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#include <qvaluevector.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
typedef QValueVector<int> ArgTypes;
typedef QValueVector<QString> ArgNames;
/*! describes a UserActionCommand */
class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiUserActionMethod
/*! constructs a UserActionCommand describtion */
KexiUserActionMethod(int method, ArgTypes types, ArgNames names);
/*! \return method id of this method */
int method() { return m_method; }
/*! \return argument type information of this method */
ArgTypes types() { return m_types; }
/*! \return i18n argument names of this method */
ArgNames names() { return m_names; }
/*! \return i18n method name for \a method */
static QString methodName(int method);
/*! \return an i18n string for \a type */
static QString typeName(int type);
int m_method;
ArgTypes m_types;
ArgNames m_names;