You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

761 lines
18 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002 Ariya Hidayat <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "amiproparser.h"
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
const float AmiPro::LS_Single = -1;
const float AmiPro::LS_OneAndHalf = -1.5;
const float AmiPro::LS_Double = -2;
// helper function to "unescape" AmiPro string
static QString AmiProUnescape( const QString& str )
QString result;
for( unsigned i=0; i< str.length(); i++ )
QChar c = str[i];
result.append( c );
// check for "@@", decoded as '@'
if( c == '@' )
if( str[i+1] == '@' )
i++ ; // eat !
// a few possible escape sequence
if( c == '<' )
// check for "<<", decoded as '<'
if( str[i+1] == '<' )
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( '<' );
// check for "<;>", decoded as '>'
if( str[i+1] == ';' )
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( '>' );
// check for "<[>", decoded as '['
if( str[i+1] == '[' )
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( '[' );
// some special characters
if( str[i+1] == '/' )
if( str[i+2] == 'R' )
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( '\'' ); // </R> decoded as '
i += 3;
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( QChar(str[i+2].unicode() + 0x40 ) );
i += 3;
// yet another special characters
if( str[i+1] == '\\' )
result.truncate( result.length() - 1 ); // remove the '<'
result.append( QChar(str[i+2].unicode() | 0x80 ) );
i += 3;
return result;
m_result = OK;
m_listener = NULL;
bool AmiProParser::setResult( int result )
m_result = result;
return m_result == OK;
void AmiProParser::setListener( AmiProListener *listener )
m_listener = listener;
bool AmiProParser::process( const QString& filename )
QString line;
// open input file
QFile in( filename );
if( ! IO_ReadOnly))
return setResult( FileError );
QTextStream stream;
stream.setDevice( &in );
// the first should be "[ver]"
line = stream.readLine();
if( line != "[ver]" )
return setResult( InvalidFormat );
// get format version, typically 4
line = stream.readLine();
int format_version = line.toInt();
// FIXME is this necessary ?
// accept only format version 4
if( format_version != 4 )
return setResult( InvalidFormat );
// initialize
m_currentFormat = AmiProFormat();
m_currentSection = "";
QStringList lines;
// parse line-by-line
for( ;; )
line = stream.readLine();
if( line.isNull() ) break;
QString old_section = m_currentSection;
bool enter_new_section = false;
// new main section ?
if( !line.isEmpty() ) if( line[0] == '[' )
enter_new_section = true;
m_currentSection = "";
for( unsigned i=1; i<line.length(); i++ )
if( line[i] == ']' ) break;
else m_currentSection += line[i];
// leave [tag]
if( enter_new_section && ( old_section == "tag" ) )
parseStyle( lines );
// leave [edoc]
if( enter_new_section && ( old_section == "edoc" ) )
parseParagraph( lines.join(" ") );
// still in [tag]
if( !enter_new_section && ( old_section == "tag" ) )
lines.append( line );
// still in [edoc]
if( !enter_new_section && ( old_section == "edoc" ) )
if( line.isEmpty() )
parseParagraph( lines );
lines.append( line );
// enter [tag]
if( enter_new_section && ( m_currentSection == "tag" ) )
// enter [edoc]
if( enter_new_section && ( m_currentSection == "edoc" ) )
// in case left-over
if( lines.count() > 0 ) parseParagraph( lines.join( " " ) );
return true;
bool AmiProParser::processOpenDocument()
if( m_listener ) return m_listener->doOpenDocument();
return true;
bool AmiProParser::processCloseDocument()
if( m_listener )
return m_listener->doCloseDocument();
return true;
bool AmiProParser::parseParagraph( const QStringList& lines )
m_text = "";
m_layout = AmiProLayout();
// join the lines, up until first char in a line is '>'
QString partext = "";
for( unsigned i=0; i<lines.count(); i++ )
if( lines[i][0] == '>' ) break;
else partext.append( lines[i] + "\n" );
QChar ch = partext[partext.length()-1];
while( ( ch == '\n' ) || ( ch == '\r' ) )
partext.remove( partext.length()-1, 1 );
ch = partext[partext.length()-1];
// "unescape", process special chars and such
QString text = AmiProUnescape( partext );
// apply default style first
m_layout.applyStyle( findStyle( "Body Text" ) );
for( unsigned i=0; i<text.length(); i++ )
QChar ch = text[i];
// handle a tag
if( ch == '<' )
QString tag = "";
for( i++; (i < text.length()) &&
(text[i] != '>'); i++) tag.append( text[i] );
handleTag( tag );
// handle style change
if( ch == '@' )
QString styleName;
for( i++; (i < partext.length()) && (partext[i] != '@'); i++)
styleName += partext[i]; = styleName;
AmiProStyle style = findStyle( styleName );
m_currentFormat.applyStyle( style );
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
m_layout.applyStyle( style );
// normal character
m_text.append( ch );
// calc length of each format tag
for( unsigned j=0; j<m_formatList.count(); j++ )
int nextpos;
AmiProFormat& format = m_formatList[j];
if( j < m_formatList.count()-1 )
AmiProFormat& nextformat = m_formatList[j+1];
nextpos = nextformat.pos;
else nextpos = m_text.length();
format.len = nextpos - format.pos;
if( m_listener )
return m_listener->doParagraph( m_text, m_formatList, m_layout );
return true;
bool AmiProParser::parseStyle( const QStringList& lines )
AmiProStyle style; = AmiProUnescape( lines[0].stripWhiteSpace() );
if( ) return true;
// font
if( lines[2].stripWhiteSpace() != "[fnt]" ) return true;
style.fontFamily = lines[3].stripWhiteSpace();
style.fontSize = lines[4].stripWhiteSpace().toFloat() / 20.0;
unsigned color = lines[5].stripWhiteSpace().toUInt();
style.fontColor.setRgb( color&255, (color>>8)&255, (color>>16)&255);
unsigned flag = lines[6].stripWhiteSpace().toUInt();
style.bold = flag & 1;
style.italic = flag & 2;
style.underline = flag & 4;
style.word_underline = flag & 8;
style.double_underline = flag & 64;
// alignment
if( lines[7].stripWhiteSpace() != "[algn]" ) return true;
unsigned align_flag = lines[8].stripWhiteSpace().toUInt();
if( align_flag & 1 ) style.align = Qt::AlignLeft;
if( align_flag & 2 ) style.align = Qt::AlignRight;
if( align_flag & 4 ) style.align = Qt::AlignCenter;
if( align_flag & 8 ) style.align = Qt::AlignJustify;
// linespace
if( lines[13].stripWhiteSpace() != "[spc]" ) return true;
unsigned ls_flag = lines[14].stripWhiteSpace().toUInt();
if( ls_flag & 1 ) style.linespace = AmiPro::LS_Single;
if( ls_flag & 2 ) style.linespace = AmiPro::LS_OneAndHalf;
if( ls_flag & 4 ) style.linespace = AmiPro::LS_Double;
if( ls_flag & 8 )
style.linespace = lines[15].stripWhiteSpace().toFloat() / 20.0;
style.spaceBefore = lines[17].stripWhiteSpace().toFloat() / 20.0;
style.spaceAfter = lines[18].stripWhiteSpace().toFloat() / 20.0;
m_styleList.append( style );
// "Style #0", "Style #1" and such are special styles
// do not import these styles
if( 7 ) != "Style #" )
if( m_listener )
return m_listener->doDefineStyle( style );
return true;
AmiProStyle AmiProParser::findStyle( const QString& name )
AmiProStyleList::iterator it;
for( it=m_styleList.begin(); it!=m_styleList.end(); ++it )
AmiProStyle& style = *it;
if( == name )
return style;
return AmiProStyle();
bool AmiProParser::handleTag( const QString& tag )
// > (actually encoded as <;>)
if( tag == ";" )
m_text.append( ">" );
// [ (actually encoded as <[>)
if( tag == "[" )
m_text.append( "[" );
// bold on
if( tag == "+!" )
m_currentFormat.bold = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// bold off
if( tag == "-!" )
m_currentFormat.bold = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// italic on
if( tag == "+\"" )
m_currentFormat.italic = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// italic off
if( tag == "-\"" )
m_currentFormat.italic = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// underline on
if( tag == "+#" )
m_currentFormat.underline = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// underline off
if( tag == "-#" )
m_currentFormat.underline = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// double underline on
if( tag == "+)" )
m_currentFormat.double_underline = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// double underline off
if( tag == "-)" )
m_currentFormat.double_underline = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// word underline on
if( tag == "+$" )
m_currentFormat.word_underline = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// word underline off
if( tag == "-$" )
m_currentFormat.word_underline = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// superscript on
if( tag == "+&" )
m_currentFormat.superscript = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// superscript off
if( tag == "-&" )
m_currentFormat.superscript = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// subscript on
if( tag == "+'" )
m_currentFormat.subscript = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// subscript off
if( tag == "-'" )
m_currentFormat.subscript = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// strikethrough on
if( tag == "+%" )
m_currentFormat.strikethrough = true;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// strikethrough off
if( tag == "-%" )
m_currentFormat.strikethrough = false;
m_currentFormat.pos = m_text.length();
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
// paragraph left-align
if( tag == "+@" )
m_layout.align = Qt::AlignLeft;
// paragraph right-align
if( tag == "+A" )
m_layout.align = Qt::AlignRight;
// paragraph center
if( tag == "+B" )
m_layout.align = Qt::AlignCenter;
// paragraph justify
if( tag == "+C" )
m_layout.align = Qt::AlignJustify;
// linespace
if( tag.left( 3 ) == ":S+" )
float ls = tag.right( tag.length() - 3 ).toFloat();
m_layout.linespace = (ls == -1) ? AmiPro::LS_Single :
(ls == -2) ? AmiPro::LS_OneAndHalf :
(ls == -3) ? AmiPro::LS_Double : ls / 20.0;
// font
if( tag.left( 2 ) == ":f" )
QString fontdesc = tag.right( tag.length()-2 );
QStringList desc = QStringList::split( ",", fontdesc );
if( desc.count() > 0 ) m_currentFormat.fontSize = desc[0].toFloat() / 20.0;
if( desc.count() > 1 )
QString fontFamily = desc[1];
if( fontFamily[0].isDigit() ) fontFamily.remove( 0, 1 );
m_currentFormat.fontFamily = fontFamily;
if( desc.count() > 4 )
unsigned red = desc[2].toUInt();
unsigned green = desc[3].toUInt();
unsigned blue = desc[4].toUInt();
m_currentFormat.fontColor.setRgb( red, green, blue );
m_formatList.append( m_currentFormat );
return true;
// text formatting
pos = len = 0;
bold = italic = underline =
word_underline = double_underline =
subscript = superscript = strikethrough = FALSE;
fontFamily = "";
fontSize = 12;
fontColor = Qt::black;
void AmiProFormat::assign( const AmiProFormat& f )
pos = f.pos;
len = f.len;
bold = f.bold;
italic = f.italic;
underline = f.underline;
word_underline = f.word_underline;
double_underline = f.double_underline;
subscript = f.subscript;
superscript = f.superscript;
strikethrough = f.strikethrough;
fontFamily = f.fontFamily;
fontSize = f.fontSize;
fontColor = f.fontColor;
AmiProFormat::AmiProFormat( const AmiProFormat& f )
assign( f );
AmiProFormat& AmiProFormat::operator=( const AmiProFormat& f )
assign( f );
return *this;
void AmiProFormat::applyStyle( const AmiProStyle& style )
fontFamily = style.fontFamily;
fontSize = style.fontSize;
fontColor = style.fontColor;
bold = style.bold;
italic = style.italic;
underline = style.underline;
word_underline = style.word_underline;
double_underline = style.double_underline;
subscript = style.subscript;
superscript = style.superscript;
strikethrough = style.strikethrough;
// paragraph layout
name = "";
fontFamily = "";
fontSize = 12;
fontColor = Qt::black;
bold = italic = underline =
word_underline = double_underline =
subscript = superscript = strikethrough = FALSE;
align = Qt::AlignLeft;
linespace = AmiPro::LS_Single;
spaceBefore = spaceAfter = 0;
void AmiProLayout::assign( const AmiProLayout &l )
name =;
fontFamily = l.fontFamily;
fontSize = l.fontSize;
fontColor = l.fontColor;
bold = l.bold;
italic = l.italic;
underline = l.underline;
word_underline = l.word_underline;
double_underline = l.double_underline;
subscript = l.subscript;
superscript = l.superscript;
strikethrough = l.strikethrough;
align = l.align;
linespace = l.linespace;
spaceBefore = l.spaceBefore;
spaceAfter = l.spaceAfter;
AmiProLayout::AmiProLayout( const AmiProLayout& l )
assign( l );
AmiProLayout& AmiProLayout::operator=( const AmiProLayout& l )
assign( l );
return *this;
void AmiProLayout::applyStyle( const AmiProStyle& style )
fontFamily = style.fontFamily;
fontSize = style.fontSize;
fontColor = style.fontColor;
bold = style.bold;
italic = style.italic;
underline = style.underline;
word_underline = style.word_underline;
double_underline = style.double_underline;
subscript = style.subscript;
superscript = style.superscript;
strikethrough = style.strikethrough;
align = style.align;
linespace = style.linespace;
spaceBefore = style.spaceBefore;
spaceAfter = style.spaceAfter;
// style definition
name = "Unnamed";
fontFamily = "";
fontSize = 12;
fontColor = Qt::black;
bold = italic = underline =
word_underline = double_underline =
subscript = superscript = strikethrough = FALSE;
linespace = AmiPro::LS_Single;
spaceBefore = spaceAfter = 0;
void AmiProStyle::assign( const AmiProStyle& s )
name =;
fontFamily = s.fontFamily;
fontSize = s.fontSize;
fontColor = s.fontColor;
bold = s.bold;
italic = s.italic;
underline = s.underline;
word_underline = s.word_underline;
double_underline = s.double_underline;
subscript = s.subscript;
superscript = s.superscript;
strikethrough = s.strikethrough;
align = s.align;
linespace = s.linespace;
spaceBefore = s.spaceBefore;
spaceAfter = s.spaceAfter;
AmiProStyle::AmiProStyle( const AmiProStyle& s )
assign( s );
AmiProStyle& AmiProStyle::operator=( const AmiProStyle& s )
assign( s );
return *this;
// base listener for the parser
#define DO_TRUE_DEFINITION(string) \
bool AmiProListener::string \
return true;\
DO_TRUE_DEFINITION(doDefineStyle(const AmiProStyle& style))
DO_TRUE_DEFINITION(doParagraph(const QString& text, AmiProFormatList formatList,
AmiProLayout& ))