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#!/usr/bin/env python
This Python script is used to test the Kross scripting framework.
#def testobjectCallback():
# print "function testobjectCallback() called !"
# return "this is the __main__.testobjectCallback() returnvalue!"
#def testobjectCallbackWithParams(argument):
# print "testobjectCallbackWithParams() argument = %s" % str(argument)
# return "this is the __main__.testobjectCallbackWithParams() returnvalue!"
#def testQtObject(self):
## Get the QtObject instance to access the QObject.
##testobject = get("TestObject")
#testobject = self.get("TestObject")
#if testobject == None: raise "Object 'TestObject' undefined !!!"
#print "testobject = %s %s" % (str(testobject),dir(testobject))
##print "propertyNames = %s" % testobject.propertyNames()
##print "slotNames = %s" % testobject.slotNames()
##print "signalNames = %s" % testobject.signalNames()
## We could just call a slot or a signal.
##print #KrossTest: List::item index=0 is out of bounds. Raising TypeException.
## Each slot a QObject spends is a object itself.
#myslot = testobject.get("testSlot()")
#print "myslotevent = %s" % str(myslot)
#print "__name__ = %s" % __name__
#print "__dir__ = %s" % dir()
##print "__builtin__ = %s" % __builtin__
#print "self = %s %s" % (str(self),dir(self))
##print "TestCase = %s" % str(TestCase)
#print "self.list = %s" % self.list()
#print "self.dict = %s" % self.dict()
#testobject = self.get("TestObject")
#print "testobject = %s" % testobject
#if not testobject.connect("testSignal()",testobject,"testSlot2()"):
#raise "Failed to connect testSignal() with testSlot2() at object 'TestObject'."
#def testActionEvent(self):
##action1 = get("Action1")
#action1 = self.get("Action1")
#if action1 == None:
#raise "Object 'Action1' undefined !!!"
#print "action1 = %s %s" % (str(action1),dir(action1))
import unittest
class TestPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
""" Testcase to test the Kross python functionality for regressions. """
def setUp(self):
import krosstestpluginmodule
self.pluginobject1 = krosstestpluginmodule.testpluginobject1()
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1 )
self.pluginobject2 = krosstestpluginmodule.testpluginobject2()
self.assert_( self.pluginobject2 )
self.testqobject1 = krosstestpluginmodule.testqobject1()
self.assert_( self.testqobject1 )
def testBasicDataTypes(self):
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.uintfunc(177321) == 177321 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.intfunc(93675) == 93675 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.intfunc(-73673) == -73673 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.boolfunc(True) == True )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.boolfunc(False) == False )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.doublefunc(4265.3723) == 4265.3723 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.doublefunc(-4265.68) == -4265.68 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.cstringfunc(" This is a Test! ") == " This is a Test! " )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringfunc(" Another \n\r Test! $%&\"") == " Another \n\r Test! $%&\"" )
#self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringfunc( tqunicode(" Unicode test ") ) == " Unicode test " )
#self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringfunc(tqunicode(" Another Test! ")) == tqunicode(" Another Test! ") )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringstringfunc("MyString1", "MyString2") == "MyString1" )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.uintdoublestringfunc(8529,285.246,"String") == 8529 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistbooluintdouble(["s1","s2"],True,6,7.0,"String") == ["s1","s2"] )
def testStringList(self):
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistfunc( [] ) == [] )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistfunc( ["First Item"," Second Item "] ) == ["First Item"," Second Item "] )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistfunc( ("Theird Item"," Forth Item ","Fifth Item") ) == ["Theird Item"," Forth Item ","Fifth Item"] )
def testVariant(self):
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(True) == True )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(False) == False )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(187937) == 187937 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(-69825) == -69825 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(8632.274) == 8632.274 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(-8632.351) == -8632.351 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc(" Test \n\r This String $%&\"") == " Test \n\r This String $%&\"")
def testObjects(self):
print "-----------------1"
newobjref = self.pluginobject1.objectfunc(self.pluginobject2)
print "-----------------2"
print str(newobjref)
#self.assert_( newobjref.myuniqueid == self.pluginobject2.myuniqueid )
#print "===========> %s" % self.pluginobject2.myName()
print "testqobject1 properties=%s" % self.testqobject1.propertyNames()
print "testqobject1 Q_SLOTS=%s" % self.testqobject1.slotNames()
print "testqobject1 Q_SIGNALS=%s" % self.testqobject1.signalNames()
print "-----------------3"
print "DIR=>%s" % dir(self.testqobject1)
print "===================> slotcall-result: %s" % self.testqobject1.slot("self()")
#testobject = newobjref.get("TestObject")
#print testobject
print "-----------------9"
def testDefaultArguments(self):
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.uintfunc_defarg(98765) == 98765 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.uintfunc_defarg() == 12345 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringfunc_defarg("MyString") == "MyString" )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringfunc_defarg() == "MyDefaultString" )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistfunc_defarg(["s1","s2","s3"]) == ["s1","s2","s3"] )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.stringlistfunc_defarg() == ["Default1","Default2"] )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc_defarg(822.75173) == 822.75173 )
self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.variantfunc_defarg() == "MyDefaultVariantString" )
#def testExpectedFailures(self):
# to less arguments
#self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.pluginobject1.uintfunc)
#self.assert_( self.pluginobject1.uintfunc() != 8465 )
print "__name__ = %s" % __name__
#print "self = %s" % self
#print self.get("TestObject")
suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestPlugin)