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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2004-2006 David Faure <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <KoGenStyles.h>
#include <KoXmlWriter.h>
#include "../../store/tests/xmlwritertest.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <assert.h>
int testLookup()
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
KoGenStyles coll;
TQMap<TQString, TQString> map1;
map1.insert( "map1key", "map1value" );
TQMap<TQString, TQString> map2;
map2.insert( "map2key1", "map2value1" );
map2.insert( "map2key2", "map2value2" );
KoGenStyle first( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
first.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
first.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" );
first.addProperty( "style:foobar", "2", KoGenStyle::TextType );
first.addStyleMap( map1 );
first.addStyleMap( map2 );
TQString firstName = coll.lookup( first );
kdDebug() << "The first style got assigned the name " << firstName << endl;
assert( firstName == "A1" ); // it's fine if it's something else, but the koxmlwriter tests require a known name
assert( first.type() == KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO );
KoGenStyle second( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
second.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
second.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" );
second.addProperty( "style:foobar", "2", KoGenStyle::TextType );
second.addStyleMap( map1 );
second.addStyleMap( map2 );
TQString secondName = coll.lookup( second );
kdDebug() << "The second style got assigned the name " << secondName << endl;
assert( firstName == secondName ); // check that sharing works
assert( first == second ); // check that operator== works :)
const KoGenStyle* s = firstName ); // check lookup of existing style
assert( s );
assert( *s == first );
s = "foobarblah" ); // check lookup of non-existing style
assert( !s );
KoGenStyle third( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph", secondName ); // inherited style
third.addProperty( "style:margin-left", "1.249cm" );
third.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" ); // same as tqparent
third.addProperty( "style:foobar", "3", KoGenStyle::TextType ); // different from tqparent
assert( third.parentName() == secondName );
TQString thirdName = coll.lookup( third, "P" );
kdDebug() << "The third style got assigned the name " << thirdName << endl;
assert( thirdName == "P1" );
KoGenStyle user( KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER, "paragraph" ); // differs from third since it doesn't inherit second, and has a different type
user.addProperty( "style:margin-left", "1.249cm" );
TQString userStyleName = coll.lookup( user, "User", KoGenStyles::DontForceNumbering );
kdDebug() << "The user style got assigned the name " << userStyleName << endl;
assert( userStyleName == "User" );
KoGenStyle sameAsParent( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph", secondName ); // inherited style
sameAsParent.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
sameAsParent.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" );
sameAsParent.addProperty( "style:foobar", "2", KoGenStyle::TextType );
sameAsParent.addStyleMap( map1 );
sameAsParent.addStyleMap( map2 );
TQString sapName = coll.lookup( sameAsParent, "foobar" );
kdDebug() << "The 'same as tqparent' style got assigned the name " << sapName << endl;
assert( sapName == secondName );
assert( coll.styles().count() == 3 );
// OK, now add a style marked as for styles.xml; it looks like the above style, but
// since it's marked for styles.xml it shouldn't be shared with it.
KoGenStyle headerStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
headerStyle.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
headerStyle.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" );
headerStyle.addProperty( "style:foobar", "2", KoGenStyle::TextType );
headerStyle.addStyleMap( map1 );
headerStyle.addStyleMap( map2 );
headerStyle.setAutoStyleInStylesDotXml( true );
TQString headerStyleName = coll.lookup( headerStyle, "foobar" );
assert( coll.styles().count() == 4 );
assert( coll.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO ).count() == 2 );
assert( coll.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER ).count() == 1 );
TQValueList<KoGenStyles::NamedStyle> stylesXmlStyles = coll.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, true );
assert( stylesXmlStyles.count() == 1 );
KoGenStyles::NamedStyle firstStyle = stylesXmlStyles.first();
assert( == headerStyleName );
TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 );
first.writeStyle( &writer, coll, "style:style", firstName, "style:paragraph-properties" );
TEST_END( "XML for first/second style", "<r>\n <style:style style:name=\"A1\" style:family=\"paragraph\" style:master-page-name=\"Standard\">\n <style:paragraph-properties style:page-number=\"0\"/>\n <style:text-properties style:foobar=\"2\"/>\n <style:map map1key=\"map1value\"/>\n <style:map map2key1=\"map2value1\" map2key2=\"map2value2\"/>\n </style:style>\n</r>\n" );
TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 );
third.writeStyle( &writer, coll, "style:style", thirdName, "style:paragraph-properties" );
TEST_END( "XML for third style", "<r>\n <style:style style:name=\"P1\" style:tqparent-style-name=\"A1\" style:family=\"paragraph\">\n <style:paragraph-properties style:margin-left=\"1.249cm\"/>\n <style:text-properties style:foobar=\"3\"/>\n </style:style>\n</r>\n" );
coll.markStyleForStylesXml( firstName );
TQValueList<KoGenStyles::NamedStyle> stylesXmlStyles = coll.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, true );
assert( stylesXmlStyles.count() == 2 );
TQValueList<KoGenStyles::NamedStyle> contentXmlStyles = coll.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, false );
assert( contentXmlStyles.count() == 1 );
return 0;
int testDefaultStyle()
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
/* Create a default style,
* and then an auto style with exactly the same attributes
* -> the lookup gives the default style.
* Also checks how the default style gets written out to XML.
KoGenStyles coll;
KoGenStyle defaultStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
defaultStyle.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
defaultStyle.addProperty( "myfont", "isBold" );
defaultStyle.setDefaultStyle( true );
TQString defaultStyleName = coll.lookup( defaultStyle );
assert( !defaultStyleName.isEmpty() ); // whatever, but not empty
assert( defaultStyle.type() == KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO );
assert( defaultStyle.isDefaultStyle() );
KoGenStyle anotherStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
anotherStyle.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
anotherStyle.addProperty( "myfont", "isBold" );
TQString anotherStyleName = coll.lookup( anotherStyle );
assert( anotherStyleName == defaultStyleName );
assert( coll.styles().count() == 1 );
TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 );
defaultStyle.writeStyle( &writer, coll, "style:default-style", defaultStyleName, "style:paragraph-properties" );
TEST_END( "XML for default style", "<r>\n <style:default-style style:family=\"paragraph\" style:master-page-name=\"Standard\">\n <style:paragraph-properties myfont=\"isBold\"/>\n </style:default-style>\n</r>\n" );
// The kspread case: not writing out all properties, only if they differ
// from the default style.
// KoGenStyles doesn't fetch info from the tqparent style when testing
// for equality, so KSpread uses isEmpty() to check for equality-to-tqparent.
KoGenStyle dataStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph", defaultStyleName );
assert( dataStyle.isEmpty() );
// and then it doesn't look up the auto style, but rather uses the tqparent style directly.
return 0;
int testUserStyles()
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
/* Two user styles with exactly the same attributes+properties will not get merged, since
* they don't have exactly the same attributes after all: the display-name obviously differs :)
KoGenStyles coll;
KoGenStyle user1( KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER, "paragraph" );
user1.addAttribute( "style:display-name", "User 1" );
user1.addProperty( "myfont", "isBold" );
TQString user1StyleName = coll.lookup( user1, "User1", KoGenStyles::DontForceNumbering );
kdDebug() << "The user style got assigned the name " << user1StyleName << endl;
assert( user1StyleName == "User1" );
KoGenStyle user2( KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER, "paragraph" );
user2.addAttribute( "style:display-name", "User 2" );
user2.addProperty( "myfont", "isBold" );
TQString user2StyleName = coll.lookup( user2, "User2", KoGenStyles::DontForceNumbering );
kdDebug() << "The user style got assigned the name " << user2StyleName << endl;
assert( user2StyleName == "User2" );
// And now, what if the data uses that style?
// This is like sameAsParent in the other test, but this time the
// tqparent is a STYLE_USER...
KoGenStyle dataStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph", user2StyleName );
dataStyle.addProperty( "myfont", "isBold" );
TQString dataStyleName = coll.lookup( dataStyle, "DataStyle" );
kdDebug() << "The auto style got assigned the name " << dataStyleName << endl;
assert( dataStyleName == "User2" ); // it found the tqparent as equal
// Let's do the opposite test, just to make sure
KoGenStyle dataStyle2( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph", user2StyleName );
dataStyle2.addProperty( "myfont", "isNotBold" );
TQString dataStyle2Name = coll.lookup( dataStyle2, "DataStyle" );
kdDebug() << "The different auto style got assigned the name " << dataStyle2Name << endl;
assert( dataStyle2Name == "DataStyle1" );
assert( coll.styles().count() == 3 );
TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 );
user1.writeStyle( &writer, coll, "style:style", user1StyleName, "style:paragraph-properties" );
TEST_END( "XML for user style 1", "<r>\n <style:style style:name=\"User1\" style:display-name=\"User 1\" style:family=\"paragraph\">\n <style:paragraph-properties myfont=\"isBold\"/>\n </style:style>\n</r>\n" );
TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 );
user2.writeStyle( &writer, coll, "style:style", user2StyleName, "style:paragraph-properties" );
TEST_END( "XML for user style 2", "<r>\n <style:style style:name=\"User2\" style:display-name=\"User 2\" style:family=\"paragraph\">\n <style:paragraph-properties myfont=\"isBold\"/>\n </style:style>\n</r>\n" );
return 0;
int testStylesDotXml()
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
KoGenStyles coll;
// Check that an autostyle-in-style.xml and an autostyle-in-content.xml
// don't get the same name. It confuses KoGenStyle's named-based maps.
KoGenStyle headerStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
headerStyle.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
headerStyle.addProperty( "style:page-number", "0" );
headerStyle.setAutoStyleInStylesDotXml( true );
TQString headerStyleName = coll.lookup( headerStyle, "P" );
assert( headerStyleName == "P1" );
KoGenStyle first( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, "paragraph" );
first.addAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Standard" );
TQString firstName = coll.lookup( first, "P" );
kdDebug() << "The auto style got assigned the name " << firstName << endl;
assert( firstName == "P2" ); // anything but not P1.
return 0;
int main( int, char** ) {
fprintf( stderr, "OK\n" );
if ( testLookup() )
return 1;
if ( testDefaultStyle() )
return 1;
if ( testUserStyles() )
return 1;
if ( testStylesDotXml() )
return 1;
return 0;