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/* This file is part of the KOffice libraries
Copyright (C) 2001 Werner Trobin <>
2002 Werner Trobin <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __koffice_filter_h__
#define __koffice_filter_h__
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qptrstack.h>
#include <koffice_export.h>
class QIODevice;
class KoFilterChain;
* @brief The base class for import and export filters.
* Derive your filter class from this base class and implement
* the @ref convert() method. Don't forget to specify the Q_OBJECT
* macro in your class even if you don't use signals or slots.
* This is needed as filters are created on the fly.
* The m_chain member allows access to the @ref KoFilterChain
* which invokes the filter to query for input/output.
* @note Take care: The m_chain pointer is invalid while the constructor
* runs due to the implementation -- @em don't use it in the constructor.
* After the constructor, when running the @ref convert() method it's
* guaranteed to be valid, so no need to check against 0.
* @author Werner Trobin <>
* @todo the class has no constructor and therefore cannot initialize its private class
class KOFFICECORE_EXPORT KoFilter : public QObject
friend class KoFilterEntry; // needed for the filter chain pointer :(
friend class KoFilterChain;
* This enum is used to signal the return state of your filter.
* Return OK in @ref convert() in case everything worked as expected.
* Feel free to add some more error conditions @em before the last item
* if it's needed.
enum ConversionStatus { OK, StupidError, UsageError, CreationError, FileNotFound,
StorageCreationError, BadMimeType, BadConversionGraph,
EmbeddedDocError, WrongFormat, NotImplemented,
ParsingError, InternalError, UnexpectedEOF,
UnexpectedOpcode, UserCancelled, OutOfMemory,
JustInCaseSomeBrokenCompilerUsesLessThanAByte = 255 };
virtual ~KoFilter();
* The filter chain calls this method to perform the actual conversion.
* The passed mimetypes should be a pair of those you specified in your
* .desktop file.
* You @em have to implement this method to make the filter work.
* @param from The mimetype of the source file/document
* @param to The mimetype of the destination file/document
* @return The error status, see the @ref #ConversionStatus enum.
* KoFilter::OK means that everything is alright.
virtual ConversionStatus convert( const QCString& from, const QCString& to ) = 0;
* Emit this signal with a value in the range of 1...100 to have some
* progress feedback for the user in the statusbar of the application.
* @param value The actual progress state. Should always remain in
* the range 1..100.
void sigProgress( int value );
* This is the constructor your filter has to call, obviously.
* Use this pointer to access all information about input/output
* during the conversion. @em Don't use it in the constructor -
* it's invalid while constructing the object!
KoFilterChain* m_chain;
KoFilter( const KoFilter& rhs );
KoFilter& operator=( const KoFilter& rhs );
class Private;
Private* d;
* The base class for all @em import filters embedding other filters. Right
* now we don't support embedding for export filters, but if there's a
* request for that feature please don't hesitate to contact Werner Trobin
* <>.
* To make use of embedding features you have to know that there are two kinds
* of embedding for filters: embedding the output of a different filter (library)
* or embedding the output of several internal filters (no separate library).
* The first case is the simpler one. You just have to override savePartContents()
* and call @ref #embedPart to trigger the embedding process. One example for such
* a filter is Kontour's MSOD (MS Office Drawing) filter.
* The more complex case is embedding various streams from within the same filter
* library. This is neccesary for OLE like files (at least with the current design
* of the OLEFilter). In this case you have to use @ref #startInternalEmbedding and
* @ref #endInternalEmbedding accordingly. Try to use the previous method if possible.
* If you're using this class you can also setup a signal/slot communication
* between parent and child filter. To make that work you simply have to define
* signals and slots along the following rules:
* Signals should be named "commSignal\<name\>" where \<name\> is the name of the signal,
* slots should be named "commSlot\<name\>". The connection will be done automatically
* if names and signatures are matching.
* @author Werner Trobin
* @todo the class has no constructor and therefore cannot initialize its private class
class KOFFICECORE_EXPORT KoEmbeddingFilter : public KoFilter
friend class KoFilterChain;
virtual ~KoEmbeddingFilter();
* @internal
* This method returns the last recently used part index at the
* current directory level. It can be (and is ;) used to generate
* the per-directory-unique address for the next part we have to save.
* It will get updated automatically, you most likely don't have to
* care about that one at all.
int lruPartIndex() const;
* A static helper method to determine the mimetype via the
* file extension. It allows to go from "wmf" to image/x-wmf
* and so on. Note that you should only pass the pure extension
* and not a whole pattern like "*.doc" or so.
static QString mimeTypeByExtension( const QString& extension );
* Constructs a filter. Note that the m_chain pointer is 0 inside
* the constructor. Most likely your constructor will be empty.
* Embed some document using an external filter (i.e. a different
* filter library). This method works according to the template method
* pattern and calls savePartContents() during execution.
* Call this method when you want to convert some data using one or more
* KOffice filters selected via the filter manager.
* This is the way to go when it comes to embedding unless you have very
* special requirements.
* @param from The mimetype of the source data
* @param to The mimetype of the destination part. If this field is set
* to "" the filter manager will try to find the best native
* KOffice mimetype. When the method returns this parameter will
* hold the string of the used mimetype.
* @param status Returns the error status of the filter
* @param key Optional key field to allow custom keys inside the part
* map (see @ref #internalPartReference). If this field is left
* empty we generate a key from the part number (e.g. 1 -> "1")
* @return The number of the part (can be used to refer to the part from
* within the embedding filter).
int embedPart( const QCString& from, QCString& to,
KoFilter::ConversionStatus& status,
const QString& key = QString::null );
* Method to perform "internal" embedding of parts in olefilter-style.
* This method can be used to signal the start of a new embedding
* level within your filter. Very evil, but what shall I say ;)
* Unless you really have to you should always use @ref #embedPart as
* it's easier to use and not as hacky.
* @param key The key we use to store reference/mimetype of your new part
* @param mimeType The mimetype of the part you're about to embed
void startInternalEmbedding( const QString& key, const QCString& mimeType );
* This method signals the end of an internal embedding session.
* You have to call that exactly as often as you call @ref #startInternalEmbedding
* or you'll mess up the internal stack and your file will be invalid.
* Again: use @ref #embedPart if you can :-)
void endInternalEmbedding();
* Query the internal part map for the reference of the part
* matching the given key. Note that you can use that plain
* simple int to refer to the respective part (when used as string).
* @param key The key you would like to look up
* @return The reference or -1 if we didn't find a part with the
* given key
int internalPartReference( const QString& key ) const;
* Query the internal part map for the mimetype of the part
* matching the given key.
* @param key The key you would like to look up
* @return The mimetype, might be empty if the part matching
* the given key doesn't exist.
QCString internalPartMimeType( const QString& key ) const;
* Holds the directory's number and the mimetype of the part
* for internal parts. This is all we need to locate a part.
* @internal
struct PartReference
PartReference( int index = -1, const QCString& mimeType = "" );
bool isValid() const;
int m_index;
QCString m_mimeType;
* This struct keeps track of the last used index for a
* child part and all references to existing children
* We use it to build a whole stack, one PartState per
* embedding level.
* @internal
struct PartState
int m_lruPartIndex;
QMap<QString, PartReference> m_partReferences;
/// Better do not copy the filters
KoEmbeddingFilter( const KoEmbeddingFilter& rhs );
/// Better do not assign the filters
KoEmbeddingFilter& operator=( const KoEmbeddingFilter& rhs );
* This method will be called by @ref #embedPart as soon as it
* needs the data of the part (template method pattern). You
* have to override that and simply save the part data to the
* (already opened) file.
* No need to override that when you're not using @ref #embedPart
* (as you should ;)
* @param file An already opened file
virtual void savePartContents( QIODevice* file );
* Internal methods to support the start/endInternalEmbedding
* methods (we have to change directories and stuff).
* These methods are declared friends of the KoFilterChain
void filterChainEnterDirectory( const QString& directory ) const;
* Internal methods to support the start/endInternalEmbedding
* methods (we have to change directories and stuff).
* These methods are declared friends of the KoFilterChain
void filterChainLeaveDirectory() const;
* A stack which keeps track of the current part references.
* We push one PartState structure for every embedding level.
QPtrStack<PartState> m_partStack;
class Private;
Private* d;