You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

477 lines
19 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Temporary moved from TQKW KFileDialog implementation.
TODO: move to KDElibs/win32 KFileDialog wrapper
#include "KexiStartupFileDialog.h"
#include <kexiutils/utils.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <krecentdirs.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <win/win32_utils.h>
//! @internal
class KexiStartupFileDialogBasePrivate
KFile::Mode mode;
TQString kde_filters;
TQStringList mimetypes;
const TQString & dirName, const TQString & filter,
TQWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal )
: TQFileDialog( realStartDir(dirName), filter, parent, name, modal )
, d(new KexiStartupFileDialogBasePrivate())
// TQString _dirName = dirName;
TQString _dirName = dirPath();
//make default 'My Documents' folder
//TODO: store changes in the app's config file?
if (_dirName.isEmpty())
_dirName = KGlobalSettings::documentPath();
init(_dirName, filter, parent);
//find "OK" button
TQObjectList *l = queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "OK", false );
m_okBtn = dynamic_cast<TQPushButton*>(l->first());
delete l;
l = queryList( TQLINEEDIT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "name/filter editor", false );
m_lineEdit = dynamic_cast<TQLineEdit*>(l->first());
delete l;
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::init(const TQString& startDir, const TQString& filter, TQWidget* widget)
//TODO initStatic();
//TODO d = new KFileDialogPrivate();
//(js) d->boxLayout = 0;
//TODO d->keepLocation = false;
//TODO d->operationMode = Opening;
setMode(KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly); //(js) default: open action
setIcon( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("fileopen", KIcon::Desktop) );
//TODO d->hasDefaultFilter = false;
//TODO d->hasView = false;
//(js) d->mainWidget = new TQWidget( this, "KFileDialog::mainWidget");
//(js) setMainWidget( d->mainWidget );
//(js) d->okButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::ok(), d->mainWidget );
//(js) d->okButton->setDefault( true );
//(js) d->cancelButton = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), d->mainWidget);
//(js) connect( d->okButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotOk() ));
//(js) connect( d->cancelButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotCancel() ));
//(js) d->customWidget = widget;
//(js) d->autoSelectExtCheckBox = 0; // delayed loading
//TODO d->autoSelectExtChecked = false;
//(js) d->urlBar = 0; // delayed loading
//TODO KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
//TODO KConfigGroupSaver cs( config, ConfigGroup );
//TODO d->initializeSpeedbar = config->readBoolEntry( "Set speedbar defaults",
//TODO true );
//TODO d->completionLock = false;
//TODO TQtMsgHandler oldHandler = tqInstallMsgHandler( silenceTQToolBar );
//TODO toolbar = 0; //(js)
//(js) toolbar = new KToolBar( d->mainWidget, "KFileDialog::toolbar", true);
//(js) toolbar->setFlat(true);
//TODO tqInstallMsgHandler( oldHandler );
//(js) d->pathCombo = new KURLComboBox( KURLComboBox::Directories, true,
//(js) toolbar, "path combo" );
//(js) TQToolTip::add( d->pathCombo, i18n("Often used directories") );
//(js) TQWhatsThis::add( d->pathCombo, "<qt>" + i18n("Commonly used locations are listed here. "
//(js) "This includes standard locations, such as your home directory, as well as "
//(js) "locations that have been visited recently.") + autocompletionWhatsThisText);
u.setPath( TQDir::rootDirPath() );
TQString text = i18n("Root Directory: %1").tqarg( u.path() );
d->pathCombo->addDefaultURL( u,
KMimeType::pixmapForURL( u, 0, KIcon::Small ),
text );
u.setPath( TQDir::homeDirPath() );
text = i18n("Home Directory: %1").tqarg( u.path( +1 ) );
d->pathCombo->addDefaultURL( u, KMimeType::pixmapForURL( u, 0, KIcon::Small ),
text );
KURL docPath;
docPath.setPath( KGlobalSettings::documentPath() );
if ( u.path(+1) != docPath.path(+1) ) {
text = i18n("Documents: %1").tqarg( docPath.path( +1 ) );
d->pathCombo->addDefaultURL( u,
KMimeType::pixmapForURL( u, 0, KIcon::Small ),
text );
u.setPath( KGlobalSettings::desktopPath() );
text = i18n("Desktop: %1").tqarg( u.path( +1 ) );
d->pathCombo->addDefaultURL( u,
KMimeType::pixmapForURL( u, 0, KIcon::Small ),
text );
u.setPath( "/tmp" );
d->url = getStartURL( startDir, d->fileClass );
d->selection = d->url.url();
// If local, check it exists. If not, go up until it exists.
if ( d->url.isLocalFile() )
if ( !TQFile::exists( d->url.path() ) )
d->url = d->url.upURL();
TQDir dir( d->url.path() );
while ( !dir.exists() )
d->url = d->url.upURL();
dir.setPath( d->url.path() );
ops = new KDirOperator(d->url, d->mainWidget, "KFileDialog::ops");
ops->setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles( true );
connect(ops, TQT_SIGNAL(urlEntered(const KURL&)),
TQT_SLOT(urlEntered(const KURL&)));
connect(ops, TQT_SIGNAL(fileHighlighted(const KFileItem *)),
TQT_SLOT(fileHighlighted(const KFileItem *)));
connect(ops, TQT_SIGNAL(fileSelected(const KFileItem *)),
TQT_SLOT(fileSelected(const KFileItem *)));
connect(ops, TQT_SIGNAL(finishedLoading()),
ops->setupMenu(KDirOperator::SortActions |
KDirOperator::FileActions |
KActionCollection *coll = ops->actionCollection();
// plug nav items into the toolbar
coll->action( "up" )->plug( toolbar );
coll->action( "up" )->setWhatsThis(i18n("<qt>Click this button to enter the parent directory.<p>"
"For instance, if the current location is file:/home/%1 clicking this "
"button will take you to file:/home.</qt>").tqarg(getlogin()));
coll->action( "back" )->plug( toolbar );
coll->action( "back" )->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to move backwards one step in the browsing history."));
coll->action( "forward" )->plug( toolbar );
coll->action( "forward" )->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to move forward one step in the browsing history."));
coll->action( "reload" )->plug( toolbar );
coll->action( "reload" )->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to reload the contents of the current location."));
coll->action( "mkdir" )->setShortcut(Key_F10);
coll->action( "mkdir" )->plug( toolbar );
coll->action( "mkdir" )->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to create a new directory."));
d->bookmarkHandler = new KFileBookmarkHandler( this );
(int)HOTLIST_BUTTON, true,
toolbar->getButton(HOTLIST_BUTTON)->setPopup( d->bookmarkHandler->menu(),
i18n("<qt>This button allows you to bookmark specific locations. "
"Click on this button to open the bookmark menu where you may add, "
"edit or select a bookmark.<p>"
"These bookmarks are specific to the file dialog, but otherwise operate "
"like bookmarks elsewhere in KDE.</qt>"));
connect( d->bookmarkHandler, TQT_SIGNAL( openURL( const TQString& )),
TQT_SLOT( enterURL( const TQString& )));
KToggleAction *showSidebarAction =
new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Quick Access Navigation Panel"), Key_F9, coll,"toggleSpeedbar");
connect( showSidebarAction, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
TQT_SLOT( toggleSpeedbar( bool )) );
KActionMenu *menu = new KActionMenu( i18n("Configure"), "configure", this, "extra menu" );
menu->setWhatsThis(i18n("<qt>This is the configuration menu for the file dialog. "
"Various options can be accessed from this menu including: <ul>"
"<li>how files are sorted in the list</li>"
"<li>types of view, including icon and list</li>"
"<li>showing of hidden files</li>"
"<li>the Quick Access navigation panel</li>"
"<li>file previews</li>"
"<li>separating directories from files</li></ul></qt>"));
menu->insert( coll->action( "sorting menu" ));
menu->insert( coll->action( "separator" ));
coll->action( "short view" )->setShortcut(Key_F6);
menu->insert( coll->action( "short view" ));
coll->action( "detailed view" )->setShortcut(Key_F7);
menu->insert( coll->action( "detailed view" ));
menu->insert( coll->action( "separator" ));
coll->action( "show hidden" )->setShortcut(Key_F8);
menu->insert( coll->action( "show hidden" ));
menu->insert( showSidebarAction );
coll->action( "preview" )->setShortcut(Key_F11);
menu->insert( coll->action( "preview" ));
coll->action( "separate dirs" )->setShortcut(Key_F12);
menu->insert( coll->action( "separate dirs" ));
menu->setDelayed( false );
connect( menu->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),
ops, TQT_SLOT( updateSelectionDependentActions() ));
menu->plug( toolbar );
* ugly little hack to have a 5 pixel space between the buttons
* and the combo box
/* TQWidget *spacerWidget = new TQWidget(toolbar);
//(js) spacerWidget->setMinimumWidth(spacingHint());
//(js) spacerWidget->setMaximumWidth(spacingHint());
d->m_pathComboIndex = toolbar->insertWidget(-1, -1, spacerWidget);
toolbar->insertWidget(PATH_COMBO, 0, d->pathCombo);
toolbar->setItemAutoSized (PATH_COMBO);
d->pathCombo->setCompletionObject( ops->dirCompletionObject(), false );
connect( d->pathCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( urlActivated( const KURL& )),
this, TQT_SLOT( enterURL( const KURL& ) ));
connect( d->pathCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( const TQString& )),
this, TQT_SLOT( enterURL( const TQString& ) ));
connect( d->pathCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged( const TQString& )),
TQT_SLOT( pathComboChanged( const TQString& ) ));
connect( d->pathCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( completion( const TQString& )),
TQT_SLOT( dirCompletion( const TQString& )));
connect( d->pathCombo, TQT_SIGNAL( textRotation(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) ),
d->pathCombo, TQT_SLOT( rotateText(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) ));
TQString whatsThisText;
// the Location label/edit
d->locationLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Location:"), d->mainWidget);
locationEdit = new KURLComboBox(KURLComboBox::Files, true,
d->mainWidget, "LocationEdit");
updateLocationWhatsThis ();
// to get the completionbox-signals connected:
locationEdit->setHandleSignals( true );
(void) locationEdit->completionBox();
// locationEdit->setCompletionObject( new KURLCompletion() );
// locationEdit->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject( true );
locationEdit->setCompletionObject( ops->completionObject(), false );
connect( locationEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotOk()));
connect(locationEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( const TQString& )),
this, TQT_SLOT( locationActivated( const TQString& ) ));
connect( locationEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( completion( const TQString& )),
TQT_SLOT( fileCompletion( const TQString& )));
connect( locationEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( textRotation(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) ),
locationEdit, TQT_SLOT( rotateText(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) ));
// the Filter label/edit
whatsThisText = i18n("<qt>This is the filter to apply to the file list. "
"File names that do not match the filter will not be shown.<p>"
"You may select from one of the preset filters in the "
"drop down menu, or you may enter a custom filter "
"directly into the text area.<p>"
"Wildcards such as * and ? are allowed.</qt>");
d->filterLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Filter:"), d->mainWidget);
TQWhatsThis::add(d->filterLabel, whatsThisText);
filterWidget = new KFileFilterCombo(d->mainWidget,
TQWhatsThis::add(filterWidget, whatsThisText);
connect(filterWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(filterChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotFilterChanged()));
// the Automatically Select Extension checkbox
// (the text, visibility etc. is set in updateAutoSelectExtension(), which is called by readConfig())
d->autoSelectExtCheckBox = new TQCheckBox (d->mainWidget);
connect(d->autoSelectExtCheckBox, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotAutoSelectExtClicked()));
initGUI(); // activate GM
readRecentFiles( config );
// we set the completionLock to avoid entering pathComboChanged() when
// inserting the list of URLs into the combo.
d->completionLock = true;
ops->setViewConfig( config, ConfigGroup );
readConfig( config, ConfigGroup );
d->completionLock = false;
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::clearFilter()
d->kde_filters = "";//(js)
TQFileDialog::setFilter(""); //(js);
//todo d->mimetypes.clear();
//todo d->hasDefaultFilter = false;
updateAutoSelectExtension ();
KFile::Mode KexiStartupFileDialogBase::mode() const
return d->mode;
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::setMode( KFile::Mode m )
//(js) translate mode for TQFileDialog
d->mode = m;
TQFileDialog::Mode qm = (TQFileDialog::Mode)0;
if (m & KFile::File) qm = Mode(qm | TQFileDialog::AnyFile);
else if (m & KFile::Directory) qm = Mode(qm | TQFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
if (m & KFile::Files) qm = Mode(qm | TQFileDialog::ExistingFiles);
if (m & KFile::ExistingOnly) qm = Mode(qm | TQFileDialog::ExistingFile);
TQFileDialog::setMode( qm );
/*(js) ops->setMode(m);
if ( ops->dirOnlyMode() ) {
//(js) filterWidget->setDefaultFilter( i18n("*|All Directories") );
else {
//(js) filterWidget->setDefaultFilter( i18n("*|All Files") );
updateAutoSelectExtension ();*/
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::setMode( unsigned int m )
setMode(static_cast<KFile::Mode>( m ));
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::setOperationMode( KFileDialog::OperationMode mode )
// d->operationMode = mode;
// d->keepLocation = (mode == Saving);
if (mode == KFileDialog::Saving) {
setMode( KFile::File );
setIcon( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("filesave", KIcon::Desktop) );
//(js) filterWidget->setEditable( !d->hasDefaultFilter || mode != Saving );
//(js) d->okButton->setGuiItem( (mode == Saving) ? KStdGuiItem::save() : KStdGuiItem::ok() );
//TODO updateLocationWhatsThis ();
updateAutoSelectExtension ();
TQString KexiStartupFileDialogBase::currentFilter() const
//we need to convert TQt filter format to KDE format
//TQt format: "some text (*.first *.second)" or "All (*)"
//KDE format: "*.first *.second" or "*"
TQString f = selectedFilter();
if (f.find('(')!=-1)
f = f.mid(f.find('(')+1);
if (f.mid(f.find(')')!=-1))
f = f.left(f.find(')'));
return f;
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::setFilter(const TQString& filter)
d->kde_filters = filter;
int pos = d->kde_filters.find('/');
// Check for an un-escaped '/', if found
// interpret as a MIME filter.
if (pos > 0 && filter[pos - 1] != '\\') {
TQStringList filters = TQStringList::split( " ", d->kde_filters );
setMimeFilter( filters );
TQFileDialog::setFilters( convertKFileDialogFilterToTQFileDialogFilter(filter) );
//(js) ops->clearFilter();
//(js) filterWidget->setFilter(copy);
//(js) ops->setNameFilter(filterWidget->currentFilter());
//(js) d->hasDefaultFilter = false;
//(js) filterWidget->setEditable( true );
updateAutoSelectExtension ();
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::setMimeFilter( const TQStringList& mimeTypes,
const TQString& defaultType )
d->mimetypes = mimeTypes;
//(js) filterWidget->setMimeFilter( mimeTypes, defaultType );
//(js) TQStringList types = TQStringList::split(" ", filterWidget->currentFilter());
//(js) types.append( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "inode/directory" ));
//(js) ops->clearFilter();
//(js) ops->setMimeFilter( types );
//(js) d->hasDefaultFilter = !defaultType.isEmpty();
//(js) filterWidget->setEditable( !d->hasDefaultFilter ||
//(js) d->operationMode != Saving );
//TODO updateAutoSelectExtension ();
TQString KexiStartupFileDialogBase::realStartDir(const TQString& startDir)
if (!startDir.startsWith(":"))
return startDir;
TQString recentDir; //dummy
TQString path( KFileDialog::getStartURL(startDir, recentDir).path() );
if (path.isEmpty())
return TQString();
TQFileInfo fi(path);
return fi.isDir() ? fi.absFilePath() : fi.dir(true).absPath();
void KexiStartupFileDialogBase::saveLastVisitedPath(const TQString& path)
if (!m_lastVisitedPathsVariable.isEmpty()) {
//save last visited dir path
// TQString dir = TQDir(path).absPath();
TQFileInfo fi(path);
TQString dir( fi.isDir() ? fi.absFilePath() : fi.dir(true).absPath() );
if (!dir.isEmpty())
KRecentDirs::add(m_lastVisitedPathsVariable, dir);