You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

650 lines
19 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright 2004 Tomas Mecir <>
Copyright (C) 1998-2004 KSpread Team <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "valueformatter.h"
#include "kspread_cell.h"
#include "kspread_locale.h"
#include "kspread_util.h"
#include "valueconverter.h"
#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace KSpread;
ValueFormatter::ValueFormatter (ValueConverter *conv) : converter( conv )
TQString ValueFormatter::formatText (Cell *cell, FormatType fmtType)
if (cell->hasError ())
return errorFormat (cell);
TQString str;
Format::FloatFormat floatFormat =
cell->format()->floatFormat (cell->column(), cell->row());
int precision = cell->format()->precision (cell->column(), cell->row());
TQString prefix = cell->format()->prefix (cell->column(), cell->row());
TQString postfix = cell->format()->postfix (cell->column(), cell->row());
Format::Currency currency;
bool valid = cell->format()->currencyInfo(currency);
TQString currencySymbol = valid ? currency.symbol : TQString();
return formatText (cell->value(), fmtType, precision,
floatFormat, prefix, postfix, currencySymbol);
TQString ValueFormatter::formatText (const Value &value,
FormatType fmtType, int precision, Format::FloatFormat floatFormat,
const TQString &prefix, const TQString &postfix, const TQString &currencySymbol)
//if we have an array, use its first element
if (value.isArray())
return formatText (value.element (0, 0), fmtType, precision,
floatFormat, prefix, postfix, currencySymbol);
TQString str;
//step 1: determine formatting that will be used
fmtType = determineFormatting (value, fmtType);
//step 2: format the value !
if (fmtType == Text_format)
str = converter->asString (value).asString();
if (!str.isEmpty() && str[0]=='\'' )
str = str.mid(1);
else if (formatIsDate (fmtType))
str = dateFormat (value.asDate(), fmtType);
else if (formatIsTime (fmtType))
str = timeFormat (value.asDateTime(), fmtType);
else if (formatIsFraction (fmtType))
str = fractionFormat (value.asFloat(), fmtType);
//some cell parameters ...
double v = converter->asFloat (value).asFloat();
// Always unsigned ?
if ((floatFormat == Format::AlwaysUnsigned) && (v < 0.0))
v *= -1.0;
// Make a string out of it.
str = createNumberFormat (v, precision, fmtType,
(floatFormat == Format::AlwaysSigned), currencySymbol);
// Remove trailing zeros and the decimal point if necessary
// unless the number has no decimal point
if (precision == -1)
TQChar decimal_point = converter->locale()->decimalSymbol()[0];
if ( decimal_point.isNull() )
decimal_point = '.';
removeTrailingZeros (str, decimal_point);
if (!prefix.isEmpty())
str = prefix + ' ' + str;
if( !postfix.isEmpty())
str += ' ' + postfix;
//kdDebug() << "ValueFormatter says: " << str << endl;
return str;
FormatType ValueFormatter::determineFormatting (const Value &value,
FormatType fmtType)
//if the cell value is a string, then we want to display it as-is,
//no matter what, same if the cell is empty
if (value.isString () || (value.format() == Value::fmt_None))
return Text_format;
//same if we're supposed to display string, no matter what we actually got
if (fmtType == Text_format)
return Text_format;
//now, everything depends on whether the formatting is Generic or not
if (fmtType == Generic_format)
//here we decide based on value's format...
Value::Format fmt = value.format();
switch (fmt) {
case Value::fmt_None:
fmtType = Text_format;
case Value::fmt_Boolean:
fmtType = Text_format;
case Value::fmt_Number:
if (value.asFloat() > 1e+10)
fmtType = Scientific_format;
fmtType = Number_format;
case Value::fmt_Percent:
fmtType = Percentage_format;
case Value::fmt_Money:
fmtType = Money_format;
case Value::fmt_DateTime:
fmtType = TextDate_format;
case Value::fmt_Date:
fmtType = ShortDate_format;
case Value::fmt_Time:
fmtType = Time_format;
case Value::fmt_String:
//this should never happen
fmtType = Text_format;
return fmtType;
//we'll mostly want to use the given formatting, the only exception
//being Boolean values
//TODO: is this correct? We may also want to convert bools to 1s and 0s
//if we want to display a number...
//TODO: what to do about Custom formatting? We don't support it as of now,
// but we'll have it ... one day, that is ...
if (value.isBoolean())
return Text_format;
return fmtType;
void ValueFormatter::removeTrailingZeros (TQString &str, TQChar decimal_point)
if (str.find (decimal_point) < 0)
//no decimal point -> nothing to do
int start = 0;
int cslen = converter->locale()->currencySymbol().length();
if (str.find ('%') != -1)
start = 2;
else if (str.find (converter->locale()->currencySymbol()) ==
((int) (str.length() - cslen)))
start = cslen + 1;
else if ((start = str.find ('E')) != -1)
start = str.length() - start;
start = 0;
int i = str.length() - start;
bool bFinished = false;
while ( !bFinished && i > 0 )
TQChar ch = str[i - 1];
if (ch == '0')
str.remove (--i,1);
bFinished = true;
if (ch == decimal_point)
str.remove (--i, 1);
TQString ValueFormatter::createNumberFormat ( double value, int precision,
FormatType fmt, bool alwaysSigned, const TQString& currencySymbol)
// if precision is -1, ask for a huge number of decimals, we'll remove
// the zeros later. Is 8 ok ?
// Stefan: No. Use maximum possible decimal precision (DBL_DIG) instead.
int p = (precision == -1) ? 8 : precision;
TQString localizedNumber;
int pos = 0;
//multiply value by 100 for percentage format
if (fmt == Percentage_format)
value *= 100;
// this will avoid displaying negative zero, i.e "-0.0000"
if( fabs( value ) < DBL_EPSILON ) value = 0.0;
// round the number, based on desired precision if not scientific is chosen
//(scientific has relative precision)
if( fmt != Scientific_format )
double m[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10 };
double mm = (p > 10) ? pow(10.0,p) : m[p];
bool neg = value < 0;
value = floor( fabs(value)*mm + 0.5 ) / mm;
if( neg ) value = -value;
TQChar decimal_point;
switch (fmt)
case Number_format:
localizedNumber = converter->locale()->formatNumber(value, p);
case Percentage_format:
localizedNumber = converter->locale()->formatNumber (value, p)+ " %";
case Money_format:
localizedNumber = converter->locale()->formatMoney (value,
currencySymbol.isEmpty() ? converter->locale()->currencySymbol() : currencySymbol, p );
case Scientific_format:
decimal_point = converter->locale()->decimalSymbol()[0];
localizedNumber = TQString::number (value, 'E', p);
if ((pos = localizedNumber.find ('.')) != -1)
localizedNumber = localizedNumber.replace (pos, 1, decimal_point);
default :
//other formatting?
// This happens with Custom_format...
kdDebug(36001)<<"Wrong usage of ValueFormatter::createNumberFormat fmt=" << fmt << "\n";
//prepend positive sign if needed
if (alwaysSigned && value >= 0 )
if (converter->locale()->positiveSign().isEmpty())
return localizedNumber;
TQString ValueFormatter::fractionFormat (double value, FormatType fmtType)
double result = value - floor(value);
int index;
int limit = 0;
/* return w/o fraction part if not necessary */
if (result == 0)
return TQString::number(value);
switch (fmtType) {
case fraction_half:
index = 2;
case fraction_quarter:
index = 4;
case fraction_eighth:
index = 8;
case fraction_sixteenth:
index = 16;
case fraction_tenth:
index = 10;
case fraction_hundredth:
index = 100;
case fraction_one_digit:
index = 3;
limit = 9;
case fraction_two_digits:
index = 4;
limit = 99;
case fraction_three_digits:
index = 5;
limit = 999;
kdDebug(36001) << "Error in Fraction format\n";
return TQString::number(value);
} /* switch */
/* handle halves, quarters, tenths, ... */
if (fmtType != fraction_three_digits
&& fmtType != fraction_two_digits
&& fmtType != fraction_one_digit) {
double calc = 0;
int index1 = 0;
double diff = result;
for (int i = 1; i <= index; i++) {
calc = i * 1.0 / index;
if (fabs(result - calc) < diff) {
index1 = i;
diff = fabs(result - calc);
if( index1 == 0 ) return TQString("%1").arg( floor(value) );
if( index1 == index ) return TQString("%1").arg( floor(value)+1 );
if( floor(value) == 0)
return TQString("%1/%2").arg( index1 ).arg( index );
return TQString("%1 %2/%3")
.arg( floor(value) )
.arg( index1 )
.arg( index );
/* handle fraction_one_digit, fraction_two_digit
* and fraction_three_digit style */
double precision, denominator, numerator;
do {
double val1 = result;
double val2 = rint(result);
double inter2 = 1;
double inter4, p, q;
inter4 = p = q = 0;
precision = pow(10.0, -index);
numerator = val2;
denominator = 1;
while (fabs(numerator/denominator - result) > precision) {
val1 = (1 / (val1 - val2));
val2 = rint(val1);
p = val2 * numerator + inter2;
q = val2 * denominator + inter4;
inter2 = numerator;
inter4 = denominator;
numerator = p;
denominator = q;
} while (fabs(denominator) > limit);
denominator = fabs(denominator);
numerator = fabs(numerator);
if (denominator == numerator)
return TQString().setNum(floor(value + 1));
if ( floor(value) == 0 )
return TQString("%1/%2").arg(numerator).arg(denominator);
return TQString("%1 %2/%3")
TQString ValueFormatter::timeFormat (const TQDateTime &dt, FormatType fmtType)
if (fmtType == Time_format)
return converter->locale()->formatTime(dt.time(), false);
if (fmtType == SecondeTime_format)
return converter->locale()->formatTime(dt.time(), true);
int h = dt.time().hour();
int m = dt.time().minute();
int s = dt.time().second();
TQString hour = ( h < 10 ? "0" + TQString::number(h) : TQString::number(h) );
TQString minute = ( m < 10 ? "0" + TQString::number(m) : TQString::number(m) );
TQString second = ( s < 10 ? "0" + TQString::number(s) : TQString::number(s) );
bool pm = (h > 12);
TQString AMPM( pm ? i18n("PM"):i18n("AM") );
if (fmtType == Time_format1) { // 9 : 01 AM
return TQString("%1:%2 %3")
.arg((pm ? h - 12 : h),2)
if (fmtType == Time_format2) { //9:01:05 AM
return TQString("%1:%2:%3 %4")
.arg((pm ? h-12 : h),2)
if (fmtType == Time_format3) {
return TQString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6") // 9 h 01 min 28 s
if (fmtType == Time_format4) { // 9:01
return TQString("%1:%2").arg(hour, 2).arg(minute, 2);
if (fmtType == Time_format5) { // 9:01:12
return TQString("%1:%2:%3").arg(hour, 2).arg(minute, 2).arg(second, 2);
TQDate d1(;
TQDate d2( 1899, 12, 31 );
int d = d2.daysTo( d1 ) + 1;
h += d * 24;
if (fmtType == Time_format6)
{ // [mm]:ss
m += (h * 60);
return TQString("%1:%2").arg(m, 1).arg(second, 2);
if (fmtType == Time_format7) { // [h]:mm:ss
return TQString("%1:%2:%3").arg(h, 1).arg(minute, 2).arg(second, 2);
if (fmtType == Time_format8)
{ // [h]:mm
m += (h * 60);
return TQString("%1:%2").arg(h, 1).arg(minute, 2);
return converter->locale()->formatTime( dt.time(), false );
TQString ValueFormatter::dateFormat (const TQDate &date, FormatType fmtType)
TQString tmp;
if (fmtType == ShortDate_format) {
tmp = converter->locale()->formatDate(date, true);
else if (fmtType == TextDate_format) {
tmp = converter->locale()->formatDate(date, false);
else if (fmtType == date_format1) { /*18-Feb-99 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "-" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format2) { /*18-Feb-1999 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "-" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format3) { /*18-Feb */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "-" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true);
else if (fmtType == date_format4) { /*18-05 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "-" + TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month() );
else if (fmtType == date_format5) { /*18/05/00 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month()) + "/";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format6) { /*18/05/1999 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month()) + "/";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format7) { /*Feb-99 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format8) { /*February-99 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, false) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format9) { /*February-1999 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, false) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format10) { /*F-99 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, false).at(0) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format11) { /*18/Feb */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d", + "/";
tmp += converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true);
else if (fmtType == date_format12) { /*18/02 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d", + "/";
tmp += TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month());
else if (fmtType == date_format13) { /*18/Feb/1999 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "/";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format14) { /*2000/Feb/18 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
tmp += "/" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "/";
tmp += TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
else if (fmtType == date_format15) { /*2000-Feb-18 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
tmp += "-" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "-";
tmp += TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
else if (fmtType == date_format16) { /*2000-02-18 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
tmp += "-" + TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month()) + "-";
tmp += TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
else if (fmtType == date_format17) { /*2 february 2000 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%d",;
tmp += " " + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, false) + " ";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format18) { /*02/18/1999 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month());
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format19) { /*02/18/99 */
tmp = TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month());
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format20) { /*Feb/18/99 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true);
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format21) { /*Feb/18/1999 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true);
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp += "/" + TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format22) { /*Feb-1999 */
tmp = converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true) + "-";
tmp += TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format23) { /*1999 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
else if (fmtType == date_format24) { /*99 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year()).right(2);
else if (fmtType == date_format25) { /*2000/02/18 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d", date.month());
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
else if (fmtType == date_format26) { /*2000/Feb/18 */
tmp = TQString::number(date.year());
tmp += "/" + converter->locale()->calendar()->monthString(date, true);
tmp += "/" + TQString().sprintf("%02d",;
tmp = converter->locale()->formatDate(date, true);
// Missing compared with gnumeric:
// "m/d/yy h:mm", /* 20 */
// "m/d/yyyy h:mm", /* 21 */
// "mmm/ddd/yy", /* 12 */
// "mmm/ddd/yyyy", /* 13 */
// "mm/ddd/yy", /* 14 */
// "mm/ddd/yyyy", /* 15 */
return tmp;
TQString ValueFormatter::errorFormat (Cell *cell)
TQString err;
if (cell->testFlag (Cell::Flag_ParseError))
err = "#" + i18n ("Parse") + "!";
else if ( cell->testFlag (Cell::Flag_CircularCalculation))
err = "#" + i18n ("Circle") + "!";
else if ( cell->testFlag (Cell::Flag_DependancyError))
err = "#" + i18n ("Depend") + "!";
err = "####";
kdDebug(36001) << "Unhandled error type." << endl;
return err;