You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1043 lines
31 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, The Karbon Developers
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "xamlimport.h"
#include "color.h"
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <KoUnit.h>
#include <KoGlobal.h>
#include <shapes/vellipse.h>
#include <shapes/vrectangle.h>
#include <shapes/vpolygon.h>
#include <commands/vtransformcmd.h>
#include <core/vsegment.h>
#include <core/vtext.h>
#include <core/vglobal.h>
#include <core/vgroup.h>
#include <core/vimage.h>
#include <core/vlayer.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <kfilterdev.h>
typedef KGenericFactory<XAMLImport, KoFilter> XAMLImportFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkarbonxamlimport, XAMLImportFactory( "kofficefilters" ) )
XAMLImport::XAMLImport(KoFilter *, const char *, const TQStringList&) :
outdoc( "DOC" )
m_gc.setAutoDelete( true );
KoFilter::ConversionStatus XAMLImport::convert(const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to)
// check for proper conversion
if( to != "application/x-karbon" || from != "image/wvg+xml" )
return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
//Find the last extension
TQString strExt;
TQString fileIn ( m_chain->inputFile() );
const int result=fileIn.findRev('.');
if (result>=0)
TQString strMime; // Mime type of the compressor
if ((strExt==".gz") //in case of .svg.gz (logical extension)
||(strExt==".wvgz")) //in case of .svgz (extension used prioritary)
strMime="application/x-gzip"; // Compressed with gzip
else if (strExt==".bz2") //in case of .svg.bz2 (logical extension)
strMime="application/x-bzip2"; // Compressed with bzip2
kdDebug(30514) << "File extension: -" << strExt << "- Compression: " << strMime << endl;
TQIODevice* in = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(fileIn,strMime);
if (!in->open(IO_ReadOnly))
kdError(30514) << "Cannot open file! Aborting!" << endl;
delete in;
return KoFilter::FileNotFound;
int line, col;
TQString errormessage;
const bool parsed=inpdoc.setContent( in, &errormessage, &line, &col );
delete in;
if ( ! parsed )
kdError(30514) << "Error while parsing file: "
<< "at line " << line << " column: " << col
<< " message: " << errormessage << endl;
// ### TODO: feedback to the user
return KoFilter::ParsingError;
// Do the conversion!
KoStoreDevice* out = m_chain->storageFile( "root", KoStore::Write );
if( !out )
kdError(30514) << "Unable to open output file!" << endl;
return KoFilter::StorageCreationError;
TQCString cstring = outdoc.toCString(); // utf-8 already
out->writeBlock(, cstring.length() );
return KoFilter::OK; // was successful
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = new XAMLGraphicsContext;
TQDomElement docElem = inpdoc.documentElement();
KoRect bbox( 0, 0, 550.0, 841.0 );
double width = !docElem.attribute( "width" ).isEmpty() ? parseUnit( docElem.attribute( "width" ), true, false, bbox ) : 550.0;
double height = !docElem.attribute( "height" ).isEmpty() ? parseUnit( docElem.attribute( "height" ), false, true, bbox ) : 841.0;
m_document.setWidth( width );
m_document.setHeight( height );
m_outerRect = m_document.boundingBox();
// undo y-mirroring
if( !docElem.attribute( "viewBox" ).isEmpty() )
// allow for viewbox def with ',' or whitespace
TQString viewbox( docElem.attribute( "viewBox" ) );
TQStringList points = TQStringList::split( ' ', viewbox.replace( ',', ' ').simplifyWhiteSpace() );
gc->matrix.scale( width / points[2].toFloat() , height / points[3].toFloat() );
m_outerRect.setWidth( m_outerRect.width() * ( points[2].toFloat() / width ) );
m_outerRect.setHeight( m_outerRect.height() * ( points[3].toFloat() / height ) );
m_gc.push( gc );
parseGroup( 0L, docElem );
TQWMatrix mat;
mat.scale( 1, -1 );
mat.translate( 0, -m_document.height() );
VTransformCmd trafo( 0L, mat );
trafo.visit( m_document );
outdoc = m_document.saveXML();
#define DPI 90
XAMLImport::toPercentage( TQString s )
if( s.endsWith( "%" ) )
return s.remove( '%' ).toDouble();
return s.toDouble() * 100.0;
XAMLImport::fromPercentage( TQString s )
if( s.endsWith( "%" ) )
return s.remove( '%' ).toDouble() / 100.0;
return s.toDouble();
// parses the number into parameter number
const char *
getNumber( const char *ptr, double &number )
int integer, exponent;
double decimal, frac;
int sign, expsign;
exponent = 0;
integer = 0;
frac = 1.0;
decimal = 0;
sign = 1;
expsign = 1;
// read the sign
if(*ptr == '+')
else if(*ptr == '-')
sign = -1;
// read the integer part
while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
integer = (integer * 10) + *(ptr++) - '0';
if(*ptr == '.') // read the decimals
while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
decimal += (*(ptr++) - '0') * (frac *= 0.1);
if(*ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E') // read the exponent part
// read the sign of the exponent
if(*ptr == '+')
else if(*ptr == '-')
expsign = -1;
exponent = 0;
while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
exponent *= 10;
exponent += *ptr - '0';
number = integer + decimal;
number *= sign * pow( (double)10, double( expsign * exponent ) );
return ptr;
XAMLImport::parseUnit( const TQString &unit, bool horiz, bool vert, KoRect bbox )
// TODO : percentage?
double value = 0;
const char *start = unit.latin1();
if(!start) {
return 0;
const char *end = getNumber( start, value );
if( uint( end - start ) < unit.length() )
if( unit.right( 2 ) == "pt" )
value = ( value / 72.0 ) * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "cm" )
value = ( value / 2.54 ) * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "pc" )
value = ( value / 6.0 ) * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "mm" )
value = ( value / 25.4 ) * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "in" )
value = value * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "pt" )
value = ( value / 72.0 ) * DPI;
else if( unit.right( 2 ) == "em" )
value = value * m_gc.current()->font.pointSize() / ( sqrt( pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m11(), 2 ) + pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m22(), 2 ) ) / sqrt( 2.0 ) );
else if( unit.right( 1 ) == "%" )
if( horiz && vert )
value = ( value / 100.0 ) * (sqrt( pow( bbox.width(), 2 ) + pow( bbox.height(), 2 ) ) / sqrt( 2.0 ) );
else if( horiz )
value = ( value / 100.0 ) * bbox.width();
else if( vert )
value = ( value / 100.0 ) * bbox.height();
if( m_gc.current() )
if( horiz && vert )
value *= sqrt( pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m11(), 2 ) + pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m22(), 2 ) ) / sqrt( 2.0 );
else if( horiz )
value /= m_gc.current()->matrix.m11();
else if( vert )
value /= m_gc.current()->matrix.m22();
return value;
XAMLImport::parseColor( const TQString &rgbColor )
int r, g, b;
keywordToRGB( rgbColor, r, g, b );
return TQColor( r, g, b );
XAMLImport::parseColor( VColor &color, const TQString &s )
if( s.startsWith( "rgb(" ) )
TQString parse = s.stripWhiteSpace();
TQStringList colors = TQStringList::split( ',', parse );
TQString r = colors[0].right( ( colors[0].length() - 4 ) );
TQString g = colors[1];
TQString b = colors[2].left( ( colors[2].length() - 1 ) );
if( r.contains( "%" ) )
r = r.left( r.length() - 1 );
r = TQString::number( int( ( double( 255 * r.toDouble() ) / 100.0 ) ) );
if( g.contains( "%" ) )
g = g.left( g.length() - 1 );
g = TQString::number( int( ( double( 255 * g.toDouble() ) / 100.0 ) ) );
if( b.contains( "%" ) )
b = b.left( b.length() - 1 );
b = TQString::number( int( ( double( 255 * b.toDouble() ) / 100.0 ) ) );
TQColor c( r.toInt(), g.toInt(), b.toInt() );
color.set( / 255.0, / 255.0, / 255.0 );
TQString rgbColor = s.stripWhiteSpace();
TQColor c;
if( rgbColor.startsWith( "#" ) )
c.setNamedColor( rgbColor );
c = parseColor( rgbColor );
color.set( / 255.0, / 255.0, / 255.0 );
XAMLImport::parseColorStops( VGradient *gradient, const TQDomElement &e )
VColor c;
for( TQDomNode n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
TQDomElement stop = n.toElement();
if( stop.tagName() == "stop" )
float offset;
TQString temp = stop.attribute( "offset" );
if( temp.contains( '%' ) )
temp = temp.left( temp.length() - 1 );
offset = temp.toFloat() / 100.0;
offset = temp.toFloat();
if( !stop.attribute( "stop-color" ).isEmpty() )
parseColor( c, stop.attribute( "stop-color" ) );
// try style attr
TQString style = stop.attribute( "style" ).simplifyWhiteSpace();
TQStringList substyles = TQStringList::split( ';', style );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = substyles.begin(); it != substyles.end(); ++it )
TQStringList substyle = TQStringList::split( ':', (*it) );
TQString command = substyle[0].stripWhiteSpace();
TQString params = substyle[1].stripWhiteSpace();
if( command == "stop-color" )
parseColor( c, params );
if( command == "stop-opacity" )
c.setOpacity( params.toDouble() );
if( !stop.attribute( "stop-opacity" ).isEmpty() )
c.setOpacity( stop.attribute( "stop-opacity" ).toDouble() );
gradient->addStop( c, offset, 0.5 );
XAMLImport::parseGradient( const TQDomElement &e )
GradientHelper gradhelper;
gradhelper.gradient.setRepeatMethod( VGradient::none );
TQString href = e.attribute( "xlink:href" ).mid( 1 );
if( !href.isEmpty() )
//kdDebug() << "Indexing with href : " << href.latin1() << endl;
gradhelper.gradient = m_gradients[ href ].gradient;
gradhelper.bbox = e.attribute( "gradientUnits" ) != "userSpaceOnUse";
if( e.tagName() == "linearGradient" )
if( gradhelper.bbox )
gradhelper.gradient.setOrigin( KoPoint( toPercentage( e.attribute( "x1", "0%" ) ), toPercentage( e.attribute( "y1", "0%" ) ) ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setVector( KoPoint( toPercentage( e.attribute( "x2", "100%" ) ), toPercentage( e.attribute( "y2", "0%" ) ) ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setOrigin( KoPoint( e.attribute( "x1" ).toDouble(), e.attribute( "y1" ).toDouble() ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setVector( KoPoint( e.attribute( "x2" ).toDouble(), e.attribute( "y2" ).toDouble() ) );
if( gradhelper.bbox )
gradhelper.gradient.setOrigin( KoPoint( toPercentage( e.attribute( "cx", "50%" ) ), toPercentage( e.attribute( "cy", "50%" ) ) ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setVector( KoPoint( toPercentage( e.attribute( "cx", "50%" ) ) + toPercentage( e.attribute( "r", "50%" ) ),
toPercentage( e.attribute( "cy", "50%" ) ) ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setFocalPoint( KoPoint( toPercentage( e.attribute( "fx", "50%" ) ), toPercentage( e.attribute( "fy", "50%" ) ) ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setOrigin( KoPoint( e.attribute( "cx" ).toDouble(), e.attribute( "cy" ).toDouble() ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setFocalPoint( KoPoint( e.attribute( "fx" ).toDouble(), e.attribute( "fy" ).toDouble() ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setVector( KoPoint( e.attribute( "cx" ).toDouble() + e.attribute( "r" ).toDouble(), e.attribute( "cy" ).toDouble() ) );
gradhelper.gradient.setType( VGradient::radial );
// handle spread method
TQString spreadMethod = e.attribute( "spreadMethod" );
if( !spreadMethod.isEmpty() )
if( spreadMethod == "reflect" )
gradhelper.gradient.setRepeatMethod( VGradient::reflect );
else if( spreadMethod == "repeat" )
gradhelper.gradient.setRepeatMethod( VGradient::repeat );
parseColorStops( &gradhelper.gradient, e );
//gradient.setGradientTransform( parseTransform( e.attribute( "gradientTransform" ) ) );
gradhelper.gradientTransform = VPath::parseTransform( e.attribute( "gradientTransform" ) );
m_gradients.insert( e.attribute( "id" ), gradhelper );
XAMLImport::parsePA( VObject *obj, XAMLGraphicsContext *gc, const TQString &command, const TQString &params )
VColor fillcolor = gc->fill.color();
VColor strokecolor = gc->stroke.color();
if( command == "fill" )
if( params == "none" )
gc->fill.setType( VFill::none );
else if( params.startsWith( "url(" ) )
unsigned int start = params.find("#") + 1;
unsigned int end = params.findRev(")");
TQString key = params.mid( start, end - start );
gc->fill.gradient() = m_gradients[ key ].gradient;
if( m_gradients[ key ].bbox )
// adjust to bbox
KoRect bbox = obj->boundingBox();
//kdDebug() << "bbox x : " << bbox.x() << endl;
//kdDebug() << "!!!!!!bbox y : " << bbox.y() << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().origin().x() << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().vector().x() << endl;
double offsetx = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().origin().x() ), true, false, bbox );
double offsety = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().origin().y() ), false, true, bbox );
gc->fill.gradient().setOrigin( KoPoint( bbox.x() + offsetx, bbox.y() + offsety ) );
offsetx = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().focalPoint().x() ), true, false, bbox );
offsety = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().focalPoint().y() ), false, true, bbox );
gc->fill.gradient().setFocalPoint( KoPoint( bbox.x() + offsetx, bbox.y() + offsety ) );
offsetx = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().vector().x() ), true, false, bbox );
offsety = parseUnit( TQString( "%1%" ).arg( gc->fill.gradient().vector().y() ), false, true, bbox );
gc->fill.gradient().setVector( KoPoint( bbox.x() + offsetx, bbox.y() + offsety ) );
//kdDebug() << offsety << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().origin().x() << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().origin().y() << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().vector().x() << endl;
//kdDebug() << gc->fill.gradient().vector().y() << endl;
gc->fill.gradient().transform( m_gradients[ key ].gradientTransform );
if( !m_gradients[ key ].bbox )
gc->fill.gradient().transform( gc->matrix );
gc->fill.setType( VFill::grad );
parseColor( fillcolor, params );
gc->fill.setType( VFill::solid );
else if( command == "fill-rule" )
if( params == "nonzero" )
gc->fillRule = winding;
else if( params == "evenodd" )
gc->fillRule = evenOdd;
else if( command == "stroke" )
if( params == "none" )
gc->stroke.setType( VStroke::none );
else if( params.startsWith( "url(" ) )
unsigned int start = params.find("#") + 1;
unsigned int end = params.findRev(")");
TQString key = params.mid( start, end - start );
gc->stroke.gradient() = m_gradients[ key ].gradient;
gc->stroke.gradient().transform( m_gradients[ key ].gradientTransform );
gc->stroke.gradient().transform( gc->matrix );
gc->stroke.setType( VStroke::grad );
parseColor( strokecolor, params );
gc->stroke.setType( VStroke::solid );
else if( command == "stroke-width" )
gc->stroke.setLineWidth( parseUnit( params, true, true, m_outerRect ) );
else if( command == "stroke-linejoin" )
if( params == "miter" )
gc->stroke.setLineJoin( VStroke::joinMiter );
else if( params == "round" )
gc->stroke.setLineJoin( VStroke::joinRound );
else if( params == "bevel" )
gc->stroke.setLineJoin( VStroke::joinBevel );
else if( command == "stroke-linecap" )
if( params == "butt" )
gc->stroke.setLineCap( VStroke::capButt );
else if( params == "round" )
gc->stroke.setLineCap( VStroke::capRound );
else if( params == "square" )
gc->stroke.setLineCap( VStroke::capSquare );
else if( command == "stroke-miterlimit" )
gc->stroke.setMiterLimit( params.toFloat() );
else if( command == "stroke-dasharray" )
TQValueList<float> array;
if(params != "none")
TQStringList dashes = TQStringList::split( ' ', params );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = dashes.begin(); it != dashes.end(); ++it )
array.append( (*it).toFloat() );
gc->stroke.dashPattern().setArray( array );
else if( command == "stroke-dashoffset" )
gc->stroke.dashPattern().setOffset( params.toFloat() );
// handle opacity
else if( command == "stroke-opacity" )
strokecolor.setOpacity( fromPercentage( params ) );
else if( command == "fill-opacity" )
fillcolor.setOpacity( fromPercentage( params ) );
else if( command == "opacity" )
fillcolor.setOpacity( fromPercentage( params ) );
strokecolor.setOpacity( fromPercentage( params ) );
else if( command == "font-family" )
TQString family = params;
family.replace( '\'' , ' ' );
gc->font.setFamily( family );
else if( command == "font-size" )
float pointSize = parseUnit( params );
pointSize *= gc->matrix.m22() > 0 ? gc->matrix.m22() : -1.0 * gc->matrix.m22();
gc->font.setPointSizeFloat( pointSize );
else if( command == "text-decoration" )
if( params == "line-through" )
gc->font.setStrikeOut( true );
else if( params == "underline" )
gc->font.setUnderline( true );
if( gc->fill.type() != VFill::none )
gc->fill.setColor( fillcolor, false );
//if( gc->stroke.type() == VStroke::solid )
gc->stroke.setColor( strokecolor );
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = new XAMLGraphicsContext;
// set as default
if( m_gc.current() )
*gc = *( m_gc.current() );
m_gc.push( gc );
XAMLImport::setupTransform( const TQDomElement &e )
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = m_gc.current();
TQWMatrix mat = VPath::parseTransform( e.attribute( "transform" ) );
gc->matrix = mat * gc->matrix;
XAMLImport::parseStyle( VObject *obj, const TQDomElement &e )
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = m_gc.current();
if( !gc ) return;
// try normal PA
if( !e.attribute( "fill" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "fill", e.attribute( "fill" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "fill-rule" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "fill-rule", e.attribute( "fill-rule" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke", e.attribute( "stroke" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-width" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-width", e.attribute( "stroke-width" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-linejoin" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-linejoin", e.attribute( "stroke-linejoin" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-linecap" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-linecap", e.attribute( "stroke-linecap" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-dasharray" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-dasharray", e.attribute( "stroke-dasharray" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-dashoffset" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-dashoffset", e.attribute( "stroke-dashoffset" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-opacity" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-opacity", e.attribute( "stroke-opacity" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "stroke-miterlimit" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "stroke-miterlimit", e.attribute( "stroke-miterlimit" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "fill-opacity" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "fill-opacity", e.attribute( "fill-opacity" ) );
if( !e.attribute( "opacity" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( obj, gc, "opacity", e.attribute( "opacity" ) );
// try style attr
TQString style = e.attribute( "style" ).simplifyWhiteSpace();
TQStringList substyles = TQStringList::split( ';', style );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = substyles.begin(); it != substyles.end(); ++it )
TQStringList substyle = TQStringList::split( ':', (*it) );
TQString command = substyle[0].stripWhiteSpace();
TQString params = substyle[1].stripWhiteSpace();
parsePA( obj, gc, command, params );
obj->setFill( gc->fill );
if( dynamic_cast<VPath *>( obj ) )
dynamic_cast<VPath *>( obj )->setFillRule( gc->fillRule );
// stroke scaling
double lineWidth = gc->stroke.lineWidth();
gc->stroke.setLineWidth( lineWidth * sqrt( pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m11(), 2 ) + pow( m_gc.current()->matrix.m22(), 2 ) ) / sqrt( 2.0 ) );
obj->setStroke( gc->stroke );
gc->stroke.setLineWidth( lineWidth );
XAMLImport::parseFont( const TQDomElement &e )
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = m_gc.current();
if( !gc ) return;
if( ! e.attribute( "font-family" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( 0L, m_gc.current(), "font-family", e.attribute( "font-family" ) );
if( ! e.attribute( "font-size" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( 0L, m_gc.current(), "font-size", e.attribute( "font-size" ) );
if( ! e.attribute( "text-decoration" ).isEmpty() )
parsePA( 0L, m_gc.current(), "text-decoration", e.attribute( "text-decoration" ) );
XAMLImport::parseGroup( VGroup *grp, const TQDomElement &e )
bool isDef = false;
if( e.tagName() == "defs" )
isDef = true;
for( TQDomNode n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
TQDomElement b = n.toElement();
if( b.isNull() ) continue;
VObject *obj = 0L;
if( b.tagName() == "g" )
VGroup *group;
if ( grp )
group = new VGroup( grp );
group = new VGroup( &m_document );
setupTransform( b );
parseStyle( group, b );
parseFont( b );
parseGroup( group, b );
// handle id
if( !b.attribute("id").isEmpty() )
group->setName( b.attribute("id") );
if( grp )
grp->append( group );
m_document.append( group );
delete( m_gc.pop() );
if( b.tagName() == "defs" )
parseGroup( 0L, b ); // try for gradients at least
else if( b.tagName() == "linearGradient" || b.tagName() == "radialGradient" )
parseGradient( b );
else if( b.tagName() == "rect" ||
b.tagName() == "ellipse" ||
b.tagName() == "circle" ||
b.tagName() == "line" ||
b.tagName() == "polyline" ||
b.tagName() == "polygon" ||
b.tagName() == "path" ||
b.tagName() == "image" )
if (!isDef)
obj = createObject( b );
m_paths.insert( b.attribute( "id" ), b );
else if( b.tagName() == "text" )
if( isDef )
m_paths.insert( b.attribute( "id" ), b );
createText( grp, b );
else if( b.tagName() == "use" )
double tx = b.attribute( "x" ).toDouble();
double ty = b.attribute( "y" ).toDouble();
if( !b.attribute( "xlink:href" ).isEmpty() )
TQString params = b.attribute( "xlink:href" );
unsigned int start = params.find("#") + 1;
unsigned int end = params.findRev(")");
TQString key = params.mid( start, end - start );
TQDomElement a = m_paths[key];
obj = createObject( a );
parsePA( grp, m_gc.current(), "fill", b.attribute( "fill" ) );
if( !obj ) continue;
VTransformCmd trafo( 0L, m_gc.current()->matrix );
trafo.visit( *obj );
parseStyle( obj, b );
// handle id
if( !b.attribute("id").isEmpty() )
obj->setName( b.attribute("id") );
if( grp )
grp->append( obj );
m_document.append( obj );
delete( m_gc.pop() );
VObject* XAMLImport::findObject( const TQString &name, VGroup* group )
if( ! group )
return 0L;
VObjectListIterator itr = group->objects();
for( uint objcount = 1; itr.current(); ++itr, objcount++ )
if( itr.current()->state() != VObject::deleted )
if( itr.current()->name() == name )
return itr.current();
if( dynamic_cast<VGroup *>( itr.current() ) )
VObject *obj = findObject( name, dynamic_cast<VGroup *>( itr.current() ) );
if( obj )
return obj;
return 0L;
VObject* XAMLImport::findObject( const TQString &name )
TQPtrVector<VLayer> vector;
m_document.layers().toVector( &vector );
for( int i = vector.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( vector[i]->state() != VObject::deleted )
VObject* obj = findObject( name, dynamic_cast<VGroup *>( vector[i] ) );
if( obj )
return obj;
return 0L;
void XAMLImport::createText( VGroup *grp, const TQDomElement &b )
VText *text = 0L;
TQString content;
VSubpath base( 0L );
VPath *path = 0L;
setupTransform( b );
VTransformCmd trafo( 0L, m_gc.current()->matrix );
parseFont( b );
if( b.hasChildNodes() )
if( base.isEmpty() && ! b.attribute( "x" ).isEmpty() && ! b.attribute( "y" ).isEmpty() )
double x = parseUnit( b.attribute( "x" ) );
double y = parseUnit( b.attribute( "y" ) );
base.moveTo( KoPoint( x, y ) );
base.lineTo( KoPoint( x + 10, y ) );
for( TQDomNode n = b.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
TQDomElement e = n.toElement();
if( e.isNull() )
content += n.toCharacterData().data();
else if( e.tagName() == "textPath" )
if( e.attribute( "xlink:href" ).isEmpty() )
TQString uri = e.attribute( "xlink:href" );
unsigned int start = uri.find("#") + 1;
unsigned int end = uri.findRev(")");
TQString key = uri.mid( start, end - start );
if( ! m_paths.contains(key) )
VObject* obj = findObject( key );
if( obj )
path = dynamic_cast<VPath*>( obj );
TQDomElement p = m_paths[key];
path = dynamic_cast<VPath*>( createObject( p ) );
if( path )
path->setState( VObject::deleted );
if( ! path )
base = *path->paths().getFirst();
content += e.text();
else if( e.tagName() == "tspan" )
// only use text of tspan element, as we are not supporting text
// with different styles
content += e.text();
if( base.isEmpty() && ! e.attribute( "x" ).isEmpty() && ! e.attribute( "y" ).isEmpty() )
TQStringList posX = TQStringList::split( ", ", e.attribute( "x" ) );
TQStringList posY = TQStringList::split( ", ", e.attribute( "y" ) );
if( posX.count() && posY.count() )
double x = parseUnit( posX.first() );
double y = parseUnit( posY.first() );
base.moveTo( KoPoint( x, y ) );
base.lineTo( KoPoint( x + 10, y ) );
else if( e.tagName() == "tref" )
if( e.attribute( "xlink:href" ).isEmpty() )
TQString uri = e.attribute( "xlink:href" );
unsigned int start = uri.find("#") + 1;
unsigned int end = uri.findRev(")");
TQString key = uri.mid( start, end - start );
if( ! m_paths.contains(key) )
VObject* obj = findObject( key );
if( obj )
content += dynamic_cast<VText*>( obj )->text();
TQDomElement p = m_paths[key];
content += p.text();
text = new VText( m_gc.current()->font, base, VText::Above, VText::Left, content.simplifyWhiteSpace() );
VSubpath base( 0L );
double x = parseUnit( b.attribute( "x" ) );
double y = parseUnit( b.attribute( "y" ) );
base.moveTo( KoPoint( x, y ) );
base.lineTo( KoPoint( x + 10, y ) );
text = new VText( m_gc.current()->font, base, VText::Above, VText::Left, b.text().simplifyWhiteSpace() );
if( text )
text->setParent( &m_document );
parseStyle( text, b );
trafo.visit( *text );
if( !b.attribute("id").isEmpty() )
text->setName( b.attribute("id") );
if( grp )
grp->append( text );
m_document.append( text );
delete( m_gc.pop() );
VObject* XAMLImport::createObject( const TQDomElement &b )
if( b.tagName() == "rect" )
double x = parseUnit( b.attribute( "x" ), true, false, m_outerRect );
double y = parseUnit( b.attribute( "y" ), false, true, m_outerRect );
double width = parseUnit( b.attribute( "width" ), true, false, m_outerRect );
double height = parseUnit( b.attribute( "height" ), false, true, m_outerRect );
setupTransform( b );
return new VRectangle( 0L, KoPoint( x, height + y ) , width, height );
else if( b.tagName() == "ellipse" )
setupTransform( b );
double rx = parseUnit( b.attribute( "rx" ) );
double ry = parseUnit( b.attribute( "ry" ) );
double left = parseUnit( b.attribute( "cx" ) ) - rx;
double top = parseUnit( b.attribute( "cy" ) ) - ry;
return new VEllipse( 0L, KoPoint( left, top ), rx * 2.0, ry * 2.0 );
else if( b.tagName() == "circle" )
setupTransform( b );
double r = parseUnit( b.attribute( "r" ) );
double left = parseUnit( b.attribute( "cx" ) ) - r;
double top = parseUnit( b.attribute( "cy" ) ) - r;
return new VEllipse( 0L, KoPoint( left, top ), r * 2.0, r * 2.0 );
else if( b.tagName() == "line" )
setupTransform( b );
VPath *path = new VPath( &m_document );
double x1 = b.attribute( "x1" ).isEmpty() ? 0.0 : parseUnit( b.attribute( "x1" ) );
double y1 = b.attribute( "y1" ).isEmpty() ? 0.0 : parseUnit( b.attribute( "y1" ) );
double x2 = b.attribute( "x2" ).isEmpty() ? 0.0 : parseUnit( b.attribute( "x2" ) );
double y2 = b.attribute( "y2" ).isEmpty() ? 0.0 : parseUnit( b.attribute( "y2" ) );
path->moveTo( KoPoint( x1, y1 ) );
path->lineTo( KoPoint( x2, y2 ) );
return path;
else if( b.tagName() == "polyline" || b.tagName() == "polygon" )
setupTransform( b );
VPath *path = new VPath( &m_document );
bool bFirst = true;
TQString points = b.attribute( "points" ).simplifyWhiteSpace();
points.replace( ',', ' ' );
points.remove( '\r' );
points.remove( '\n' );
TQStringList pointList = TQStringList::split( ' ', points );
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = pointList.begin(); it != pointList.end(); ++it)
KoPoint point;
point.setX( (*it).toDouble() );
point.setY( (*it).toDouble() );
if( bFirst )
path->moveTo( point );
bFirst = false;
path->lineTo( point );
if( b.tagName() == "polygon" ) path->close();
return path;
else if( b.tagName() == "path" )
setupTransform( b );
VPath *path = new VPath( &m_document );
path->loadSvgPath( b.attribute( "d" ) );
return path;
else if( b.tagName() == "image" )
setupTransform( b );
TQString fname = b.attribute("xlink:href");
return new VImage( 0L, fname );
return 0L;
#include <xamlimport.moc>