<Text>Looks up the 'lookup value' in the first row of the 'data source'. If a value matches, the value in the 'row' and the column, the value was found in, is returned. If 'sorted' is true (default), the first row is assumed to be sorted. The search will end, if the 'lookup value' is lower than the value, currently compared to.</Text>
<Syntax>HLOOKUP(Lookup value; data source; Row; Sorted)</Syntax>
<Text>Looks up the 'lookup value' in the first column of the 'data source'. If a value matches, the value in the 'column' and the row, the value was found in, is returned. If 'sorted' is true (default), the first column is assumed to be sorted. The search will end, if the 'lookup value' is lower than the value, currently compared to.</Text>
<Syntax>VLOOKUP(Lookup value; data source; Column; Sorted)</Syntax>