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Project Documentor
This script collects various informations about a Kexi project
and exports them to a HTML file.
Sebastian Sauer <>
Dual-licensed under LGPL v2+higher and the BSD license.
class DataProvider:
def __init__(self):
import kexiapp
keximainwindow = kexiapp.get("KexiAppMainWindow")
self.connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
raise "No connection established. Please open the project to be documented first."
def printConnection(self):
condata =
infos = []
for item in ("caption", "description", "driverName", "hostName", "port", "userName", "fileName", "dbPath", "localSocketFileName", "serverInfoString"):
result = getattr(condata, item)()
if result != None and result != "" and (item != "port" or result != 0):
infos.append( (item, result) )
return infos
def printDriver(self):
driver = self.connection.driver()
result = [ ("Version", "%s.%s" % (driver.versionMajor(),driver.versionMinor())) ]
conlist = driver.connectionsList()
if len(conlist) > 0:
result.append( ("Connections",str(conlist)) )
return result
def printDatabases(self):
result = [ ("Current database", self.connection.currentDatabase()) ]
dbnames = self.connection.databaseNames()
if len(dbnames) > 0:
result.append( ("Databases",str(dbnames)) )
return result
def printTables(self):
result = []
for t in self.connection.tableNames():
tableschema = self.connection.tableSchema(t)
ti = []
for i in ("name", "caption", "description"):
v = getattr(tableschema,i)()
if v != None and v != "":
ti.append( (i,v) )
tf = []
for field in tableschema.fieldlist().fields():
tfi = []
for n in ("caption","description","type","subType","typeGroup","length","defaultValue"):
v = getattr(field,n)()
if v != None and v != "":
tfi.append( (n,v) )
props = []
for n in ("PrimaryKey","ForeignKey","AutoInc","UniqueKey","NotNull", "NotEmpty","Indexed","Unsigned"):
v = getattr(field,"is%s" % n)()
if v != None and v != "" and v != False and v != 0:
props.append( "%s " % n )
if len(props) > 0:
tfi.append( ("properties",props) )
tf.append( (, tfi) )
ti.append( ("fields", tf) )
if len(ti) > 0:
result.append( (t, ti) )
return result
def printQueries(self):
result = []
for q in self.connection.queryNames():
queryschema = self.connection.querySchema(q)
qi = []
for i in ("name", "caption", "description", "statement"):
v = getattr(queryschema,i)()
if v != None and v != "":
qi.append( (i,v) )
if len(qi) > 0:
result.append( (q, qi) )
return result
class GuiApp:
def __init__(self, dataprovider):
self.dataprovider = dataprovider
import gui
raise "Import of the Kross GUI module failed."
self.dialog = gui.Dialog("Project Documentor")
self.dialog.addLabel(self.dialog, "Save information about the project to an HTML file.")
self.file = self.dialog.addFileChooser(self.dialog,
gui.getHome() + "/projectdoc.html",
(('HTML files', '*.html'),('All files', '*')))
self.printCheckBoxes = {}
for d in dir(self.dataprovider):
if d.startswith("print"):
self.printCheckBoxes[d] = self.dialog.addCheckBox(self.dialog, d[5:], True)
#value = getattr(self.dataprovider,d)()
#if value != None and len(value) > 0:
# f.write("<h2>%s</h2>" % d[5:])
# f.write( self.toHTML(value) )
#self.exportProjectdetails =
#self.exportTableschemas = self.dialog.addCheckBox(self.dialog, "Table schemas", True)
#self.exportQueryschemas = self.dialog.addCheckBox(self.dialog, "Query schemas", True)
btnframe = self.dialog.addFrame(self.dialog)
self.dialog.addButton(btnframe, "Save", self.doSave)
self.dialog.addButton(btnframe, "Cancel", self.dialog.close)
def toHTML(self, value):
import types
result = ""
if isinstance(value, types.TupleType):
result += "<ul>"
if len(value) == 1:
result += "<li>%s</li>" % value
elif len(value) == 2:
result += "<li>%s: %s</li>" % (value[0], self.toHTML(value[1]))
elif len(value) > 2:
for item in value:
i = self.toHTML(item)
if i != "":
result += "<li>%s</li>" % i
result += "</ul>"
elif isinstance(value, types.ListType):
for item in value:
result += "%s" % self.toHTML(item)
result += "%s" % value
return result
def doSave(self):
file = str( self.file.get() )
print "Attempting to save project documentation to file: %s" % file
f = open(file, "w")
f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>")
f.write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.01 Strict//EN\" \"\">")
f.write("<html><head><title>Project information</title>")
f.write("<style type=\"text/css\">")
f.write(" html { background-color:#fafafa; }")
f.write(" body { background-color:#ffffff; margin:1em; padding:1em; border:#99a 1px solid; color:#003; }")
f.write("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />")
f.write("</head><body><h1>Project information</h1>")
for d in dir(self.dataprovider):
if d.startswith("print"):
print "GuiApp.doSave() CHECK %s" % d
a = self.printCheckBoxes[d]
if a and a.isChecked():
print "GuiApp.doSave() BEGIN %s" % d
value = getattr(self.dataprovider,d)()
if value != None and len(value) > 0:
f.write("<h2>%s</h2>" % d[5:])
f.write( self.toHTML(value) )
print "GuiApp.doSave() END %s" % d
print "Successfully saved project documentation to file: %s" % file
GuiApp( DataProvider() )