You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
915 B

#include "kword13paragraph.h"
KWord13Paragraph::KWord13Paragraph( void )
m_formats.setAutoDelete ( true );
KWord13Paragraph::~KWord13Paragraph( void )
void KWord13Paragraph::xmldump( QTextStream& iostream )
iostream << " <paragraph>\n";
iostream << " <text>" << m_text << "</text>\n";
m_layout.xmldump( iostream );
iostream << " </paragraph>\n";
void KWord13Paragraph::setText( const QString& str)
m_text = str;
void KWord13Paragraph::appendText( const QString& str)
m_text += str;
QString KWord13Paragraph::text( void ) const
return m_text;
void KWord13ParagraphGroup::xmldump( QTextStream& iostream )
iostream << " <paragraphgroup>\n";
for( QValueList <KWord13Paragraph>::Iterator it = begin();
it != end(); ++it )
(*it).xmldump( iostream );
iostream << " </paragraphgroup>\n";