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* This file is part of the KDE project
* Copyright (c) 2004 Cyrille Berger <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kis_iterators_pixel.h>
#include <kis_filter_registry.h>
#include <kis_debug_areas.h>
#include <kis_types.h>
#include <kis_paint_device.h>
#include <kis_debug_areas.h>
#include "wetphysicsfilter.h"
* [11:14] <boud> CyrilleB: I think I know why watercolor drying creates that funny pattern (you can see it if you have a very wet canvas with lots of paint and leave it drying for a while): our dry filter must have an off-by-one error to the right and bottom, which is also why the buggy drying didn't remove all of previously applied paint but left a fringe.
* [11:14] <pippin> does the drying behave kind of like an error diffusion?
* [11:14] <pippin> (it sounds like error diffusion artifacts,.)
* [11:15] <boud> pippin: not sure what error diffusion is...
* [11:15] <pippin> used for digital halftoning
* [11:15] <pippin> take a greyscale image,.. you want to end up with binary (could be less, but let's use 1bit result)
* [11:15] <CyrilleB> boud: the funny pattern is also in wetdreams when you disable wetness visualisation
* [11:15] <boud> CyrilleB: I don't mean the checkerboard pattern
* [11:16] <pippin> then for each pixel you calculate the difference between the current value and the desired value (0 or 255)
* [11:16] <CyrilleB> boud: which one then ?
* [11:16] <pippin> the error is distributed to the neighbour pixels (to the right, down and down to the left in pixels which have not yet been processed
* [11:16] <pippin> )
* [11:16] <boud> CyrilleB: it's only apparent when you let something dry for some time, it looks like meandering snakes (like the old game "snake")
* [11:16] <CyrilleB> pippin: somehow yes
* [11:16] <boud> pippin: that is possible
* [11:17] <pippin> boud: this leads to "bleeding" of data to the right and down,..
* [11:17] <boud> pippin: but on the other hand, when the filter worked on the old tiles (empty ones) it also left a fringe of color.
* [11:17] <pippin> having the "error" spread in different directions on each iteration might fix something like this,.
* [11:18] <boud> Which leads me to think it's an off-by one.
* [11:25] <boud> No, it isn't off by one. Then pippin must be right.
* [11:26] <pippin> if I am, this is a fun debug session, not even having the code or the visual results available,. just hanging around on irc :)
* [11:27] <boud> Well, I don't have time to investigate right now, but it sounds very plausible.
* [11:27] <CyrilleB> pippin: :)
* [11:28] <boud> of course, the code _is_ available :-)
* [11:28] <pippin> if there is some form of diffusion matrix that is directional around the current pixel,. having that mask rotate depending on the modulus of the current iteration # should cancel such an effect out
: KisFilter(id(), "artistic", i18n("Dry the Paint"))
m_adsorbCount = 0;
void WetPhysicsFilter::process(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP dst, KisFilterConfiguration* /*config*/, const QRect& rect)
kdDebug() << "Physics processing " << src->name() << m_adsorbCount << endl;
// XXX: It would be nice be able to interleave this, instead of
// having the same loop over our pixels three times.
flow(src, dst, rect);
if (m_adsorbCount++ == 2) {
// XXX I think we could combine dry and adsorb, yes
adsorb(src, dst, rect);
dry(src, dst, rect);
m_adsorbCount = 0;
setProgressDone(); // Must be called even if you don't really support progression
void WetPhysicsFilter::flow(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP /*dst*/, const QRect & r)
/* XXX: Is this like a convolution operation? BSAR */
int width = r.width();
int height = r.height();
kdDebug() << "Flowing: " << r << endl;
/* width of a line in a layer in pixel units, not in bytes -- used to move to the next
line in the fluid masks below */
int rs = width; // rowstride
double * flow_t = new double[width * height];
double * flow_b = new double[width * height];
double * flow_l = new double[width * height];
double * flow_r = new double[width * height];
double * fluid = new double[width * height];
double * outflow = new double[width * height];
// Height of the paper surface. Do we also increase height because of paint deposits?
int my_height;
// Flow to the top, bottom, left, right of the currentpixel
double ft, fb, fl, fr;
// Temporary pixel constructs
WetPixDbl wet_mix, wet_tmp;
// XXX If the flow touches areas that have not been initialized with a height field yet,
// create a heigth field.
// We need three iterators, because we're working on a five-point convolution kernel (no corner pixels are being used)
// First iteration: compute fluid deposits around the paper.
Q_INT32 dx, dy;
dx = r.x();
dy = r.y();
int ix = width + 1; // keeps track where we are in the one-dimensional arrays
for (Q_INT32 y2 = 1; y2 < height - 1; ++y2) {
KisHLineIteratorPixel srcIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx, dy + y2, width, false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel upIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2 - 1, width - 2, false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel downIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2 + 1, width - 2, false);
// .paint is the first field in our wetpack, so this is ok (even though not nice)
WetPix left = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()));
WetPix current = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()));
WetPix right = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()));
WetPix up, down;
while (!srcIt.isDone()) {
up = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(upIt.rawData()));
down = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(downIt.rawData()));
if (current.w > 0) {
my_height = current.h + current.w;
ft = (up.h + up.w) - my_height;
fb = (down.h + down.w) - my_height;
fl = (left.h + left.w) - my_height;
fr = (right.h + right.w) - my_height;
fluid[ix] = 0.4 * sqrt(current.w * 1.0 / 255.0);
/* smooth out the flow a bit */
flow_t[ix] = CLAMP(0.1 * (10 + ft * 0.75 - fb * 0.25), 0, 1);
flow_b[ix] = CLAMP(0.1 * (10 + fb * 0.75 - ft * 0.25), 0, 1);
flow_l[ix] = CLAMP(0.1 * (10 + fl * 0.75 - fr * 0.25), 0, 1);
flow_r[ix] = CLAMP(0.1 * (10 + fr * 0.75 - fl * 0.25), 0, 1);
outflow[ix] = 0;
left = current;
current = right;
right = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()));
ix+=2; // one for the last pixel on the line, and one for the first of the next line
// Second iteration: Reduce flow in dry areas
ix = width + 1;
for (Q_INT32 y2 = 1; y2 < height - 1; ++y2) {
KisHLineIteratorPixel srcIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2, width - 2, false);
while (!srcIt.isDone()) {
if ((reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()))->w > 0) {
/* reduce flow in dry areas */
flow_t[ix] *= fluid[ix] * fluid[ix - rs];
outflow[ix - rs] += flow_t[ix];
flow_b[ix] *= fluid[ix] * fluid[ix + rs];
outflow[ix + rs] += flow_b[ix];
flow_l[ix] *= fluid[ix] * fluid[ix - 1];
outflow[ix - 1] += flow_l[ix];
flow_r[ix] *= fluid[ix] * fluid[ix + 1];
outflow[ix + 1] += flow_r[ix];
ix += 2;
// Third iteration: Combine the paint from the flow areas.
ix = width + 1;
for (Q_INT32 y2 = 1; y2 < height - 1; ++y2) {
KisHLineIteratorPixel srcIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx, dy + y2, width, false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel upIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2 - 1, width - 2, false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel downIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2 + 1, width - 2, false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel dstIt = src->createHLineIterator(dx + 1, dy + y2, width - 2, true);
WetPix left = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(srcIt.oldRawData()));
WetPix current = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(srcIt.oldRawData()));
WetPix right = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(srcIt.oldRawData()));
WetPix up, down;
while (!srcIt.isDone()) {
up = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(upIt.oldRawData()));
down = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(downIt.oldRawData()));
if ((reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(srcIt.rawData()))->w > 0) {
reducePixel(&wet_mix, &current, 1 - outflow[ix]);
reducePixel(&wet_tmp, &up, flow_t[ix]);
combinePixels(&wet_mix, &wet_mix, &wet_tmp);
reducePixel(&wet_tmp, &down, flow_b[ix]);
combinePixels(&wet_mix, &wet_mix, &wet_tmp);
reducePixel(&wet_tmp, &left, flow_l[ix]);
combinePixels(&wet_mix, &wet_mix, &wet_tmp);
reducePixel(&wet_tmp, &right, flow_r[ix]);
combinePixels(&wet_mix, &wet_mix, &wet_tmp);
WetPix* target = reinterpret_cast<WetPix*>(dstIt.rawData());
wetPixFromDouble(target, &wet_mix);
left = current;
current = right;
right = *(reinterpret_cast<const WetPix*>(srcIt.oldRawData()));
ix += 2;
delete[] flow_t;
delete[] flow_b;
delete[] flow_l;
delete[] flow_r;
delete[] fluid;
delete[] outflow;
void WetPhysicsFilter::dry(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP dst, const QRect & r)
kdDebug () << "Drying " << r << endl;
for (Q_INT32 y = 0; y < r.height(); y++) {
KisHLineIteratorPixel srcIt = src->createHLineIterator(r.x(), r.y() + y, r.width(), false);
KisHLineIteratorPixel dstIt = dst->createHLineIterator(r.x(), r.y() + y, r.width(), true);
Q_UINT16 w;
while (!srcIt.isDone()) {
// Two wet pixels in one KisWetColorSpace pixels.
WetPack pack = *(reinterpret_cast<WetPack*>(srcIt.rawData()));
WetPix* p = &(pack.paint);
w = p->w; // no -1 here because we work on unsigned ints!
if (w > 0)
p->w = w - 1;
p->w = 0;
*(reinterpret_cast<WetPack*>(dstIt.rawData())) = pack;
void WetPhysicsFilter::adsorb(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP /*dst*/, const QRect & r)
kdDebug() << "Adsorbing " << r << endl;
for (Q_INT32 y = 0; y < r.height(); y++) {
KisHLineIteratorPixel srcIt = src->createHLineIterator(r.x(), r.y() + y, r.width(), true);
double ads;
WetPixDbl wet_top;
WetPixDbl wet_bot;
WetPack * pack;
Q_UINT16 w;
while (!srcIt.isDone()) {
// Two wet pixels in one KisWetColorSpace pixels.
pack = reinterpret_cast<WetPack*>(srcIt.rawData());
WetPix* paint = &pack->paint;
WetPix* adsorb = &pack->adsorb;
/* do adsorption */
w = paint->w;
if (w == 0) {
else {
ads = 0.5 / QMAX(w, 1);
wetPixToDouble(&wet_top, paint);
wetPixToDouble(&wet_bot, adsorb);
mergePixel(&wet_bot, &wet_top, ads, &wet_bot);
wetPixFromDouble(adsorb, &wet_bot);
paint->rd = (Q_UINT16) (paint->rd*(1 - ads));
paint->rw = (Q_UINT16) (paint->rw*(1 - ads));
paint->gd = (Q_UINT16) (paint->gd*(1 - ads));
paint->gw = (Q_UINT16) (paint->gw*(1 - ads));
paint->bd = (Q_UINT16) (paint->bd*(1 - ads));
paint->bw = (Q_UINT16) (paint->bw*(1 - ads));
void WetPhysicsFilter::combinePixels (WetPixDbl *dst, WetPixDbl *src1, WetPixDbl *src2)
dst->rd = src1->rd + src2->rd;
dst->rw = src1->rw + src2->rw;
dst->gd = src1->gd + src2->gd;
dst->gw = src1->gw + src2->gw;
dst->bd = src1->bd + src2->bd;
dst->bw = src1->bw + src2->bw;
dst->w = src1->w + src2->w;
void WetPhysicsFilter::dilutePixel (WetPixDbl *dst, WetPix *src, double dilution)
double scale = dilution * (1.0 / 8192.0);
dst->rd = src->rd * scale;
dst->rw = src->rw * scale;
dst->gd = src->gd * scale;
dst->gw = src->gw * scale;
dst->bd = src->bd * scale;
dst->bw = src->bw * scale;
dst->w = src->w * (1.0 / 8192.0);
dst->h = src->h * (1.0 / 8192.0);
void WetPhysicsFilter::reducePixel (WetPixDbl *dst, WetPix *src, double dilution)
dilutePixel(dst, src, dilution);
dst->w *= dilution;
void WetPhysicsFilter::mergePixel (WetPixDbl *dst, WetPixDbl *src1, double dilution1,
WetPixDbl *src2)
double d1, w1, d2, w2;
double ed1, ed2;
if (src1->rd < 1e-4) {
dst->rd = src2->rd;
dst->rw = src2->rw;
} else if (src2->rd < 1e-4) {
dst->rd = src1->rd * dilution1;
dst->rw = src1->rw * dilution1;
} else {
d1 = src1->rd;
w1 = src1->rw;
d2 = src2->rd;
w2 = src2->rw;
dst->rd = d1 * dilution1 + d2;
ed1 = exp(-d1 * dilution1);
ed2 = exp(-d2);
dst->rw = dst->rd * ((1 - ed1) * w1 / d1 + ed1 * (1 - ed2) * w2 / d2) / (1 - ed1 * ed2);
if (src1->gd < 1e-4) {
dst->gd = src2->gd;
dst->gw = src2->gw;
} else if (src2->gd < 1e-4) {
dst->gd = src1->gd * dilution1;
dst->gw = src1->gw * dilution1;
} else {
d1 = src1->gd;
w1 = src1->gw;
d2 = src2->gd;
w2 = src2->gw;
dst->gd = d1 * dilution1 + d2;
ed1 = exp(-d1 * dilution1);
ed2 = exp(-d2);
dst->gw = dst->gd * ((1 - ed1) * w1 / d1 + ed1 * (1 - ed2) * w2 / d2) / (1 - ed1 * ed2);
if (src1->bd < 1e-4) {
dst->bd = src2->bd;
dst->bw = src2->bw;
} else if (src2->bd < 1e-4) {
dst->bd = src1->bd * dilution1;
dst->bw = src1->bw * dilution1;
} else {
d1 = src1->bd;
w1 = src1->bw;
d2 = src2->bd;
w2 = src2->bw;
dst->bd = d1 * dilution1 + d2;
ed1 = exp(-d1 * dilution1);
ed2 = exp(-d2);
dst->bw = dst->bd * ((1 - ed1) * w1 / d1 + ed1 * (1 - ed2) * w2 / d2) / (1 - ed1 * ed2);