You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

426 lines
13 KiB

This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002 Marco Zanon <>
and Ariya Hidayat <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <starwriterimport.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <tqiodevice.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include "pole.h"
typedef KGenericFactory<StarWriterImport, KoFilter> StarWriterImportFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(libstarwriterimport, StarWriterImportFactory("kofficefilters"))
// Get unsigned 24-bits integer at given offset
static inline TQ_UINT32 readU24(TQByteArray array, TQ_UINT32 p)
TQ_UINT8* ptr = (TQ_UINT8*);
return (TQ_UINT32) (ptr[p] + (ptr[p+1] << 8) + (ptr[p+2] << 16));
// Get unsigned 16-bits integer at given offset
static inline TQ_UINT16 readU16(TQByteArray array, TQ_UINT32 p)
TQ_UINT8* ptr = (TQ_UINT8*);
return (TQ_UINT16) (ptr[p] + (ptr[p+1] << 8));
StarWriterImport::StarWriterImport(KoFilter *, const char *, const TQStringList&) : KoFilter()
hasHeader = false;
hasFooter = false;
tablesNumber = 1;
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus StarWriterImport::convert(const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to)
// Check for proper conversion
// When 4.x is supported, use also: || (from != "application/x-starwriter")
if ((to != "application/x-kword") || (from != "application/vnd.stardivision.writer"))
return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
// Read streams
POLE::Storage storage;>inputFile().latin1());
POLE::Stream* stream;
stream ="StarWriterDocument");
if (!stream) return KoFilter::WrongFormat;
stream->read((unsigned char*), StarWriterDocument.size());
delete stream;
stream ="SwPageStyleSheets");
if (!stream) return KoFilter::WrongFormat;
stream->read((unsigned char*), SwPageStyleSheets.size());
delete stream;
// Check document version
if (!checkDocumentVersion()) return KoFilter::WrongFormat;
// Algorithm for creating the main document
if (!addBody()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
if (!addHeaders()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
if (!addFooters()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
if (!addStyles()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
if (!addPageProperties()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
maindoc = bodyStuff + tablesStuff + picturesStuff; // + lots of other things :)
if (!addKWordHeader()) return KoFilter::ParsingError;
// Prepare storage device and return
KoStoreDevice *out = m_chain->storageFile("maindoc.xml", KoStore::Write);
if (out) {
TQCString cstring = maindoc.utf8();
cstring.prepend("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
out->writeBlock((const char*) cstring, cstring.length());
return KoFilter::OK;
bool StarWriterImport::checkDocumentVersion()
if (SwPageStyleSheets.size() < 0x0B) return false;
if (StarWriterDocument.size() < 0x0B) return false;
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x00] != 'S') return false;
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x01] != 'W') return false;
// When 4.x is supported use also: || (SwPageStyleSheets[0x02] != '4')
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x02] != '5') return false;
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x03] != 'H') return false;
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x04] != 'D') return false;
if (SwPageStyleSheets[0x05] != 'R') return false;
if (StarWriterDocument[0x00] != 'S') return false;
if (StarWriterDocument[0x01] != 'W') return false;
// When 4.x is supported use also: || (StarWriterDocument[0x02] != '4')
if (StarWriterDocument[0x02] != '5') return false;
if (StarWriterDocument[0x03] != 'H') return false;
if (StarWriterDocument[0x04] != 'D') return false;
if (StarWriterDocument[0x05] != 'R') return false;
// Password-protection is not supported for the moment
TQ_UINT16 flags = readU16(StarWriterDocument, 0x0A);
if (flags & 0x0008) return false;
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::addKWordHeader()
// Proper prolog and epilog
TQString prolog;
prolog = "<!DOCTYPE DOC>\n";
prolog.append("<DOC mime=\"application/x-kword\" syntaxVersion=\"2\" editor=\"KWord\">\n");
prolog.append("<PAPER width=\"595\" height=\"841\" format=\"1\" fType=\"0\" orientation=\"0\" hType=\"0\" columns=\"1\">\n");
prolog.append(" <PAPERBORDERS left=\"36\" right=\"36\" top=\"36\" bottom=\"36\" />\n");
prolog.append("<ATTRIBUTES standardpage=\"1\" hasFooter=\"0\" hasHeader=\"0\" processing=\"0\" />\n");
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::addPageProperties()
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::addStyles()
return true;
// 1. search for the right starting point
// 2. determine the length
// 3. parse everything with parseNodes()
bool StarWriterImport::addHeaders()
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::addFooters()
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::addBody()
// Find the starting point, by:
// 1. skipping the header
TQ_UINT32 len = StarWriterDocument[0x07];
TQ_UINT32 p = len;
// 2. skipping 8 more bytes
p += 0x08;
// 3. skipping useless sections
char c = StarWriterDocument[p];
while (c != 'N') {
len = readU24(StarWriterDocument, p+1);
p += len;
c = StarWriterDocument[p];
}; // there is at least one empty paragraph!
// Select nodes and pass them to parseNodes()
len = readU24(StarWriterDocument, p+1);
TQByteArray data(len);
for (TQ_UINT32 k=0; k<len; k++)
data[k] = StarWriterDocument[p+k];
bool retval = parseNodes(data);
// add proper tags
bodyStuff.prepend(" <FRAME right=\"567\" left=\"28\" top=\"42\" bottom=\"799\" />\n");
bodyStuff.prepend(" <FRAMESET removable=\"0\" frameType=\"1\" frameInfo=\"0\" name=\"Text Frameset 1\" autoCreateNewFrame=\"1\">\n");
bodyStuff.append(" </FRAMESET>\n");
return retval;
TQString StarWriterImport::convertToKWordString(TQByteArray s)
TQString result;
for (TQ_UINT32 i = 0x00; i < s.size(); i++)
if (s[i] == '&') result += "&amp;";
else if (s[i] == '<') result += "&lt;";
else if (s[i] == '>') result += "&gt;";
else if (s[i] == '"') result += "&quot;";
else if (s[i] == 0x27) result += "&apos;";
else if (s[i] == 0x09) result += "\t";
// FIXME: more to add here
// (manual breaks, soft-hyphens, non-breaking spaces, variables)
else result += TQChar(s[i]);
return result;
bool StarWriterImport::parseNodes(TQByteArray n)
TQByteArray s;
TQ_UINT32 len, p;
// Loop
p = 0x09; // is this a fixed value? is it the same for headers/footers?
while (p < n.size()) {
char c = n[p];
len = readU24(n, p+1);
for (TQ_UINT32 k = 0x00; k < len; k++)
s[k] = n[p+k];
switch (c) {
case 'T':
//if ((s[0x0A] == 0x01) && (s[0x0B] == 0x00) && (s[0x0C] == 0xFF)) {
// if (!parseGraphics(s)) return false;
//else {
if (!parseText(s)) return false;
case 'E':
if (!parseTable(s)) return false;
p += len;
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::parseText(TQByteArray n)
TQByteArray s;
TQ_UINT16 len;
TQ_UINT32 p;
TQString text;
// TQ_UINT16 attributeStart, attributeEnd, formatPos, formatLen;
// TQString pAttributes, cAttributes, tempCAttributes;
// TQStringList cAttributesList;
// Retrieve the paragraph (text-only)
len = readU16(n, 0x09);
for (TQ_UINT16 k = 0x00; k < len; k++)
s[k] = n[0x0B+k];
// Retrieve paragraph and character attributes
P = len;
while (n[p] == 'S') {
p += 0x04;
// parse 'A' sub-sections and write to pAttributes
// FIXME: all this part
// get section length
// if (length > ...) {
// if (special characters found) {
// get start, len, type
// write to the list
// }
// }
// increment p
while (n[p] == 'A') {
// parse 'A' sections and fill cAttributesList
// FIXME: similar as above
// Parse list
while ((!cAttributesList.isEmpty()) || (formatPos < len)) {
formatLen = 65535;
// FIXME: point to first list item
while (FIXME: current list item < last list item) {
// FIXME: get item members
if ((attributeStart <= formatPos) && (formatPos <= attributeEnd)) { // this attribute has to be considered
// FIXME: write attribute to tempCAttributes
formatLen = min(formatLen, (attributeStart - attributeEnd));
else if (attributeLen < formatPos) [ // this attribute has to be removed
// FIXME: remove list item
// FIXME: point to next list item
// FIXME: copy tempCAttributes to cAttributes
formatPos += formatLen;
// Write everything to the variable
text = convertToKWordString(s);
bodyStuff.append(" <PARAGRAPH>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" <TEXT xml:space=\"preserve\">" + text + "</TEXT>\n");
// FIXME: add FORMATS for pAttributes and cAttributes
bodyStuff.append(" </PARAGRAPH>\n");
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::parseTable(TQByteArray n)
TQByteArray s;
TQ_UINT32 len, len2;
TQ_UINT16 len3;
TQ_UINT32 p, p2;
TQString text;
TQString tableCell, tableText, tableName;
TQ_UINT8 row, column;
// Set table name
tableName = TQString("Table %1").tqarg(tablesNumber);
// Skip useless sections and retrieve the right point
p = 0x13;
while (n[p] != 'L') {
len = readU24(n, p+1);
p += len;
row = 0;
// Read rows
while (n[p] == 'L') {
column = 0;
// Find the first 't'
while (n[p] != 't') p++;
// Read cells
while (n[p] == 't') {
// Get cell length
len2 = readU24(n, p+1);
p2 = p + len2;
// Find the 'T' section
while (n[p] != 'T') p++;
// Get cell text/value
len3 = readU16(n, p+0x09);
for (TQ_UINT16 k = 0x00; k < len3; k++)
s[k] = n[p+0x0B+k];
text = convertToKWordString(s);
// FIXME: check this stuff
TQString frameName = TQString("%1 Cell %2,%3").tqarg(tableName).tqarg(row).tqarg(column);
tableText.append(TQString(" <FRAMESET name=\"%1\" frameType=\"1\" frameInfo=\"0\" removable=\"0\" visible=\"1\" grpMgr=\"%2\" row=\"%3\" col=\"%4\" rows=\"1\" cols=\"1\" protectSize=\"0\">\n").tqarg(frameName).tqarg(tableName).tqarg(row).tqarg(column));
tableText.append(" <FRAME runaround=\"1\" copy=\"0\" newFrameBehavior=\"1\" runaroundSide=\"biggest\" autoCreateNewFrame=\"0\" bleftpt=\"2.8\" brightpt=\"2.8\" btoppt=\"2.8\" bbottompt=\"2.8\" runaroundGap=\"2.8\" />\n");
tableText.append(" <PARAGRAPH>\n");
tableText.append(" <TEXT xml:space=\"preserve\">" + text + "</TEXT>\n");
tableText.append(" </PARAGRAPH>\n");
tableText.append(" </FRAMESET>\n");
// Skip other sections or bytes
p = p2;
// Increase column pointers
// Increase row pointer
// Add everything to tablesStuff
// Add anchor to bodyStuff
bodyStuff.append(" <PARAGRAPH>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" <TEXT xml:space=\"preserve\">#</TEXT>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" <FORMATS>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" <FORMAT id=\"6\" pos=\"0\" len=\"1\">\n");
bodyStuff.append(TQString(" <ANCHOR type=\"frameset\" instance=\"%1\" />\n").tqarg(tableName));
bodyStuff.append(" </FORMAT>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" </FORMATS>\n");
bodyStuff.append(" </PARAGRAPH>\n");
return true;
bool StarWriterImport::parseGraphics(TQByteArray n)
return true;
#include <starwriterimport.moc>