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KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KDChart library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for
** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
#include <KDChartEnums.h>
#include <kdchart_export.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqbrush.h>
\file KDChartPropertySet.h
\brief Property settings of a single KDChart data cell.
\class KDChartPropertySet KDChartPropertySet.h
\brief Property settings of a single KDChart data cell.
\note The property settings feature currently is supported by
normal (== not 3-dimensional!) Line Charts only. Future releases
of KDChart will offer a rich set of options to use cell-specific
properties for other chart types as well...
The KDChartPropertySet class stores several settings to be
used by the painter classes to decide how to visualize the
respective data cell.
Each of the settings may be specified either by giving a
value for it or by using the ID of another KDChartPropertySet
instance: If the later the value of that instance is used
instead of the value that is stored locally.
\sa KDChartData::setPropertySet
\sa KDChartParams::registerProperties
class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartPropertySet :public TQObject
TQ_ENUMS( SpecialDataPropertyID )
// Required by TQSA
TQ_ENUMS( PenStyle )
friend class KDChartParams;
Special property IDs.
\li \c UndefinedID (the default value)
used to indicate that <b>no</b> ID was set for
members \c mIdLineWidth, \c mIdLineColor,
\c mIdLineStyle, \c mIdShowMarker and the like...
\li \c OwnID used for referencing a property set's *own* ID.
\sa KDChartPropertySet
enum SpecialDataPropertyID {
UndefinedID = -2,
OwnID = -1
default constructor setting all values to undefined
and name to empty string
KDChartPropertySet() :
mOwnID( UndefinedID )
{ fullReset(""); }
Constructor setting all Property Set IDs to the same ID value.
This constructor may be used to initialize a property set
and let it have all property IDs set to a specific value,
as ID to make the default property set the parent of all
\param name (may be empty) a name describing this property set.
\param idParent the ID of the parent property set. Skip this paramter
to define a property set without specifying a parent.
KDChartPropertySet( const TQString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ) :
mOwnID( UndefinedID )
{ fullReset( name, idParent ); }
Copy the settings stored by property set \c source into this property set.
\note Use this method instead of using the assignment operator.
\sa clone, quickReset, fullReset
void deepCopy( const KDChartPropertySet* source );
Create a new property set on the heap, copy the settings stored by
this property set into the newly created property set and return
the pointer to the new property set.
\note Use this method instead of using the copy constructor.
\sa deepCopy, quickReset, fullReset
const KDChartPropertySet* clone() const;
Set the name,
set all of the ID settings to idParent,
but do NOT change the value settings,
and do NOT modify mOwnID.
\note Use this to quickly reset the ID settings: in most cases this should
be sufficient for resetting the property set.
\sa clone, fullReset
void quickReset( const TQString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID );
Set the name,
set all of the ID settings to idParent,
set all of the value settings back to their default value,
but do NOT modify mOwnID.
\note Use this to entirely reset both the ID values and the value settings: one of
the very few reasons why you might want to do that might be your saving this property set
into a data stream. In most other cases just calling quickReset should be sufficient.
\sa clone, quickReset
void fullReset( const TQString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID );
Save this property set's settings in a stream,
this stores the own property set ID as well.
\sa loadXML
TQDomElement saveXML(TQDomDocument& doc) const;
Retrieves a property set and stores it in parameter set.
\note Since the property set's internal <b>ID</b> is also read
make sure to call KDChartParams::setProperties(, set )
after calling \c load() if you want to use the loaded
property set in the context of KDChartParam settings.
\returns TRUE if the property set could be read.
\sa id, saveXLM
static bool loadXML( const TQDomElement& element, KDChartPropertySet& set );
public slots:
Returns the name of this property set.
int id() const { return mOwnID; }
Change the descriptive name of this property set.
void setName( const TQString& name )
mName = name;
Returns the name of this property set.
TQString name() const { return mName; }
Specify the ID of the property set specifying a boolean flag indicating
whether this cell's bar is to be painted
<b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
\note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idShowBar ID of the property set specifying the flag
indicating whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for this flag.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the flag by using
the following parameter.
\param showBar Flag indicating whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa hasOwnShowBar
\sa setBarColor
\sa hasOwnBarColor
void setShowBar( int idShowBar, bool showBar )
mIdShowBar = idShowBar;
mShowBar = showBar;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own flag indicating
whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
\note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own showBar flag,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idShowBar will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idShowBar to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idShowBar is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own flag were specified (so no special
enabeling/disabeling of bars is associated to the
respective data cell), else idShowBar contains the
ID of another property set that is specifying the flag
to be used.
\param showBar this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter showBar contains the showBar flag
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the showBar
flag is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idShowBar parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setShowBar
\sa setBarColor
\sa hasOwnBarColor
bool hasOwnShowBar( int& idShowBar, bool& showBar )
idShowBar = mIdShowBar;
if( OwnID == idShowBar ){
showBar = mShowBar;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the bar color
to be used for this cell
<b>or</b> specify the bar color directly.
\note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idBarColor ID of the property set specifying the bar color.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for the bar color.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the bar color by using
the following parameter.
\param barColor The bar color to be used.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa hasOwnBarColor
void setBarColor( int idBarColor, const TQColor& barColor )
mIdBarColor = idBarColor;
mBarColor = barColor;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own bar color settings.
\note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own bar color settings,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idBarColor will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idBarColor to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idBarColor is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own bar color were specified (so no special
Bar color is associated to the respective data cell),
else idBarColor contains the ID of another property set
that is specifying the Bar color to be used.
\param barColor this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter barColor contains the bar color value
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the barColor
value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idBarColor parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setBarColor
bool hasOwnBarColor( int& idBarColor, TQColor& barColor )
idBarColor = mIdBarColor;
if( OwnID == mIdBarColor ){
barColor = mBarColor;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line width
to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
<b>or</b> specify the line width directly.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idLineWidth ID of the property set specifying the line width.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for the line width.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the line width by using
the following parameter.
\param lineWidth The line width to be used.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
void setLineWidth( int idLineWidth, int lineWidth )
mIdLineWidth = idLineWidth;
mLineWidth = lineWidth;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line width settings.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line width settings,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\param idLineWidth to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idLineWidth is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own line width were specified (so no special
line width is associated to the respective data cell),
else idLineWidth contains the ID of another property set
that is specifying the line width to be used.
\param lineWidth this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter lineWidth contains the line width value
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the lineWidth
value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idLineWidth parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
bool hasOwnLineWidth( int& idLineWidth, int& lineWidth )
idLineWidth = mIdLineWidth;
if( OwnID == mIdLineWidth ){
lineWidth = mLineWidth;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line color
to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
<b>or</b> specify the line color directly.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idLineColor ID of the property set specifying the line color.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for the line color.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the line color by using
the following parameter.
\param lineColor The line color to be used.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
void setLineColor( int idLineColor, const TQColor& lineColor )
mIdLineColor = idLineColor;
mLineColor = lineColor;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line color settings.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line color settings,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idLineColor will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idLineColor to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idLineColor is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own line color were specified (so no special
line color is associated to the respective data cell),
else idLineColor contains the ID of another property set
that is specifying the line color to be used.
\param lineColor this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter lineColor contains the line color value
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the lineColor
value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idLineColor parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
bool hasOwnLineColor( int& idLineColor, TQColor& lineColor )
idLineColor = mIdLineColor;
if( OwnID == mIdLineColor ){
lineColor = mLineColor;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line style
to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
<b>or</b> specify the line width directly.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idLineStyle ID of the property set specifying the line style.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for the line style.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the line style by using
the following parameter.
\param lineStyle The line style to be used.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
void setLineStyle( int idLineStyle, const Qt::PenStyle& lineStyle )
mIdLineStyle = idLineStyle;
mLineStyle = lineStyle;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line style settings.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line style settings,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idLineStyle will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idLineStyle to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idLineStyle is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own line style were specified (so no special
line style is associated to the respective data cell),
else idLineStyle contains the ID of another property set
that is specifying the line style to be used.
\param lineStyle this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter lineStyle contains the line style value
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the lineStyle
value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idLineStyle parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnShowMarker
bool hasOwnLineStyle( int& idLineStyle, Qt::PenStyle& lineStyle )
idLineStyle = mIdLineStyle;
if( OwnID == mIdLineStyle ){
lineStyle = mLineStyle;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the area brush
to be used for this cell
<b>or</b> specify the area brush directly.
\note This function should be used for Area Charts in <b>Normal</b> mode
only, otherwise the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idAreaBrush ID of the property set specifying the area brush.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for the area brush.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the area brush by using
the following parameter.
\param areaBrush The area brush to be used.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa hasOwnAreaBrush
void setAreaBrush( int idAreaBrush, const TQBrush& areaBrush )
mIdAreaBrush = idAreaBrush;
mAreaBrush = areaBrush;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own area brush settings.
\note This function should be used for Area Charts in <b>Normal</b> mode
only, otherwise the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own area brush settings,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idAreaBrush will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idAreaBrush to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idAreaBrush is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own area brush were specified (so no special
area brush is associated to the respective data cell),
else idAreaBrush contains the ID of another property set
that is specifying the area brush to be used.
\param areaBrush this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter areaBrush contains the area brush value
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the areaBrush
value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idAreaBrush parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setAreaBrush
bool hasOwnAreaBrush( int& idAreaBrush, TQBrush& areaBrush )
idAreaBrush = mIdAreaBrush;
if( OwnID == mIdAreaBrush ){
areaBrush = mAreaBrush;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying a boolean flag indicating
whether a Marker is to be displayed for this data value
<b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idShowMarker ID of the property set specifying the flag
indicating whether a marker is to be shown.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for this flag.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the flag by using
the following parameter.
\param showMarker Flag indicating whether a marker is to be shown.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa hasOwnShowMarker
\sa setMarkerAlign, setMarkerSize, setMarkerColor, setMarkerStyle
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle
void setShowMarker( int idShowMarker, bool showMarker )
mIdShowMarker = idShowMarker;
mShowMarker = showMarker;
Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own flag indicating
whether a Marker is to be displayed.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own showMarker flag,
FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
\note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
are to be used: in this case idShowMarker will be KDChartParams::NormalData
\param idShowMarker to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
If idShowMarker is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
then neither a property set ID
nor an own flag were specified (so no special
enabeling/disabeling of markers is associated to the
respective data cell), else idShowMarker contains the
ID of another property set that is specifying the flag
to be used.
\param showMarker this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
Parameter showMarker contains the showMarker flag
associated with the respective data cell.
If return value is FALSE the showMarker
flag is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
but this is to be overridden by the respective value
of another property set that is indicated
by the idShowMarker parameter - unless this has the special
value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
\sa setShowMarker
\sa hasOwnMarkerAlign, hasOwnMarkerSize, hasOwnMarkerColor, hasOwnMarkerStyle
\sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle
bool hasOwnShowMarker( int& idShowMarker, bool& showMarker )
idShowMarker = mIdShowMarker;
if( OwnID == idShowMarker ){
showMarker = mShowMarker;
return true;
return false;
Specify the ID of the property set specifying the alignment of the
Marker to be displayed for this data value
<b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
\note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
the settings specified here will be ignored.
\param idMarkerAlign ID of the property set specifying the alignment
of the Marker to be shown.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
to specify neither another property set's ID
nor an own value for this flag.
Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
settings but want to specify the flag by using
the following parameter.
\param markerAlign The alignment of the marker to be shown.
This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
\sa hasOwnShowMarker
\sa setMarkerAlign, setMarkerSize, setMarkerColor, setMarkerStyle
\sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle
void setMarkerAlign( int idMarkerAlign, uint markerAlign )
mIdMarkerAlign = idMarkerAlign;
mMarkerAlign = markerAlign;
bool hasOwnMarkerAlign( int& idMarkerAlign, uint& markerAlign )
idMarkerAlign = mIdMarkerAlign;
if( OwnID == idMarkerAlign ){
markerAlign = mMarkerAlign;
return true;
return false;
void setMarkerSize( int idMarkerSize, const TQSize& markerSize )
mIdMarkerSize = idMarkerSize;
mMarkerSize = markerSize;
bool hasOwnMarkerSize( int& idMarkerSize, TQSize& markerSize )
idMarkerSize = mIdMarkerSize;
if( OwnID == idMarkerSize ){
markerSize = mMarkerSize;
return true;
return false;
void setMarkerColor( int idMarkerColor, const TQColor& markerColor )
mIdMarkerColor = idMarkerColor;
mMarkerColor = markerColor;
bool hasOwnMarkerColor( int& idMarkerColor, TQColor& markerColor )
idMarkerColor = mIdMarkerColor;
if( OwnID == idMarkerColor ){
markerColor = mMarkerColor;
return true;
return false;
void setMarkerStyle( int idMarkerStyle, int markerStyle )
mIdMarkerStyle = idMarkerStyle;
mMarkerStyle = markerStyle;
bool hasOwnMarkerStyle( int& idMarkerStyle, int& markerStyle )
idMarkerStyle = mIdMarkerStyle;
if( OwnID == idMarkerStyle ){
markerStyle = mMarkerStyle;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesAlign( int idExtraLinesAlign, uint extraLinesAlign )
mIdExtraLinesAlign = idExtraLinesAlign;
mExtraLinesAlign = extraLinesAlign;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesAlign( int& idExtraLinesAlign, uint& extraLinesAlign )
idExtraLinesAlign = mIdExtraLinesAlign;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesAlign ){
extraLinesAlign = mExtraLinesAlign;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesInFront( int idExtraLinesInFront, bool extraLinesInFront )
mIdExtraLinesInFront = idExtraLinesInFront;
mExtraLinesInFront = extraLinesInFront;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesInFront( int& idExtraLinesInFront, bool& extraLinesInFront )
idExtraLinesInFront = mIdExtraLinesInFront;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesInFront ){
extraLinesInFront = mExtraLinesInFront;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesLength( int idExtraLinesLength, int extraLinesLength )
mIdExtraLinesLength = idExtraLinesLength;
mExtraLinesLength = extraLinesLength;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesLength( int& idExtraLinesLength, int& extraLinesLength )
idExtraLinesLength = mIdExtraLinesLength;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesLength ){
extraLinesLength = mExtraLinesLength;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesWidth( int idExtraLinesWidth, int extraLinesWidth )
mIdExtraLinesWidth = idExtraLinesWidth;
mExtraLinesWidth = extraLinesWidth;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesWidth( int& idExtraLinesWidth, int& extraLinesWidth )
idExtraLinesWidth = mIdExtraLinesWidth;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesWidth ){
extraLinesWidth = mExtraLinesWidth;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesColor( int idExtraLinesColor, const TQColor& extraLinesColor )
mIdExtraLinesColor = idExtraLinesColor;
mExtraLinesColor = extraLinesColor;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesColor( int& idExtraLinesColor, TQColor& extraLinesColor )
idExtraLinesColor = mIdExtraLinesColor;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesColor ){
extraLinesColor = mExtraLinesColor;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraLinesStyle( int idExtraLinesStyle, const Qt::PenStyle extraLinesStyle )
mIdExtraLinesStyle = idExtraLinesStyle;
mExtraLinesStyle = extraLinesStyle;
bool hasOwnExtraLinesStyle( int& idExtraLinesStyle, Qt::PenStyle& extraLinesStyle )
idExtraLinesStyle = mIdExtraLinesStyle;
if( OwnID == idExtraLinesStyle ){
extraLinesStyle = mExtraLinesStyle;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraMarkersAlign( int idExtraMarkersAlign, uint extraMarkersAlign )
mIdExtraMarkersAlign = idExtraMarkersAlign;
mExtraMarkersAlign = extraMarkersAlign;
bool hasOwnExtraMarkersAlign( int& idExtraMarkersAlign, uint& extraMarkersAlign )
idExtraMarkersAlign = mIdExtraMarkersAlign;
if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersAlign ){
extraMarkersAlign = mExtraMarkersAlign;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraMarkersSize( int idExtraMarkersSize, const TQSize& extraMarkersSize )
mIdExtraMarkersSize = idExtraMarkersSize;
mExtraMarkersSize = extraMarkersSize;
bool hasOwnExtraMarkersSize( int& idExtraMarkersSize, TQSize& extraMarkersSize )
idExtraMarkersSize = mIdExtraMarkersSize;
if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersSize ){
extraMarkersSize = mExtraMarkersSize;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraMarkersColor( int idExtraMarkersColor, const TQColor& extraMarkersColor )
mIdExtraMarkersColor = idExtraMarkersColor;
mExtraMarkersColor = extraMarkersColor;
bool hasOwnExtraMarkersColor( int& idExtraMarkersColor, TQColor& extraMarkersColor )
idExtraMarkersColor = mIdExtraMarkersColor;
if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersColor ){
extraMarkersColor = mExtraMarkersColor;
return true;
return false;
void setExtraMarkersStyle( int idExtraMarkersStyle, int extraMarkersStyle )
mIdExtraMarkersStyle = idExtraMarkersStyle;
mExtraMarkersStyle = extraMarkersStyle;
bool hasOwnExtraMarkersStyle( int& idExtraMarkersStyle, int& extraMarkersStyle )
idExtraMarkersStyle = mIdExtraMarkersStyle;
if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersStyle ){
extraMarkersStyle = mExtraMarkersStyle;
return true;
return false;
// the following member only to be set internally by KDChartParams::registerProperties
// and by KDChartParams::setProperties
int mOwnID;
KDChartPropertySet( const KDChartPropertySet& ) : TQObject(0) {}
TQString mName;
// IDs: values used if ID == OwnID:
int mIdLineWidth; int mLineWidth;
int mIdLineColor; TQColor mLineColor;
int mIdLineStyle; Qt::PenStyle mLineStyle;
int mIdShowMarker; bool mShowMarker;
int mIdMarkerSize; TQSize mMarkerSize;
int mIdMarkerColor; TQColor mMarkerColor;
int mIdMarkerStyle; int mMarkerStyle;
int mIdMarkerAlign; uint mMarkerAlign;
int mIdExtraLinesAlign; uint mExtraLinesAlign;
int mIdExtraLinesInFront; bool mExtraLinesInFront;
int mIdExtraLinesLength; int mExtraLinesLength;
int mIdExtraLinesWidth; int mExtraLinesWidth;
int mIdExtraLinesColor; TQColor mExtraLinesColor;
int mIdExtraLinesStyle; Qt::PenStyle mExtraLinesStyle;
int mIdExtraMarkersAlign; uint mExtraMarkersAlign;
int mIdExtraMarkersSize; TQSize mExtraMarkersSize;
int mIdExtraMarkersColor; TQColor mExtraMarkersColor;
int mIdExtraMarkersStyle; int mExtraMarkersStyle;
int mIdShowBar; bool mShowBar;
int mIdBarColor; TQColor mBarColor;
int mIdAreaBrush; TQBrush mAreaBrush;
void fillValueMembersWithDummyValues();