You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

308 lines
12 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001-2006 David Faure <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef kotextview_h
#define kotextview_h
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <KoRuler.h> // for KoTabulatorList
#include <KoTextObject.h> // for KoTextView
#include <koffice_export.h>
class KoBgSpellCheck;
class KoTextObject;
class KoTextDocument;
class KoTextParag;
class KoTextFormat;
class KoParagCounter;
class KCommand;
class TQTimer;
class TDEAction;
class TDEInstance;
class KDataToolInfo;
class KoLinkVariable;
class KoVariable;
class KoTextViewIface;
#include "KoRichText.h"
class KoBorder;
class KoParagStyle;
* Object that is created to edit a KoTextObject.
* It handles all the events for it (mouse, keyboard).
* There can be several KoTextView instances for the same KoTextObject.
class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextView : public TQObject, public KoTextFormatInterface
* Constructor. A KoTextView is associated to a KoTextObject.
* Don't forget to call updateUI(true,true) in your derived constructor
KoTextView( KoTextObject *textobj );
virtual ~KoTextView();
void setBackSpeller( KoBgSpellCheck* backSpeller );
virtual KoTextViewIface* dcopObject();
/** Call this before deleting */
/** don't remove selection when we made dnd between different frame*/
void terminate( bool removeselection=true );
KoTextObject * textObject() const { return m_textobj; }
KoTextCursor * cursor() const { return m_cursor; }
void setCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor ) { *m_cursor = cursor; };
KoTextDocument * textDocument() const;
/** Return true if the view is allowed to modify the text object.
This is the case by default */
bool isReadWrite() const { return m_bReadWrite; }
/** Call setReadWrite(false) to make the text view readonly */
void setReadWrite( bool b ) { m_bReadWrite = b; }
virtual KoTextFormat * currentFormat() const { return m_currentFormat; }
void setCurrentFormat( KoTextFormat *fmt ) { m_currentFormat = fmt; }
* Use this format for displaying the properties (Align/counter/...) of the object
virtual const KoParagLayout * currentParagLayoutFormat() const;
virtual bool rtl() const;
virtual KCommand *setChangeCaseOfTextCommand( KoChangeCaseDia::TypeOfCase _type );
virtual KCommand* setParagLayoutFormatCommand( KoParagLayout *newLayout, int flags, int marginIndex = -1 );
/** Implement the KoTextFormatInterface */
virtual KCommand* setFormatCommand( const KoTextFormat * newFormat, int flags, bool zoomFont = false );
// -- Paragraph settings --
KCommand * setCounterCommand( const KoParagCounter & counter );
KCommand * setAlignCommand( int align );
KCommand * setPageBreakingCommand( int pageBreaking );
KCommand * setLineSpacingCommand( double spacing, KoParagLayout::SpacingType _type );
KCommand * setBordersCommand( const KoBorder& leftBorder, const KoBorder& rightBorder, const KoBorder& bottomBorder, const KoBorder& topBorder );
KCommand * setJoinBordersCommand( bool join );
KCommand * setMarginCommand( TQStyleSheetItem::Margin m, double margin );
KCommand * setTabListCommand( const KoTabulatorList & tabList );
KCommand * setBackgroundColorCommand( const TQColor & color );
void applyStyle( const KoParagStyle * style );
void dragStarted();
void focusInEvent();
void focusOutEvent();
void handleKeyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * e, TQWidget *, const TQPoint& );
void handleKeyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent * e );
void handleImStartEvent( TQIMEvent * e );
void handleImComposeEvent( TQIMEvent * e );
void handleImEndEvent( TQIMEvent * e );
// iPoint is in Layout Unit pixels
// return true if we add new parag with "insert direct cursor"
bool handleMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e, const TQPoint& iPoint, bool canStartDrag = true, bool insertDirectCursor = false );
void handleMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* e, const TQPoint& iPoint );
void handleMouseReleaseEvent();
void handleMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* e, const TQPoint& iPoint );
void handleMouseTripleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* e, const TQPoint& /* Currently unused */ );
bool maybeStartDrag( TQMouseEvent* e );
KoTextCursor selectWordUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor, int selectionId = KoTextDocument::Standard );
KoTextCursor selectParagUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor, int selectionId = KoTextDocument::Standard, bool copyAndNotify = true );
void extendParagraphSelection( const TQPoint& iPoint );
TQString wordUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor );
/** Return the list of actions from data-tools. Used to populate a RMB popupmenu usually. */
TQPtrList<TDEAction> dataToolActionList( TDEInstance * instance, const TQString& word, bool & _singleWord );
void insertSoftHyphen();
void insertLineBreak();
void insertNonbreakingSpace();
void insertNonbreakingHyphen();
void increaseNumberingLevel( const KoStyleCollection* styleCollection );
void decreaseNumberingLevel( const KoStyleCollection* styleCollection );
void insertSpecialChar( TQChar _c, const TQString& font );
void changeCaseOfText( KoChangeCaseDia::TypeOfCase _type );
void addBookmarks( const TQString& );
//return a pointer to the variable under the cursor, if any
KoVariable *variable();
//return a pointer to the link variable under the cursor, if any
// (special case of variable())
KoLinkVariable *linkVariable();
/// A "drop move" will move the selected text to the given cursor position.
/// This method only takes care of "removing the selected text"
/// if the drop cursor isn't in the selected text (and !protectContent).
KCommand *prepareDropMove( KoTextCursor dropCursor );
void removeComment();
void copyTextOfComment();
// This is in fact "from selection or cursor"
KoParagStyle * createStyleFromSelection( const TQString & name );
void updateStyleFromSelection( KoParagStyle* style );
TQString currentWordOrSelection() const;
virtual void removeToolTipCompletion() {}
// return true if we "insert direct cursor" and we insert new parag
bool placeCursor( const TQPoint &pos /* in internal coordinates */, bool insertDirectCursor=false );
void setOverwriteMode( bool overwriteMode );
public slots:
/** Show the current settings (those for the paragraph and character under the cursor), in the GUI.
* The default implementation handles m_currentFormat and calls showCurrentFormat().
* If you reimplement, make sure to call KoTextView::updateUI(updateFormat,force); */
virtual void updateUI( bool updateFormat, bool force = false );
virtual void ensureCursorVisible() = 0;
void showCurrentFormat();
// This allows KoTextObject to hide/show all the cursors before modifying anything
void hideCursor() { drawCursor( false ); }
void showCursor() { drawCursor( true ); }
/** This is a slot so that it's accessible from DCOP */
void insertText( const TQString &text );
void newParagraph();
void copyLink();
void removeLink();
void completion();
void setCursor( KoTextCursor * _cursor ) { *m_cursor = *_cursor; }
protected slots:
/** Start a drag */
virtual void startDrag() = 0;
void slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo & info, const TQString & command );
void copy();
void cut();
void paste();
* Called when a character (@p ch) has been inserted into @p parag, at the given @p index.
* This is a virtual method rather than a signal for performance reasons.
virtual void doAutoFormat( KoTextCursor* /*cursor*/, KoTextParag * /*parag*/,
int /*index*/, TQChar /*ch*/ ) { }
virtual bool doCompletion( KoTextCursor* , KoTextParag *, int ) { return false; }
virtual bool doToolTipCompletion( KoTextCursor* , KoTextParag *, int, int ) { return false; }
virtual void showToolTipBox( KoTextParag *, int , TQWidget *, const TQPoint& ) {}
virtual void textIncreaseIndent() {}
virtual bool textDecreaseIndent() { return true; }
//return true if we are a doubleSpace
virtual bool doIgnoreDoubleSpace(KoTextParag * /*parag*/,
int /*index*/,TQChar /*ch*/ ) { return false;}
/** Show the settings of this format in the GUI. Needs to be implemented in the application. */
virtual void showFormat( KoTextFormat *format ) = 0;
/** Draws the cursor (or hides it if b is false).
* The default implementation only changes an internal flag, make sure to reimplement
* and to call the parent implementation (in all cases)
virtual void drawCursor( bool b );
/// Called when clicking on a link
virtual bool openLink( KoLinkVariable* linkVariable );
/** Reimplement this to handle PageUp. Example implementation:
textView->cursor()->gotoPageUp( scrollview->visibleHeight() ); */
virtual bool pgUpKeyPressed() = 0;
/** Reimplement this to handle PageDown. Example implementation:
textView->cursor()->gotoPageDown( scrollview->visibleHeight() ); */
virtual bool pgDownKeyPressed() = 0;
/** Reimplement this to handle CTRL+PageUp. Default implementation calls pgUpKeyPressed */
virtual void ctrlPgUpKeyPressed() { pgUpKeyPressed(); }
/** Reimplement this to handle CTRL+PageDown. Default implementation calls pgDownKeyPressed */
virtual void ctrlPgDownKeyPressed() { pgDownKeyPressed(); }
void deleteWordLeft();
void deleteWordRight();
bool insertParagraph( const TQPoint &pos );
private slots:
void blinkCursor();
void tripleClickTimeout();
void afterTripleClickTimeout();
KoTextViewIface *dcop;
public: // necessary to be public to allow script action in KoTextViewIface
enum CursorAction { // keep in sync with TQTextEdit
MoveParagUp, // libkotext-specific
MoveParagDown, // libkotext-specific
MoveViewportUp, // KWord-specific
MoveViewportDown // KWord-specific
void moveCursor( CursorAction action, bool select );
bool moveCursor( CursorAction action );
KoTextObject *m_textobj;
KoTextCursor *m_cursor;
// Store the index of the variable on which we last clicked, to position m_cursor
int m_variablePosition;
bool m_overwriteMode;
KoTextFormat *m_currentFormat;
TQTimer *blinkTimer, *dragStartTimer;
class KoTextViewPrivate;
KoTextViewPrivate *d;
TQPoint dragStartPos;
bool m_cursorVisible;
bool blinkCursorVisible;
bool inDoubleClick;
bool mightStartDrag;
bool m_bReadWrite;
bool possibleTripleClick;
bool afterTripleClick;
bool m_singleWord;
TQString m_wordUnderCursor;