You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

547 lines
17 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003 Norbert Andres <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <opencalcstyleexport.h>
#include <KoGlobal.h>
#include <kspread_cell.h>
#include <kspread_doc.h>
#include <kspread_format.h>
#include <kspread_sheet.h>
#include <kspread_style.h>
#include <kspread_style_manager.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
using namespace KSpread;
m_cellStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
m_columnStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
m_numberStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
m_rowStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
m_sheetStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
m_fontList.setAutoDelete( true );
void OpenCalcStyles::writeStyles( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & autoStyles )
addColumnStyles( doc, autoStyles );
addRowStyles( doc, autoStyles );
addSheetStyles( doc, autoStyles );
addNumberStyles( doc, autoStyles );
addCellStyles( doc, autoStyles );
void OpenCalcStyles::writeFontDecl( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & fontDecls )
TQFont * f = m_fontList.first();
while ( f )
TQDomElement fontDecl = doc.createElement( "style:font-decl" );
fontDecl.setAttribute( "style:name", f->family() );
fontDecl.setAttribute( "fo:font-family", f->family() );
fontDecl.setAttribute( "style:font-pitch", ( f->fixedPitch() ? "fixed" : "variable" ) );
// missing:
// style:font-charset="x-symbol" style:font-family-generic="swiss"
// style:font-style-name= "Bold/Standard/Regular"
fontDecls.appendChild( fontDecl );
f =;
void OpenCalcStyles::addFont( TQFont const & font, bool def )
if ( def )
m_defaultFont = font;
TQFont * f = m_fontList.first();
while ( f )
if ( f->family() == )
f =;
f = new TQFont( font );
m_fontList.append( f );
TQString OpenCalcStyles::cellStyle( CellStyle const & cs )
CellStyle * t = m_cellStyles.first();
while ( t )
if ( CellStyle::isEqual( t, cs ) )
return t->name;
t =;
t = new CellStyle();
t->copyData( cs );
m_cellStyles.append( t );
t->name = TQString( "ce%1" ).tqarg( m_cellStyles.count() );
return t->name;
TQString OpenCalcStyles::columnStyle( ColumnStyle const & cs )
ColumnStyle * t = m_columnStyles.first();
while ( t )
if ( ColumnStyle::isEqual( t, cs ) )
return t->name;
t =;
t = new ColumnStyle();
t->copyData( cs );
m_columnStyles.append( t );
t->name = TQString( "co%1" ).tqarg( m_columnStyles.count() );
return t->name;
TQString OpenCalcStyles::numberStyle( NumberStyle const & )
return "";
TQString OpenCalcStyles::rowStyle( RowStyle const & rs )
RowStyle * t = m_rowStyles.first();
while ( t )
if ( RowStyle::isEqual( t, rs ) )
return t->name;
t =;
t = new RowStyle();
t->copyData( rs );
m_rowStyles.append( t );
t->name = TQString( "ro%1" ).tqarg( m_rowStyles.count() );
return t->name;
TQString OpenCalcStyles::sheetStyle( SheetStyle const & ts )
SheetStyle * t = m_sheetStyles.first();
while ( t )
if ( SheetStyle::isEqual( t, ts ) )
return t->name;
t =;
t = new SheetStyle();
t->copyData( ts );
m_sheetStyles.append( t );
t->name = TQString( "ta%1" ).tqarg( m_sheetStyles.count() );
return t->name;
TQString convertPenToString( TQPen const & pen )
TQString s( TQString( "%1cm solid " ).tqarg( pen.width() * 0.035 ) );
s += pen.color().name();
return s;
void OpenCalcStyles::addCellStyles( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & autoStyles )
CellStyle * t = m_cellStyles.first();
while ( t )
TQDomElement ts = doc.createElement( "style:style" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:name", t->name );
ts.setAttribute( "style:family", "table-cell" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:tqparent-style-name", "Default" );
if ( t->numberStyle.length() > 0 )
ts.setAttribute( "style:data-style-name", t->numberStyle );
TQDomElement prop = doc.createElement( "style:properties" );
if ( t-> != )
prop.setAttribute( "style:font-name", t-> );
if ( t->font.bold() != m_defaultFont.bold() )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:font-weight", ( t->font.bold() ? "bold" : "light" ) );
prop.setAttribute( "fo:font-size", TQString( "%1pt" ).tqarg( t->font.pointSize() ) );
if ( t->font.underline() != m_defaultFont.underline() )
prop.setAttribute( "style:text-underline", ( t->font.underline() ? "single" : "none" ) );
if ( t->font.underline() )
prop.setAttribute( "style:text-underline-color", "font-color" );
if ( t->font.italic() != m_defaultFont.italic() )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:font-style", ( t->font.italic() ? "italic" : "none" ) );
if ( t->font.strikeOut() != m_defaultFont.strikeOut() )
prop.setAttribute( "style:text-crossing-out", ( t->font.strikeOut() ? "single-line" : "none" ) );
if ( t-> != "#000000" )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:color", t-> );
if ( t-> != "#ffffff" )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:background-color", t-> );
if ( t->alignX != Format::Undefined )
TQString value;
if ( t->alignX == Format::Center )
value = "center";
else if ( t->alignX == Format::Right )
value = "end";
else if ( t->alignX == Format::Left )
value = "start";
prop.setAttribute( "fo:text-align", value );
if ( t->alignY != Format::Bottom ) // default in OpenCalc
prop.setAttribute( "fo:vertical-align", ( t->alignY == Format::Middle ? "middle" : "top" ) );
if ( t->indent > 0.0 )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:margin-left", TQString( "%1pt" ).tqarg( t->indent ) );
if ( t->alignX == Format::Undefined )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:text-align", "start" );
if ( t->wrap )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:wrap-option", "wrap" );
if ( t->vertical )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:direction", "ttb" );
prop.setAttribute( "style:rotation-angle", "0" );
if ( t->angle != 0 )
prop.setAttribute( "style:rotation-angle", TQString::number( t->angle ) );
if ( !t->print )
prop.setAttribute( "style:print-content", "false" );
if ( t->hideAll )
prop.setAttribute( "style:cell-protect", "hidden-and-protected" );
if ( t->notProtected && !t->hideFormula )
prop.setAttribute( "style:cell-protect", "none" );
if ( t->notProtected && t->hideFormula )
prop.setAttribute( "style:cell-protect", "formula-hidden" );
else if ( t->hideFormula )
prop.setAttribute( "style:cell-protect", "protected formula-hidden" );
else if ( !t->notProtected )
prop.setAttribute( "style:cell-protect", "protected" );
if ( ( t->left == t->right ) && ( t->left == t->top ) && ( t->left == t->bottom ) )
if ( ( t->left.width() != 0 ) && ( t-> != TQt::NoPen ) )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:border", convertPenToString( t->left ) );
if ( ( t->left.width() != 0 ) && ( t-> != TQt::NoPen ) )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:border-left", convertPenToString( t->left ) );
if ( ( t->right.width() != 0 ) && ( t-> != TQt::NoPen ) )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:border-right", convertPenToString( t->right ) );
if ( ( t->top.width() != 0 ) && ( t-> != TQt::NoPen ) )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:border-top", convertPenToString( t->top ) );
if ( ( t->bottom.width() != 0 ) && ( t-> != TQt::NoPen ) )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:border-bottom", convertPenToString( t->bottom ) );
ts.appendChild( prop );
autoStyles.appendChild( ts );
t =;
void OpenCalcStyles::addColumnStyles( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & autoStyles )
ColumnStyle * t = m_columnStyles.first();
while ( t )
TQDomElement ts = doc.createElement( "style:style" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:name", t->name );
ts.setAttribute( "style:family", "table-column" );
TQDomElement prop = doc.createElement( "style:properties" );
if ( t->breakB != ::Style::none )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:break-before", ( t->breakB == ::Style::automatic ? "auto" : "page" ) );
prop.setAttribute( "style:column-width", TQString( "%1cm" ).tqarg( t->size ) );
ts.appendChild( prop );
autoStyles.appendChild( ts );
t =;
void OpenCalcStyles::addNumberStyles( TQDomDocument & /*doc*/, TQDomElement & /*autoStyles*/ )
void OpenCalcStyles::addRowStyles( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & autoStyles )
RowStyle * t = m_rowStyles.first();
while ( t )
TQDomElement ts = doc.createElement( "style:style" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:name", t->name );
ts.setAttribute( "style:family", "table-row" );
TQDomElement prop = doc.createElement( "style:properties" );
prop.setAttribute( "style:row-height", TQString( "%1cm" ).tqarg( t->size ) );
if ( t->breakB != ::Style::none )
prop.setAttribute( "fo:break-before", ( t->breakB == ::Style::automatic ? "auto" : "page" ) );
ts.appendChild( prop );
autoStyles.appendChild( ts );
t =;
void OpenCalcStyles::addSheetStyles( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & autoStyles )
SheetStyle * t = m_sheetStyles.first();
while ( t )
TQDomElement ts = doc.createElement( "style:style" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:name", t->name );
ts.setAttribute( "style:family", "table" );
ts.setAttribute( "style:master-page-name", "Default" );
TQDomElement prop = doc.createElement( "style:properties" );
prop.setAttribute( "table:display", ( t->visible ? "true" : "false" ) );
ts.appendChild( prop );
autoStyles.appendChild( ts );
t =;
bool SheetStyle::isEqual( SheetStyle const * const t1, SheetStyle const & t2 )
if ( t1->visible == t2.visible )
return true;
return false;
: color( TQt::black ),
bgColor( TQt::white ),
indent( -1.0 ),
wrap( false ),
vertical( false ),
angle( 0 ),
print( true ),
left ( TQt::black, 0, TQt::NoPen ),
right( TQt::black, 0, TQt::NoPen ),
top ( TQt::black, 0, TQt::NoPen ),
bottom( TQt::black, 0, TQt::NoPen ),
hideAll( false ),
hideFormula( false ),
notProtected ( false ),
alignX( Format::Undefined ),
alignY( Format::Middle )
void CellStyle::copyData( CellStyle const & ts )
font = ts.font;
numberStyle = ts.numberStyle;
color = ts.color;
bgColor = ts.bgColor;
indent = ts.indent;
wrap = ts.wrap;
vertical = ts.vertical;
angle = ts.angle;
print = ts.print;
left = ts.left;
right = ts.right;
top =;
bottom = ts.bottom;
hideAll = ts.hideAll;
hideFormula = ts.hideFormula;
notProtected = ts.notProtected;
alignX = ts.alignX;
alignY = ts.alignY;
bool CellStyle::isEqual( CellStyle const * const t1, CellStyle const & t2 )
if ( ( t1->font == t2.font ) && ( t1->numberStyle == t2.numberStyle )
&& ( t1->color == t2.color ) && ( t1->bgColor == t2.bgColor )
&& ( t1->alignX == t2.alignX ) && ( t1->alignY == t2.alignY )
&& ( t1->indent == t2.indent ) && ( t1->wrap == t2.wrap )
&& ( t1->vertical == t2.vertical ) && ( t1->angle == t2.angle )
&& ( t1->print == t2.print ) && ( t1->left == t2.left )
&& ( t1->right == t2.right ) && ( t1->top == )
&& ( t1->bottom == t2.bottom ) && ( t1->hideAll == t2.hideAll )
&& ( t1->hideFormula == t2.hideFormula ) && ( t1->notProtected == t2.notProtected )
return true;
return false;
// all except the number style
void CellStyle::loadData( CellStyle & cs, Cell const * const cell )
int col = cell->column();
int row = cell->row();
Format * f = new Format( 0, cell->sheet()->doc()->styleManager()->defaultStyle() );
TQFont font = cell->format()->textFont( col, row );
if ( font != f->font() )
cs.font = font;
TQColor color = cell->format()->textColor( col, row );
if ( color != f->textColor( col, row ) )
cs.color = color;
TQColor bgColor = cell->bgColor( col, row );
if ( bgColor != f->bgColor( col, row ) )
cs.bgColor = bgColor;
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PAlign ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PAlign ) )
cs.alignX = cell->format()->align( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PAlignY ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PAlignY ) )
cs.alignY = cell->format()->alignY( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PIndent ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PIndent ) )
cs.indent = cell->format()->getIndent( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PAngle ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PAngle ) )
cs.angle = -cell->format()->getAngle( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PMultiRow ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PMultiRow ) )
cs.wrap = cell->format()->multiRow( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PVerticalText )
|| !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PVerticalText ) )
cs.vertical = cell->format()->verticalText( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PDontPrintText )
|| !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PDontPrintText ) )
cs.print = !cell->format()->getDontprintText( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PLeftBorder ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PLeftBorder ) )
cs.left = cell->leftBorderPen( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PRightBorder ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PRightBorder ) )
cs.right = cell->rightBorderPen( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PTopBorder ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PTopBorder ) ) = cell->topBorderPen( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PBottomBorder ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PBottomBorder ) )
cs.bottom = cell->bottomBorderPen( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PNotProtected ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PNotProtected ) )
cs.notProtected = cell->format()->notProtected( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PHideAll ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PHideAll ) )
cs.hideAll = cell->format()->isHideAll( col, row );
if ( cell->format()->hasProperty( Format::PHideFormula ) || !cell->format()->hasNoFallBackProperties( Format::PHideFormula ) )
cs.hideFormula = cell->format()->isHideFormula( col, row );
bool NumberStyle::isEqual( NumberStyle const * const t1, NumberStyle const & t2 )
if ( ( t1->type == t2.type ) && ( t1->pattern == t2.pattern ) )
return true;
return false;
void ColumnStyle::copyData( ColumnStyle const & cs )
breakB = cs.breakB;
size = cs.size;
bool ColumnStyle::isEqual( ColumnStyle const * const c1, ColumnStyle const & c2 )
if ( ( c1->breakB == c2.breakB ) && ( c1->size == c2.size ) )
return true;
return false;
void RowStyle::copyData( RowStyle const & cs )
breakB = cs.breakB;
size = cs.size;
bool RowStyle::isEqual( RowStyle const * const c1, RowStyle const & c2 )
if ( ( c1->breakB == c2.breakB ) && ( c1->size == c2.size ) )
return true;
return false;