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<title>KOffice filters status: Applix Spreadsheet FILTER</title>
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KOffice filters status: &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Applix Spreadsheet FILTER</i>
<font size="-1"><b>
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<center><b><i><font size="+1">
Import Applix Spreadsheet for kspread<BR>
<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
<td>03 mar 2001</td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
- can import simple and complex Applix Spreadsheet documents<br>
- tests the headline of the document<br>
- converts &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, to &amp;lt; &amp;gt; &amp;amp;<br>
- converts all applix special characters<br>
- converts fontsize, fontcolor, horizontal and vertical tqalignment, bold, italic, underline<br>
- eats long text strings (more than one row in inputfile)<br>
- converts different tables inside of one document<br>
- cellformat: background color, brushstyles, brushcolor<br>
- cellframe: linewidth, linetype, linecolor<br>
- row height and column width<br>
- converting the fontfamily (incl. reading the typeface table)<br>
- correct process bar value emiting (procent)<br>
- rows A-Z and greater Z (AA-ZZ) are right translate into integer values<br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
- cellframes: double lines are not supported in kspread till now. So they can't translated correct.<br>
- check the row height and column width - they are not right sometimes<br>
- grouped row and column formats<br>
- add endoffile checking with dialog in do-while loops<br>
- detect valueline (can only do textlines)<br>
- convert a formular, date or something else right with cell references<br>
- change the printf output to debug (xxxxx) output<br>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign=top>
<td align=right>17 mar 2001</td>
<td>The fontfamily in support (incl. bugfix)<BR>
Longnamed columns like AA are right supported now- for cell elements and column width elements<BR>
Corrected the row width values. They start with 32768!<BR>
Little code cleanup. Updated the fileformat description.
<td align=right>13 mar 2001</td>
<td>Added the progress bar value emiting (<A HREF="">David Faure</A>)</td>
<td align=right>11 mar 2001</td>
<td>Added fileformat description.</td>
<td align=right>10 mar 2001</td>
<td>Checked in this version after discussion with David Faure. He told me that he just tried to begin with a applix spreadsheet import filter too.</td>
<td align=right>09 mar 2001</td>
<td>Read the row height and column width.</td>
<td align=right>03 mar 2001</td>
<td>Reads the typefont and the colortable, converts cmyk to rgb, added some style information (cell and string)</td>
<td align=right>24 feb 2001</td>
<td>Add &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and applix character convertation</td>
<td align=right>11 feb 2001</td>
<td>Written a filter that only can filter simple applix files</td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors&nbsp;</font></b></td>
<td><A HREF="">Enno Bartels</A></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
<td><A HREF="">Applixword example</A></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
<td><B><U><font size="+1">Fileformat:</font></U></B><BR>
<B><U>Main Structure:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="20">1. Header<BR>
<spacer size="20">2. Colortable<BR>
<spacer size="20">3. Fonttable<BR>
<spacer size="20">...<BR>
<spacer size="20">4. View<BR>
<spacer size="20">...<BR>
<spacer size="20">5. Headers and footers<BR>
<spacer size="20">6. Cellvalues<BR>
<spacer size="20">7. End<BR><BR><BR>
<B><U>1. Header:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">The headerline looks like that:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>*BEGIN SPREADSHEETS VERSION=430/430 ENCODING=7BIT</I></B><BR><BR><BR>
<B><U>2. Colormap:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">The colormap has 3 parts<BR>
<spacer size="10">2.1. Starting line<BR>
<spacer size="10">2.2. Value lines<BR>
<spacer size="10">2.3. Ending line<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>2.1. Colormap start:</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The colormap begins with this line<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>COLORMAP</I></B><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>2.2. Colormap value:</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">A color value line has the following parts (cmyk - colorsystem)<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>Text 0 c m y k 0</B><BR>
<spacer size="20">
<TD>= Textstring</TD>
<TD>= cyan</TD>
<TD>= magenta</TD>
<TD>= yellow</TD>
<TD>= black (key)</TD>
<spacer size="20">Color converting is very simple cmyk to rgb:<BR>
<spacer size="20">r = 255 - (c+k)<BR>
<spacer size="20">g = 255 - (m+k)<BR>
<spacer size="20">b = 255 - (y+k)<BR>
<spacer size="20">If the value of r, g or b if less then 0 you must set it to 0 .<BR>
<spacer size="20">For examples inside koffice look a this files too<br>
<spacer size="20"><I>koffice/kimageshop/core/ and kis_color.h</I><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>2.3. Colormap end:</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The colormap ends with this line:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>END COLORMAP</I></B>
<B><U>3. Fonttable:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">The fonttable has 3 parts<BR>
<spacer size="10">3.1. Starting line<BR>
<spacer size="10">3.2. Value lines<BR>
<spacer size="10">3.3. Ending line<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>3.1. Starting line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The fonttable begins with this line:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>TYPEFACE TABLE</I></B><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>3.2. Value line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The fonttable value line looks like that:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>Helvetica</B><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>3.3. Ending line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The colormap ends with this line ends with<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>END TYPEFACE TABLE</I></B><BR>
<B><U>4. View:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">Each table has its own view section and everyone has 3 parts<br>
<spacer size="10">4.1. Starting line<BR>
<spacer size="10">4.2. Value lines<BR>
<spacer size="10">4.3. Ending line<BR>
<spacer size="10">This is an example with the table name <B>A</B><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>4.1. Starting line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The view of table <B>A</B> begins with this line:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>View Start, Name: ~A:~</I></B><br>
<spacer size="10"><U>4.2. Value lines</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">There are different value lines, but all of them start with <B>view</B><BR>
<spacer size="20">There are following important value lines:<BR>
<spacer size="20">4.2.1. Column width <BR>
<spacer size="20">4.2.2. Row heights<BR>
<spacer size="20"><U>4.2.1. Column width</U><BR>
<spacer size="30">In the view of an table block is for example the width of a column:<br>
<spacer size="30"><B><I>View Column Widths: A:3 B:3 C:3 D:3 E:3 F:3 G:4 H:4</I></B><br>
<spacer size="20"><U>4.2.1. Row height</U><BR>
<spacer size="30">or the height of a row<br>
<spacer size="30"><B><I>View Row Heights: 3:18 4:24 8:32804 </I></B><br>
<spacer size="30">Attention: If the row value is greater then 32768 you have to calc rowHeight = rowHeight - 32768 to get the right value!
<spacer size="10"><U>4.3. Ending line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The view of table <B>A</B> ends with this line:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>View End, Name: ~A:~</I></B><BR>
<B><U>5. Headers and footers:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">The headers and footers section has 3 parts<BR>
<spacer size="10">5.1. Starting line<BR>
<spacer size="10">5.2. Value lines<BR>
<spacer size="10">5.3. Ending line<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>5.1. Starting line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The headers and footers section begins with this line:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>Headers And Footers</I></B><BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>5.2. Value lines</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">-<BR>
<spacer size="20">-<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>5.3. Ending line</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The headers and footers section end with<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B><I>Headers And Footers End</I></B><BR>
<B><U>6. Cellvalue:</U></B><BR>
<spacer size="10">This is a cellvalue line<BR>
<spacer size="10"><B><I>('DN|B,I,U,TF1,P18|T4) A!D11: Hello everybody</I></B><BR> <BR>
<spacer size="10">a cellvalue line has 3 parts:<BR>
<spacer size="10">6.1. Formatpart<BR>
<spacer size="10">6.2. Location part<BR>
<spacer size="10">6.3. Text String, formular, value, link, etc.<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>6.1. Formatpart:</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The format part looks like that:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>('DN|B,I,U,TF1,P18|T4)</B><BR>
<spacer size="20">There are 3 formatsubparts divided by <B>|</B>:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>(Part1|Part2|Part3)</B><BR>
<spacer size="20">5.1.1. Part 1 - Alignment format<BR>
<spacer size="20">5.1.2. Part 2 - Text format<BR>
<spacer size="20">5.1.3. Part 3 - Cell format<BR>
<spacer size="20"><U>6.1.1. Part 1 - Alignment format</U><BR>
<spacer size="30">This is the tqalignment format for vertical, horizontal tqalignment<BR>
<spacer size="30">
<TD>horizontal tqalignment</TD>
<TD>horizontal tqalignment</TD>
<TD>horizontal tqalignment</TD>
<TD>vertical tqalignment</TD>
<TD>vertical tqalignment</TD>
<TD>vertical tqalignment</TD>
<spacer size="20"><U>6.1.2. Part 2 - Text format</U><BR>
<spacer size="30">This is the tqalignment format for the text<BR>
<spacer size="30">
<TD>x is the number in the fonttable.</TD>
<TD>x is the fontsize.</TD>
<spacer size="20"><U>6.1.3. Part 3 - Cell format</U><BR>
<spacer size="30">This is the tqalignment format for the text<BR>
<spacer size="30">
<TD>Frame at the top</TD>
<TD>Frame at the bottom</TD>
<TD>Frame at the left side</TD>
<TD>Frame at the right side</TD>
<spacer size="30">x = number describes the penwidth and penstyle of the frame line<BR>
<spacer size="30">
<TD ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2>applix</TD>
<TD ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2> kspread</TD>
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>number x</TD>
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>penwidth</TD>
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>penstyle</TD>
<TD>double line</TD>
<spacer size="30">y = examples <B>FG7</B> &nbsp;&nbsp; <B>SH11FG18</B> &nbsp;&nbsp; <B>SH11FG18BG4</B><BR>
<spacer size="30">it has max 3 Parts:<BR>
<spacer size="30"> Foreground color.<BR>
<spacer size="30"> Background shade type.<BR>
<spacer size="30"> Background color.<BR>
<spacer size="30"><U> Foreground color:</U><BR>
<spacer size="40">FGx = Foreground color. - x is the number in the colortable<BR>
<spacer size="30"><U> Background shade type:</U><BR>
<spacer size="40">SHx = Background shade type. x is the shadetypenumber<BR>
<spacer size="40">Not all can be translate !<BR>
<spacer size="40">
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>shadetype number </TD>
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>shadetype number</TD>
<spacer size="30"><U> Background color:</U> <BR>
<spacer size="40">BGx = Background color. x is the number in the colortable<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>6.2. Location part:</U> <BR>
<spacer size="20">The location part looks like that:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>A!D11:</B><BR>
<spacer size="20">A = table <BR>
<spacer size="20">D11 = cellnumber<BR>
<spacer size="30">D = columnnumber<BR>
<spacer size="30">11 = rownumber<BR>
<spacer size="30">:=textstring, ;=formular, .=value<BR>
<spacer size="10"><U>6.3. Text String etc:</U><BR>
<spacer size="20">The text string part looks like that:<BR>
<spacer size="20"><B>Hello everybody</B><BR>
<B><U>7. End</U></B><BR>
The end looks like that:<BR>
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<center><b><i><font size="+1">
<BR>Export kspread to Applix Spreadsheet<BR><BR>
<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td>
<td><!a href="">-</a></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
<td><!a href="">-</a></td>
<td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
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