You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

252 lines
6.5 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002 by Thomas Franke and Andreas Pietzowski <>
Ariya Hidayat <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <dbase.h>
DBase::DBase(): m_recordCount( 0 )
fields.setAutoDelete( true );
// Headerdefinition in dBASE
// Type char Content
// unsigned char version 0 dBASE-Version (3)
// unsigned char last_update[3] 1-3 Date of last update
// unsigned long records 4-7 Number of records
// unsigned short header_length 8-9 headerlength
// unsigned short record_length 10-11 recordlength
// unsigned char reserved[20] 12-31 reserverd info from dBase
bool DBase::load( const QString& filename )
m_file.setName( filename );
if( ! )
return false;
m_stream.setDevice( &m_file );
m_stream.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );
unsigned filesize = m_file.size();
// read dBASE version
Q_UINT8 ver;
m_stream >> ver;
m_version = ver & 0x7f; // bit 7: has memo ?
// only dBASE V.3 is supported
if ( m_version != 3 )
return false;
// date of last update
Q_UINT8 y, m, d;
m_stream >> y >> m >> d;
// because dBASE saves 102 instead of 2002 (very Y2K-save ;-)
m_lastUpdate.setYMD( y+1900, m, d );
// check for valid date
if( !m_lastUpdate.isValid() ) return false;
// number of records
Q_UINT32 norec;
m_stream >> norec;
m_recordCount = norec;
// header-length
Q_UINT16 header_length;
m_stream >> header_length;
m_headerLength = header_length;
// record-length
Q_UINT16 record_length;
m_stream >> record_length;
m_recordLength = record_length;
// read the remaining chars
Q_UINT8 dummy;
for (int foo = 0; foo < 20; ++foo)
m_stream >> dummy;
// size of file must match
if( filesize < m_headerLength + m_recordLength * m_recordCount )
return false;
// Now read the headers of the columns and their type
// Type char Content
// unsigned char field_name[11] 0-10 Fieldname
// unsigned char field_type 11 Fieldtype
// unsigned long field_address 12-15 Fielddataaddress
// unsigned char field_length 16 Fieldlength
// unsigned char field_decimals 17 decimals
// unsigned char reserved[14] 18-31 reserved for internal dBASE-stuff
for( unsigned i = 1; i < m_headerLength/32; ++i )
DBaseField* field = new DBaseField;
// columnn-name
Q_UINT8 colname[12];
for ( int j = 0; j < 11; ++j)
m_stream >> colname[j];
colname[11] = '\0';
field->name = QString( (const char*) &colname[0] );
// type of column
Q_UINT8 coltype;
m_stream >> coltype;
switch( coltype )
case 'C': field->type = DBaseField::Character; break;
case 'N': field->type = DBaseField::Numeric; break;
case 'D': field->type = DBaseField::Date; break;
case 'M': field->type = DBaseField::Memo; break;
case 'L': field->type = DBaseField::Logical; break;
default: field->type = DBaseField::Unknown; break;
// fileddataaddress
Q_UINT32 addr;
m_stream >> addr;
// columnlength
Q_UINT8 colsize;
m_stream >> colsize;
field->length = colsize;
// decimals
Q_UINT8 decimals;
m_stream >> decimals;
field->decimals = decimals;
// read remaining chars
Q_UINT8 dummy;
for ( int foo = 0; foo < 14; ++foo )
m_stream >> dummy;
// now append
fields.append( field );
// set the index to the first record
m_stream.device()->at( m_headerLength );
return true;
QStringList DBase::readRecord( unsigned recno )
QStringList result;
// out of range ? return empty strings
if( recno >= m_recordCount )
for( unsigned i=0; i<fields.count(); i++)
result.append( "" );
return result;
// seek to where the record is
unsigned filepos = m_headerLength + recno * m_recordLength;
m_stream.device()->at( filepos );
// first char == '*' means the record is deleted
// so we just skip it
Q_UINT8 delmarker;
m_stream >> delmarker;
if( delmarker == 0x2a )
return result;
// load it
for( unsigned i=0; i<fields.count(); i++ )
switch(>type )
// Numeric or Character
case DBaseField::Numeric:
case DBaseField::Character:
QString str;
Q_UINT8 ch;
for( unsigned j=0; j<>length; j++ )
{ m_stream >> ch; str += QChar(ch); }
result.append( str );
} break;
// Logical
case DBaseField::Logical:
Q_UINT8 ch;
m_stream >> ch;
switch( ch )
case 'Y': case 'y': case 'T': case 't': result.append( "True" ); break;
case 'N': case 'n': case 'F': case 'f': result.append( "False" ); break;
default: result.append( "" ); break;
} break;
// Date, stored as YYYYMMDD
// Note: convert it to YYYY-MM-DD
case DBaseField::Date:
QString str;
Q_UINT8 ch;
for( unsigned j=0; j<>length; j++ )
{ m_stream >> ch; str += QChar(ch); }
str.insert( 6, '-' );
str.insert( 4, '-' );
result.append( str );
} break;
// Unknown/Unimplemented
case DBaseField::Unknown:
case DBaseField::Memo:
result.append( "" ); // unknown
return result;
void DBase::close()
if( m_file.isOpen() ) m_file.close();