You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kexiutils_export.h"
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <qobjectlist.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
class QColor;
//! @short General Utils
namespace KexiUtils
//! \return true if \a o has parent \a par.
inline bool hasParent(QObject* par, QObject* o)
if (!o || !par)
return false;
while (o && o!=par)
o = o->parent();
return o==par;
//! \return parent object of \a o that inherits \a className or NULL if no such parent
template<class type>
inline type* findParent(QObject* o, const char* className)
if (!o || !className || className[0]=='\0')
return 0;
while ( ((o=o->parent())) && !o->inherits(className) )
return static_cast<type*>(o);
//! Const version of findParent()
template<class type>
inline const type* findParentConst(const QObject* const o, const char* className)
const QObject * obj = o;
if (!obj || !className || className[0]=='\0')
return 0;
while ( ((obj=obj->parent())) && !obj->inherits(className) )
return static_cast<const type*>(obj);
/*! \return first found child of \a o, inheriting \a className.
If objName is 0 (the default), all object names match.
Returned pointer type is casted. */
template<class type>
type* findFirstChild(QObject *o, const char* className, const char* objName = 0)
if (!o || !className || className[0]=='\0')
return 0;
QObjectList *l = o->queryList( className, objName );
QObject *result = l->first();
delete l;
return static_cast<type*>(result);
//! QDateTime - a hack needed because QVariant(QTime) has broken isNull()
inline QDateTime stringToHackedQTime(const QString& s)
if (s.isEmpty())
return QDateTime();
// kdDebug() << QDateTime( QDate(0,1,2), QTime::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate ) ).toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl;;
return QDateTime( QDate(0,1,2), QTime::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate ) );
/*! Sets "wait" cursor with 1 second delay (or 0 seconds if noDelay is true).
Does nothing if the application has no GUI enabled. (see KApplication::guiEnabled()) */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void setWaitCursor(bool noDelay = false);
/*! Remove "wait" cursor previously set with \a setWaitCursor(),
even if it's not yet visible.
Does nothing if the application has no GUI enabled. (see KApplication::guiEnabled()) */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void removeWaitCursor();
/*! Helper class. Allocate it in your code block as follows:
KexiUtils::WaitCursor wait;
.. and wait cursor will be visible (with one second delay) until you're in this block, without
a need to call removeWaitCursor() before exiting the block.
Does nothing if the application has no GUI enabled. (see KApplication::guiEnabled()) */
WaitCursor(bool noDelay = false);
/*! Helper class. Allocate it in your code block as follows:
KexiUtils::WaitCursorRemover remover;
.. and the wait cursor will be hidden unless you leave this block, without
a need to call setWaitCursor() before exiting the block. After leaving the codee block,
the cursor will be visible again, if it was visible before creating the WaitCursorRemover object.
Does nothing if the application has no GUI enabled. (see KApplication::guiEnabled()) */
class KEXIUTILS_EXPORT WaitCursorRemover
bool m_reactivateCursor : 1;
/*! \return filter string in QFileDialog format for a mime type pointed by \a mime
If \a kdeFormat is true, QFileDialog-compatible filter string is generated,
eg. "Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)", otherwise KFileDialog -compatible
filter string is generated, eg. "*.png *.xpm *.jpg|Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)".
"\\n" is appended if \a kdeFormat is true, otherwise ";;" is appended. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QString fileDialogFilterString(const KMimeType::Ptr& mime, bool kdeFormat = true);
/*! @overload QString fileDialogFilterString(const KMimeType::Ptr& mime, bool kdeFormat = true) */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QString fileDialogFilterString(const QString& mimeString, bool kdeFormat = true);
/*! Like QString fileDialogFilterString(const KMimeType::Ptr& mime, bool kdeFormat = true)
but returns a list of filter strings. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QString fileDialogFilterStrings(const QStringList& mimeStrings, bool kdeFormat);
/*! \return a color being a result of blending \a c1 with \a c2 with \a factor1
and \a factor1 factors: (c1*factor1+c2*factor2)/(factor1+factor2). */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QColor blendedColors(const QColor& c1, const QColor& c2, int factor1 = 1, int factor2 = 1);
/*! \return a contrast color for a color \a c:
If \a c is light color, darker color created using c.dark(200) is returned;
otherwise lighter color created using c.light(200) is returned. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QColor contrastColor(const QColor& c);
/*! \return a lighter color for a color \a c and a factor \a factor.
For colors like Qt::red or Qt::green where hue and saturation are near to 255,
hue is decreased so the result will be more bleached.
For black color the result is dark gray rather than black. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QColor bleachedColor(const QColor& c, int factor);
/*! \return icon set computed as a result of colorizing \a icon pixmap with "buttonText"
color of \a palette palette. This function is useful for displaying monochromed icons
on the list view or table view header, to avoid bloat, but still have the color compatible
with accessibility settings. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QIconSet colorizeIconToTextColor(const QPixmap& icon, const QPalette& palette);
/*! \return empty (fully transparent) pixmap that can be used as a place for icon of size \a iconGroup */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QPixmap emptyIcon(KIcon::Group iconGroup);
/*! Serializes \a map to \a array.
KexiUtils::deserializeMap() can be used to deserialize this array back to map. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void serializeMap(const QMap<QString,QString>& map, const QByteArray& array);
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void serializeMap(const QMap<QString,QString>& map, QString& string);
/*! \return a map deserialized from a byte array \a array.
\a array need to contain data previously serialized using KexiUtils::serializeMap(). */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QMap<QString,QString> deserializeMap(const QByteArray& array);
/*! \return a map deserialized from \a string.
\a string need to contain data previously serialized using KexiUtils::serializeMap(). */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QMap<QString,QString> deserializeMap(const QString& string);
/*! \return a valid filename converted from \a string by:
- replacing \\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, \n \\t characters with a space
- simplifing whitespace by removing redundant space characters using QString::simplifyWhiteSpace()
Do not pass full paths here, but only filename strings. */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QString stringToFileName(const QString& string);
/*! Performs a simple \a string encryption using rot47-like algorithm.
Each character's unicode value is increased by 47 + i (where i is index of the character).
The resulting string still contains redable characters.
Do not use this for data that can be accessed by attackers! */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void simpleCrypt(QString& string);
/*! Performs a simple \a string decryption using rot47-like algorithm,
using opposite operations to KexiUtils::simpleCrypt(). */
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void simpleDecrypt(QString& string);
//! Creates debug window for convenient debugging output
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QWidget *createDebugWindow(QWidget *parent);
//! Adds debug line for for KexiDB database
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void addKexiDBDebug(const QString& text);
//! Adds debug line for for Table Designer (Alter Table actions)
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void addAlterTableActionDebug(const QString& text, int nestingLevel = 0);
//! Connects push button action to \a receiver and its \a slot. This allows to execute debug-related actions
//! using buttons displayed in the debug window.
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void connectPushButtonActionForDebugWindow(const char* actionName,
const QObject *receiver, const char* slot);
//! Draws pixmap on painter \a p using predefined parameters.
//! Used in KexiDBImageBox and KexiBlobTableEdit.
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void drawPixmap( QPainter& p, int lineWidth, const QRect& rect,
const QPixmap& pixmap, int alignment, bool scaledContents, bool keepAspectRatio);
//! @internal
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT QString ptrToStringInternal(void* ptr, uint size);
//! @internal
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void* stringToPtrInternal(const QString& str, uint size);
//! \return a pointer \a ptr safely serialized to string
template<class type>
QString ptrToString(type *ptr)
return ptrToStringInternal(ptr, sizeof(type*));
//! \return a pointer of type \a type safely deserialized from \a str
template<class type>
type* stringToPtr(const QString& str)
return static_cast<type*>( stringToPtrInternal(str, sizeof(type*)) );
//! Sets focus for widget \a widget with reason \a reason.
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void setFocusWithReason(QWidget* widget, QFocusEvent::Reason reason);
//! Unsets focus for widget \a widget with reason \a reason.
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT void unsetFocusWithReason(QWidget* widget, QFocusEvent::Reason reason);
//! Used by copyFile()
enum CopyFileResult {
CopySuccess = 0,
CopyReadError = 1,
CopyWriteError = 2
Copies @p src file to @p dest file.
@return CopySuccess on success, CopyReadError on source file error,
CopyWriteError on destination file error.
@todo remove: QFile in Qt4 provides this.
KEXIUTILS_EXPORT CopyFileResult copyFile(const QString& src, const QString& dest);
//! sometimes we leave a space in the form of empty QFrame and want to insert here
//! a widget that must be instantiated by hand.
//! This macro inserts a widget \a what into a frame \a where.
#define GLUE_WIDGET(what, where) \
{ QVBoxLayout *lyr = new QVBoxLayout(where); \
lyr->addWidget(what); }