You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 1998 The Regents of the University of California.
// All rights reserved. See LEGAL.LLNL for full text and disclaimer.
#ifndef __CXX_Objects__h
#define __CXX_Objects__h
// Prevent warnings
#if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
#include "Python.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace Py
typedef int sequence_index_type; // type of an index into a sequence
// Forward declarations
class Object;
class Type;
template<typename T> class SeqBase;
class String;
class List;
template<typename T> class MapBase;
// new_reference_to also overloaded below on Object
inline PyObject* new_reference_to(PyObject* p)
return p;
// returning Null() from an extension method triggers a
// Python exception
inline PyObject* Null()
return (static_cast<PyObject*>(0));
// class Object
// The purpose of this class is to serve as the most general kind of
// Python object, for the purpose of writing C++ extensions in Python
// Objects hold a PyObject* which they own. This pointer is always a
// valid pointer to a Python object. In children we must maintain this behavior.
// Instructions on how to make your own class MyType descended from Object:
// (0) Pick a base class, either Object or perhaps SeqBase<T> or MapBase<T>.
// This example assumes Object.
// (1) Write a routine int MyType_Check (PyObject *) modeled after PyInt_Check,
// PyFloat_Check, etc.
// (2) Add method accepts:
// virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const {
// return pyob && MyType_Check (pyob);
// }
// (3) Include the following constructor and copy constructor
explicit MyType (PyObject *pyob): Object(pyob) {
MyType(const Object& other): Object(other.ptr()) {
// Alernate version for the constructor to allow for construction from owned pointers:
explicit MyType (PyObject *pyob): Object(pyob) {
// You may wish to add other constructors; see the classes below for examples.
// Each constructor must use "set" to set the pointer
// and end by validating the pointer you have created.
// (4) Each class needs at least these two assignment operators:
MyType& operator= (const Object& rhs) {
return (*this = *rhs);
Mytype& operator= (PyObject* rhsp) {
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
return *this;
// Note on accepts: constructors call the base class
// version of a virtual when calling the base class constructor,
// so the test has to be done explicitly in a descendent.
// If you are inheriting from PythonExtension<T> to define an object
// note that it contains PythonExtension<T>::check
// which you can use in accepts when writing a wrapper class.
// See Demo/range.h and Demo/range.cpp for an example.
class Object
// the pointer to the Python object
// Only Object sets this directly.
// The default constructor for Object sets it to Py_None and
// child classes must use "set" to set it
PyObject* p;
void set (PyObject* pyob, bool owned = false)
p = pyob;
if (!owned)
Py::_XINCREF (p);
void release ()
Py::_XDECREF (p);
p = 0;
void validate()
// release pointer if not the right type
if (! accepts (p))
release ();
{ // Error message already set
throw Exception();
// Better error message if RTTI available
#if defined( _CPPRTTI )
std::string s("Error creating object of type ");
s += (typeid (*this)).name();
throw TypeError (s);
throw TypeError ("CXX: type error.");
// Constructor acquires new ownership of pointer unless explicitly told not to.
explicit Object (PyObject* pyob=Py::_None(), bool owned = false): p (pyob)
Py::_XINCREF (p);
// Copy constructor acquires new ownership of pointer
Object (const Object& ob): p(ob.p)
Py::_XINCREF (p);
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Object& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return *this;
Object& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Destructor
virtual ~Object ()
release ();
// Loaning the pointer to others, retain ownership
PyObject* operator* () const
return p;
// Explicit reference_counting changes
void increment_reference_count()
void decrement_reference_count()
// not allowed to commit suicide, however
if(reference_count() == 1)
throw RuntimeError("Object::decrement_reference_count error.");
// Would like to call this pointer() but messes up STL in SeqBase<T>
PyObject* ptr () const
return p;
// Queries
// Can pyob be used in this object's constructor?
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return (pyob != 0);
int reference_count () const
{ // the reference count
return p ? p->ob_refcnt : 0;
Type type () const; // the type object associated with this one
String str () const; // the str() representation
std::string as_string() const;
String repr () const; // the repr () representation
List dir () const; // the dir() list
bool hasAttr (const std::string& s) const
return PyObject_HasAttrString (p, const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())) ? true: false;
Object getAttr (const std::string& s) const
return Object (PyObject_GetAttrString (p, const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())), true);
Object getItem (const Object& key) const
return Object (PyObject_GetItem(p, *key), true);
long hashValue () const
return PyObject_Hash (p);
// int print (FILE* fp, int flags=Py_Print_RAW)
// {
// return PyObject_Print (p, fp, flags);
// }
bool is(PyObject *pother) const
{ // identity test
return p == pother;
bool is(const Object& other) const
{ // identity test
return p == other.p;
bool isCallable () const
return PyCallable_Check (p) != 0;
bool isInstance () const
return PyInstance_Check (p) != 0;
bool isDict () const
return Py::_Dict_Check (p);
bool isList () const
return Py::_List_Check (p);
bool isMapping () const
return PyMapping_Check (p) != 0;
bool isNumeric () const
return PyNumber_Check (p) != 0;
bool isSequence () const
return PySequence_Check (p) != 0;
bool isTrue () const
return PyObject_IsTrue (p) != 0;
bool isType (const Type& t) const;
bool isTuple() const
return Py::_Tuple_Check(p);
bool isString() const
return Py::_String_Check(p) || Py::_Unicode_Check(p);
bool isUnicode() const
return Py::_Unicode_Check(p);
// Commands
void setAttr (const std::string& s, const Object& value)
if(PyObject_SetAttrString (p, const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()), *value) == -1)
throw AttributeError ("getAttr failed.");
void delAttr (const std::string& s)
if(PyObject_DelAttrString (p, const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())) == -1)
throw AttributeError ("delAttr failed.");
// PyObject_SetItem is too weird to be using from C++
// so it is intentionally omitted.
void delItem (const Object& /*key*/)
//if(PyObject_DelItem(p, *key) == -1)
// failed to link on Windows?
throw KeyError("delItem failed.");
// Equality and comparison use PyObject_Compare
bool operator==(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k == 0;
bool operator!=(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k != 0;
bool operator>=(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k >= 0;
bool operator<=(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k <= 0;
bool operator<(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k < 0;
bool operator>(const Object& o2) const
int k = PyObject_Compare (p, *o2);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw Exception();
return k > 0;
// End of class Object
inline PyObject* new_reference_to(const Object& g)
PyObject* p = g.ptr();
return p;
// Nothing() is what an extension method returns if
// there is no other return value.
inline Object Nothing()
return Object(Py::_None());
// Python special None value
inline Object None()
return Object(Py::_None());
// TMM: 31May'01 - Added the #ifndef so I can exlude iostreams.
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Object& ob);
// Class Type
class Type: public Object
explicit Type (PyObject* pyob, bool owned = false): Object(pyob, owned)
Type (const Object& ob): Object(*ob)
Type(const Type& t): Object(t)
Type& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Type& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Type_Check (pyob);
// Convert an owned Python pointer into a CXX Object
inline Object asObject (PyObject *p)
return Object(p, true);
// ===============================================
// class Int
class Int: public Object
// Constructor
explicit Int (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object (pyob, owned)
Int (const Int& ob): Object(*ob)
// create from long
explicit Int (long v = 0L): Object(PyInt_FromLong(v), true)
// create from int
explicit Int (int v)
long w = v;
set(PyInt_FromLong(w), true);
Int (const Object& ob)
set(PyNumber_Int(*ob), true);
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Int& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Int& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (PyNumber_Int(rhsp), true);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Int_Check (pyob);
// convert to long
operator long() const
return PyInt_AsLong (ptr());
// assign from an int
Int& operator= (int v)
set (PyInt_FromLong (long(v)), true);
return *this;
// assign from long
Int& operator= (long v)
set (PyInt_FromLong (v), true);
return *this;
// ===============================================
// class Long
class Long: public Object
// Constructor
explicit Long (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object (pyob, owned)
Long (const Long& ob): Object(ob.ptr())
// create from long
explicit Long (long v = 0L)
: Object(PyLong_FromLong(v), true)
// create from int
explicit Long (int v)
: Object(PyLong_FromLong(static_cast<long>(v)), true)
// create from unsigned long
explicit Long (unsigned long v)
: Object(PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(v), true)
// try to create from any object
Long (const Object& ob)
: Object(PyNumber_Long(*ob), true)
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Long& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Long& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (PyNumber_Long(rhsp), true);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Long_Check (pyob);
// convert to long
operator long() const
return PyLong_AsLong (ptr());
operator double() const
return PyLong_AsDouble (ptr());
operator unsigned long() const
return PyLong_AsUnsignedLong (ptr());
// assign from an int
Long& operator= (int v)
set(PyLong_FromLong (long(v)), true);
return *this;
// assign from long
Long& operator= (long v)
set(PyLong_FromLong (v), true);
return *this;
// assign from unsigned long
Long& operator= (unsigned long v)
set(PyLong_FromUnsignedLong (v), true);
return *this;
// ===============================================
// class Float
class Float: public Object
// Constructor
explicit Float (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object(pyob, owned)
Float (const Float& f): Object(f)
// make from double
explicit Float (double v=0.0)
: Object(PyFloat_FromDouble (v), true)
// try to make from any object
Float (const Object& ob)
: Object(PyNumber_Float(*ob), true)
Float& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Float& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (PyNumber_Float(rhsp), true);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Float_Check (pyob);
// convert to double
operator double () const
return PyFloat_AsDouble (ptr());
// assign from a double
Float& operator= (double v)
set(PyFloat_FromDouble (v), true);
return *this;
// assign from an int
Float& operator= (int v)
set(PyFloat_FromDouble (double(v)), true);
return *this;
// assign from long
Float& operator= (long v)
set(PyFloat_FromDouble (double(v)), true);
return *this;
// assign from an Int
Float& operator= (const Int& iob)
set(PyFloat_FromDouble (double(long(iob))), true);
return *this;
// ===============================================
// class Complex
class Complex: public Object
// Constructor
explicit Complex (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object(pyob, owned)
Complex (const Complex& f): Object(f)
// make from double
explicit Complex (double v=0.0, double w=0.0)
:Object(PyComplex_FromDoubles (v, w), true)
Complex& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Complex& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Complex_Check (pyob);
// convert to Py_complex
operator Py_complex () const
return PyComplex_AsCComplex (ptr());
// assign from a Py_complex
Complex& operator= (const Py_complex& v)
set(PyComplex_FromCComplex (v), true);
return *this;
// assign from a double
Complex& operator= (double v)
set(PyComplex_FromDoubles (v, 0.0), true);
return *this;
// assign from an int
Complex& operator= (int v)
set(PyComplex_FromDoubles (double(v), 0.0), true);
return *this;
// assign from long
Complex& operator= (long v)
set(PyComplex_FromDoubles (double(v), 0.0), true);
return *this;
// assign from an Int
Complex& operator= (const Int& iob)
set(PyComplex_FromDoubles (double(long(iob)), 0.0), true);
return *this;
double real() const
return PyComplex_RealAsDouble(ptr());
double imag() const
return PyComplex_ImagAsDouble(ptr());
// Sequences
// Sequences are here represented as sequences of items of type T.
// The base class SeqBase<T> represents that.
// In basic Python T is always "Object".
// seqref<T> is what you get if you get elements from a non-const SeqBase<T>.
// Note: seqref<T> could probably be a nested class in SeqBase<T> but that might stress
// some compilers needlessly. Simlarly for mapref later.
// While this class is not intended for enduser use, it needs some public
// constructors for the benefit of the STL.
// See Scott Meyer's More Essential C++ for a description of proxies.
// This application is even more complicated. We are doing an unusual thing
// in having a double proxy. If we want the STL to work
// properly we have to compromise by storing the rvalue inside. The
// entire Object API is repeated so that things like s[i].isList() will
// work properly.
// Still, once in a while a weird compiler message may occur using expressions like x[i]
// Changing them to Object(x[i]) helps the compiler to understand that the
// conversion of a seqref to an Object is wanted.
template<typename T>
class seqref
SeqBase<T>& s; // the sequence
int offset; // item number
T the_item; // lvalue
seqref (SeqBase<T>& seq, sequence_index_type j)
: s(seq), offset(j), the_item (s.getItem(j))
seqref (const seqref<T>& range)
: s(range.s), offset(range.offset), the_item(range.the_item)
// TMM: added this seqref ctor for use with STL algorithms
seqref (Object& obj)
: s(dynamic_cast< SeqBase<T>&>(obj))
, offset( NULL )
, the_item(s.getItem(offset))
operator T() const
{ // rvalue
return the_item;
seqref<T>& operator=(const seqref<T>& rhs)
{ //used as lvalue
the_item = rhs.the_item;
s.setItem(offset, the_item);
return *this;
seqref<T>& operator=(const T& ob)
{ // used as lvalue
the_item = ob;
s.setItem(offset, ob);
return *this;
// forward everything else to the item
PyObject* ptr () const
return the_item.ptr();
int reference_count () const
{ // the reference count
return the_item.reference_count();
Type type () const
return the_item.type();
String str () const;
String repr () const;
bool hasAttr (const std::string& attr_name) const
return the_item.hasAttr(attr_name);
Object getAttr (const std::string& attr_name) const
return the_item.getAttr(attr_name);
Object getItem (const Object& key) const
return the_item.getItem(key);
long hashValue () const
return the_item.hashValue();
bool isCallable () const
return the_item.isCallable();
bool isInstance () const
return the_item.isInstance();
bool isDict () const
return the_item.isDict();
bool isList () const
return the_item.isList();
bool isMapping () const
return the_item.isMapping();
bool isNumeric () const
return the_item.isNumeric();
bool isSequence () const
return the_item.isSequence();
bool isTrue () const
return the_item.isTrue();
bool isType (const Type& t) const
return the_item.isType (t);
bool isTuple() const
return the_item.isTuple();
bool isString() const
return the_item.isString();
// Commands
void setAttr (const std::string& attr_name, const Object& value)
the_item.setAttr(attr_name, value);
void delAttr (const std::string& attr_name)
void delItem (const Object& key)
bool operator==(const Object& o2) const
return the_item == o2;
bool operator!=(const Object& o2) const
return the_item != o2;
bool operator>=(const Object& o2) const
return the_item >= o2;
bool operator<=(const Object& o2) const
return the_item <= o2;
bool operator<(const Object& o2) const
return the_item < o2;
bool operator>(const Object& o2) const
return the_item > o2;
}; // end of seqref
// class SeqBase<T>
// ...the base class for all sequence types
template<typename T>
class SeqBase: public Object
// STL definitions
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef seqref<T> reference;
typedef T const_reference;
typedef seqref<T>* pointer;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef T value_type; // TMM: 26Jun'01
virtual size_type max_size() const
return std::string::npos; // ?
virtual size_type capacity() const
return size();
virtual void swap(SeqBase<T>& c)
SeqBase<T> temp = c;
c = ptr();
virtual size_type size () const
return PySequence_Length (ptr());
explicit SeqBase<T> ()
:Object(PyTuple_New(0), true)
explicit SeqBase<T> (PyObject* pyob, bool owned=false)
: Object(pyob, owned)
SeqBase<T> (const Object& ob): Object(ob)
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
SeqBase<T>& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
SeqBase<T>& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && PySequence_Check (pyob);
size_type length () const
return PySequence_Length (ptr());
// Element access
const T operator[](sequence_index_type index) const
return getItem(index);
seqref<T> operator[](sequence_index_type index)
return seqref<T>(*this, index);
virtual T getItem (sequence_index_type i) const
return T(asObject(PySequence_GetItem (ptr(), i)));
virtual void setItem (sequence_index_type i, const T& ob)
if (PySequence_SetItem (ptr(), i, *ob) == -1)
throw Exception();
SeqBase<T> repeat (int count) const
return SeqBase<T> (PySequence_Repeat (ptr(), count), true);
SeqBase<T> concat (const SeqBase<T>& other) const
return SeqBase<T> (PySequence_Concat(ptr(), *other), true);
// more STL compatability
const T front () const
return getItem(0);
seqref<T> front()
return seqref<T>(this, 0);
const T back () const
return getItem(size()-1);
seqref<T> back()
return seqref<T>(this, size()-1);
void verify_length(size_type required_size) const
if (size() != required_size)
throw IndexError ("Unexpected SeqBase<T> length.");
void verify_length(size_type min_size, size_type max_size) const
size_type n = size();
if (n < min_size || n > max_size)
throw IndexError ("Unexpected SeqBase<T> length.");
class iterator
: public random_access_iterator_parent(seqref<T>)
friend class SeqBase<T>;
SeqBase<T>* seq;
int count;
~iterator ()
iterator ()
: seq( 0 )
, count( 0 )
iterator (SeqBase<T>* s, int where)
: seq( s )
, count( where )
iterator (const iterator& other)
: seq( other.seq )
, count( other.count )
bool eql (const iterator& other) const
return (*seq == *other.seq) && (count == other.count);
bool neq (const iterator& other) const
return (*seq != *other.seq) || (count != other.count);
bool lss (const iterator& other) const
return (count < other.count);
bool gtr (const iterator& other) const
return (count > other.count);
bool leq (const iterator& other) const
return (count <= other.count);
bool geq (const iterator& other) const
return (count >= other.count);
seqref<T> operator*()
return seqref<T>(*seq, count);
seqref<T> operator[] (sequence_index_type i)
return seqref<T>(*seq, count + i);
iterator& operator=(const iterator& other)
if (this == &other) return *this;
seq = other.seq;
count = other.count;
return *this;
iterator operator+(int n) const
return iterator(seq, count + n);
iterator operator-(int n) const
return iterator(seq, count - n);
iterator& operator+=(int n)
count = count + n;
return *this;
iterator& operator-=(int n)
count = count - n;
return *this;
int operator-(const iterator& other) const
if (*seq != *other.seq)
throw RuntimeError ("SeqBase<T>::iterator comparison error");
return count - other.count;
// prefix ++
iterator& operator++ ()
{ count++; return *this;}
// postfix ++
iterator operator++ (int)
{ return iterator(seq, count++);}
// prefix --
iterator& operator-- ()
{ count--; return *this;}
// postfix --
iterator operator-- (int)
{ return iterator(seq, count--);}
std::string diagnose() const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "iterator diagnosis " << seq << ", " << count << std::ends;
return std::string(oss.str());
}; // end of class SeqBase<T>::iterator
iterator begin ()
return iterator(this, 0);
iterator end ()
return iterator(this, length());
class const_iterator
: public random_access_iterator_parent(const Object)
friend class SeqBase<T>;
const SeqBase<T>* seq;
sequence_index_type count;
~const_iterator ()
const_iterator ()
: seq( 0 )
, count( 0 )
const_iterator (const SeqBase<T>* s, int where)
: seq( s )
, count( where )
const_iterator(const const_iterator& other)
: seq( other.seq )
, count( other.count )
const T operator*() const
return seq->getItem(count);
const T operator[] (sequence_index_type i) const
return seq->getItem(count + i);
const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& other)
if (this == &other) return *this;
seq = other.seq;
count = other.count;
return *this;
const_iterator operator+(int n) const
return const_iterator(seq, count + n);
bool eql (const const_iterator& other) const
return (*seq == *other.seq) && (count == other.count);
bool neq (const const_iterator& other) const
return (*seq != *other.seq) || (count != other.count);
bool lss (const const_iterator& other) const
return (count < other.count);
bool gtr (const const_iterator& other) const
return (count > other.count);
bool leq (const const_iterator& other) const
return (count <= other.count);
bool geq (const const_iterator& other) const
return (count >= other.count);
const_iterator operator-(int n)
return const_iterator(seq, count - n);
const_iterator& operator+=(int n)
count = count + n;
return *this;
const_iterator& operator-=(int n)
count = count - n;
return *this;
int operator-(const const_iterator& other) const
if (*seq != *other.seq)
throw RuntimeError ("SeqBase<T>::const_iterator::- error");
return count - other.count;
// prefix ++
const_iterator& operator++ ()
{ count++; return *this;}
// postfix ++
const_iterator operator++ (int)
{ return const_iterator(seq, count++);}
// prefix --
const_iterator& operator-- ()
{ count--; return *this;}
// postfix --
const_iterator operator-- (int)
{ return const_iterator(seq, count--);}
}; // end of class SeqBase<T>::const_iterator
const_iterator begin () const
return const_iterator(this, 0);
const_iterator end () const
return const_iterator(this, length());
// Here's an important typedef you might miss if reading too fast...
typedef SeqBase<Object> Sequence;
template <typename T> bool operator==(const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator< (const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator> (const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator<=(const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator>=(const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator==(const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator< (const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator> (const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator<=(const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator>=(const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename SeqBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator==(const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator!=(const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator< (const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator> (const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator<=(const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator>=(const Sequence::iterator& left, const Sequence::iterator& right);
extern bool operator==(const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator!=(const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator< (const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator> (const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator<=(const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator>=(const Sequence::const_iterator& left, const Sequence::const_iterator& right);
// ==================================================
// class Char
// Python strings return strings as individual elements.
// I'll try having a class Char which is a String of length 1
typedef std::basic_string<Py_UNICODE> unicodestring;
extern Py_UNICODE unicode_null_string[1];
class Char: public Object
explicit Char (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object(pyob, owned)
Char (const Object& ob): Object(ob)
Char (const std::string& v = "")
:Object(PyString_FromStringAndSize (const_cast<char*>(v.c_str()),1), true)
Char (char v)
: Object(PyString_FromStringAndSize (&v, 1), true)
Char (Py_UNICODE v)
: Object(PyUnicode_FromUnicode (&v, 1), true)
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Char& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Char& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && (Py::_String_Check(pyob) || Py::_Unicode_Check(pyob)) && PySequence_Length (pyob) == 1;
// Assignment from C string
Char& operator= (const std::string& v)
set(PyString_FromStringAndSize (const_cast<char*>(v.c_str()),1), true);
return *this;
Char& operator= (char v)
set(PyString_FromStringAndSize (&v, 1), true);
return *this;
Char& operator= (const unicodestring& v)
set(PyUnicode_FromUnicode (const_cast<Py_UNICODE*>(,1), true);
return *this;
Char& operator= (Py_UNICODE v)
set(PyUnicode_FromUnicode (&v, 1), true);
return *this;
// Conversion
operator String() const;
operator std::string () const
return std::string(PyString_AsString (ptr()));
class String: public SeqBase<Char>
virtual size_type capacity() const
return max_size();
explicit String (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): SeqBase<Char>(pyob, owned)
String (const Object& ob): SeqBase<Char>(ob)
: SeqBase<Char>( PyString_FromStringAndSize( "", 0 ), true )
String( const std::string& v )
: SeqBase<Char>( PyString_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>(,
static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true )
String( const char *s, const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" )
: SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s, strlen( s ), encoding, error ), true )
String( const char *s, int len, const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" )
: SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s, len, encoding, error ), true )
String( const std::string &s, const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" )
: SeqBase<Char>( PyUnicode_Decode( s.c_str(), s.length(), encoding, error ), true )
String( const std::string& v, std::string::size_type vsize )
: SeqBase<Char>(PyString_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>(,
static_cast<int>( vsize ) ), true)
String( const char *v, int vsize )
: SeqBase<Char>(PyString_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>(v), vsize ), true )
String( const char* v )
: SeqBase<Char>( PyString_FromString( v ), true )
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
String& operator= ( const Object& rhs )
return *this = *rhs;
String& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if( ptr() == rhsp )
return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && (Py::_String_Check(pyob) || Py::_Unicode_Check(pyob));
// Assignment from C string
String& operator= (const std::string& v)
set( PyString_FromStringAndSize( const_cast<char*>( ),
static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true );
return *this;
String& operator= (const unicodestring& v)
set( PyUnicode_FromUnicode( const_cast<Py_UNICODE*>( ),
static_cast<int>( v.length() ) ), true );
return *this;
// Encode
String encode( const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" )
if( isUnicode() )
return String( PyUnicode_AsEncodedString( ptr(), encoding, error ) );
return String( PyString_AsEncodedObject( ptr(), encoding, error ) );
String decode( const char *encoding, const char *error="strict" )
return Object( PyString_AsDecodedObject( ptr(), encoding, error ) );
// Queries
virtual size_type size () const
if( isUnicode() )
return static_cast<size_type>( PyUnicode_GET_SIZE (ptr()) );
return static_cast<size_type>( PyString_Size (ptr()) );
operator std::string () const
return as_std_string();
std::string as_std_string() const
if( isUnicode() )
throw TypeError("cannot return std::string from Unicode object");
return std::string( PyString_AsString( ptr() ), static_cast<size_type>( PyString_Size( ptr() ) ) );
unicodestring as_unicodestring() const
if( isUnicode() )
return unicodestring( PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE( ptr() ),
static_cast<size_type>( PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( ptr() ) ) );
throw TypeError("can only return unicodestring from Unicode object");
// ==================================================
// class Tuple
class Tuple: public Sequence
virtual void setItem (sequence_index_type offset, const Object&ob)
// note PyTuple_SetItem is a thief...
if(PyTuple_SetItem (ptr(), offset, new_reference_to(ob)) == -1)
throw Exception();
// Constructor
explicit Tuple (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Sequence (pyob, owned)
Tuple (const Object& ob): Sequence(ob)
// New tuple of a given size
explicit Tuple (int size = 0)
set(PyTuple_New (size), true);
validate ();
for (sequence_index_type i=0; i < size; i++)
if(PyTuple_SetItem (ptr(), i, new_reference_to(Py::_None())) == -1)
throw Exception();
// Tuple from any sequence
explicit Tuple (const Sequence& s)
sequence_index_type limit( sequence_index_type( s.length() ) );
set(PyTuple_New (limit), true);
for(sequence_index_type i=0; i < limit; i++)
if(PyTuple_SetItem (ptr(), i, new_reference_to(s[i])) == -1)
throw Exception();
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Tuple& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Tuple& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Tuple_Check (pyob);
Tuple getSlice (int i, int j) const
return Tuple (PySequence_GetSlice (ptr(), i, j), true);
// ==================================================
// class List
class List: public Sequence
// Constructor
explicit List (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Sequence(pyob, owned)
List (const Object& ob): Sequence(ob)
// Creation at a fixed size
List (int size = 0)
set(PyList_New (size), true);
for (sequence_index_type i=0; i < size; i++)
if(PyList_SetItem (ptr(), i, new_reference_to(Py::_None())) == -1)
throw Exception();
// List from a sequence
List (const Sequence& s): Sequence()
int n = s.length();
set(PyList_New (n), true);
for (sequence_index_type i=0; i < n; i++)
if(PyList_SetItem (ptr(), i, new_reference_to(s[i])) == -1)
throw Exception();
virtual size_type capacity() const
return max_size();
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
List& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
List& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_List_Check (pyob);
List getSlice (int i, int j) const
return List (PyList_GetSlice (ptr(), i, j), true);
void setSlice (int i, int j, const Object& v)
if(PyList_SetSlice (ptr(), i, j, *v) == -1)
throw Exception();
void append (const Object& ob)
if(PyList_Append (ptr(), *ob) == -1)
throw Exception();
void insert (int i, const Object& ob)
if(PyList_Insert (ptr(), i, *ob) == -1)
throw Exception();
void sort ()
if(PyList_Sort(ptr()) == -1)
throw Exception();
void reverse ()
if(PyList_Reverse(ptr()) == -1)
throw Exception();
// Mappings
// ==================================================
template<typename T>
class mapref
MapBase<T>& s; // the map
Object key; // item key
T the_item;
mapref<T> (MapBase<T>& map, const std::string& k)
: s(map), the_item()
key = String(k);
if(map.hasKey(key)) the_item = map.getItem(key);
mapref<T> (MapBase<T>& map, const Object& k)
: s(map), key(k), the_item()
if(map.hasKey(key)) the_item = map.getItem(key);
// MapBase<T> stuff
// lvalue
mapref<T>& operator=(const mapref<T>& other)
if(this == &other) return *this;
the_item = other.the_item;
s.setItem(key, other.the_item);
return *this;
mapref<T>& operator= (const T& ob)
the_item = ob;
s.setItem (key, ob);
return *this;
// rvalue
operator T() const
return the_item;
// forward everything else to the_item
PyObject* ptr () const
return the_item.ptr();
int reference_count () const
{ // the mapref count
return the_item.reference_count();
Type type () const
return the_item.type();
String str () const
return the_item.str();
String repr () const
return the_item.repr();
bool hasAttr (const std::string& attr_name) const
return the_item.hasAttr(attr_name);
Object getAttr (const std::string& attr_name) const
return the_item.getAttr(attr_name);
Object getItem (const Object& k) const
return the_item.getItem(k);
long hashValue () const
return the_item.hashValue();
bool isCallable () const
return the_item.isCallable();
bool isList () const
return the_item.isList();
bool isMapping () const
return the_item.isMapping();
bool isNumeric () const
return the_item.isNumeric();
bool isSequence () const
return the_item.isSequence();
bool isTrue () const
return the_item.isTrue();
bool isType (const Type& t) const
return the_item.isType (t);
bool isTuple() const
return the_item.isTuple();
bool isString() const
return the_item.isString();
// Commands
void setAttr (const std::string& attr_name, const Object& value)
the_item.setAttr(attr_name, value);
void delAttr (const std::string& attr_name)
void delItem (const Object& k)
}; // end of mapref
// TMM: now for mapref<T>
template< class T >
bool operator==(const mapref<T>& left, const mapref<T>& right)
return true; // NOT completed.
template< class T >
bool operator!=(const mapref<T>& left, const mapref<T>& right)
return true; // not completed.
template<typename T>
class MapBase: public Object
explicit MapBase<T>()
// reference: proxy class for implementing []
// TMM: 26Jun'01 - the types
// If you assume that Python mapping is a hash_map...
// hash_map::value_type is not assignable, but
// (*it).second = data must be a valid expression
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef Object key_type;
typedef mapref<T> data_type;
typedef std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > reference;
typedef const std::pair< const T, const T > const_reference;
typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > pointer;
// Constructor
explicit MapBase<T> (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object(pyob, owned)
// TMM: 02Jul'01 - changed MapBase<T> to Object in next line
MapBase<T> (const Object& ob): Object(ob)
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
MapBase<T>& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
MapBase<T>& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && PyMapping_Check(pyob);
// Clear -- PyMapping Clear is missing
void clear ()
List k = keys();
for(List::iterator i = k.begin(); i != k.end(); i++)
virtual size_type size() const
return PyMapping_Length (ptr());
// Element Access
T operator[](const std::string& key) const
return getItem(key);
T operator[](const Object& key) const
return getItem(key);
mapref<T> operator[](const std::string& key)
return mapref<T>(*this, key);
mapref<T> operator[](const Object& key)
return mapref<T>(*this, key);
int length () const
return PyMapping_Length (ptr());
bool hasKey (const std::string& s) const
return PyMapping_HasKeyString (ptr(),const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())) != 0;
bool hasKey (const Object& s) const
return PyMapping_HasKey (ptr(), s.ptr()) != 0;
T getItem (const std::string& s) const
return T(
asObject(PyMapping_GetItemString (ptr(),const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())))
T getItem (const Object& s) const
return T(
asObject(PyObject_GetItem (ptr(), s.ptr()))
virtual void setItem (const char *s, const Object& ob)
if (PyMapping_SetItemString (ptr(), const_cast<char*>(s), *ob) == -1)
throw Exception();
virtual void setItem (const std::string& s, const Object& ob)
if (PyMapping_SetItemString (ptr(), const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()), *ob) == -1)
throw Exception();
virtual void setItem (const Object& s, const Object& ob)
if (PyObject_SetItem (ptr(), s.ptr(), ob.ptr()) == -1)
throw Exception();
void delItem (const std::string& s)
if (PyMapping_DelItemString (ptr(), const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())) == -1)
throw Exception();
void delItem (const Object& s)
if (PyMapping_DelItem (ptr(), *s) == -1)
throw Exception();
// Queries
List keys () const
return List(PyMapping_Keys(ptr()), true);
List values () const
{ // each returned item is a (key, value) pair
return List(PyMapping_Values(ptr()), true);
List items () const
return List(PyMapping_Items(ptr()), true);
// iterators for MapBase<T>
// Added by TMM: 2Jul'01 - NOT COMPLETED
// There is still a bug. I decided to stop, before fixing the bug, because
// this can't be halfway efficient until Python gets built-in iterators.
// My current soln is to iterate over the map by getting a copy of its keys
// and iterating over that. Not a good solution.
// The iterator holds a MapBase<T>* rather than a MapBase<T> because that's
// how the sequence iterator is implemented and it works. But it does seem
// odd to me - we are iterating over the map object, not the reference.
#if 0 // here is the test code with which I found the (still existing) bug
typedef cxx::Dict d_t;
d_t d;
cxx::String s1("blah");
cxx::String s2("gorf");
d[ "one" ] = s1;
d[ "two" ] = s1;
d[ "three" ] = s2;
d[ "four" ] = s2;
d_t::iterator it;
it = d.begin(); // this (using the assignment operator) is causing
// a problem; if I just use the copy ctor it works fine.
for( ; it != d.end(); ++it )
d_t::value_type vt( *it );
cxx::String rs = vt.second.repr();
std::string ls = rs.operator std::string();
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", ls );
#endif // 0
class iterator
// : public forward_iterator_parent( std::pair<const T,T> ) {
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > pointer;
typedef std::pair< const T, mapref<T> > reference;
friend class MapBase<T>;
MapBase<T>* map;
List keys; // for iterating over the map
List::iterator pos; // index into the keys
~iterator ()
iterator ()
: map( 0 )
, keys()
, pos()
iterator (MapBase<T>* m, bool end = false )
: map( m )
, keys( m->keys() )
, pos( end ? keys.end() : keys.begin() )
iterator (const iterator& other)
: map( )
, keys( other.keys )
, pos( other.pos )
reference operator*()
Object key = *pos;
return std::make_pair(key, mapref<T>(*map,key));
iterator& operator=(const iterator& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
map =;
keys = other.keys;
pos = other.pos;
return *this;
bool eql(const iterator& right) const
return *map == * && pos == right.pos;
bool neq( const iterator& right ) const
return *map != * || pos != right.pos;
// pointer operator->() {
// return ;
// }
// prefix ++
iterator& operator++ ()
{ pos++; return *this;}
// postfix ++
iterator operator++ (int)
{ return iterator(map, keys, pos++);}
// prefix --
iterator& operator-- ()
{ pos--; return *this;}
// postfix --
iterator operator-- (int)
{ return iterator(map, keys, pos--);}
std::string diagnose() const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "iterator diagnosis " << map << ", " << pos << std::ends;
return std::string(oss.str());
}; // end of class MapBase<T>::iterator
iterator begin ()
return iterator(this);
iterator end ()
return iterator(this, true);
class const_iterator
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef const std::pair< const T, T > value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef const std::pair< const T, T > pointer;
typedef const std::pair< const T, T > reference;
friend class MapBase<T>;
const MapBase<T>* map;
List keys; // for iterating over the map
List::iterator pos; // index into the keys
~const_iterator ()
const_iterator ()
: map( 0 )
, keys()
, pos()
const_iterator (const MapBase<T>* m, List k, List::iterator p )
: map( m )
, keys( k )
, pos( p )
const_iterator(const const_iterator& other)
: map( )
, keys( other.keys )
, pos( other.pos )
bool eql(const const_iterator& right) const
return *map == * && pos == right.pos;
bool neq( const const_iterator& right ) const
return *map != * || pos != right.pos;
// const_reference operator*() {
// Object key = *pos;
// return std::make_pair( key, map->[key] );
// GCC < 3 barfes on this line at the '['.
// }
const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& other)
if (this == &other) return *this;
map =;
keys = other.keys;
pos = other.pos;
return *this;
// prefix ++
const_iterator& operator++ ()
{ pos++; return *this;}
// postfix ++
const_iterator operator++ (int)
{ return const_iterator(map, keys, pos++);}
// prefix --
const_iterator& operator-- ()
{ pos--; return *this;}
// postfix --
const_iterator operator-- (int)
{ return const_iterator(map, keys, pos--);}
}; // end of class MapBase<T>::const_iterator
const_iterator begin () const
return const_iterator(this, 0);
const_iterator end () const
return const_iterator(this, length());
}; // end of MapBase<T>
typedef MapBase<Object> Mapping;
template <typename T> bool operator==(const typename MapBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename MapBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const typename MapBase<T>::iterator& left, const typename MapBase<T>::iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator==(const typename MapBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename MapBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const typename MapBase<T>::const_iterator& left, const typename MapBase<T>::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator==(const Mapping::iterator& left, const Mapping::iterator& right);
extern bool operator!=(const Mapping::iterator& left, const Mapping::iterator& right);
extern bool operator==(const Mapping::const_iterator& left, const Mapping::const_iterator& right);
extern bool operator!=(const Mapping::const_iterator& left, const Mapping::const_iterator& right);
// ==================================================
// class Dict
class Dict: public Mapping
// Constructor
explicit Dict (PyObject *pyob, bool owned=false): Mapping (pyob, owned)
Dict (const Dict& ob): Mapping(ob)
// Creation
Dict ()
set(PyDict_New (), true);
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Dict& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Dict& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && Py::_Dict_Check (pyob);
class Callable: public Object
explicit Callable (): Object()
// Constructor
explicit Callable (PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false): Object (pyob, owned)
Callable (const Object& ob): Object(ob)
// Assignment acquires new ownership of pointer
Callable& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Callable& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
set (rhsp);
return *this;
// Membership
virtual bool accepts (PyObject *pyob) const
return pyob && PyCallable_Check (pyob);
// Call
Object apply(const Tuple& args) const
return asObject(PyObject_CallObject(ptr(), args.ptr()));
// Call with keywords
Object apply(const Tuple& args, const Dict& kw) const
return asObject(PyObject_CallObject(ptr(), args.ptr(), kw.ptr()));
Object apply(PyObject* pargs = 0) const
return apply (Tuple(pargs));
class Module: public Object
explicit Module (PyObject* pyob, bool owned = false): Object (pyob, owned)
// Construct from module name
explicit Module (const std::string&s): Object()
PyObject *m = PyImport_AddModule( const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()) );
set( m, false );
validate ();
// Copy constructor acquires new ownership of pointer
Module (const Module& ob): Object(*ob)
Module& operator= (const Object& rhs)
return (*this = *rhs);
Module& operator= (PyObject* rhsp)
if(ptr() == rhsp) return *this;
return *this;
Dict getDict()
return Dict(PyModule_GetDict(ptr()));
// Caution -- PyModule_GetDict returns borrowed reference!
// Numeric interface
inline Object operator+ (const Object& a)
return asObject(PyNumber_Positive(*a));
inline Object operator- (const Object& a)
return asObject(PyNumber_Negative(*a));
inline Object abs(const Object& a)
return asObject(PyNumber_Absolute(*a));
inline std::pair<Object,Object> coerce(const Object& a, const Object& b)
PyObject *p1, *p2;
p1 = *a;
p2 = *b;
if(PyNumber_Coerce(&p1,&p2) == -1)
throw Exception();
return std::pair<Object,Object>(asObject(p1), asObject(p2));
inline Object operator+ (const Object& a, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Add(*a, *b));
inline Object operator+ (const Object& a, int j)
return asObject(PyNumber_Add(*a, *Int(j)));
inline Object operator+ (const Object& a, double v)
return asObject(PyNumber_Add(*a, *Float(v)));
inline Object operator+ (int j, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Add(*Int(j), *b));
inline Object operator+ (double v, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Add(*Float(v), *b));
inline Object operator- (const Object& a, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Subtract(*a, *b));
inline Object operator- (const Object& a, int j)
return asObject(PyNumber_Subtract(*a, *Int(j)));
inline Object operator- (const Object& a, double v)
return asObject(PyNumber_Subtract(*a, *Float(v)));
inline Object operator- (int j, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Subtract(*Int(j), *b));
inline Object operator- (double v, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Subtract(*Float(v), *b));
inline Object operator* (const Object& a, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Multiply(*a, *b));
inline Object operator* (const Object& a, int j)
return asObject(PyNumber_Multiply(*a, *Int(j)));
inline Object operator* (const Object& a, double v)
return asObject(PyNumber_Multiply(*a, *Float(v)));
inline Object operator* (int j, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Multiply(*Int(j), *b));
inline Object operator* (double v, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Multiply(*Float(v), *b));
inline Object operator/ (const Object& a, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Divide(*a, *b));
inline Object operator/ (const Object& a, int j)
return asObject(PyNumber_Divide(*a, *Int(j)));
inline Object operator/ (const Object& a, double v)
return asObject(PyNumber_Divide(*a, *Float(v)));
inline Object operator/ (int j, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Divide(*Int(j), *b));
inline Object operator/ (double v, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Divide(*Float(v), *b));
inline Object operator% (const Object& a, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Remainder(*a, *b));
inline Object operator% (const Object& a, int j)
return asObject(PyNumber_Remainder(*a, *Int(j)));
inline Object operator% (const Object& a, double v)
return asObject(PyNumber_Remainder(*a, *Float(v)));
inline Object operator% (int j, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Remainder(*Int(j), *b));
inline Object operator% (double v, const Object& b)
return asObject(PyNumber_Remainder(*Float(v), *b));
inline Object type(const Exception&) // return the type of the error
PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace);
Object result(ptype);
PyErr_Restore(ptype, pvalue, ptrace);
return result;
inline Object value(const Exception&) // return the value of the error
PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace);
Object result;
if(pvalue) result = pvalue;
PyErr_Restore(ptype, pvalue, ptrace);
return result;
inline Object trace(const Exception&) // return the traceback of the error
PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptrace;
PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptrace);
Object result;
if(ptrace) result = ptrace;
PyErr_Restore(ptype, pvalue, ptrace);
return result;
template<typename T>
String seqref<T>::str () const
return the_item.str();
template<typename T>
String seqref<T>::repr () const
return the_item.repr();
} // namespace Py
#endif // __CXX_Objects__h