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* This file is part of the KDE project
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cyrille Berger <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kis_halftone.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kis_autobrush_resource.h>
#include <kis_convolution_painter.h>
#include <kis_iterators_pixel.h>
#include <kis_layer.h>
#include <kis_math_toolbox.h>
#include <kis_meta_registry.h>
#include <kis_multi_integer_filter_widget.h>
#include <kis_paint_device.h>
#include <kis_transaction.h>
typedef KGenericFactory<ChalkHalftone> ChalkHalftoneFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( chalkhalftone, ChalkHalftoneFactory( "chalk" ) )
ChalkHalftone::ChalkHalftone(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
: KParts::Plugin(tqparent, name)
kdDebug(41006) << "Halftone filter plugin. Class: "
<< className()
<< ", Parent: "
<< tqparent->className()
<< "\n";
if ( tqparent->inherits("KisFilterRegistry") )
KisFilterRegistry * r = dynamic_cast<KisFilterRegistry*>(tqparent);
r->add(new KisHalftoneReduction());
: KisFilter(id(), "enhance", i18n("Halftone Reduction..."))
KisFilterConfigWidget * KisHalftoneReduction::createConfigurationWidget(TQWidget* tqparent, KisPaintDeviceSP )
vKisIntegerWidgetParam param;
param.push_back( KisIntegerWidgetParam( 0, 100, BEST_WAVELET_FREQUENCY_VALUE, i18n("Frequency"), "frequency" ) );
param.push_back( KisIntegerWidgetParam( 0, 100, 2, i18n("Half-size"), "halfsize" ) );
return new KisMultiIntegerFilterWidget(tqparent, id().id().ascii(), id().id().ascii(), param );
KisFilterConfiguration* KisHalftoneReduction::configuration(TQWidget* nwidget )
KisMultiIntegerFilterWidget* widget = (KisMultiIntegerFilterWidget*) nwidget;
if( widget == 0 )
return new KisHalftoneReductionConfiguration( BEST_WAVELET_FREQUENCY_VALUE, 2 );
} else {
return new KisHalftoneReductionConfiguration( widget->valueAt( 0 ), widget->valueAt( 1 ) );
void KisHalftoneReduction::process(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP dst, KisFilterConfiguration* config, const TQRect& rect)
float frequency = 1.0;
int halfSize = 2;
if(config !=0)
KisHalftoneReductionConfiguration* configWNRC = (KisHalftoneReductionConfiguration*)config;
frequency = configWNRC->getDouble("frequency");
halfSize = configWNRC->getInt("halfsize");
kdDebug(41005) << "frequency: " << frequency << endl;
TQ_INT32 depth = src->colorSpace()->nColorChannels();
int size;
int maxrectsize = (rect.height() < rect.width()) ? rect.width() : rect.height();
for(size = 2; size < maxrectsize; size *= 2) ;
KisMathToolbox* mathToolbox = KisMetaRegistry::instance()->mtRegistry()->get( src->colorSpace()->mathToolboxID() );
setProgressTotalSteps(mathToolbox->fastWaveletTotalSteps(rect) * 2 + size*size*depth );
connect(mathToolbox, TQT_SIGNAL(nextStep()), this, TQT_SLOT(incProgress()));
kdDebug(41005) << size << " " << maxrectsize << " " << rect.x() << " " << rect.y() << endl;
kdDebug(41005) << halfSize << endl;
KisAutobrushShape* kas = new KisAutobrushCircleShape(2*halfSize+1, 2*halfSize+1 , halfSize, halfSize);
TQImage tqmask;
KisKernelSP kernel = KisKernel::fromTQImage(tqmask); // TODO: for 1.6 reuse the chalk's core function for creating kernel : KisKernel::fromTQImage"testtqmask.png", "PNG");
KisPaintDeviceSP interm = new KisPaintDevice(*src);
KisColorSpace * cs = src->colorSpace();
KisConvolutionPainter painter( interm );
painter.applyMatrix(kernel, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), BORDER_REPEAT);
// KisPaintDeviceSP interm2 = new KisPaintDevice(*interm);
kdDebug(41005) << "Transforming..." << endl;
setProgressStage( i18n("Fast wavelet transformation") ,progress());
KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* buff = 0;
KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* wav = 0;
KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* blurwav = 0;
try {
buff = mathToolbox->initWavelet(src, rect);
} catch(std::bad_alloc)
if(buff) delete buff;
try {
wav = mathToolbox->fastWaveletTransformation(src, rect, buff);
blurwav = mathToolbox->fastWaveletTransformation(interm, rect, buff);
} catch(std::bad_alloc)
if(wav) delete wav;
kdDebug(41005) << "frequencying..." << endl;
// float* fin = wav->coeffs + wav->depth*wav->size*wav->size;
// setProgressStage( i18n("frequencying") ,progress());
// float* it2 = wav->coeffs + wav->depth;
int sizecopy = (int)pow(2, frequency);
if(sizecopy > wav->size) sizecopy = wav->size;
for(int i = 0; i < sizecopy; i++)
float *itNotblured = wav->coeffs + wav->depth * wav->size * i;
float *itBlured = blurwav->coeffs + blurwav->depth * blurwav->size * i;
for(int j = 0; j< sizecopy; j++)
memcpy(itBlured, itNotblured, sizeof(float) * blurwav->depth);
itBlured += blurwav->depth;
itNotblured += wav->depth;
kdDebug(41005) << "Untransforming..." << endl;
setProgressStage( i18n("Fast wavelet untransformation") ,progress());
mathToolbox->fastWaveletUntransformation( dst, rect, blurwav, buff);
delete wav;
delete blurwav;
delete buff;
disconnect(mathToolbox, TQT_SIGNAL(nextStep()), this, TQT_SLOT(incProgress()));
setProgressDone(); // Must be called even if you don't really support progression