
kdError(30520) << "Unsupported anchor type: " << anchorType << endl;
return false;
const TQString frameset ( attributes.value( "instance" ) );
if ( frameset.isEmpty() )
kdError(30520) << "Anchor to an empty frameset name! Aborting!" << endl;
return false;
if ( m_currentFormat )
KWord13FormatSix* six = (KWord13FormatSix*) m_currentFormat;
six->m_anchorName = frameset;
// add frameset name to the list of anchored framesets
if ( m_kwordDocument->m_anchoredFramesetNames.tqfind( frameset ) == m_kwordDocument->m_anchoredFramesetNames.end() )
m_kwordDocument->m_anchoredFramesetNames.append( frameset );
kdError(30520) << "Anchor not child of <FORMAT id=\"6\"> Aborting!" << endl;
return false;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::startElement( const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& name, const TQXmlAttributes& attributes )
kdDebug(30520) << indent << "<" << name << ">" << endl; // DEBUG
indent += "*"; //DEBUG
if (parserStack.isEmpty())
kdError(30520) << "Stack is empty!! Aborting! (in KWordParser::startElement)" << endl;
return false;
// Create a new stack element copying the top of the stack.
KWord13StackItem *stackItem=new KWord13StackItem(*parserStack.current());
if (!stackItem)
kdError(30520) << "Could not create Stack Item! Aborting! (in StructureParser::startElement)" << endl;
return false;
bool success=false;
// Order of element names: probability in a document
if ( name == "COLOR" || name == "FONT" || name =="SIZE"
|| name == "WEIGHT" || name == "ITALIC" || name == "UNDERLINE"
|| name == "STRIKEOUT" || name == "VERTALIGN" || name == "SHADOW"
|| name == "FONTATTRIBUTE" || name == "LANGUAGE"
success = startElementFormatOneProperty( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "FLOW" || name == "INDENTS" || name == "OFFSETS"
|| name == "LINESPACING" || name == "PAGEBREAKING"
|| name == "LEFTBORDER" || name == "RIGHTBORDER" || name == "FOLLOWING"
|| name == "TOPBORDER" || name == "BOTTOMBORDER" || name == "COUNTER" )
success = startElementLayoutProperty( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "TEXT" )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeParagraph && m_currentParagraph )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeText;
m_currentParagraph->setText( TQString() );
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
success = true;
else if ( name == "NAME" )
success = startElementName( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "FORMATS" )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeParagraph && m_currentParagraph )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeFormatsPlural;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
success = true;
else if ( name == "PARAGRAPH" )
success = startElementParagraph( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "FORMAT" )
success = startElementFormat( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if (name == "LAYOUT" )
success = startElementLayout( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "TYPE" )
if ( m_currentFormat && ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeVariable ) )
( (KWord13FormatFour*) m_currentFormat ) -> m_text = attributes.value( "text" );
success = true;
else if ( name == "KEY" )
success = startElementKey( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "ANCHOR" )
success = startElementAnchor( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "PICTURE" || name == "IMAGE" || name == "CLIPART" )
// ### TODO: keepAspectRatio (but how to transform it to OASIS)
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypePictureFrameset )
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypePicture;
success = true;
else if ( name == "FRAME" )
success = startElementFrame( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "FRAMESET" )
success = startElementFrameset( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if (name == "STYLE" )
success = startElementLayout( name, attributes, stackItem );
else if ( name == "DOC" )
success = startElementDocumentAttributes( name, attributes, stackItem, KWord13TypeBottom, KWord13TypeDocument );
else if ( name == "PAPER")
success = startElementDocumentAttributes( name, attributes, stackItem, KWord13TypeDocument, KWord13TypePaper );
else if ( name == "PAPERBORDERS" )
success = startElementDocumentAttributes( name, attributes, stackItem, KWord13TypePaper, KWord13TypeEmpty );
else if ( ( name == "ATTRIBUTES" ) || ( name == "VARIABLESETTINGS" )
|| ( name == "FOOTNOTESETTINGS" ) || ( name == "ENDNOTESETTINGS" ) )
success = startElementDocumentAttributes( name, attributes, stackItem, KWord13TypeDocument, KWord13TypeEmpty );
else if ( name == "FRAMESTYLE" )
// ### TODO, but some of the <STYLE> tqchildren are also tqchildren of <FRAMESTYLE>, so we have to set it to "ignore"
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeIgnore;
success = true;
else if ( name == "PICTURES" || name == "PIXMAPS" || name == "CLIPARTS" )
// We just need a separate "type" for the <KEY> tqchildren
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypePicturesPlural;
success = true;
stackItem->elementType = KWord13TypeUnknown;
success = true;
if ( success )
parserStack.push( stackItem );
{ // We have a problem so destroy our resources.
delete stackItem;
return success;
bool KWord13Parser :: endElement( const TQString&, const TQString& , const TQString& name)
indent.remove( 0, 1 ); // DEBUG
//kdDebug(30520) << indent << "</" << name << ">" << endl; // DEBUG
if (parserStack.isEmpty())
kdError(30520) << "Stack is empty!! Aborting! (in StructureParser::endElement)" << endl;
return false;
bool success=false;
KWord13StackItem *stackItem=parserStack.pop();
if ( name == "PARAGRAPH" )
if ( stackItem->m_currentFrameset && m_currentParagraph )
if ( stackItem->m_currentFrameset->addParagraph( *m_currentParagraph ) )
success = true;
// ### HACK: do not delete the data of <FORMATS>
m_currentParagraph->m_formats.setAutoDelete( false );
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeIgnore )
success = true;
delete m_currentParagraph;
m_currentParagraph = 0;
else if ( name == "FORMAT" )
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeFormat )
if ( m_currentParagraph )
m_currentParagraph->m_formats.append( m_currentFormat );
kdDebug(30520) << "Adding to <FORMATS>: " << ((void*) m_currentFormat) << endl;
m_currentFormat = 0;
kdError(30520) << "No paragraph to store <FORMAT>! Aborting!" << endl;
delete m_currentFormat;
m_currentFormat = 0;
return false; // Assume parsing error!
else if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeLayoutFormatOne )
// Nothing to do!
success = true;
else if ( name == "LAYOUT" )
if ( m_currentLayout && m_currentParagraph )
m_currentParagraph->m_layout = *m_currentLayout;
delete m_currentLayout;
m_currentLayout = 0;
success = true;
else if ( name == "STYLE" )
if ( m_kwordDocument && m_currentLayout )
if ( m_currentLayout->m_name.isEmpty() )
// ### TODO: what should be really done with anonymous styles (should not happen but it would have consequences)
kdError(30520) << "Anonymous style found! Aborting" << endl;
return false; // Assume a parsing error!
m_kwordDocument->m_styles.append( *m_currentLayout );
success = true;
delete m_currentLayout;
m_currentLayout = 0;
else if ( name == "DOC" )
success = true;
success = true; // No problem, so authorisation to continue parsing
if (!success)
// If we have no success, then it was surely a tag mismatch. Help debugging!
kdError(30506) << "Found closing tag name: " << name << " expected: " << stackItem->itemName << endl;
delete stackItem;
return success;
bool KWord13Parser :: characters ( const TQString & ch )
#if 0
// DEBUG start
if (ch=="\n")
kdDebug(30520) << indent << " (LINEFEED)" << endl;
else if (ch.length()> 40)
{ // 40 characters are enough (especially for image data)
kdDebug(30520) << indent << " :" << ch.left(40) << "..." << endl;
kdDebug(30520) << indent << " :" << ch << ":" << endl;
// DEBUG end
if (parserStack.isEmpty())
kdError(30520) << "Stack is empty!! Aborting! (in StructureParser::characters)" << endl;
return false;
bool success=false;
KWord13StackItem *stackItem = parserStack.current();
if ( stackItem->elementType == KWord13TypeText )
// <TEXT>
if ( m_currentParagraph )
bool found = false; // Some unexpected control character?
// ### TODO: this is perhaps a good point to check for non-XML characters
const uint length = ch.length();
for ( uint i = 0; i < length; ++i )
const ushort uni = ch.tqat(i).tqunicode();
if ( uni >= 32 )
continue; // Normal character
else if ( uni == 9 || uni == 10 || uni == 13)
continue; // Tabulator, Line Feed, Carriage Return
else if ( uni == 1 )
// Old KWord documents have a TQChar(1) as anchor character
// So replace it with the anchor character of recent KWord versions
found = true;
if ( found )
kdWarning(30520) << "Unexcepted control characters found in text!" << endl;
m_currentParagraph->appendText( ch );
success = true;
kdError(30520) << "No current paragraph defined! Tag mismatch?" << endl;
success = false;
else if (stackItem->elementType==KWord13TypeEmpty)
if (!success)
// We have a parsing error, so abort!
kdError(30520) << "Empty element "<< stackItem->itemName <<" is not empty! Aborting! (in KWordParser::characters)" << endl;
return success;
bool KWord13Parser::warning(const TQXmlParseException& exception)
kdWarning(30520) << "XML parsing warning: line " << exception.lineNumber()
<< " col " << exception.columnNumber() << " message: " << exception.message() << endl;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::error(const TQXmlParseException& exception)
// A XML error is recoverable, so it is only a KDE warning
kdWarning(30520) << "XML parsing error: line " << exception.lineNumber()
<< " col " << exception.columnNumber() << " message: " << exception.message() << endl;
return true;
bool KWord13Parser::fatalError (const TQXmlParseException& exception)
kdError(30520) << "XML parsing fatal error: line " << exception.lineNumber()
<< " col " << exception.columnNumber() << " message: " << exception.message() << endl;
// ### TODO: user message box
return false; // Stop parsing now, we do not need further errors.
TQString KWord13Parser::calculatePictureKey( const TQString& filename,
const TQString& year, const TQString& month, const TQString& day,
const TQString& hour, const TQString& minute, const TQString& second,
const TQString& microsecond ) const
bool ok;
bool globalOk = true;
ok = false;
const int iYear = year.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iMonth = month.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iDay = day.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iHour = hour.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iMinute = minute.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iSecond = second.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
ok = false;
const int iMicrosecond = microsecond.toInt( & ok );
globalOk = globalOk && ok;
if ( globalOk )
// No error until then, so check if the date/time is valid at all
globalOk = globalOk && TQDate::isValid( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
globalOk = globalOk && TQTime::isValid( iHour, iMinute, iSecond, iMicrosecond );
TQDateTime dt;
if ( globalOk )
// The date/time seems correct
dt = TQDateTime( TQDate( iYear, iMonth, iDay ), TQTime( iHour, iMinute, iSecond, iMicrosecond ) );
// *NIX epoch (We do not really care if it is UTC or local time)
dt = TQDateTime( TQDate( 1970, 1, 1 ), TQTime( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
// We put the date/time first, as if the date is useful, it will have faster a difference than a path
// where the common pth might be very long.
// Output the date/time as compact as possible
TQString result ( dt.toString( "yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz" ) );
result += '@'; // A separator
result += filename;
return result;