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/* POLE - Portable library to access OLE Storage
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ariya Hidayat <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "pole.h"
namespace POLE
class Entry
Entry* tqparent;
std::string name;
unsigned long size;
unsigned start;
bool dir;
std::vector<Entry*> tqchildren;
Entry( const Entry& );
Entry& operator=( const Entry& );
class AllocTable
bool dirty;
void clear();
unsigned long size();
void resize( unsigned long newsize );
void set( unsigned long index, unsigned long val );
std::vector<unsigned long> follow( unsigned long start );
unsigned long operator[](unsigned long index );
std::vector<unsigned long> data;
AllocTable( const AllocTable& );
AllocTable& operator=( const AllocTable& );
class StorageIO
/// result of operation
int result;
/// owner of this object
Storage* doc;
/// filename (possible required)
std::string filename;
/// working mode: ReadOnly, WriteOnly, or ReadWrite
int mode;
/// working file
std::fstream file;
/// size of the file
unsigned long filesize;
/// header (first 512 byte)
unsigned char header[512];
/// magic id, first 8 bytes of header
unsigned char magic[8];
/// switch from small to big file (usually 4K)
unsigned threshold;
/// size of big block (should be 512 bytes)
unsigned bb_size;
/// size of small block (should be 64 bytes )
unsigned sb_size;
/// allocation table for big blocks
AllocTable bb;
/// allocation table for small blocks
AllocTable sb;
/// starting block index to store small-BAT
unsigned sbat_start;
/// blocks where to find data for "small" files
std::vector<unsigned long> sb_blocks;
/// starting block to store meta BAT
unsigned mbat_start;
/// starting block index to store directory info
unsigned dirent_start;
/// root directory entry
Entry* root;
/// current directory entry
Entry* current_dir;
/// constructor
StorageIO( Storage* storage, const char* fileName, int mode );
/// destructor
void flush();
unsigned long loadBigBlocks( std::vector<unsigned long> blocks, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long maxlen );
unsigned long loadBigBlock( unsigned long block, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long maxlen );
unsigned long loadSmallBlocks( std::vector<unsigned long> blocks, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long maxlen );
unsigned long loadSmallBlock( unsigned long block, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long maxlen );
/// construct directory tree
Entry* buildTree( Entry* tqparent, int index, const unsigned char* dirent );
std::string fullName( Entry* e );
/// given a fullname (e.g "/ObjectPool/_1020961869"), find the entry
Entry* entry( const std::string& name );
void load();
void create();
// no copy or assign
StorageIO( const StorageIO& );
StorageIO& operator=( const StorageIO& );
class StreamIO
StreamIO( StorageIO* io, Entry* entry );
unsigned long size();
void seek( unsigned long pos );
unsigned long tell();
int getch();
unsigned long read( unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen );
unsigned long read( unsigned long pos, unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen );
StorageIO* io;
Entry* entry;
std::vector<unsigned long> blocks;
// no copy or assign
StreamIO( const StreamIO& );
StreamIO& operator=( const StreamIO& );
// pointer for read
unsigned long m_pos;
// simple cache system to speed-up getch()
unsigned char* cache_data;
unsigned long cache_size;
unsigned long cache_pos;
void updateCache();
}; // namespace POLE
using namespace POLE;
static inline unsigned long readU16( const unsigned char* ptr )
return ptr[0]+(ptr[1]<<8);
static inline unsigned long readU32( const unsigned char* ptr )
return ptr[0]+(ptr[1]<<8)+(ptr[2]<<16)+(ptr[3]<<24);
static inline void writeU16( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned long data )
ptr[0] = data & 0xff;
ptr[1] = (data >> 8) & 0xff;
static inline void writeU32( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned long data )
ptr[0] = data & 0xff;
ptr[1] = (data >> 8) & 0xff;
ptr[2] = (data >> 16) & 0xff;
ptr[3] = (data >> 24) & 0xff;
static const unsigned char pole_magic[] =
{ 0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x1a, 0xe1 };
name = "Unnamed";
size = 0;
dir = false;
for( unsigned i=0; i<tqchildren.size(); i++ )
Entry* entry = tqchildren[ i ];
delete entry;
dirty = false;
unsigned long AllocTable::size()
return data.size();
void AllocTable::resize( unsigned long newsize )
data.resize( newsize );
unsigned long AllocTable::operator[]( unsigned long index )
unsigned long result;
result = data[index];
return result;
void AllocTable::set( unsigned long index, unsigned long value )
if( index >= size() ) resize( index + 1);
data[ index ] = value;
std::vector<unsigned long> AllocTable::follow( unsigned long start )
std::vector<unsigned long> chain;
if( start >= size() ) return chain;
unsigned long p = start;
while( p < size() )
if( p >= (unsigned long)0xfffe ) break;
if( p >= size() ) break;
chain.push_back( p );
if( data[p] >= size() ) break;
p = data[ p ];
return chain;
// =========== StorageIO ==========
StorageIO::StorageIO( Storage* storage, const char* fname, int m ):
doc( storage ), filename( fname), mode( m )
// initialization
result = Storage::Ok;
root = (Entry*) 0L;
current_dir = (Entry*) 0L;
bb_size = 512;
sb_size = 64;
threshold = 4096;
// prepare input stream
int om = std::ios::in;
if( mode == Storage::WriteOnly ) om = std::ios::out;
if( mode == Storage::ReadWrite) om = std::ios::app;
om |= std::ios::binary;
// filename.c_str(), om ); filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::in );
// check for error
if( !file.good() )
std::cerr << "Can't open " << filename << "\n\n";
result = Storage::OpenFailed;
// assume we'll be just fine
result = Storage::Ok;
if( mode == Storage::WriteOnly ) create();
else load();
filename = std::string();
void StorageIO::load()
unsigned bb_shift; // should be 9 (2^9 = 1024)
unsigned sb_shift; // should be 6 (2^6 = 64)
unsigned num_bat; // blocks for big-BAT
unsigned num_sbat; // blocks for small-BAT
unsigned num_mbat; // blocks for meta-BAT
// find size of input file
file.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
filesize = file.tellg();
// load header
file.seekg( 0 ); (char*)header, sizeof( header ) );
if( file.gcount() != sizeof( header ) )
result = Storage::NotOLE;
// check OLE magic id
for( unsigned i=0; i<8; i++ )
magic[i] = header[i];
if( magic[i] != pole_magic[i] )
result = Storage::NotOLE;
// load important variables
bb_shift = readU16( header + 0x1e );
sb_shift = readU16( header + 0x20 );
num_bat = readU32( header + 0x2c );
dirent_start = readU32( header + 0x30 );
threshold = readU32( header + 0x38 );
sbat_start = readU32( header + 0x3c );
num_sbat = readU32( header + 0x40 );
mbat_start = readU32( header + 0x44 );
num_mbat = readU32( header + 0x48 );
// sanity checks !!
if( ( threshold != 4096 ) || ( num_bat == 0 ) ||
( sb_shift > bb_shift ) || ( bb_shift <= 6 ) || ( bb_shift >=31 ) )
result = Storage::BadOLE;
// important block size
bb_size = 1 << bb_shift;
sb_size = 1 << sb_shift;
std::vector<unsigned long> chain;
unsigned char buffer[bb_size];
// load blocks in meta BAT
std::vector<unsigned long> metabat( num_mbat * bb_size / 4 );
unsigned q = 0;
for( unsigned r=0; r<num_mbat; r++ )
unsigned char metabuf[ bb_size ];
loadBigBlock( mbat_start+r, metabuf, sizeof( metabuf ) );
for( unsigned s=0; s< bb_size/4; s++ )
metabat[q++] = readU32( metabuf + s*4 );
// load big BAT, keep it in memory
// each entry in alloc table takes 4 bytes
bb.resize( num_bat * bb_size / 4 );
for( unsigned long i=0; i< num_bat; i++ )
// note that first 109 blocks are defined in header
// the rest are from meta BAT
unsigned long block = (i<109) ? readU32( header + 0x4C+i*4 ) : metabat[i-109];
loadBigBlock( block, buffer, bb_size );
for( unsigned m=0; m<bb_size/4; m++)
bb.set( i*bb_size/4 + m, readU32( buffer + m*4 ) );
// load small BAT, also keep in memory
// to get blocks for small BAT, follow chain in big BAT
chain = bb.follow( sbat_start );
//sb.resize( chain.size() * bb_size / 4 );
for( unsigned long i=0; i < chain.size(); i++ )
unsigned long block = chain[i];
loadBigBlock( block, buffer, bb_size );
for( unsigned m=0; m<bb_size/4; m++ )
sb.set( i*bb_size/4 + m, readU32( buffer + m*4 ) );
// construct root directory tree
unsigned char* dirent;
chain = bb.follow( dirent_start );
unsigned bufsize = chain.size() * bb_size;
dirent = new unsigned char[bufsize];
loadBigBlocks( chain, dirent, bufsize );
root = buildTree( (Entry*)0L, 0, dirent );
// fetch block chain as data for small-files
sb_blocks = bb.follow( readU32( dirent + 0x74 ) );
delete [] dirent;
// start with root directory
current_dir = root;
// done, without error
result = Storage::Ok;
// unsupported yet
void StorageIO::create()
unsigned bb_shift = 9;
unsigned sb_shift = 6;
bb_size = 1 << bb_shift;
sb_size = 1 << sb_shift;
threshold = 4096;
// construct blank header
// only few important parts, the rest will be fixed-up in flush()
for( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) header[i] = pole_magic[i];
writeU32( header + 8, 0 );
writeU32( header + 12, 0 );
writeU32( header + 16, 0 );
writeU16( header + 24, 0x3B00 ); // revision ?
writeU16( header + 26, 3 ); // version ?
writeU16( header + 28, 0xfffe ); // unknown
writeU16( header + 30, bb_shift );
writeU16( header + 32, sb_shift );
writeU16( header + 34, 0 );
writeU32( header + 36, 0 );
writeU32( header + 40, 0 );
writeU32( header + 52, 0 );
for( int j=0x4C; j<512; j++ ) header[j] = 0xff;
// done, without error
result = Storage::Ok;
void StorageIO::flush()
if( mode == Storage::ReadOnly ) return;
// header fix-up
writeU32( header + 0x30, dirent_start );
writeU32( header + 0x38, threshold );
writeU32( header + 0x3c, sbat_start );
writeU32( header + 0x44, mbat_start );
// write the header
// dirty ?
unsigned long StorageIO::loadBigBlocks( std::vector<unsigned long> blocks,
unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
// sentinel
if( !data ) return 0;
if( !file.good() ) return 0;
if( blocks.size() < 1 ) return 0;
if( maxlen == 0 ) return 0;
// read block one by one, seems fast enough
unsigned long bytes = 0;
for( unsigned long i=0; (i < blocks.size() ) & ( bytes<maxlen ); i++ )
unsigned long block = blocks[i];
if( block < 0 ) continue;
unsigned long pos = bb_size * ( block+1 );
unsigned long p = (bb_size < maxlen-bytes) ? bb_size : maxlen-bytes;
if( pos + p > filesize ) p = filesize - pos;
file.seekg( pos ); (char*)data + bytes, p );
bytes += p;
return bytes;
unsigned long StorageIO::loadBigBlock( unsigned long block,
unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
// sentinel
if( !data ) return 0;
if( !file.good() ) return 0;
if( block < 0 ) return 0;
// wraps call for loadBigBlocks
std::vector<unsigned long> blocks;
blocks.resize( 1 );
blocks[ 0 ] = block;
return loadBigBlocks( blocks, data, maxlen );
// return number of bytes which has been read
unsigned long StorageIO::loadSmallBlocks( std::vector<unsigned long> blocks,
unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
// sentinel
if( !data ) return 0;
if( !file.good() ) return 0;
if( blocks.size() < 1 ) return 0;
if( maxlen == 0 ) return 0;
// our own local buffer
unsigned char buf[ bb_size ];
// read small block one by one
unsigned long bytes = 0;
for( unsigned long i=0; ( i<blocks.size() ) & ( bytes<maxlen ); i++ )
unsigned long block = blocks[i];
if( block < 0 ) continue;
// find where the small-block exactly is
unsigned long pos = block * sb_size;
unsigned long bbindex = pos / bb_size;
if( bbindex >= sb_blocks.size() ) break;
loadBigBlock( sb_blocks[ bbindex ], buf, bb_size );
// copy the data
unsigned offset = pos % bb_size;
unsigned long p = (maxlen-bytes < bb_size-offset ) ? maxlen-bytes : bb_size-offset;
p = (sb_size<p ) ? sb_size : p;
memcpy( data + bytes, buf + offset, p );
bytes += p;
return bytes;
unsigned long StorageIO::loadSmallBlock( unsigned long block,
unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
// sentinel
if( !data ) return 0;
if( !file.good() ) return 0;
if( block < 0 ) return 0;
// wraps call for loadSmallBlocks
std::vector<unsigned long> blocks;
blocks.resize( 1 );
blocks.assign( 1, block );
return loadSmallBlocks( blocks, data, maxlen );
// recursive function to construct directory tree
Entry* StorageIO::buildTree( Entry* tqparent, int index, const unsigned char* dirent )
Entry* entry = (Entry*) 0L;
// find where to start
unsigned p = index * 128;
// would be < 32 if first char in the name isn't printable
unsigned prefix = 32;
// parse name of this entry, which stored as Unicode 16-bit
std::string name;
int name_len = readU16( dirent + 64+p );
for( int j=0; ( dirent[j+p]) && (j<name_len); j+= 2 )
name.append( 1, dirent[j+p] );
// emtpy name ?
if( !name.length() ) return entry;
// first char isn't printable ? remove it...
if( dirent[p] < 32 ){ prefix = dirent[0]; name.erase( 0,1 ); }
// type of this entry will decide which Entry should be created
// 2 = file (aka stream), 1 = directory (aka storage), 5 = root
unsigned type = dirent[ 0x42 + p];
if( ( type == 2 ) || ( type == 1 ) || ( type == 5 ) ) entry = new Entry();
if( entry ) entry->dir = ( ( type = 1 ) || ( type == 5 ) );
// barf on error
if( !entry ) return entry;
// fetch important data
entry->name = name;
entry->start = readU32( dirent + 0x74+p );
entry->size = readU32( dirent + 0x78+p );
// append as another child
entry->tqparent = tqparent;
if( tqparent ) tqparent->tqchildren.push_back( entry );
// check previous
int prev = readU32( dirent + 0x44+p );
if( prev >= 0 ) buildTree( tqparent, prev, dirent );
// traverse to sub
int dir = readU32( dirent + 0x4C+p );
if( entry->dir && (dir > 0 ))
buildTree( entry, dir, dirent );
// check next
int next = readU32( dirent + 0x48+p );
if( next >= 0 ) buildTree( tqparent, next, dirent );
return entry;
// given an entry, find a complete path from root
std::string StorageIO::fullName( Entry* e )
if( !e ) return (const char*) 0L;
std::string result;
while( e->tqparent )
result.insert( 0, e->name );
result.insert( 0, "/" );
e = e->tqparent;
// don't use specified root name (like "Root Entry")
if( !result.length() ) result = "/";
return result;
// given a fullname (e.g "/ObjectPool/_1020961869"), find the entry
Entry* StorageIO::entry( const std::string& name )
Entry* entry = (Entry*) 0L;
// sanity check
if( !root ) return (Entry*) 0L;
if( !name.length() ) return (Entry*) 0L;
// start from root when name is absolute
// or current directory when name is relative
entry = (name[0] == '/' ) ? root : current_dir;
// split the names, e.g "/ObjectPool/_1020961869" will become:
// "ObjectPool" and "_1020961869"
std::list<std::string> names;
std::string::size_type start = 0, end = 0;
while( start < name.length() )
end = name.find_first_of( '/', start );
if( end == std::string::npos ) end = name.length();
names.push_back( name.substr( start, end-start ) );
start = end+1;
std::list<std::string>::iterator it;
for( it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it )
std::string entryname = *it;
Entry *child = (Entry*) 0L;
if( entry->dir )
for( unsigned j=0; j < entry->tqchildren.size(); j++ )
if( entry->tqchildren[j]->name == entryname )
child = entry->tqchildren[j];
if( !child ) return (Entry*) 0L;
entry = child;
return entry;
// =========== StreamIO ==========
StreamIO::StreamIO( StorageIO* _io, Entry* _entry ):
io( _io ), entry( _entry ), m_pos( 0 ),
cache_data( 0 ), cache_size( 0 ), cache_pos( 0 )
blocks = ( entry->size >= io->threshold ) ? io->bb.follow( entry->start ) :
io->sb.follow( entry->start );
// prepare cache
cache_size = 4096; // optimal ?
cache_data = new unsigned char[cache_size];
// FIXME tell tqparent we're gone
delete[] cache_data;
void StreamIO::seek( unsigned long pos )
m_pos = pos;
unsigned long StreamIO::tell()
return m_pos;
int StreamIO::getch()
// past end-of-file ?
if( m_pos > entry->size ) return -1;
// need to update cache ?
if( !cache_size || ( m_pos < cache_pos ) ||
( m_pos >= cache_pos + cache_size ) )
// something bad if we don't get good cache
if( !cache_size ) return -1;
int data = cache_data[m_pos - cache_pos];
return data;
unsigned long StreamIO::read( unsigned long pos, unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
// sanity checks
if( !data ) return 0;
if( maxlen == 0 ) return 0;
unsigned long totalbytes = 0;
if ( entry->size < io->threshold )
// small file
unsigned long index = pos / io->sb_size;
if( index >= blocks.size() ) return 0;
unsigned char buf[ io->sb_size ];
unsigned long offset = pos % io->sb_size;
while( totalbytes < maxlen )
if( index >= blocks.size() ) break;
io->loadSmallBlock( blocks[index], buf, io->bb_size );
unsigned long count = io->sb_size - offset;
if( count > maxlen-totalbytes ) count = maxlen-totalbytes;
memcpy( data+totalbytes, buf + offset, count );
totalbytes += count;
offset = 0;
// big file
unsigned long index = pos / io->bb_size;
if( index >= blocks.size() ) return 0;
unsigned char buf[ io->bb_size ];
unsigned long offset = pos % io->bb_size;
while( totalbytes < maxlen )
if( index >= blocks.size() ) break;
io->loadBigBlock( blocks[index], buf, io->bb_size );
unsigned long count = io->bb_size - offset;
if( count > maxlen-totalbytes ) count = maxlen-totalbytes;
memcpy( data+totalbytes, buf + offset, count );
totalbytes += count;
offset = 0;
return totalbytes;
unsigned long StreamIO::read( unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
unsigned long bytes = read( tell(), data, maxlen );
m_pos += bytes;
return bytes;
void StreamIO::updateCache()
// sanity check
if( !cache_data ) return;
cache_pos = m_pos - ( m_pos % cache_size );
unsigned long bytes = cache_size;
if( cache_pos + bytes > entry->size ) bytes = entry->size - cache_pos;
cache_size = read( cache_pos, cache_data, bytes );
// =========== Storage ==========
io = (StorageIO*) 0L;
result = Storage::Ok;
delete io;
bool Storage::open( const char* fileName, int m )
// only a few modes accepted
if( ( m != ReadOnly ) && ( m != WriteOnly ) && ( m != ReadWrite ) )
result = UnknownError;
return false;
io = new StorageIO( this, fileName, m );
result = io->result;
return result == Storage::Ok;
void Storage::flush()
if( io ) io->flush();
void Storage::close()
// list all files and subdirs in current path
std::list<std::string> Storage::listDirectory()
std::list<std::string> entries;
// sanity check
if( !io ) return entries;
if( !io->current_dir ) return entries;
// sentinel: do nothing if not a directory
if( !io->current_dir->dir ) return entries;
// find all tqchildren belongs to this directory
for( unsigned i = 0; i<io->current_dir->tqchildren.size(); i++ )
Entry* e = io->current_dir->tqchildren[i];
if( e ) entries.push_back( e->name );
return entries;
// enters a sub-directory, returns false if not a directory or not found
bool Storage::enterDirectory( const std::string& directory )
// sanity check
if( !io ) return false;
if( !io->current_dir ) return false;
// look for the specified sub-dir
for( unsigned i = 0; i<io->current_dir->tqchildren.size(); i++ )
Entry* e = io->current_dir->tqchildren[i];
if( e ) if( e->name == directory )
if ( e->dir )
io->current_dir = e;
return true;
return false;
// goes up one level (like cd ..)
void Storage::leaveDirectory()
// sanity check
if( !io ) return;
if( !io->current_dir ) return;
Entry* tqparent = io->current_dir->tqparent;
if( tqparent ) if( tqparent->dir )
io->current_dir = tqparent;
// note: without trailing "/"
std::string Storage::path()
// sanity check
if( !io ) return std::string();
if( !io->current_dir ) return std::string();
return io->fullName( io->current_dir );
Stream* Storage::stream( const std::string& name )
// sanity check
if( !name.length() ) return (Stream*) 0L;
if( !io ) return (Stream*) 0L;
// make absolute if necesary
std::string fullName = name;
if( name[0] != '/' ) fullName.insert( 0, path() + "/" );
// find to which entry this stream associates
Entry* entry = io->entry( name );
if( !entry ) return (Stream*) 0L;
StreamIO* sio = new StreamIO( io, entry );
Stream* s = new Stream( sio );
return s;
// =========== Stream ==========
Stream::Stream( StreamIO* _io ):
io( _io )
// FIXME tell tqparent we're gone
delete io;
unsigned long Stream::tell()
return io ? io->tell() : 0;
void Stream::seek( unsigned long newpos )
if( io ) io->seek( newpos );
unsigned long Stream::size()
return io ? io->entry->size : 0;
int Stream::getch()
return io ? io->getch() : -1;
unsigned long Stream::read( unsigned char* data, unsigned long maxlen )
return io ? io->read( data, maxlen ) : 0;