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<title>KOffice filters status: MSWRITE FILTER</title>
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KOffice filters status: &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>MSWRITE FILTER</i>
<font size="-1"><b>
<A HREF="#import">Import</A> |
<A HREF="#export">Export</A>
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<td COLSPAN="2">
<center><b><i><font size="+1">
Import from MS WinWrite to KWord<BR>
<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
<td>$Date: 2004-05-18 13:20:54 +0200 (Tue, 18 May 2004) $</td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
<td><b>Imports almost everything except OLE from MS WinWrite (3.0 &amp; 3.1) documents</b> <br>
- Character formatting (fonts, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, &quot;(page)&quot; numbering) <br>
- Optional/Soft Hyphenation <br>
- Paragraph formatting (tqalignment, linespacing, indentation, tabulation) <br>
- Paragraphs with multiple newlines <br>
- Pagebreaking (at the start or end of the line and on the next line) <br>
- Images (Standard WMFs, monochrome BMPs, position from left margin) <br>
- Character Set Conversion <br>
- Headers & Footers (including whether or not they are printed on first page) <br>
- Page formatting (margins, positioning of headers & footers, page numbers starting from any number) <br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
- Accept Image Sizes for certain documents not created by Write <br>
- Fix Character Set Conversion which doesn't always seem to work<br>
- OLE <br>
- Fix a highly unusual bug: creating the dialog using dynamic memory allocation crashes KWord (or sometimes just even enabling the dialog causes a crash) <br>
- Fix any remaining issues that can't be easily resolved at the time of writing and/or require changes to KWord <br>
(see file <a href="IMPERFECT">IMPERFECT</a>)
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History<br>(Detailed)</font></b></td>
<b> Version 0.5 (31 January 2003): KOffice 1.3 </b> <br>
- portable rewrite using <a href="">LibMSWrite</a> <br>
- tabstops are now the same size as Write's: 1/2 inch (36pts) <br>
- more accurate scaled image sizes <br>
- change to &quot;At Least&quot; linespacing <br>
<b> Version 0.3-2 (starting 4 May 2002): KOffice 1.2 Release (as well as all pre-releases > Beta2) </b> <br>
- page numbers starting from any number <br>
- optional hyphenation <br>
- paragraphs with multiple newlines <br>
- major bug fixes: pageBreak at start of line, fontTable terminated by 0 numDataBytes <br>
- character set conversion <br>
- ported to new filter storageFile API <br>
- dialog with Encoding and Import Options (disabled due to stability problems) <br>
<b> Version 0.3-1: KOffice 1.2 Beta1 </b> <br>
- fixed crash on files with an unusual font table <br>
- emulates image position from left margin by using paragraph indents <br>
- WMFs now render correctly in KWord (thanks to Lorthiois Thierry); note that only TQWMF code was changed <br>
- gcc 2.95.3 internal error workaround <br>
- more *.desktop fixes <br>
<b> Version 0.3 (7 Jan 2002): Put into CVS for porting to new filter architecture </b> <br>
- imports nearly everything: now has full character, paragraph, page formatting <br>
- experimental importing of images (Standard WMF + monochrome BMP) <br>
- significant performance enhancements (new MSWriteLib + less XML output) <br>
- emulates Write's unusual linespacing using OFFSETS tag <br>
- includes filtertest.wri to test filter <br>
- corrections to <br>
- corrections/changes to *.desktop files (thanks to Werner Trobin) <br>
<b> Version 0.2 (4 Dec 2001): First stable release </b> <br>
- reads documents reliably <br>
- can read text with full character formatting plus partial paragraph formatting <br>
- nice and modular as it uses the new MSWriteView library (MSWriteLib) <br>
<b> Version 0.1 (7 Oct 2001): Initial release </b> <br>
- the underlying code to read in the format is there but the filter can only do plain text with tqalignment
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td>
<a href="">Clarence Dang</a>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
<a href="">LibMSWrite</a>: Portable library that imports and exports Write documents, used by this filter <br>
<a href="IMPERFECT">How to Perfect the Filter</a>: problems with the filter that are/were hard to fix at the time of writing <br>
<a href="ROADMAP">Development Roadmap</a>: where development is heading <br>
<a href="">Test File</a>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
<td>This filter is nearing completion and OLE may be implemented sometime in the future.
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<table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" WIDTH="100%">
<td COLSPAN="2">
<center><b><i><font size="+1">
<BR>Export from KWord to MS WinWrite<BR><BR>
<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
<td>$Date: 2004-05-18 13:20:54 +0200 (Tue, 18 May 2004) $</td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
<td><b>Exports text, images and a useful amount of formatting to MS WinWrite 3.0 documents </b> <br>
This import/export filter pair is almost &quot;symmetric&quot; i.e. export (import (f)) = f. <br>
It can export everything that the import filter can import except Page Layout. <br>
Images of various types (e.g. BMP, JPEG, WMF, PNG) are supported. <br>
Tables are simply dumped out as paragraphs. <br>
Basic list support. <br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
<td>Page Layout<br>
OLE <br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td>
<td><b> Version 0.5 (31 January 2003): KOffice 1.3</b> <br>
- portable export filter based on <a href="">LibMSWrite</a> <br>
- improved inline image and table support (20 February 2003)<br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td>
<a href="">Clarence Dang</a>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
<a href="">LibMSWrite</a>: Portable library that imports and exports Write documents, used by this filter <br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
<td>This filter is currently quite slow and is being improved...
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